ANS 121 Final

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How many people does the average farmer in America feed?


When a homozygous dominant bull is bred to a heterozygous cow, what is the percent chance we will see heterozygous offspring? How many different genotypes are possible? *Hint: It may be useful to draw a Punnett Square

50% heterozygous, 2 genotypes

You own a black heterozygous bull and a black heterozygous cow. Each of their genotypes for color is Bb; you decide to breed the cattle. Using a Punnett Square, predict the percentage of offspring with a black coat.


Which statement is the most accurate?

Western saddles have a horn, larger stirrups, and were developed for hardier conditions such as ranch work

What can cause an animal to become frightened and stressed? Select all that apply.

Yelling, whistling, and high pitched noise Shadows, flapping plastic, loose chain, or coat on a fence A person walking along the outer perimeter of the chute or raceway isolating one animal from the herd

The small intestine is the major site of _____________ which transfers nutrients into the bloodstream.


What is dystocia?

birthing difficulty

Match the term with the correct description.

Bull Intact (uncastrated) male beef Heifer Young female beef that has not yet had a calf Steer Castrated male beef Cow Mature female beef that has given birth to a calf

What is castration?

Removing the testes or rendering them non-functional

In females, what hormone maintains pregnancy?


Match the nutrient with the correct description.

Protein- Made up of chains of amino acids Carbohydrates- Main source of energy in feed, comes in simple or complex forms Fats- Provide 2.25 times more energy than CHO's Minerals- Inorganic compounds needed in small amounts Vitamins- Organic compounds, classified as water-soluble or fat soluble Water- Most important (and cheapest) nutrient

What may indicate that a cow is in estrus? Select all that apply.

Stands to be mounted vulva is red, swollen, and mucus is present

In the U.S., which state leads in both sheep and goat production?


Which of these will not affect nutrient requirements? work or activity level, growth, lactation

none of the above

Why are the hooves of sheep and goats trimmed?

prevents hoof rot

A gelding will give birth to its first foal when it is 3 years of age.


All horses are fed grain regardless of their work or production level.


All types of digestive tracts have an esophagus, large intestine, and an omasum.


An animal is born with its genotype and phenotype, but the genotype is highly influenced by the environment the animal is placed in.


An animals experience to previous handling procedures (i.e. transportation or restraint) will not influence how they behave during subsequent handling events.


An ideal body condition score of a horse ranges from 8-9.


Black Angus and Red Angus cattle are superior in all production areas and traits.


Cows at OSU are only raised in confinement and are never given access to pasture.


Ewes, does, lambs, and kids all receive the same diet.


Globally, eggs supply the greatest percent of protein when compared to milk, meat, and fish.


Heifers are bred (via natural service) at 24 months of age.


Hormones are both injected and provided in feed by producers who raise chickens and turkeys.


In regard to eating habits or behavior, sheep are browsers and goats are grazers.


Poultry farmers give antibiotics freely with no reasoning in mind and do not consult with a veterinarian.


Sheep and goats are long day breeders, therefore the incidence of estrus occurs as day length increases.


The gland cistern is a hormone that stimulates milk release (milk letdown).


The penis is responsible for producing sperm and testosterone.


The vulva does not need to be cleaned prior to inserting the insemination gun.


When compared to the 1940's, growth rates of both chickens and turkeys have remained the same.


Wisconsin ranks first in the U.S. for beef cattle inventory, dairy cattle inventory, and milk production.


What makes up the largest cost of sheep production?


What is known as an animals "personal space"?

flight zone

_________ are the basic units of inheritance.


What predator control methods are implemented at the OSU Sheep Center?

guardian animal (llama) night penning

What is placed on a horses hoof to provide protection?

horse shoe

Ruminants share a ____________ relationship with microorganisms.


The milking parlor at the OSU Dairy is called a _________.


What type of milking parlor is used at the OSU Dairy and how many times are the cows milked per day?

Herringbone, twice per day

What two breeds represent the cowherd at the OSU Dairy?

Holstein and Jersey

From a scientific perspective, what developments/advances have been made in the poultry industry to enhance production and efficiency?

Housing facilities that provide ideal living conditions Genetics Ration formulations that supply necessary nutrients for each stage of production Selective breeding all of the above

What management practice allows for animal traceability?


What percent of the U.S. population lives on a farm or ranch?


What is colic?

A digestive disturbance than can result in death

Match the description with the type of beef cattle operation it best describes.

Cattle enter around 600-850 lbs and are fed a combination of forage and concentrate (also known as the 'finishing phase'). Feedlot Responsible for initiating the entire beef production cycle Cow/Calf Producer Goal is to produce breeding stock with bulls being the main focus Seedstock Grow weaned calves to heavier weights on low-priced forage Stocker

What types of feeds are stored in the white bags? Select all that apply.

Corn silage Grass silage

Horses can be identified in a variety of ways. From the following list, select all markings that can be categorized as 'leg markings'.

Coronet Sock Stocking

Why are fecal samples collected and evaluated under a microscope? Select all applicable answers.

Determines which sheep need to be treated (drenched) for parasitism and whether treatment worked effectively Helps reduce resistance to drugs used to kill internal parasites (worms)

Match the cow with the feed ration they are provided with.

