Ancient Greek Philosophers - Unit 1 - Challenge 2: Socrates and Dialectic

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Select the statement that distinguishes Socrates' philosophical approach from that of the Pre-Socratics. a.)He had an interest in studying what separates knowledge from opinion. b.)He had an interest in determining the true nature of reality. c.)His philosophy did not involve a deeply spiritual or religious approach. d.)He had an interest in studying the origin of the universe.

a.)He had an interest in studying what separates knowledge from opinion.

Select the statement that represents one of the main points made by Socrates in the "Crito." a.)It would be immoral for Socrates to escape, but it would not be a violation of the law. b.)Because Athens has provided benefits to Socrates, he must accept the punishment given to him. c.)If Socrates accepted death, he would have violated the social contract because he would no longer be able to benefit Athens by teaching its youth. d.)All life, regardless of how it is lived, is valuable and must be protected, no matter the cost.

b.)Because Athens has provided benefits to Socrates, he must accept the punishment given to him

Select the FALSE statement about the "Apology." a.)In the "Apology," Socrates willingly accepts his sentence of death because he believes it is the right thing to do. b.)In the "Apology," Socrates argues that death is never a justifiable sentence for crimes because mortals should not act as gods. c.)The "Apology" demonstrates that Socrates was willing to live and die according to his philosophy. d.)In the "Apology," Socrates explains that we must do what we think is right, despite any negative personal consequences.

b.)In the "Apology," Socrates argues that death is never a justifiable sentence for crimes because mortals should not act as gods.

Select the statement that is true of deductive arguments. a.)Most reasoning is deductive. b.)A prediction of an event is an example of a deductive argument. c.)Inferences rely on definition and form. d.)The inferential claim is one of less-than-logical certainty.

c.)Inferences rely on definition and form.

Select the statement that is true of inductive arguments. a.)Inferences rely on cause and effect. b.)Inductive arguments are more valuable than deductive arguments, because they are more rational. c.)The conclusion is intended to follow with logical certainty. d.)"If/then" arguments are categorized as inductive arguments.

a.)Inferences rely on cause and effect.

Select the TRUE statement about the philosophical value of the Socratic Method. a.)It is an instructional method that helps students to pursue wisdom. b.)It is a teaching tool that helps students to remember key facts. c.)It is a pedagogical process that helps students to hone their argumentative skills. d.)It is a pedagogical tool that was used only in ancient times, since it is irrelevant to today's society.

a.)It is an instructional method that helps students to pursue wisdom.

Consider the following passage:"Voting, we are told, is a both a privilege and a duty of good citizens. Therefore we might expect that all citizens in a free society would want to vote, but voter turnout in recent presidential elections has hovered around 60%. However, that doesn't mean that 40% of eligible voters are lazy or apathetic. Some of them may have good reasons for not voiting. For some, not voting may be a form of political expression (e.g., to protest a corrupt political system). It might also be a specific rejection of current presidential candidates. In either case, not voting can be a form of democratic participation that is just as legitimate as voting. "Which of the following best summarizes the main argument of the passage? a.)Not voting can be a form of political protest. Therefore, it is possible to be a good citizen and not vote. b.)Voting is something that all good citizens should do. Therefore, it is the basis of democracy. c.)Voting can be just as meaningful as not voting. Therefore, only 60% of people vote. d.)There are many reasons why citizens don't vote. Therefore, we should try to understand those reasons.

a.)Not voting can be a form of political protest. Therefore, it is possible to be a good citizen and not vote

Select the statement that represents one of the main points made by Socrates in the "Crito." a.)When considering a complicated subject, it is wiser to follow the advice of experts than to appeal to the majority. b.)Socrates' life is more important than doing what is right, so he should take whatever actions are necessary to survive. c.)Socrates was not legally required to die for his actions. He chose to accept death as a punishment because he felt it was the moral thing to do. d.)Because the state failed to uphold its end of the social contract, Socrates can justify an escape attempt.

a.)When considering a complicated subject, it is wiser to follow the advice of experts than to appeal to the majority.

Select the statement that does NOT represent one of the main points made by Socrates in the "Crito." a.)When considering what is just and fair, the opinion of the majority should be the final decision. b.)It is not unjust or immoral for Socrates to die for a crime he did not commit. c.)It would be unethical for Socrates to escape the death penalty because doing so would violate his contract with Athens. d.)Not all life has value. Rather, only the good life has value.

a.)When considering what is just and fair, the opinion of the majority should be the final decision.

