Anthropology Final Exam

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they are not passed on to children

Languages can easily be lost for many reasons, but mostly because


Many of the ideas and practices of medical researchers and practitioners are influenced by


New evidence suggests that people were hunting big game as long as _________ years ago.


One example of _________ is how far apart people stand when they are having a conversation.

there were at least two separate hominid lines between 3 million and 1 million years ago.

Paleoanthropologists disagree about our ancestors, but they do agree


Primates with monkey and apelike features appeared in the _______epoch, about 34 million years ago.


Settled life is called

generalized reciprocity as the primary form of exchange.

Social stratification may be less likely in societies with

also punish premarital and extramarital sex.

Societies that frown on sexual expression by young children


Standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior are referred to by social scientists as


A ________ is a group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language.


About _______ percent of all animal and plant life that lived in the last part of the Cenozoic, the late Cretaceous, vanished by the early Paleocene.

the hands were freed for other tasks.

All of the following are "costs" of bipedalism except

organized and worked together

An archaeological site in Colorado shows that early hunters were


Anthropologist Donald Johanson found 40 percent of the skeleton of a female hominid at Hadar, which he named __________ after the Beatles song

emerged relatively recently in human history.

Anthropologists are reasonably certain that social stratification

assembling data relevant to a program. assessing the likely social and environmental impact of particular plans. monitoring the effects of a program.

Applied or practicing anthropologists may be involved in all of the following except

difference from

Archaeologists speak of domestication only when there is evidence that plants and animals show a ______ wild plants and animals.

studying ancient food wastes, looking at charred remains of cooking fires, and examining coprolites

Archaeologists study what ancient peoples ate by


Archaic peoples of North America began to follow a more ______ lifestyle.

making anthropological knowledge useful.

As a profession, applied or practicing anthropology is explicitly concerned with

Drachenloch cave

At _____________, a stack of seven bear skulls was found with evidence of Neandertal habitation.

Middle Stone Age

The Neandertal period in Africa is called the


The ___________scenario has the clearest archaeological evidence to support it.


The belief in souls that Tylor considered the earliest form of religion is called


Bride __________ is a gift of money or goods from the groom or his kin to the bride's kin.

membership is by birth. you are in the caste your entire life. marriage is restricted to members of one's own caste.

Caste systems are the most rigid of class systems because

met with a tolerant and permissive attitude in some societies.

Childhood sexual curiosity is

at about the same age in all cultures

Children learn spoken language

3500 BC

Cities first appeared in the Near East about

they recover and preserve the archaeological record before programs of planned change disturb or destroy it.

Cultural resource management archaeologists are a vital part of large-scale programs of change because


Differing adaptations of living primates may suggest why certain ___________ occurred

6000 BC

Domestication in Africa is dated to around

after the rise of food production

Evidence of textile making and painted pottery comes from villages established

consistent erect walking on two feet.

Hominids are distinguished from other primates by


Hominids have a division of labor by


How culture views health and illness is part of its


How many mutually unintelligible languages have been identified?


The famous footprints of Australopithecus were found at


The order Primates is usually subdivided into two suborders: the prosimians and the


The period of culture history known as the Upper Paleolithic dates from about ______ years ago.

Neolithic Revolution

The shift to food production is called the ____________by V. Gordon Childe.


Toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, people got most of their food from

East Africa

Undisputed bipedal early hominids lived in ___________ about 4 million years ago.

nocturnal activity, amount and density of food, competition over resources

What is an important factor that might account for different sizes of primate groups?


________ are very tiny blade tools


A __________ language is one which developed from a pidgin language.


A society is practicing which form of stratification when the members of the society have equal access to economic resources but not to prestige?

our ancestors lost their perches when the forests receded &&& cultural advances such as weapons or fire may have eliminated the need for nightly shelter in the trees.

A theory as to why hominids are completely terrestrial compared to other primates is

Early Homo

Anthropologists speculate that early stone tools found in East Africa were made by

human primate

Anthropologists study primates primarily to understand the behavior and evolution of the


Anthropologists who call themselves applied or practicing anthropologists are not usually employed in which setting?

there is often a difference between ideal behavior and actual behavior, the ideal is based on the way a society used to be, ideal behavior may be what they would like to see as correct behavior.

