Anthropology: FINAL EXAM

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Nanderthals are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

Small brow ridge

Of the following, which is not a consequence of intensive agriculture?

Smaller population groups

Which of the following is not a distribution system?


The order Primates is usually into two suborders: the haplorhini and the _______


The study of the geological and biological process that accumulate, modify, and bury remains is known as


The enviromental change that is associated with the apperance of bipedal hominins in Africa is

The forest giving way to woodlands and grasslands, the formation of lakes, a warming up of the climite= *All of the above*

The individual history of objects show....

The part of objects thst we in the United States focus on: objects representing a specfic time, the specfic history (because it has somebody who made it), as well as how the museum aquired it, and the history of how its interpretations have changed over time (Outsiders and the cultural themselves) This is the stories that we tell when we use objects in displays

The evolution of bipedalism in hominins involved changes in all of the following EXCEPT:

The size of the brain

The context of an artifact is

The spacial and temporal assocation between and among artifacts

Ecidence for possible ritualistic behavior among Homo erectus inclues

The use of red orche

How do cultural objects end up in museums?

There is a history of inequality in power relationships, meaning one clture had power over another and were able to make decisions EX: In the Box of Treasures the Canadian gov. decided to outlaw the potlatch and reinforced this by taking the masks away

A lot of cultural objects end up in the hands of privite collecters because....

They have market value and are seen as status symbols and visually express wealth (esp. true for art) *EX:* If I had an orginal Picasso

Objects are Mutidimentional meaning....

They represent a specfic time and have a specfic history in them; Even if they are going to be used in modern context, they still represent a specfic tradition

The "struggle for existence" was first proposed by ________ to explain the natural regulation of animal population size

Thomas Malthus

Acclimatization does not require changes in the genotype *TF*


Archaeological evidence of domestication is when there is evidence that plants and animals show a difference from wild plants plants and animals *TF*


Australopithecus afarensis had large, ape-like canines *TF*


Bride price is common in sociieties when women contribute a great deal to primary subissence activities *TF*


Carolus Linnaues developed a classification system for animals and plants *TF*


Collecting ethnographic objects can lead to a shortage of native religious objects *TF*


Dawarfism is a known phenomenon in isolated populations with no predators *TF*


Dowary is a marriage economic transaction that does not represent kin to kin transactions *TF*


Fossilization results in a biased and incomplete sample *TF*


Genetic recombination occurs through seggragation and crossing over *TF*


In polygamous societies, most men are still monogamus *TF*


In societies with unilineal descent, some very close biological relatives are excluded from one's kin group *TF*


Kinship terminology systems reflect the prevailing kind of family, residency, and desccent rules *TF*


Meiosis occurs only in sex cells *TF*


NAGPRA protects Native American archaological sites that have not yet been excavated *TF*


Neanderthal culture is similiar to that of early modern humans *TF*


Norms are standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior *TF*


Sharing is more likely when resources are unpredictable *TF*


The Great Chain of Being is hierarchical sequence *TF*


The Omaha, Crow, Iroquois, and Sudanse kinship terminology systems all distingiush between mother's and father's side of the family *TF*


The relatively large hominin species in Africa between 4 mya and 1.8 mya can be explained as an adaptive radiation of small bipedal homininspecies *TF*


The result of cultures interaction with biology throughout human evolutionary history is known as biocultural evolution *TF*


The wealth differential among people in egalitarian socities is very small *TF*


When analyzing fossil bones, cut marks on top of teeth marks would be considered evidence of hominid scavenging *TF*


The concept of ________ suggested that earth is constantly subject to shaping and reshaping by natural forces working over vast stretches of time


Which of the following is required for Natural Selection to occur?

Varation in the species, time, seletive advantage of certain traits= *All of the above*

Traditionally, objects are interpreted by ________ but are ________ in orgin

Westerners; non western therefore western interpratations are viewd to the ublic over and over

Aesthetic's in cultural objects can be defined as....

