Ancient Greece Assessment #1

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Who commanded the Greek army?

King Agamemnon of Mycenae.

Who was Helen's husband?

King Menelaus of Sparta.

King Minos and the Minotaur


Agricultural economy: grains, grapes and olives.


Who had the power to rule in a oligarchy

A group of wealthy people who owned a lot of land ruled.

Why did Achilles hate hector? How did he get revenge?

Achilles hated Hector because he wore his armor and showed it off to everyone. He sacrificed his daughter

Who had the power to rule in a democracy?

All citizens ruled.

Why did some ancient Greek settlements trade?

Because sometimes they didn't have enough farmland to support them.

What was the primary reason why the ancient Greeks started colonies?

Because there were not enough food for the people of Greece.

Why did the chieftains of Greece agree to help Menelaus against the Trojans?

Because they stole his wife


God of Music, Wisdom, Light and Poetry. Symbol is Lyre, Bow and Arrow, Python, Common Raven, Laurel Wreath.


God of War Symbol is Helmet, Spear, and Shield


God of Water, Symbol is the Trident


God of fire and the forge, eventually also became god of volcanoes The symbol is a hammer

How did Achilles die?

He died of an infected, festering wound in his heel. He was shot by the arrow of Prince Paris which was guided by Apollo.

How did Achilles kill Hector?

He drove the spear into an open spot in the armor, in Hector's neck.

What did Hector do to Patroclus?

He killed Patroclus because he thought that it was Achilles.

Who was the most beautiful woman in Sparta?

Helen of Sparta, daughter of Zeus and Princess Leda.

Who made Achilles' new armor?


Who took the goddesses to Paris?

Hermes took the 3 goddesses to Paris.

What were some disadvantages of having a democracy?

Some people did not like having a democracy. Sometimes powerful speakers could convince the citizens to vote unwisely. Often, the assembly could reverse important decision after only a few weeks.

Who judged the beauty contest?

The beauty contest was judged by Paris, Prince of Troy.

What goods from the Greek mainland were traded? What goods did the Greeks get in exchange?

They traded olive oil and pottery, in exchange they got grain, timber and metal.

Why could Achilles only be hurt on his heel?

When he was a baby, Thetis, dipped him in the River Styx to make in invulnerable to weapons. She didn't dip his heel.

Who thought up the idea of the Trojan Horse?

the great warrior, Odysseus.

List three or more reasons why travel was challenging in ancient Greece.

- The mud could stop a wagon in it's tracks -Ships could crash into rocks and sink easily. -And there was a lot of mountains and you would have to travel around or over them.

Describe one instance where the Gods interfered in the war. What was the result of their interference?

A lot of people died when Apollo lead Paris' arrow, it hit Achilles heel and killed him because that was his one most vulnerable spot

Who was the greatest Greek warrior?


Athens Government

Athens was a democracy. They only allowed free men to be citizens. Women, slaves, and men under 18 were not citizens. A group called the Council of 500 were selected to run government business and laws. Laws that were suggested by the Council of 500 would then be approved by a group called the Assembly of Athens. In order for the Assembly of Athens meeting to take place, at least 6,000 citizens would have to attend. If there were less than 6,000 people at the meeting, slaves were rounded up, with ropes dipped in red paint, to gather more citizens. Men were said to be embarrassed to attend a meeting with red-stained clothes.

Most of the Greek islands lie between the Greek mainland and Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). Would this fact have made travel to Asia Minor easier or more difficult? Explain your answer.

Difficult for the Greek people on the mainland because they would have to weave their way through the island instead of going in a strait line. But I think it would be easier for the people on the islands because they could stop at islands.

Briefly summarized the Judgment of Paris

Eris shows a golden apple in a banquet and it is labeled "for the fairest" and she wants Zeus to judge the finest woman between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Zeus didn't join the affair and Paris, the prince of Troy, is the one choosing it. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all offer something good for him. Athena offers victory against Greek; Hera offers Asia and Europe; Aphrodite offers the most beautiful woman for him, and Paris chooses Aphrodite.

