Anthro Chapter 1

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when did anthropology emerge as an academic discipline?


A biological anthropologist interested in health and illness would study

Medical Anthropology

Subfield that studies language

linguistic anthropology

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm

need to collect information before societies die out

The main idea behind the holistic perspective is to study culture

through systematic connections of different parts

The American anthropologist responsible for the concept of historical particularism was named

Alfred Kroeber

The thinker who developed evolutionary theory in the nineteenth century was

Charles Darwin

The 19th century British anthropologist credited with development of the concept of culture through evolutionary perspective.

E.B Taylor

_______ refers to adaptative changes that organisms make across generations.


True or False: Cultural relativism is important because it helps anthropologists understand and defend all the things that people in other cultures do


True or False: Historical archeologists excavate sites where written historical documentation exists that provide an accurate description of the way people actually lived


True or False: Most anthropologists believe in a single unified theory of culture


True or False: The scientific method is a research method in pursuit of ultimate truths.


True or false: Culture can only be transmitted through face-to-face interaction.


Who was responsible for the theory of social evolution?

Herbert Spencer

Linguistic anthropologists traditionally study

How our language evolved, how our mouths form words, and how indigenous people classify their social worlds

Process that involves shifting from agricultural economy to a factory based one?


An __________ approach to culture, such as that promoted by Clifford Geertz, VictorTurner, and Mary Douglas, emphasizes that culture is a shared system of meanings


The theorist most connected with post-structuralism is

Michel Focault

Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing

Quantitive data

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

The Industrial System

Even though anthropologists use parts of the scientific method, some don't see what they do as science because

The complexity of social behavior prevents any completely objective analysis of human culture.

True or False: Anthropologists like E. E. Evans-Pritchard and Renato Rosaldo do not see cultural anthropology as a science


True or False: Key concern in the 1850s that shaped discipline of anthropology was the emergence of new scientific theory called evolution


True or False: Qualitative methods often use the researchers themselves as the research instrument.


True or False: There is rarely any guessing involved in the development of theories because they are testedrepeatedly.


The idea that Ongee ancestors make tidal waves and earthquakes would be understood by an interpretive anthropologist as

Way of explaining how the world works

Who was responsible for the theory of functionalism?

William James

Cultural determinism is unproductive for cultural analysis because

all the above

The practical use of anthropological knowledge to address real-world problems, sometimes called anthropology's "fifth field," is

applied anthropology.

subfield of anthropology that studies materials of the past cultures, often focusing on the rise of cities is


The subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including human genetics and human nutrition, is called

biological anthropology

example of cultural appropriation

celebrating one culture's customs when you are not that culture - Irish/St. Patrick's day, Cinco de Mayo etc

Michael Ames developed exhibits with native Canadian communities at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia because he believed in __________

collaborative museum

The historical practice of more powerful countries claiming possession of less powerful ones


subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practices is

cultural anthropology

The unilateral decision of one social group to take control of the symbols, objects, andpractices of others is called

cultural appropriation

Collective definitions of proper and improper behavior that "build" meanings through common experiences and negotiations are cultural __________

cultural construction

The idea that cultures pass through stages from primitive to complex is known as

cultural evolution

Anthropologists believe that analyzing human cultural phenomena by comparing those phenomena across different societies, called the approach, is necessary to appreciate how "artificial" our beliefs and actions are

cultural relativism

The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgement about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is known as?

cultural relativism

Assuming your cultures way of doing things is the best is called


The experience of feeling that the way your culture does things is the right way and any different way of doing things is wrong is called ._____


Anthropologists have always approached by specializing in 1 of the 4 subfields


Contemporary cultural anthropologists often rank societies along an evolutionary scale from primitive to advanced


True or False: Activities that are biologically based, such as eating and sleeping, are universally the same for all humans


True or False: All humans are born with some culture


True or False: Cultural appropriation involves relationships of power.


True or False: Culture is uniquely human


Method of data collection that involves prolonged and intensive observation of everyday life and is a hallmark of cultural anthropology is


The term diversity, when defined anthropologically, means?

focusing on multiplicity and variety

The theory of culture that proposes that cultural practices, beliefs, and institutions fulfill the psychological and physical needs of society is called


The perspective that aims to identify and understand cultures in the entirety is called

holistic perspective

A key element of the scientific method, which both explains things and guides research, is


The defining feature of historical particularism is

individual societies develop particular cultural traits and undergo a unique process of change

The practice of anthropologists explaining their research to participants and being clear about the risks involved is called

informed consent

Because our values and beliefs include many elements of life such as clothes, food, and language means that culture is


Process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to their environment

natural selection

Norms are stable because

people learn them when they are young

The structuralist approach to culture theorizes what?

people make sense through binary oppositions

The idea that embraces dynamic cultural processes and the idea that the observer of cultural processes can never see culture completely objectively represent

post structuralism

Western colonial powers understood the different customs and cultures of the people they colonized as

proof of their primitive nature

comparative method

research technique that compares existing official statistics and historical records across groups to test a theory about some social phenomenon

Anthropologists overcome ethnocentrism by

seeing matters from the point of view of another culture

The process of learning culture from a very young age is called


key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is

synthesizing the entire context of human experience

A relativistic perspective on the meanings of Coca-Cola in Tzotzil Maya communities in Chiapas, Mexico, would emphasize what?

that those meanings are only sensible within a culturally specific set of ideas about religion and spirituality

The primary ethical responsibility of anthropologists is to

the people or species they study

An evolutionary perspective would be most likely to explain colonialism as

the superior natural abilities of one group of people allowing them to control an inferior group of people

If a functionalist were to explain why the teacher lectures from the front of the classroom to students organized in neatly arranged chairs, she or he would emphasize that

this way of teaching organizes people to promote shared cultural goals

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


True or False: Culture consists of the collective processes that make the artificial seem natural.


True or False: Diversity, defined anthropologically, refers to both multiplicity and variety, which is not the same as different.


A focus on __________ helps anthropologists understand intrinsically desirable principles held by a group of people


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