What is considered attractive, what colors go together, whether or not the colors have a meaning to the culture

A long post-partum sex taboo is most likely

Where people depend on crops that are low in protein

One example of convergent evolution is

Wing of bats/wings of birds

Sikle cell anemia is caused by

a defect in the hemoglobin

Which of the following is a trace fossil?

a footprint

In patrilineal descent systems

a man's sons' childern are in his descent group

______ involes physiological adjustments to the eniroment


Gracile australopithecines include all of the following except


Robust australopithecines include all of the following except


The term "totem" refers to

an animal or plant name used to refer to a kin group

Individual families in pastrol societies are most likely to own


Fossil hominins that display a mix of erectus-like and sapiens-like traits are called

archaic sapiens

Contemporary food collectors

are relics of the past, have no interaction with the modern world, live in all types of enviroments= *None of the Above*

Many individuals have difficulty digesting milk because

as adults, they lack the enzyme lactase

Which is the least common form of residence pattern?


Most people in the United States practice which kinship system?


Which of the following hominin characteristics came first?


Of the following, which is the most common economic marriage transaction?

bride price

Which is the second most common form of economic transaction at marriage?

bride service

The idel cultural patterns of society

consist of the ideas people have about how they ought to behave

In patrilocal residence, who leaves the hosehold so the married couple lives with or near the husband's parents


With patrilineal descent, a man belongs to the same descent as his


Functions of kin (descent) groups include

deciding who you will marry, assigining land for use in horticulture, siding with you during a quarrel= *All of the Above*

Sharing is most common in

egalitarian societies

The probability that an individual will change class levels in an open class system is

extremely low

Evidence of human activity is called a


The subsistence strategy that characterized most of human history was

food collection

Which subistence strategies results in the LEAST amount of time spent in subsistence activities?


An inderect form of _______ is taxation

forced labor

The custom of allowing one man to marry more than one woman is

found in most societies anthropologists have studied

When goods and services are given to another without any apparent expectation of a return gift, we call it

generalized reciprocity

Mendal's units of heredity what we now call


The Genetic makeup of a pea plant is known as its


As understood by anthropologists, horticulture includes all of the following EXCEPT

greenhouses for growing plants

Which of the following is not a stated explanation for marriage?

guarenteed sexual satisfaction

The horse drawn plow is associated with which subistence activity?

intensive agriculture

The Church can be seen as part of the orgins of musems because

it collected and commissioned works of art, it collected and display relics, it collected objects from other countries during the crusades= *All of the Above*

In a matrilocal society,

males frequently exercise power in their kin groups.

_______ is the main evidence used by the Single Orgin or "Out of Africa" theorists to support their theory for the orgin of homo sapiens sapiens

mtDNA studies

______ is the source of all new varation in species


The main process that increases the frequency of adaptive traits through time is called

natural selection

The form of marital residence in which the married couples lives apart from the relatives of both spouses is


Looking at a worldwide scale there are fewer ________ museums


Which is the most common form of marital residence?


Which of the following forms of marriage is the rarest?


Bride __________ is a gift of money or goods from the groom or his kin to the bride's kin.


Fossils are


The two general catagories of dating are absolute and


Giving and taking without the use of money is characteristic of


Which of the following is not a characteristic of food-collecting societies?

recognition of individual rights to land

_______ is the accumulation of goods by a particular person, or in particular place, for the purpose of subsequent distribution


Of the following, which is not a consequence pf horticulture?

strict egalitarianism

To explain the Hebrew prohibition against pork as a reaction to pigs not fitting sterotypes about how animals behave is a ____________ explanation


which region are hunter-gatherers least likely to be found today?

temperate climates

Objects are important to culture because....

they give power to the culture, they can help the culture continue if they are used

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


By "market exchange" anthropologists mean

transactions in which prices are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transaction takes place in the market place

The concept of the IQ test was first developed by Alfred Binet

was desinged to measure age-related activities

Patrilocal residency means

A man's wife is an outsider, there is a group of men realatives who have grown up togther, authority is strongly vested in the male line= *All of the Above*

What is a potlatch and why is it important?

A native party/celebration that is important to express cultural vales and joy

Which of the following is NOT a hominod chateristic?

A tail

The tool tradition idenified with Homo erectus is the


The oldest fossil hominins are found in


________ descent affiliates an individual with kin related to him either through men or through women?


Each member of a gene pair or group is called ______

An allele

Which is not put forth as a possible reason for broad-spectrum collecting?

