and then there were none test (questions)

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what steps has mr. Rogers taken to ensure that there will be no "China- Soldier tricks" that night?

he locked the dining room and pantries and put the key in his pocket.

what did Isaac Morris have to do with what happened on Soldier Island?

he made the arrangements for Wargrave.

what happened to Justice wargrave in chapter 13?

he was shot in the head.

what is ironic about the "young Norse god" being dead?

he was so young and strong that he was thought to be immortal.

describe General MacArthur's Behavior.

he's out of it, he knows death is coming and gives up.

What is Scotland Yard?

headquarters of the London Police.

what does Lombard discover in his room in chapter 14? Why is this surprising?

his lost revolver is back in his drawer, he put it in a locked chest and now he has it again.

what's surprising item has Lombard brought with him to the island? Why did he bring this item?

his revolver because he's in tight places in might need it.

the judge suggested all the guests should leave the island immediately. What is the problem with this course of action?

the boat doesn't come till morning.

which guests does wargrave rule out as suspects?

the dead people.

describe the house on Soldier Island.

the house was facing south - low and square and modern-looking with rounded windows.

what do the guests discover about the name of the person who invited each of them and to the island?

the initials represent the word unknown.

who found the manuscript? Where was it sent?

the master of the Emma Jane fishing trawler. It was sent to scotland yard.

what surprising thing does Vera notice about the soldier figurines in chapter 16?

there are still three.

what is different about Vera's room in chapter 15?

there is a rope with a noose on the black hook and a chair to sit on.

what is in Vera's room? How is this related to her past?

there seaweed in her room, it reminded her of when Cyril drowned.

what information do you find out about each character's connection to a past death in chapter 4?

they all did it by accident or on purpose.

what is unusual about the invitations the guests of soldier Island have received?

they didn't meet the guy who sent them

who does the AC think is the murderer?

They can't figure it out.

who is Fred narracott? What is his opinion about the guests?

he drove the boat. He expected something more classy of the characters.

who dies at the end of chapter 4?

Anthony Marston

which character dies in chapter 15?


who dies in chapter 9? How?

General MacArthur, he was hit with a life preserver or something on the back of the head.

why does blore leave his room in chapter 14?

He hears footsteps

how did the murderers visit to a doctor on Harley Street influence his actions?

He told wargrave he had cancer. He wanted a blaze of glory because it was terminal. His Blaze of Glory was killing people.

who does Vera think is waiting for her?


who was actually the tenth victim?

Isaac Morris

who was the murderer, mr. u n Owen?

Justice wargrave

who does Lombard suspect is the murderer? Why?

Justice wargrave, because he seems to know all that is happening.

who dies in chapter 11? How? Which character is the most suspicious?

Mister Rogers died, because someone hit him with an axe in the head. Emily Brent is the most suspicious.

how are claythorne, Blore, and Lombard trying to contact the mainland in chapter 15?

Morse code.

which character is the most dishonest in chapter 3?

Mr blore, because he used a fake name as a pose of an investigator.

how does Vera die in chapter 16?

She hung herself.

Emily Brent recites a text from her childhood Nursery to Vera Claythorne, "be sure thy sin will find thee out. "How does this quote reveal Brent opinion about the accusations made by the voice on the gramophone?

She thinks that since they all commited murder that they are now being punished for their actions.

who was Beatrice Taylor? What happened to her?

She was Emily Brent's maid. Beatrice Taylor got pregnant. Emily Brent then fired her and Beatrice Taylor threw herself into the river.

Christie states the characters "looked less like human beings. They were reverted to more beastial types" what does type of beast is characteristic is attributed to each character?