Anthropologists, when studying culture, try to distinguish actual behavior from ideas about how people ought to feel and behave. This is because

groups of people have substantially greater or lesser access to economic resources and power.

Class societies may have social problems related to economics because

communicate that "this is my territory."

Communication occurs among other animal species as well. Sound is used to say "this is my territory."

societies that have recently suffered severe depopulation.

Cousin marriage is common in


Cro-Magnon first appeared in Europe about _________ years ago.

perhaps hunting shifted from large to small prey and dogs were useful tracking game, perhaps they could retrieve killed game from bodies of water, perhaps they could serve as alarm-givers if predators came close

Dogs were the first animals domesticated, about 15,000 years ago. Why?


Early New World hunters were called

people's speculation about dreams, trances, and death.

Edward Tyler hypothesized that religion grew out of

a supernatural force residing in some people and objects.

For anthropologists, the term mana refers to

social class

For many diseases, health problems, and death rates, incidence or relative frequency varies directly with

learned and commonly shared

For something to be cultural, it must be


Generally, the greater the sexual dimorphism, the _________ the social dominance of males over females.

yes, from Africa about 6-7 million years ago

Has the fossil evidence told us where and when hominids first emerged?


Homo erectus dates from ________ million years ago

sexual dimorphism

Humans display __________. That is, the females and males of the species exhibit fairly marked differences in size and appearance.


In Oman, there is a third gender role called


In a cross-cultural study of 139 societies, George P. Murdock found that __________ societies did not have the belief that gods or spirits could cause illness.

random sampling

In discovering cultural patterns, it is sometimes necessary to conduct surveys. What sampling technique is necessary to guarantee a representative sample?

close relatives

In most societies, ghosts resemble

24 months

In most societies, what is the average length of time for a mother to breastfeed her child?


In which type of societies are women most likely to contribute more than men to primary subsistence?

marriage solves problems found in society. it helps share the products of the division of labor. it helps to care for infants.

It appears that all human societies have the custom of marriage. Why is this?

late Paleocene and early Eocene

Large trees with large fruits and seeds became common during the _________ epochs

good or for evil

Magic is used in a number of societies to manipulate the supernatural. The purpose of this manipulation is for

is considered superior to heterosexual behavior among the Etoro of New Guinea.

Male homosexual behavior

sexual and economic considerations

Marriage includes two major factors. These are


Marriage is considered a __________ trait by anthropologists because it is practiced by all societies.


Modern industrial societies are noted for having disparate access to economic resources and prestige. What type of stratification exists in these societies?

fertile crescent

Most archaeologists believe that the __________ was one of the earliest centers of plant and animal domestication.


Native Americans originally came from

corn grinding

Of the following, which is not a primary subsistence activity?

cultural behavior is not innate and it has to be learned

One of the biggest differences between culture and other forms of animal behavior is that in culture, it is learned and shared. Why is this so?

proportion of an animal's life span spent in childhood.

One of the indications of how much an animal depends on learned behavior for survival is the

of the size of our brains and the presence of vocal cords.

Only modern humans have spoken, symbolic language because

when there are considerable differences in wealth in a society.

People tend to be punished by gods for immoral behavior

with balanced sex ratios

Polygyny is least likely in societies

actively encouraged in some societies

Premarital sex is


Primate paleontologists think that primates probably evolved from the ________ order of mammals.

more time to observe and learn complex behaviors essential to survival.

Primates have a fairly long dependency period which allows them


Recent finds in South Africa date Homo sapiens to about __________ years ago.


Religion deals with the

a child is equipped from birth with the capacity to reproduce all the sounds in the world's languages. at six months, a child can distinguish hundreds of consonants and vowels. by one year old, a child will recognize the sound clusters of their caretakers.

Research on young children has revealed interesting insights into language acquisition. They include

to facilitate recurrent food collecting and processing

Richard Potts suggests that caches of stone tools and stones for tool making were left at various sites in East Africa

the ingestion of hallucinogens.

Some scholars have explained the epidemics of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, as a response to

the traits that make up culture are adjusted to, or consistent with, one another.

