anne frank questions

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On March 25, those living in the Secret Annexe have another scare. Describe what it is and how the families deal with the situation.

-Hear footsteps and freak out

Describe some of the day-to-day problems encountered by the families.

-They can't get food whenever they want, & they can not go to the bathroom at certain times

When the families go into hiding, they bring with them different objects from home. What is unusual about the objects that Mrs. Van Daan brings with her?

-a chamber pot

With whom have personality clashes already started to occur? Why would there be personality clashes? What conflicts are beginning to develop?

-anne and her mother and mrs. frank and mrs.dan and anne and her mother

Describe the conflict between Mr. Dussel and Anne?

-anne asked to just use the table to write and he said no

How does Anne feel her parents treat Margot as compared to her?

-anne feels like margot gets more attention and she feels that they treat margot better

With what event does the diary open?

-anne frank's birthday

Compare and contrast Anne and her sister Margot.

-anne is adventurous and curious and margot is quiet and caring -margot is serious and tries to look better in her parents eyes then anne

How does Anne feel about Mrs. Van Daan?

-anne likes her because she feels more bonded with her and their mother

How do the occupants of the Secret Annex celebrate St. Nicholas's Day?

-decorating a laundry basket and got presents in there shoes

What is Anne referring to when she says "St. Nicholas Day"?

-first day of st. nicholas put candy in shoe

When Anne and the family first go into hiding, what is Anne afraid of the most?

-getting caught and not being able to leave

How did Peter compliment Anne?

-he compliment her dimples and likes her laugh and she helps him thought the ought time cause she is very cheerful

What significant event for Peter happens today?

-he turns 16 and gets the game monopoly

What happens with Anne and her mother on April 2nd?

-her mother's starts to cry and anne and her get into some sort of a fight

What subjects does Anne enjoy studying?

-history and family tree and family tree of royal family and movie stars

How will the number of people in hiding change?

-it will changes

Describe Anne's timetable.

-its in order list of what happens by day and time

What does Anne name her diary?


Anne begins to think about one of her close friends. Who is she? Why is Anne thinking about her?

-liz she saw anne at the camp and a few days later she died, she gave anne bread

What was Mr. Dussel's occupation before he went into hiding? How does he set up practice in the Secret Annexe? Who is his first patient?

-was a dentist and he practices on mrs. van don

Describe what is happening in terms of the war.

-warning sign

What do the burglars steal from the warehouse?

-two cash boxes, postal orders, checkbooks, coupons

What new country joins the war?


Describe the wish each person hiding in the Secret Annexe makes for when they are no longer forced to be in hiding.

-margot and mr. van dan hot shower Mrs. van daan cream cakes Mr. dossel wants his wife Ethedent cup of coffee Father visit mr.vossen Peter be out on the town Anne wants to go to school

Why has going into hiding become such a pressing matter?

-margot gets a call

What does Anne view as her worst subject in school?


Describe the problems Anne and Peter have with their mothers. How do they deal with them?

-mrs. Van dan gets angry cuz he is spending more time with anne and her -her mom lacks mother figure and peter mom doesn't care about him

On May 1, Anne begins to think about her life before she and her family went into hiding. What conclusion does she make?

-not sure wants going to happen she is living in paradise while other jews are not living in paradise

Describe where the Franks go into hiding and with whom.

-office, 7 people in hiding and add another person later

Describe the members of Anne's family. How does she feel about the people around her?

-otto, margot, edith and gets along with the dad

Describe the relationship between Anne and boys.


Who is Peter and how does Anne describe him?

-peter is the son of the van daans and awkward and shy and lazy

What makes Anne seek someone with whom to speak? Who does she choose?

-peter just to talk to

In the attic, the families have an argument about books. Explain the argument, with whom you agree/disagree and why.

-peter takes the book and read it and his dad gets mad and he keeps reading it

What was Mr. Van Daan's occupation before he went into hiding?

-sausage business

How are Anne's feelings while in hiding similar to ones you might have? With which feelings do you most identify?

-scared and feared

To what does Anne compare herself?

-she compares herself to margot to a bird

Why has Anne decided to keep a diary?

-she didn't have friends that she felt were very close to her

Pay close attention to the entry on March 7. How does Anne describe her life in 1942 and now?

-she feels like a different person and now she has less friends but closer with them

Anne describes the Germans and their treatment of the Jewish people. What is her reaction to how the Jews are being treated?

-she feels very sad

What was significant about her fountain pen?

-she got it from her grandma

What kept Anne from writing in her diary from December 6th until December 22nd?

-she had the flu

How is Anne getting along with her family and roommates?

-she is getting along good with everyone but her mother

Mrs. Van Daan celebrates a birthday on which she receives several gifts. Why is Anne disgusted with Mrs. Van Daan?

-she is getting annoyed because she tells her what to do and she doesn't thank her

How is the relationship between Anne and Peter developing? Speculate as to why Anne has not spent more time writing about him

-she is not into him

Why does Anne not want to be like Margot?

-she is the favored one

Describe specific instances in which Anne shows herself more mature than other people her age.

-she is trying to know herself

What two confessions does Anne make in her entry on January 5th?

-she said her mother is not a mother figure and she is finding about her body

How does Anne feel about falling in love?

-she said that he is very quiet so she doesn't know

What improvisation does Anne make in order to use the restroom when the plumber is in the building?

-she uses another bathroom

When is the first mention of the Frank family going into hiding?

-talking about the roommates and anne doesn't know and her father tells her that her it's going to be really hard

What is happening in the lives of the people who take care of those in the Secret Annex?

-the people who are helping them are very careful

What is the succession of events that led up to what Anne describes as "when the good times rapidly fled"?

-the war

What are Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan fighting about and why?

-they are fighting about money

What does Anne find out is happening to her Jewish friends?

-they are getting sent to a camp and dying

Describe the scare Anne's family had with the fire extinguisher?

-they expire and they did not know

Give five examples of anti-Jewish laws that limit freedom for Anne and her family, as well as the rest of the Jewish people.

-they had separate movie theatres, they could only shop at a certain time, they had to wear a yellow star, they could only go to jewish schools, and jews could not own a business, were not allow of any transportation

How did the families celebrate Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day their first year in hiding?

-they had some food and presents

How is the relationship between Anne and Peter changing?

-they start to spend more time and talk about personal things

What is one of the first things the families do when they arrive in the Secret Annexe?

-they try to make it feel like home, get settler, and unpack

Why is the radio such a valuable commodity to the family?

-to get a source of courage, to see if there is bad stuff happening, and to keep their morale

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