Average height of the population

Which kinship system is ego-centered; hence it varies with different points of reference (except brothers and sisters)?


What is the design of the U'Mista Cultural Center?

Blending past and present with a triditional big house space in which to repatriate the potlatch collection

Which of following men did NOT believe in change to the natural word?

Carolus Linnaeus

Genes are located on rope-like strutures called


_______ is the exchange of sections of chromosomes between one chromosome and another


Which system of kinship terminology has been called the mirrior image of the Omha system?


The Cultural Constrution of Meaning is...

Culture determines what something means; the culture determines what the meaning is and the meaning of certain objects can be an important way of materially expressing meaning

What is the focus of the cultural center U'Mista?

Efforts to strengthen the culture, language, and history that were nearly lost

In what geographical regions are Neanderthals found?

Europe and the Middle East

Affinal kin are kin related by blood *TF*


All evidence supports the theory that hominids at Olduvia Gorge were hunters *TF*


Ambilineal descent is a type of unilineal descent *TF*


Among hunters and gatherers there is usually no division of labor in food collecting *TF*


Biological variation is uniformly distributed to any species *TF*


Bishop James Ussher determined that the earth was millions of years old *TF*


Cultural realiativism is regarding other cultures as inferior *TF*


Endogomy is marriage outside of your local community, clan, or tribe *TF*


Ethnocentrism is regarding other cultures is superior to yours *TF*


Exchanges of equal value are known as a generalize reciprocity *TF*


Food collectors often suffer from famine and food shortage *TF*


Food collectors who rely on fishing tend to be more egalitarian *TF*


Homo habilis is the first hominin species to be anatomically modern from the neck down *TF*


Humans are the only primates that make and use tools *TF*


If a society prefers cousin marriages, then it usually parallel cousins who marry *TF*


In DNA, aderine is the complimitary base to cytosine *TF*


Lactose intoerance occurs in greatest frequencies among populations with a pastoralist background *TF*


Money is a medium of exchange that is always inherently valuable *TF*


Monogmy is cross-culturally the most common form of marriage *TF*


Mosic Evoluation means that all funtional systems evolve at the same rate *TF*


Mutations are always adaptive *TF*


Natral selection produces variation in a population *TF*


Paranthropus boisei had a sagittal keel


Polyandry is one man married to more than one woman *TF*


The Australopithecines are lage bodied, bipedal homminids *TF*


The Hawaiian kinship terminology system is only associated with the bilateral kinship descent system *TF*


The Push-Pull Model suggests that populations were pushed into agriculture by changes in the enviroment while at the same time being pulled toward agriculture by their increases in their population size *TF*


The Yonger Dryas is a period of sudden warming in the post-ice age world *TF*


The different distribution systems rarely coexist in a society *TF*


The exchange of genetic material from one breeding population to another is known as genetic drift *TF*


The most intresting fact about human skin color is that appears to be no adaptive significance whatsoever to population-level varations in skin color *TF*


The purpose of balanced reciporicity is to develop long term relationships among the participants *TF*


The slash-and-burn technique is often used by intensive agriculturalists *TF*


The studies of mtDNA extracted from the orginal Neanderthal fossil suggest that Neanderthals are directly ancestral to modern humans *TF*


The objects under NAGPRA include

Funeary objects, sacred objects, objects of cultural patrimony= *All of the Above*

Gegor Mendal was a pioneer of the field of ________


The rule that predicts that populations of birds and mammals in warmer climates will have more melanin and therefore darker skin, fur or feathers is known as

Gloger's rule

The Natufians did all of the following EXCEPT:

Grow domesticated grains

Which of the following is the so called "hobbit" fossil found only in Indonesia?

H. floresiensis

Which system of kinship terminology is least complex?


The first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World was

Homo erectus

Anthropoligists speculate that earliest stone tools found in East Africa were made by

Homo habilis

If two genes, or allels, for a trait are the same, the organism is ______ for the trait


When we say that a trait is Mendelian trait we mean that

It is a genetic trait, it is coded for by a single gene, there are only two alleles for the trait= *All of the above*

Anthropology's understanding of skin pigmentation emphasizes that

It is an adaptive response to ultraviolet light

Why was the potlatch outlawed?