Dry cow Long stem hay, grass silage, and grain Fresh cow Grain, alfalfa, corn silage, and grass silage Heifer Long stem hay, grass hay, grass silage, and grain

What are two temporary (or semi-permanent) methods of identification? Select all that apply.

Ear Tag Electronic ID (electronic ear tag or microchip)

What device is used to collect semen? Once semen has been collected, it is evaluated under a microscope. What is it evaluated for?

Electroejaculator, Sperm Motility and Structure

Match the foot fall pattern with the correct gait name and number.

Every hoof hits the ground at a different time Walk, four beat gait Hooves move in diagonal pairs Trot or jog, two beat gait Right hind moves individually, front right and left hind move simultaneously, left front moves independently Canter or lope, three beat gait

From the following choices, select examples of guardians that are used to protect small ruminants from predators:

Great Pyrenees Dog llama

Worldwide, why do plants supply more total food energy in the human diet?

Larger percent of diet in developing countries is of plant origin

What can occur if semen is deposited in the cervix or in the uterine horn?

Lowers pregnancy rates and may damage uterus

What is the purpose of the pedometer the cows wear and why is this a useful tool? Choose the best answer.

Monitors behavior of the cow, which can indicate whether the cow is in estrus or sick

What areas do you assess to determine the body condition score of a horse?

Neck, withers, shoulder, back, ribs, tailhead

From the following options, which is not a commodity grown in Oregon?

None of the above

Before being moved to the group pen, what management strategies are followed when caring for the baby calves? Select all that apply.

Placed and housed in individual hutches Provided with milk and a grain ration Monitored for health issues such as scours, pnemonia, and coccidiosis

What physical traits would a veterinarian assess during a Breeding Soundness Exam? Select all that apply.

Structural soundness Confirmation Body condition

Match the description with the correct structure of a female cow's reproductive anatomy.

Structure that receives the penis during natural service- vagina Site of fetal development, also known as the womb-uterus Site of fertilization between ovum and sperm- oviducts Secrete hormones (progesterone and estrogen) and produce eggs- ovaries

What are two permanent methods of identification? Select all that apply.

Tattoo Branding (hot iron or freeze)

What is the purpose of the OSU Dairy?

Teaching, research, and extension activities

What two environmental factors are controlled in modern incubators to ensure proper development of unhatched chickens and turkeys?

Temperature and Humidity

If a test determines that milk contains antibiotics, then what happens to the milk?

The milk is deemed unfit for human consumption and is discarded

What is estrus?

The time a female is receptive to a male

Rib eye area and marbling are traits that have fairly high heritability. What does this mean?

There is 40% chance or higher of inheriting these traits and that the environment will still have some influence on the results of these traits

What determines the type of bit used on a horse?

Training level of the horse, experience level of rider, and the discipline

Generally, edible slaughter by-products are organs from animals such as the tongue or liver.


What factor(s) influence reproductive efficiency?

all of the above

It's imperative that newborn calves consume ____________ shortly after being born.


_______________ involves mating animals of different breeds and results in heterosis.


What tool is used to monitor the breeding activity of a ram?

marking harness

_________is the leading cause of illness in dairy cattle, which causes _______ of the mammary gland.

mastitis, inflammation

What labels might you find on poultry products that specify antibiotics were never provided during the production process? Select all that apply.

no antibiotics added raised without antibiotics

What are the four parts of the ruminant stomach? Select all that apply.

reticulum, abomasum, omasum, rumen

Where does an egg spend a majority of time in poultry females once released from the ovary?

shell gland

"Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones" must be included on packaged poultry products if the label includes either statement: "Raised without Hormones" or "No Hormones Added."


A forestrip is performed prior to attaching the milking unit to observe for signs of mastitis and to stimulate the letdown process.


Alfalfa hay is used to increase protein and energy in the diet and may be fed to horses in competition or those that have a higher metabolism.


Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are already raised in a cage free environment.


Constantly keeping a horse in a stall can affect their behavior and attitude.


Dairy cattle are most commonly bred via Artificial Insemination (AI).


EPDS are used as a management tool to help estimate future progeny performance.


Improper handling of cattle can negatively impact productivity, conception rates, weight gain, and immune function.


In ovo vaccinations are often administered to the developing embryo, which delivers the vaccine directly through the shell.


Missing heat cycles can negatively impact the profitability of a producers cow herd.


Modern grow out facilities provide chickens and turkeys with proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation and ensure they're protected from predators and environmental extremes.


Oregon soils are deficient in selenium, therefore it's imperative that newborn lambs and kids receive a Bo-Se injection to prevent white muscle disease.


Poultry litter is used a natural, organic fertilizer and is applied to pastures and crop lands.


Recycled manure water is used to flush and clean the alleys in the barn.


Regardless of the label used, all poultry products sold to consumers are free of antibiotic residue.


Ruminant animals chew their cud or partake in rumination, which means they regurgitate previously consumed feed, chew it again, and then re-swallow it.


The gestation period for both beef cattle and dairy cattle is 280-283 days.


There are four stages of estrous and the total length of the cycle is approximately 21 days.


Water is lethal to sperm cells, so the semen straw must be dried thoroughly.


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