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Sir E.B. Tylor is known for

-writing a book called Primitive Culture -writing a definition of "culture" that is widely considered to be the foundation of the culture concept -becoming the first professor of anthropology at Oxford University

Although there is overlap, how does ethnicity (membership in an ethnic group) differ from race?

An ethnic group claims a distinct identity based on cultural characteristics and a shared heritage, while race defines groups based on arbitrary physical traits

How does a fable become a tradition within a culture?

By being retold and accepted by others in the community

The American Anthropological Association's Code of Ethics stresses which of the following ethical responsibilities?

Do no harm

Which type of property exchange demonstrates the higher status of the groom's family and its ability to demand a payment for taking on the economic responsibility of a young wife?


All of the following statements are correct about subsistence types, EXCEPT

Each society practices only one of the four subsistence types.

The types of societies most likely to recolonize women's economic reproductive contributions, as well as be more egalitarian in terms of gender relations are

Foraging and horticultural societies

How does chapter author McDowell understand the political organization of ISIS (also called the Islamic State)?

He argues that ISIS will not become a state because it lacks many of the required aspects of state organization.

What was the problem with Flaherty's "documentary" film, Nanook of the North?

He created the scenery from theater backdrops instead of filming in the Canadian Arctic

Which of the following immigrant groups were targeted in the 19th and early 20th century as inferior to "whites" (the U.S.'s mainstream Anglo Protestant society)?

Irish Italian Jewish

What was the major criticism of the early 20th century "three-race" theory that divided the world's peoples into the categories of Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid?

Many peoples of the world were omitted from the racial groups with no clear way of including them in one group or another

To which of the following does ethnography NOT refer?

Novels written by cultural anthropologists

How do anthropologists understand the ritual of Christmas for its participants?

Participants engage in the process of buying, wrapping, and giving gifts to celebrate personal social relations within a sphere of monetary exchange

Anthropologists researching gender in the 1980's came to the conclusion that everlasting male dominance in any culture ?

Should be examined though the lens of different components of status and soci-economic and identify variables

What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose?

The language you speak allows you to think about some things and not others

Author Peggy McIntosh (1988) talks about the unearned benefits and advantages associated with being a "white" person in the United States. The term that she coined in her essay to refer to this set of advantages is

White privilege

The series of steps a food product takes from the field to the store is called

a commodity chain

The salaula (secondhand clothes markets) of Zambia is an example of

a highly successful informal economy that operates within a global system

The vocabulary of a language is called

a lexicon

In Hawaiian kinship terminology, there are

a smaller number of kinship terms, grouping you (Ego), your brothers and sisters, and your cousins together under the term "child"

The term primitive is a term that implies all of the following EXCEPT

an objective and neutral approach to newly encountered peoples

In anthropology, descent from a common ancestor is referred to as

connective descent

The process of buying, eating, or using a resource, food, commodity, or service is called


The cultural rule which emphasizes the need to marry outside of one's own cultural group is called


The set if ideas about the categories of gender, and the beliefs, behaviors and meaning associated with each gender, is referred to as ?

gender ideology

People whose gardens supply the majority of their food are called


A socially constructed racial classification system in which a person of mixed racial heritage is automatically categorized as a member of the less (or least) privileged group is called


At the level of the state, the law becomes

increasingly formal

Complex belief systems often developed by those in power to rationalize, explain, and perpetuate system of quaintly are referred to as

legitimizing ideologies

Scholars who create racial classification schemes that use general categories that span a large geographic area (often continents) are known as


A social contract between (most often) 2 individuals and potentially their families that specificity rights and obligations of their unions and their offspring is how anthropologist think of ?