Vera - bird Lombard - wolf Dr. Armstrong - jumble of nerves Wargrave - tortoise Blore - dog

what does Vera discover in her room in chapter 14?

a black hook on her ceiling with seaweed hanging down.

what point of view is the novel written from? Why would the author choose to narrate the novel this way?

a third-person narrator who observes everything that is happening on Soldier Island as it unfolds.

what does Rogers notice is missing from the dining room?

another Soldier Boy

how are Soldier island and the poem in Vera claythorne's bedroom connected?

because Soldier Island was connected because it was how each character would end up dying.

why is the houses lack of atmosphere so frightening?

because it is so bright and modern and it seems too comfortable.

support the following claim: "the AC felt that the guests of soldier Island were guilty of various murders"

because u n Owen dealt with cases the laws couldn't touch.

how did the characters decide to protect themselves while on the island?

by putting all weapons and toxin in a locked chest in the pantry. They give the two keys to Blore and Lombard.

how are the passengers traveling?

by train and car

what do Lombard and Vera Discover at the end of the 15th chapter?

dr. Armstrong dead body.

what items are discovered missing in chapter 12?

dr. Armstrong's syringe and Lombard's revolver.

who does claythorne suspect is the murderer? Why?

dr. Armstrong, he has medical knowledge so everyone will believe him, he went to get the general and he gave mrs. Rogers medicine.

which character is missing from his room in chapter 14? How do the other characters respond to the fact of his characters missing?

dr. Armstrong. They are scared because they think he is out to kill.

which characters admit to the deaths they are accused of in the gramophone recording?

everyone except Armstrong and and Emily Brent.

what do the guests concude about Marston's death?

he committed suicide but not a usual suicide.

what does Vera keep asking that is related to the "ten little soldiers" Poem?

if there is a hive and bees because that is the next part in the poem where someone dies.

what does the gramophone recording State? Who plays the gramophone announcement?

it States they're all guilty. Mr. and mrs. Rogers play the gramophone announcement.

the process Justice wargrave goes through to determine who mr. Owen could be resembles what?

it resembles a court session.

how does Christie's use of punctuation enhance the characters' state of Madness?

it shows fear in her words with...'s.

how did the murderer decide the order in which his victims would die?

people with the least guilt to the most guilt.

what to do Armstrong and Lombard decide to do at the end of chapter 7?

search the island

how does Vera trick Lombard? What happens as a result?

she drags Armstrong out and grabs his revolver out of his pocket and she kills him.

what happens to Emily Brent in the dining room in chapter 12?

she felt Giddy, and then poison was injected in her neck. She thinks someone is in the room with her.

why does Vera misquote the nursery rhyme?

she thinks Hugo is there.

what does Emily Brent conclude is the cause of mrs. Rogers death?

she thinks mrs. Rogers died of fear.

what items are found outside of the dining room window in chapter 12?

syringe and a broken Soldier Boy.

Lombard tells Armstrong, "I mean -- it explains Soldier Island. There are crimes that cannot be brought home to their Preparatory." What is Lombard stating about the island?

that Soldier island is a mysterious place and everyone there has done a crime that they will not be forgiven for unless they are punished.

what conclusion has Justice wargrave come to that he announces to the guests of soldier Island?

that mr. Owen is one of them.

what conclusion did blore, Lombard, and Armstrong come to after they searched the island?

that no one was on the island besides themselves.

what Eerie warning does General MacArthur give to the guests?

that they may never leave.

why do you think everyone was so polite at breakfast but despite the fact that four people had been murdered in the past 3 days?

they didn't want to be the next one to be killed, and they wanted to enjoy the time they have left.

what does Vera mean when she says, "don't you see? Where the zoo..."?

they have all gone mad.

what do the ten Soldier figurines on the dining room table represent?

they represent the poem in the characters at Soldier Island.

Armstrong and Lombard feel the deaths on the island are connected. What conclusion do the men come to as to how/why the deaths occur?

they think they both committed suicide so, they wouldn't get in trouble for murder. Or they were murdered. It relates to the poem.

how do the other characters in the novel react to their first glimpse of Anthony Marston?

they thought he was very cool.

why are the guests suspicious that the motor boat won't arrive?

they usually comes from 7 to 8 and its 9:50.

what happens when Lombard tries to switch on the light in chapter 13?

they wouldn't turn on, because Rogers didn't turn on the generator.

what items are discovered missing in chapter 10?

two balls of wool, and a scarlet oil silk curtain.

who invites the characters to Soldier Island?

u.n. Owen

what biblical allusion made Macarthur uncomfortable? Why?

when they talk about his situation at church. He did something wrong.

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