Consider the following passage:"For decades, dermatologists have warned that it's important to wear sunscreen when you spend time in the sun, but very few people take proper precautions to protect their skin. Some people believe that wearing sunscreen can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Let's consider the facts: each year millions of people in the U.S. are treated for skin cancer. It's estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime, and thousands die from the disease every year. It has been proven that regular use of sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher reduces the risk of developing the most serious forms of skin cancer by almost half. Regular use of a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 provides even greater protection. Claims that sunscreen is harmful lack a scientific basis. However, even if sunscreen is harmful, it is less harmful than skin cancer. Unfortunately, most sunscreen users only apply a fraction of the recommended amount, and many more don't limit their exposure to the sun. "Which of the following answer choices best summarizes the main argument of the passage? a.) Sunscreen has been proven to prevent skin cancer. More people should use it. Therefore, it cannot be bad for your health. b.)Skin cancer rates are on the rise. The use of sunscreen reduces the likelihood that you will develop skin cancer. Therefore, everyone should use sunscreen when spending time outdoors. c.)Dermatologists are experts on skin care. They say that sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer. Therefore, sunscreen should be free so that everyone can afford to use it. d.)Sunscreen slows the aging of skin and will keep it looking younger and healthier. Therefore, everyone should wear an SPF of at least 30.

b.)Skin cancer rates are on the rise. The use of sunscreen reduces the likelihood that you will develop skin cancer. Therefore, everyone should use sunscreen when spending time outdoors.

Which statement best describes Socrates' beliefs about death, as they are expressed in the "Phaedo?" a.)Socrates asserts that suicide is moral if the philosopher has carefully considered the consequences before taking his or her life. b.)Socrates argues that the philosopher will be judged by wise judges after death. Therefore, he or she should not fear death itself. c.)Socrates explains that death is most certainly nothingness, and therefore he has nothing to fear. d.)Socrates warns that the philosopher should worry about death because the world of the senses is of the greatest value.

b.)Socrates argues that the philosopher will be judged by wise judges after death. Therefore, he or she should not fear death itself.

Select the true statement about the "Apology." a.)In the "Apology," Socrates is charged for claiming that he was wise when, in fact, he was not wise. b.)The "Apology" reveals that Socrates was unpopular among the Athenians as a result of his pursuit of wisdom. c.)The "Apology" documents Socrates' attempts to save his life because he feared death. d.)In the "Apology," Socrates uses rhetoric to persuade Meletus that he is innocent, even though he believes himself to be guilty.

b.)The "Apology" reveals that Socrates was unpopular among the Athenians as a result of his pursuit of wisdom.

All teachers are female.Kate is a teacher.Therefore, Kate is female. Evaluate the argument and select the answer option that describes it. a.)deductive, valid, sound b.)deductive, valid, unsound c.)inductive, weak, uncogent d.)inductive, strong, cogent

b.)deductive, valid, unsound

Select the statement that distinguishes Socrates' philosophical approach from that of the Pre-Socratics. a.)He had an interest in studying metaphysics in order to understand the world. b.)He believed that there is no difference between knowledge and opinion. c.)He had a primary interest in determining what is morally right. d.)He had an interest in using his philosophy to prove that the gods do not exist.

c.)He had a primary interest in determining what is morally right.

Select the statement that distinguishes Socrates' philosophical approach from that of the Pre-Socratics. a.)His main focus was questions, including "what is real?" b.)His main focus was questions, including "how did the universe come to be?" c.)His main focus was questions, including "what makes a life worth living?" d.)His main focus was questions, including "are humans truly free or determined?"

c.)His main focus was questions, including "what makes a life worth living?"

Select the true statement about the "Apology." a.)In the "Apology," Socrates contends that he could not have committed any crimes because he is wise, and wise men cannot do wrong. b.)In the "Apology," Socrates admits that he is guilty of all charges and is sentenced to death. c.)In the "Apology," Socrates argues that living a philosophical life is important above all else. d.)In the "Apology," Socrates successfully argues that a "not guilty" verdict would be just. The jury accepts his argument.

c.)In the "Apology," Socrates argues that living a philosophical life is important above all else.

Select the statement about the philosophical value of the Socratic Method that is FALSE. a.)It is used to discover truth through reasoning. b.)It is used to discover why an answer is what it is. c.)It is used to improve rhetorical skills, which are helpful in winning arguments. d.)It is a teaching method that helps students to build upon their existing knowledge.

c.)It is used to improve rhetorical skills, which are helpful in winning arguments.

