List some of the ways that matter comes in.
DIFFERENT sizes - shapes - colors - textures - hardness - temperature - odor - etc
Properties of matter are the __________ parts of matter.
Different Characteristics of Matter
What does matter include?
It includes things you can see and even some you cannot not.
What is Mattter?
It is anything that takes up space and has mass.
Where is matter?
Matter is everywhere.
What are the three forms of matter?
Solids Liquids Gas
True or False Matter can be hard/soft, heavy/light, hot/cold, smooth/rough, bendable/not bendable, sweet/sour, colorful/clear, pointed, round, big/small, loud/quiet.
Is all matter different?
Yes, all matter is different.
What are you doing when you use your five senses to tell the difference in matter?
You are telling the properties of matter.
List some tools you can use to help describe matter.
scale, therometer, ruler, tape measure, microscope, telescope, balance scale, etc