Who was Eris?

Eris was the goddess of discord and quarreling.

What are some advantages of having a democracy?

Everyone, not just the wealthy could vote for every issue, they could attend the assembly, or the lawmaking group, to speak, and they could run the city's day-to-day business.


Goddess of Wisdom. Symbol owls, spears and swords.


Goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite's symbols are Doves, Sparrows, and Swans.


Goddess of the hunt, the moon, archery, hills, and forests. Symbol is Moon, Bow and Arrow, Hunting Dog.


Goddesses of the Hearth home, architecture, domesticity, family, state. Symbols are Donkey, Crane, fire, flame, pig ,

Thetis told Achilles something bad would happen if he killed Hector, what was it?

He would die because of the fates.

What did each goddess offer Paris?

Hera offered him kingly power. Athena promised wisdom and glory in war. and Aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman n the world as his wife.

What sides did the gods take?

Hera, Athena, and Poseidon took the side of the Greeks. Aphrodite, Artemis, and Ares sided with the Trojans. Zeus and Apollo were neutral.

Who wrote the Iliad? What is the Iliad about?

Homer wrote the Iliad. The Iliad is about the Trojan War.

What are some advantages of having a oligarchy?

If you were rich, you had many rights, and the laws provided you with more and more money. The rich only got richer under the rule of the oligarchs.


Messenger God. Symbols Lyre.

Egalitarian society: men & women worked in areas of religion, agriculture & craft work.


Established settlements for trade in the islands of Thera Kythera, Melos and Rhodes.


Expert seafarers who established trade routes with Spain,Egypt, Canaan & Asia Minor.




Legend: Crete was the birthplace of Zeus


Located on the island of Crete circa 3000 B.C.E.


Peaceful people-no military equipment.


Recreational activities : "bull-leaping," boxing, and danced to music.


Severe earthquakes destroyed Cretan palaces in 1700 B.C.E but were quickly rebuilt.


Dorian Greeks invaded the Mycenaean's around the 1100 B.C.E and took over the surrounding settlements.


Dorian's integrated both Minoan and Mycenaean influences into their culture.


Hierarchical society: King and soldiers holding power and prisoners of war as their slaves.


Legend: Perseus founded Mycenae after killing Medusa.


Located on the Peloponnesus on the Greek mainland circa 2700 B.C.E.


Sea trade with Epypt & Asia Minor.


Spoke an early form of the Greek Language.


String Military-horses were used as vehicles of war


They took over the Minoans for possible the following reasons: needed more copper & other ores, land-ownership conflicts or inability to fight off aggression from mainland Greece.


Very little recreational activities-religiously based.


Who was originally missing from the chieftains? Where were they and how were they tricked into going to Troy

Odysseus and Achilles. Odysseus and Achilles was on an island on an island dressed as a woman, so no one would know it was him

Athens Women & Slaves

Only men became citizens in Athens. Citizenship was not possible for women and slaves, leading them to have fewer rights than men did. Women could not inherit or own property, they could not vote or attend the Assembly, and most could not choose their own husbands. Few women had jobs. Some women sold goods at markets. Important women were priestesses. Most women spent the day raising their children and doing household tasks. She taught her sons until they were ready to start school and educated her daughters until they are ready to marry. Most who weren't poor owned at least one slave. Some people were born into slavery while others were forced as captives of war. Slaves performed jobs that required a great deal of skill. Some ran households, taught Athenian children, trained to be artisans, worked in farms or in factories, worked for the city as clerks, or worked in silver mines.

Athens Education

People in Athens believed that the main purpose of education was to produce good citizens. A good citizen would have a healthy body and intelligent mind. Since girls couldn't grow up to be citizens, boys and girls got different education. Boys would be taught at home till the age of 6 or 7, then they would attend school until the age of 14. They had to memorize everything because of how expensive books were. To build their strength, wrestling and gymnastics were taught. When the boys turned 18, they began military training. The wealthy would be able to study with private teachers after their service to the army. Girls did not learn to read or write. They grow up helping their mother with household tasks. They usually married around the age of 15. Girls from wealthy families married men that their fathers have chosen for them while girls from poor families had more choice.