Sometimes it appears that culture is random, but in fact it is integrated. What makes it integrated?

language is a force in its own right, that it affects how individuals in a society perceive and conceive reality.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that

Monte Verde

The ________ site in Chile suggests that humans got to South America by about 12,500 to 33,000 years ago.

cultural relativism

The anthropological attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be described objectively and understood in the context of that society's problems and opportunities is called


The average size of the brain of Homo sapiens is _________ cc


The best known genus of proto-ape from the early Miocene is


The earliest writing systems are about _____ years old.

the anthropologist must not take any action that is harmful to the interests of the community.

The ethics of applied anthropologists requires that


The first clear evidence of stone tools appears more than _______ million years after the appearance of bipedalism

a young child

The fossil that Raymond Dart discovered was that of

generally reflect the way a society was in the past.

The ideal cultural patterns of a society

The domestication of plants and animals

The innovation having the most lasting importance for humans, both in the Old and New Worlds was

can allow important inferences to be made about behavioral and physical traits likely to be associated with primate fossil features.

The knowledge gained from anatomical studies of living species


The largest of the surviving apes are

people settling down

The population of the world seems to have increased dramatically as a result of

is full of diversity

The primate fossil record

accelerated population growth, declining health, and elaboration of material possessions

The rise of food production led to

Dolni Vestonice

The site of ______________, dating to about 25,000 years ago, in the Czech Republic is one of the first for which there is an entire settlement plan.

the big toe is not opposed to the other toes

The skeleton of humans differs from that of the great apes in all of the following except


The smallest unit of language that has meaning is a


The spread of __________ aided the rise of primates.


The two main theories about the origin of Modern humans are the single-origin theory and the ___________theory.

code switching

The use of more than one language in the course of conversation is

larger brained bodies

The widening of the female pelvis is related to

it is difficult to explore archaeologically

We do not know when human language emerged because


We know that by the early ______ epoch, primates resembling prosimians had already emerged

Mbuti Pygmies, the Yanomamo, the !Kung

What are three egalitarian societies?

gathering, fishing, hunting

What are three primary subsistence activities?

biological and social

What factors do medical anthropologists think we need to consider if we are to reduce the suffering in human life?

to help solve practical problems

What is the major reason anthropologists are hired by nonacademic organizations?

what we say and how we say it are not predictable by the rules of the English language.

What makes it difficult for a non-native speaker to learn English?

About 75

What percentage of the societies known to anthropologists includes one or more explicit economic transactions that take place before or after a marriage?

lemurs, tarsiers, lorises

What three animals are promians?

animals were driven out of their hiding places into hunters positioned downwind

When Homo erectus hunted they may have used fire. How would this be an advantage?


When we say that a communication is __________, we mean at least two things. First, the communication has meaning even when the referent is not there, and second, the meaning is arbitrary.


Which illness is thought of as a "folk illness"?

two premolars

Which is NOT a characteristic of New World monkeys?

average height of the population

Which is not put forth as a possible reason for broad-spectrum collecting?


Which of the following in NOT a prosimian?

Nimpkish Native Americans

Which of the following societies is not considered to be egalitarian?

monoscopic vision

Which of the following traits do most primates NOT share?

Westermarck's childhood-familiarity theory

Which theory hypothesizes that the taboo for incest is based on sibling association?


Which type of religious practitioner is most likely to be female?

a society with hierarchical political systems

Which type of society is most likely to have a monotheistic religion?

few societies have enough women for polygyny to be widely practiced

While most of the world's societies allow polygyny, most men in these societies are monogamous. Why is that?

fossil evidence shows what looks like planned burial sites

Why do we think it possible that Neandertals had funeral rituals?

as the continents changed position, they affected climate

Why is continental drift an important event for explaining the different climates of the past?


_________ is the main evidence used by the multiregional theorists to support their theory.


__________ are generally full-time male specialists who officiate at public events.

Ethnographic analogy

____________ looks at how a tool similar to one found in the past is used by people today.

Matt Cartmill

______________ highlighted some weaknesses in the arboreal theory.

replaceable blades, the spear thrower, and the bow and arrow

A new invention of the Upper Paleolithic was


A person who judges other cultures solely in terms of his or her own culture is said to be

many important/supreme

A polytheistic religion recognizes __________ gods, not one of which is __________.


If a language has a basic color term for "yellow," it is most likely also to have a color term for

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