The Nigerian email scams that ask Western strangers for money, and promise reciprocity, can best be understood as

negative reciprocity

"Going native" means that an anthropologist

participates more fully in local life than an observer, becoming romantically or sexually involved with Native people and/or taking on leadership roles in society

A male-dominated political and authority structure and an ideology that privileges males over females overall is called


Some cultures recognize descent in a family lineage only on the father's side (or in the paternal line). This form of descent is referred to as


The residence pattern in which a couple resides with their husband's father's family after marriage is called


The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one man and multiple wives is


The process by which social, economic, and political forces determine the content and importance of racial categories is referred to as

racial formation

Societies that have greater differentiation between individuals and their kin groups, resulting in sumptuary rules that permit higher-status individuals to wear distinctive clothing or other decorations, are called

ranked societies

The three modes of exchange are

reciprocity, market exchange, and redistribution

The accumulation of goods and services by a person or institution for the purpose of dispersal at a later date is


The process by which an inaccurate concept or idea is so heavily promoted and circulated by people that it becomes an unquestioned "truth" is called


Any culturally-designated position a person occupies in a particular setting is called a/an


The social relations through which human labor is used to transform energy from nature using tools, skills, organization, and knowledge, is called

the mode of production

Matrilineal descent refers to the recognition of descent through

the mother's line only

In Slavonia, where the chapter author (Gilliland) conducted research, agricultural households

were very small, with each family living apart from any relatives in nuclear households

Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that

while cultures differ, they are not superior to nor inferior than one another

"Honor killings", such as those committed by conservative Muslims in Pakistan, are a tragic consequence of ?

A family who believes that a female member of their household has shammed them though her sexually.

Which of the following is NOT a major subfield of anthropology in the United States?

Athletic anthropology

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Why doesn't class stratification develop in foraging societies?

Class stratification does exist in foraging societies, only it is kept hidden from nosy anthropologists

Societies with tributary production generally share which of the following features?

Communities of kin own and work the land; tribute collected is exchanged with the producers and reinvested into other kin-based communities

What is the most common form of family structure cross-culturally

Extended family

The often unnoticed system of rights and privileges that accompany normantaite sexual choices and family formation is called


Which statement best represents the practice of horticulture?

Horticulturalists move their gardens periodically, use simple tools, and largely consume their own crops

General purpose money is

-a medium of exchange for all kinds of goods and services -a way to assign interchangeable values -a tool for storing wealth

After marriage in Dobu, Papua New Guinea, couples would practice bilocal residence, meaning they would

-alternate years living in the husband's village and in the wife's village -separate, with the husband living in his own village and the wife living in hers -build homes in two villages and move between them weekly in order to develop their presence in both

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 7/8

Chapter 7/8

It has been argued that "black" athletes are naturally gifted runners and jumpers due to benefits passed down from their enslaved ancestors. What does the evidence say about this claim?

If we look at other sports, such as the high jump, one can see that "white" athletes from U.S. and Western Europe dominate; it is clearly cultural and social supports that create excellence in groups of people, not genetics.

Parenthood and other kinship roles and relationships are rooted in ?

-legal relationships -cultural expectations -social roles

How can we best understand the use of the term "dialect?"

A dialect is a variation of a language, usually distributed across geographic regions, that is considered lower in social and political prestige to another "standard" variety.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 3/4

Chapter 3/4

Sharing of food and other resources among members of foraging groups

Is a survival strategy that reinforces social equality and helps the group get through times of scarcity

Among people who self-identify as "white," one aspect of their lives tends to influence their experience of society and the advantages conferred, more than other aspects. This important feature is

socio-economic status (social class)

The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one woman and multiple husbands is

sororal polygyny

The idea that a U.S. bride would wear a white dress to her wedding, but a Chinese bride would wear red, relies on the __________ meaning of colors in different cultures.


The field of linguistics that focuses on the study of the meanings of words and other morphemes, as well as how the meanings of phrases derive from them is called


Medical anthropologists

undertake both applied and theoretical anthropology. draw on all four subdisciplines of anthropology. explore the environmental, social, and cultural conditions that impact the experience of illnes.

Anthropologist Eric Wolf argued that human consciousness is determined by this basic human activity


Gifts that are given without agreeing upon the exact value of the gift, nor the time frame within which it should be returned, demonstrates

generalized reciprocity

Which vitamin, important for healthy bone growth, does sunlight help produce?

Vitamin D

The old stereotypes of primates as living in male-centered, male-dominated groups came from 1960's research on ?

baboon groups led by males, established by force, who provided internal and external defense of the "troop"

Which of the following would likely NOT be utilized by an archeologist doing research?