Sparta Education

People in Sparta believed that the main purpose of education was to produce skill full men and women who would fight to protect their city-state. These people would abandon sick infants who have a chance of not growing to be strong warriors. They highly valued discipline and strength. All Spartan children, including girls, trained for battle. They learned how to wrestle, box, and foot race. They also learned gymnastics. Though boys did learn to read and write, those skills were not considered as important and useful as military skills. They marched without shoes and were not well fed. They were encouraged to steal food, as long as they did not get caught. 20 year old men were given an exam testing them on fitness, military ability, and leadership skills. Passing Spartans became soldiers and full citizens. At the age of 60, men could retire from the army.

Who was the bravest Trojan warrior?

Prince Hector of Troy


Queen of the Gods Goddess of marriage Symbols: Golden Diadem Peacocks

Athens Economy

Since the land around the Athens didn't provide enough food to feed everyone, the Athen's economy was based on trade. The Athens settled near the sea which had a good harbor. This allowed the possibility of trade with other city-states to obtain the goods and natural resorces needed. They traded honey, olive oil, silver, and painted pottery in exchange for wood from Italy and grain from Egypt. They bought and sold goods at a market called Agora. Athenians bought lettuce, onions, olive oil, and other foods. Shoppers also could buy pottery, furniture, and clay oil lamps. Leather sandles and jewelry were popular items sold at the market. People also bought and sold slaves here. The Athens developed coins made out of gold, silver, and bronze.

What were some disadvantages of having an oligarchy?

Since the poor had to work really hard in the field, the oligarchs would ignore most of the peoples' needs, they turned to leaders such as the army who promised to improved their rights. The army along with the poor eventually threw out the oligarchs.

Why did some Greek settlements fight each other?

Sometime's there were food shortages and so they fought over land.

Sparta Government

Sparta was a oligarchy, meaning the ruling power was in the hands of a few people. The Spartan government was dedicated to military strength. Important decisions were determined by a small group called the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders consisted of two kings and twenty eight other men. Men had to be older than sixty years of age and from a noble family.

Sparta Economy

Sparta's economy relied on farming and conquests of other people. Though Sparta had fertile land, it still couldn't provide enough food for everyone. When necessary, land was taken from their neighbors who were then forced to work for Sparta. Sparta relied on slaves to produce the goods. Non citizens became a group that were responsible for making items such as shoes, red cloaks, iron tools such as knives and spears, and pottery. Sparta discouraged trade because they feared that contact with other city-states would lead to new ideas that could weaken the government. They didn't use coins, instead they traded with heavy iron bars. They hoped with this system of money, it would discourage stealing because a thief would have to steal a wagon load of bars to make the theft worthwhile, considering that the bars had very little value.

Who were the 3 rival goddesses for the beauty contest?

The 3 goddesses were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.


The God Of The Underworld Symbol is Cerberus (Three headed Dog).

How did the Trojan Horse win the war?

The Greek army hid themselves in the large, wooden horse ,but left one person behind named Sinon. Sinon told King Priam that he had been chosen for sacrifice but her escaped. The Greek army 'retreated' under the cover story that they had given up. The Trojan brought the horse into the city, thinking it would bring Athena's favor and so they would not anger Poseidon. At midnight, the Greek army emerged, threw open the gates, and killed everyone but Aeneas who was saved by his mother, Aphrodite. Aphrodite also saved Helen. They later founded Rome.

Who had the power to rule in a monarchy?

The King ruled.

What is Xanthus?

The great river of Troy.

What were some disadvantages of having a tyranny?