It was seen as inappropriate and something that does not belong in today's world therefore, it should remain in the past

The meaning of objects changes over time based on....

It's context (physical and social) *EX*: The Treasure Box shows the masks as a potlatch being something that ended, while U'Mista shows it as a continuing pratice: The orginal people may have stories about them that were not told in musemum the way it's made (naturally changing shape, color etc. because of the material it's made out of

The interpratiotions of objects are going to differ based on...

Legal, moral, and political implications of the objects (Why people battle over who owns the past)

________ is a custom whereby a man is obligated to marry his brother's widow


The archalogical evidence at Terra Amata suggests that H. erectus did all of the following EXCEPT:

Live there during the winter

Large-scale evolutionary changes (e.g, speciation) are termed


If cultural objects are seen as valuable art, this does what?

Makes it harder for the orginal owners to get objects back because they are not wealthy enough to purchase them for use

The context of an object helps to determine the objects

Meaning, as well as how it is protrayed

Which of the following is NOT a haplorine?

Monkeys (Really all of the above)= Monkeys, chimpanzees, tarsiers, and gorillas

Which of the following is NOT a theory about what happened to the Neanderthals?


Why is an argument of "Who Owns the Past" in relation to certain objects

Objects have meaning and power

When the ______ of cultural objects change, usually the ______ of the object changes

Ownership; Context

The development of similiar strutures that occur independently are probably the result of....

Parallel evolution

Which of the following fossil hominins had a sagittal crest?

Paranthropus boisei

The observable apperance of pea plants are called its


_______ study human varation

Physical anthropoligist

In malarial enviroment, natural selection acts on the allele determining hemoglobin

Primarily through differential moratality

Which of the following factors determines how often mutations can arise in a population?

Reprodution rate, population size, mutation rate= *All of the above*


Results in the production of two identical daughter cells

Which of the following is a prosimian?

A lemur

Which of the following Australopithecines had a large, ape-like canine?

Australopithecus afarensis

The earlist fossil that is a definite hominin is

Australopithecus anamensis

What type of wood is the cultural center U'Mista made of?

Cedar logs

Which of the following is not a food prodution system?

Hunting and gathering

How are objects arranged in the cultural center of U'Mista?

In the order they would be seen in a traditional potlatch

Which of the following is NOT a primate trait?

Keen sense of smell

The famous footprints of Australopithecus were found at


What modern problems can Kwakiutl not control?

Modern things like television, cars, and video games make it uncertain about how the children will feel about their native teachings in the future (It is unclear how the teachings will work to influence the children); The logging industry is practically wiped out; The logging industry makes a lot of money on the native lands, while they don't share the profits; Heath care facilities for indians are inadequate; The education system for indians has been inadequate

The United States has ______ museums than other places in the world


The enviromental change that is associated with the appearance of bipedal hominis in Africa is

The forest giving away to woodlands and grasslands, the formation of lakes, a warming up of the climate= *All of the Above*

What is the lifeline of the Kwakiutl?

The ocean: for fishing resources

What does the word U'Mista mean?

The return of something important

What do the Kwakiutl believe are their aborignal rights?

The right to govern themselves, maintain their language, fishing, the right to teach their children, the right to maintain everything that goes on in the community, and the right to control the enviroment that surrounds them

In horticulture, simple techniques are able to yield more food than is available to food collectors *TF*


My mother's brother's son is an example of

a cross cousin

The rise of food production led to

accelerated population growth, declining health, elaboration of material possession= *All of the Above*

Generalized reciprocity is most likely between

close kin

Which of the following charaterizes horticulture?

land worked for short periods and then left idle for some years

Advantages of polygny include

large famillies provide plenty of farm labor and extra food, co-wives help with child care and household work, karge famililies tend to be influential in communities= *All of the Above*

Culture is

learned and shared

A society is practicing which form of stratification when the members of the society have equal access to economic resources and power but not to prestige?


Marriage includes two major factors. These are

sexual and economic considerations.

Marriage to sisters is called

sororate marriage

Marriage is considered a __________ trait by anthropologists because it is practiced by all societies.


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