At Halloween each year, the author joins in giving out handfuls of candy to neighborhood children. This type of reciprocity is not

balanced generic productive

The Kula Ring of the Trobriand Islands, a ceremonial exchange of arm bands and necklaces, best illustrates

balanced reciprocity

The most common form of descent pattern practiced in the United States is referred to as


Most often, ethnographers include in their writing

both emic and etic perspectives

A child born into a traditional Croatian family will use different terms to refer to their mother's brother and father's brother as a reflection of

the different roles that these uncles play in a child's life based on an earlier agricultural lifestyle

Sometimes an anthropologist does research on a particular group in order to lend their expertise to help fight for justice and equality for that group. In your text, this approach to research is called

Activist Anthropology

The cultivation of domesticated plants and animals using technologies such as irrigation, draft animals, mechanization, and chemical inputs such as fertilizers is known as


What is armchair anthropology?

An approach that uses the stories and experiences of others to measure other cultures from one's own (superior) vantage point

What do paleoanthropologists study?

Ancient human relatives

How do anthropologists today evaluate Marshall Sahlins' statement that foragers are "the original affluent society?"

Anthropologists know that foragers' work and leisure time depends on the availability of resources, making this statement overly romantic

According to the authors, in the story of Gulliver's Travels, which character(s) becomes The Other?

Both Gulliver and the Lilliputians

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Henry Morgan's argument that all societies "progress" through the same stages of development (savagery, barbarism, civilization) is an example of what type of thinking?


One of the main differences between the anthropology that developed in the 19th and early 20th centuries in North America and Europe was that

European anthropology focused more on social institutions (such as family or political organizations), and how they interact with culture

What was the eventual result of the debate within the American Anthropological Association (AAA) over Napoleon Chagnon's actions among the Yanomami?

He was found to be free of all charges, and exonerated.

Who wrote the book commonly known as Al Rihla, considered to be among the first examples of early pre-anthropological writing?

Ibn Battuta

In order to study the similarities and differences among living societies and cultural groups, what must cultural anthropologists do?

Immersive fieldwork

How do anthropologists understand the concept of The Other?

It is a term that describes people whose customs, beliefs, or behaviors are different from one's own; an outsider or stranger

What is ethnocentrism?

It is the belief that one's own culture is better than others

Which of the following does NOT describe culture?

It is the genetic range of a society or subgroup

Biological anthropology and archaeology use what kind of approach to research?


How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?

Ordinary people could learn the "truth" through observation and experience

The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?


What term is used to refer to the immersive, long-term research that cultural anthropologists undertake?

Participant-observation fieldwork

Which of the following subsistence activities is an example of a delayed return system?

Planting seeds

What is the most accurate relationship between subsistence activities and other aspects of society?

Subsistence activities are linked to kinship, because family members play an essential role in providing food for the household Subsistence activities play a role in religious belief systems, such as what rituals are performed to ensure a steady food supply Subsistence activities and economics are tightly interwoven through production and exchange of food items

In the Trobriand Islands, which of the following best represents the relationship between people and their yams?

Women own the yams, and men share what they grow with women Yams are believed to be living beings with minds of their own who may wander away at night if they are not charmed into place with magic A large yam pile in a man's house demonstrates he is well-liked and maintains his relationships in the community

Code-switching is a speech act in which

a speaker uses several language varieties in a particular interaction

Rarely, foraging groups may become sedentary instead of nomadic. This is possible when

abundant natural resources create a food surplus, allowing some members of society to pursue other occupations than foraging

In cultural anthropology, the term "belief" refers to

all mental aspects of culture

Anthropologist Bob Myers argues that

anthropology seeks to illustrate the potential for human life. anthropology seeks to demonstrate that the way of doing things we know best is neither normal nor necessarily right. anthropology does not seek to exoticize those who live differently from us.