Select the statement about the philosophical value of the Socratic Method that is FALSE. a.)It is used to teach others an idea or skill. b.)It focuses on helping students to develop deeper understanding. c.)Its goal is memorization of important information. d.)It uses existing knowledge as a basis for new knowledge.

c.)Its goal is memorization of important information.

Which statement does NOT represent Socrates' beliefs about death, as they are expressed in the "Phaedo?" a.)Death should not be feared if one has lived a good life, since that is what he or she will be judged upon after death. b.)When the soul is separated from the body, one can better understand the essence of justice because one is no longer impeded by the empirical world. c.)The loss of the body and senses is the most difficult aspect of death for a philosopher. d.)Bodies belong to the gods, not to humans, so the taking of one's own life is unethical.

c.)The loss of the body and senses is the most difficult aspect of death for a philosopher.

Marnie always wears either a grey, black, or tan shirt.She didn't wear a grey shirt today.She didn't wear a black shirt today.Therefore, her shirt was tan. Which part of the argument is NOT a factual claim? a.)She didn't wear a black shirt today. b.)Marnie always wears either a grey, black, or tan shirt. c.)Therefore, her shirt was tan. d.)She didn't wear a grey shirt today.

c.)Therefore, her shirt was tan.

My bus has been late every day for the last three weeks.Therefore, it will be late today. Assuming the premise to be true, evaluate the argument and select the answer option that describes it. a.)deductive, invalid, unsound b.)deductive, valid, sound c.)inductive, strong, cogent d.)inductive, weak, uncogent

c.)inductive, strong, cogent

Humans have used horses for transportation for millions of years.Therefore, they will use horses for transportation next year. Evaluate the argument and select the answer option that describes it. a.)deductive, valid, sound b.)deductive, invalid, unsound c.)inductive, strong, uncogent d.)inductive, weak, cogent

c.)inductive, strong, uncogent

Consider the following passage: "It seems as if everyone enjoys arguing about capital punishment, but few research the issue before taking a position. If they did, they would learn that study after study demonstrates that capital punishment does not reduce the rate of violent crime. When planning to commit a capital offense, many offenders don't distinguish between a life sentence and execution after years of incarceration, and few of them believe they will be caught. Furthermore, capital punishment does not save money. Due to legal fees and costs associated with the construction and operation of special prison wings, it costs $2-3 million more (depending on the state involved) to execute someone, than it does to imprison them for life. People disagree about whether capital punishment is murder, or fails to respect the value of human life, but since it doesn't reduce crime, and increases costs, capital punishment is impractical. However, it seems that some people would rather make unfounded assumptions, and disregard the cost of those assumptions to the taxpayers. "Which of the following answer choices best summarizes the main argument of the passage? a.)Capital punishment is an impractical punishment. Therefore, people who support it need to do more research. b.)Capital punishment is an impractical punishment. Therefore, it costs $2-3 million more per state to execute convicts than to imprison them for life. c.)Capital punishment is murder. It violates the sanctity of human life. Therefore, it should be abolished. d.)Capital punishment does not reduce crime. Capital punishment costs more than the alternative. Therefore, capital punishment is an impractical punishment.

d.)Capital punishment does not reduce crime. Capital punishment costs more than the alternative. Therefore, capital punishment is an impractical punishment.

Which statement best describes Socrates' beliefs about death, as they are expressed in the "Phaedo? a.)Philosophers should fear death because it is the end of life of the body, and of the soul. b.)After death, the body and soul remain united, so life and death are one and the same. c.)Only when body and soul are united can philosophers see the world as it truly is. d.)Death is nothing more than the separation of the body from the soul.

d.)Death is nothing more than the separation of the body from the soul.

Select the statement that is true of inductive arguments. a.)Inductive arguments are less reasonable than deductive arguments. b.)Hypothetical arguments are considered to be inductive arguments. c.)Inductive reasoning is rarely used because most reasoning is deductive. d.)Inductive arguments never intend logical certainty, only probability.

d.)Inductive arguments never intend logical certainty, only probability.

Bob eats in the morning or the evening.He didn't eat in the morning.So, he eats in the evening. The portion of the preceding argument that is underlined is the __________. a.)inferential claim b.)premise c.)factual claim d.)conclusion


Kate always walks to work when it is above 50 degrees outside.Today it is above 50 degrees.Therefore, Kate will walk to work. The portion of the preceding argument that is underlined is the __________. a.)factual claim b.)premise c.)conclusion d.)inferential claim

d.)inferential claim

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