Ancient Greece

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"High city" in Greek; The upper part of an Ancient Greek city, where public buildings and the city's defenses were located


Hereditary class of rulers, Greek for "rule by the best people"

Use the following terms to describe government in Athens: Oligarchy, phalanx, tyranny, democracy, citizenship, direct democracy, and representative democracy

In Athens, created was a new form of government called an oligarchy. In their wars, they had a combat strategy called the phalanx. Sometimes they would not have oligarchies, but instead they had tyrannies. They also used democracy. If people wanted to move into a polis, they would need a citizenship. There were two types of democracy, direct democracy and representative democracy. Direct democracy is when citizens take part in the every day affairs of the government. A representative democracy is when people elect representatives to make the laws.

Use the following terms to describe government in Sparta: Ephor, helot, military state, and barracks.

In Sparta, ephors are people who are responsible to run the government. Helots were captures Messenians that were forced to work and give half the food they have to Sparta. In a military state, people were part of this society to wage war. The military housing space is called a barracks.

Why did the use of the phalanx affect politics?

It affected politics because they threatened to not fight for their city-states if they were not supported.


Legal member of a country or city-state


Man responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government in Sparta.


Membership in a state or community which gives a person civil and political rights and obligations


Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer by Sparta.


Military housing.


Art and practice of government

Representative democracy

Democracy in which people elect representatives to make the nation's laws

How did Solon contribute to the development of democracy in Athens?

He contributed to the development of democracy by allowing some non-aristocratic men the right to vote.

How was family life different for Spartans and Athenians?

Family life was different for Spartans and Athenians because Athens was open to change while Spartans were not.


Foreigner in a Greek city-state, often a merchant or artisan


Form of government in which citizens hold political power


Government in which a small group of people rule

Direct democracy

Government in which citizens take part directly in the day-to-day affairs of government


Greek city-state


Greek military formation of heavily armed foot soldiers who moved together as a unit


Ownership and control of other people as property

How did Pericles change the practice of government in Athens?

Pericles changed the practice of government by paying people to do jury duty and other similar things.

Tenant farmer

Person who pays rent, either in money or crops, to grow crops on another person's land

Military state

Society organized for the purpose of waging war.

Why were some Greeks shocked by the lives of Spartan women?

Some Greeks were shocked at Spartan women because they had very similar rights to men, for example, they could sell land and were educated and played sports

Why did Sparta become a military society?

Sparta became a military society because it had a growing need for resources.

Use the following terms to describe Greek society and economy: tenant farmer, metic, and slavery

Tenant farmers had to pay rent so they could grow food so they wouldn't starve. Metics were people from other city-states or not Greek at all. Greek's had slavery so that they could have help on the farms.

Why did the Spartans fear the Messenians?

The Spartans feared the Messenians because they feared they would have another revolt as helots.

How did the adoption of coins help increase Greek wealth?

The adoption of the coin helped Greek wealth because it became more accurate what something was worth instead of just bartering, therefore people did not pay as much for something that was worth so little.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages for settlers of Greece's physical geography.

The advantages of Greeks geography is that they had protection from invaders and some disadvantages were that they had a hard time farming and traveling.

Why were the aristocracy in Greek city-states so wealthy?

The aristocracy were wealthy because they owned large plots of land.

What changes took place in the Greek world during the Dark Age?

The changes that took place during the dark age were that people forgot how to read and write, Greek culture declined, and a lot of people moved to Ionia.

Use the following terms to describe the rise of the city-states: polis, citizen, acropolis, politics, and aristocracy

The city-states, also called polis, first began to rise because the citizens who had legal rights made laws to counter the problems they were having. The cities consisted of an acropolis on a hill and the rest of the city surrounding the hill. Politics developed because of the polis and was ruled by the aristocracy.

What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

The difference is the representative democracy the people elect a representative to be their voice. In a direct democracy the people and the politicians worked at the same time and on the same things.

What effects did colonization have on mainland Greece?

The effects of colonization on mainland Greece included decreased population in the mainland but they still traded with each other.

What kinds of governments ruled Greek city-states?

The kinds of governments that ruled Greek city-states were aristocracies, the best people, or the citizens governed themselves.

Why did the physical geography of Greece encourage colonization?

The physical geography encouraged colonization because there were lots of mountains in the mainland and it was easier to have food like fish on the shore.

How did the physical geography of Greece encourage the development of the city-state?

The physical geography of Greece encouraged the development of the polis because there were lots of mountains so the acropolis would be on the mountain and the city surrounded it.

Why was the polis called "The Framework of Greek Life?"

The polis was called "The Framework of Greek Life" because they believed that if their polis was a success than they were a success.

What might have bothered Spartans and Athenians about each others society?

The thing that may have bothered the Spartans and Athenians is that the Spartans did not want change while the Athenians did.

How did the tyrants gain power in the city-states?

The tyrants gained power in the city-states by offering land and other benefits to the poor to win them over in the support of creating a tyranny.


Unjust use of power, or in ancient Greece a government run by a strong ruler

What was unusual about Spartan education?

What was unusual about Spartan education is that the children were sent to live in barracks at seven years old. They would only learn basic skills and everything about weapons and combat.

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