The study of human origins, evolution, and variation is known as

biological anthropology

The term that anthropologists use to quantify the number of calories that can be extracted from a particular unit of land to support a human population is

carrying capacity

The communication of animals using sounds and visual cues (such as color changes, expressions, or body movements) is referred to as a

closed system

The American Anthropological Association's (AAA) Code of Ethics specifies all of the following guidelines EXCEPT

complete your research by any means necessary

The "three sisters" crops of the New World are

corn (maize), beans, and squash

The principle that a culture must be understood on its own terms rather than compared to an outsider's standard is called

cultural relativism

The best horticultural crops are

easy to grow, store, and distribute

The idea that one's own group is better than any other is called


The in-depth study of everyday practices and lives of a people is referred to as


The controversial diary of Malinowski, written while he was doing fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands, was published after his death. Although we cannot ask him to explain, one of the lessons that we learned from the diary was that

even important ethnographers in the discipline's history may have been deeply prejudiced personally against their study participants

All of the following are true about foragers EXCEPT

foragers typically raise animals in order to supplement their protein with animal milk

A mode of subsistence defined by it reliance on wild plant and animal food resources already available in the environment is called


A cultural anthropologist studying the meaning of marriage in a small village in India might consider local gender norms, existing family networks, laws regarding marriage, religious rules, and economic factors. This is an example of


In English, we say: "I love you." In Spanish, there are many ways of conveying different types of love, such as te quiero, te amo, and te adoro. These differences are an example of

how language may influence our views of the world

The term for all forms of human body language is


In Maasai pastoralist society, women

manage the cattle and other domestic duties, but do not own their cattle

The theory of functionalism, as used by Malinowski, understood that cultural traditions developed as a result of

the need to regulate specific human needs, such as food, safety, reproduction, and livelihood

In a pastoralist society, wealth and status are measured by

the number of animals a person owns

n the book Darkness in El Dorado (2000), Patrick Tierney published a book in which he aimed to expose the practices of two ethnographers who worked among the Yanomami of the Amazonian rainforest. He made all of the following claims against Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel EXCEPT

they introduced cigarettes, creating an epidemic of lung cancer

Pastoralists raise animals in order to

use animal dung for fuel for their cooking fires utilize the food products of the animal use the fur and wool of animals for warmth and clothing

Thomas Malthus' idea that connects population and resources basically argues that

without something to slow it down, a population will grow faster than the resources that the environment can provide

To which of the following groups can anthropology contribute important forms of knowledge?

Feminist movements LGBTQ movements Indigenous movements

The four modes of subsistence recognized by anthropologists are

Foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture

Darjeeling tea companies are marketing their product with labeling practices that appeal to Western consumers. Meanwhile, the workers who pick tea leaves in Darjeeling, India

still work within a highly unequal system in which they rely on plantation owners for pay, food, housing, and medical care

A form of violence in which a social structure or institution harms people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs is called

structural violence

Marriage to a succession of spouses one after the other is called

serial monogamy

A Japanese person of Buraku descent (Burakumin) can be distinguished from non-Buraku Japanese by

social stigma based on ancestry

Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to

understand another person's beliefs and behaviors from the perspective of their culture rather than our own

The general idea of Chomsky's Universal Grammar is that

all normally developing human infants have an innate ability to acquire the language(s) used around them

Scholars who create localized, regional racial classification schemes which attempt to be more "precise" are known as


Which of the following social supports leads to the development of athletes who excel in a particular sport?

-A strong cultural preference for the sport -A high degree of prestige for those who excel -Social and economic opportunities within the sport, especially for youth

How did the 19th and mid-20th century belief systems in the US classify gender and sexually?

-Homosexuality was the thought of appropriate gender role behavior, such as "effeminate" men or "butch" women -Masculine men and feminine women are assumed to be the "natural" gender expressions for each gender -heterosexuality was thought to be "normal" and "natural"

The oralist approach to the education of Deaf and hard-of-hearing people

-is criticized by members of the Deaf community as a threat to Deaf culture -attempts to prevent Deaf children from using signed languages and teach them to blend in to the hearing community by lip reading -approaches deafness as a medical disability, an idea the Deaf community does not share

Which subfield of anthropology aims to solve specific practical problems in collaboration with governmental, non-profit, and community organizations?

Applied anthropology

What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?


According to Wolf's typology, the three distinct modes of production are

capitalist, reciprocal, and redistributive

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