The tyrant could choose if he wanted be kind or not. Too much power was given to a single person. Also, it would be hard to stop his decision because he has most of the power. AN example of a tyrant who started out kind, but turned for the worse because of the murder of his brother, is Hippias. The aristocrats were sometimes treated in a hostile way and sometimes their land was taken away from them by the tyrant ruler.

How long did the Trojan War last?

The war was fought for 9 years.

Identify two or more challenges merchant ships faced.

Their ships were built to carry goods across the sea, and traveled very slowly making the trips very long. They also had no maps or compasses to navigate across the sea.

Who was Thetis?

Thetis was Achilles's mother.

What happens to the women of Troy and their children?

They are kidnapped by Greece and made into slaves

When did the Greeks establish colonies? Where were the colonies located?

They established Greek colonies from 1000 to 650 B.C.E. Their colonies were located in Spain, France, Italy, and Africa, and along the coast of the Black Sea. And also in Asia minor.

What are some advantages of having a monarchy?

They had one stable and powerful ruler they could depend on. Also, since there was one ruler, decisions could be made quickly. Since they ruled according to hierarchy, everyone already knew who the next ruler would be, he/she could be trained properly from a young age. The wealthy people had large areas of land and some were given a lot of power by the King and made Aristocrats.

When the ancient Greeks established settlements in other countries, they came into contact with people from other cultures. How might this have affected the history of ancient Greece?

They liked their designs, or inventions and may have used some of their inventions or improved it so it would help the Greeks more. Also they might learn their cultures and maybe their cultures got combined.

Over time, as the population of ancient Greek communities increased, some communities did not have enough farmland to produce enough food for the population. Using the large map in the Unit 5 "Setting the Stage" feature, predict what ancient Greeks did to solve this problem.

They probably traded or moved to neighboring country.

The Greeks did not have much level land for farming or grazing cattle. How did they meet this challenge?

They raised sheep and goats. They grew olive and grapes. And they traded with others.

Where did the ancient Greeks mostly settle?

They settled on the south of Europe, near the coast lines of Greece.

Describe the actions that the ancient Greeks were likely to take when starting a new colony.

They would ask a oracle and then they had to take a long sea voyage, then find a good location, finally they had to build their community and make it successful.

What is Odysseus' plan to win the ten-year long Trojan war? Why does it work?

To anger Achilles because he is very strong and if he is angered he will kill everyone

Who are the leaders/important people of the Greeks and who are the leaders/important people of the Trojans?

Trojans: Hector, Paris, Menelaus Greeks: Achilles, Odysseus

Who had the power to rule in a tyranny?

Tyrants ruled. They overthrew the previous ruler by force and were not lawful kings.

What are some advantages of having a tyranny?

Unlike the oligarchs, the tyrants made changes that helped the poor. Sometimes the farmers were rid of their debt if they couldn't pay it.

What were some disadvantages of having a monarchy?

When the king died, the power had to be passed on to his son, even if his son wasn't trained or responsible enough to rule. Since the Aristocrats eventually gained more power than the King, they could overpower him and knock him out of his spot as King.

Why were ancient Greek communities isolated from each other?

Why were ancient Greek communities isolated from each other?

What happened to Helen?

With the help of Aphrodite, Paris was able to make Helen fall in love with him. When Menelaus came back from a journey, he found out that Paris had left with his wife. He then was able to rally almost all of the Greek Kings to get Helen back.

Who won the beauty contest?



The King of the Gods, God of the Sky Symbol is the lightning bolt

Sparta Women & Slaves

Women lived the same lives as men. They wore plain clothing with little decoration and they didn't wear jewelry or use cosmetics and perfume. Women were expected to be strong and healthy. Wives were expected to protect her husbands property from slaves and invaders. Women were had freedom to speak to others and they could own and control their own property. They could marry again if their husband was away at war for too long. Slaves, or helots, were made up of people the Spartans had conquered, meaning there were lots more of them than the citizens. The Spartans treated them harshly, fearful that they would revolt. Slaves did have some rights including being able to marry whomever and whenever they wanted and sell leftover crops. Helots who saved enough money could even buy their freedom.

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