Anthropology test 3

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7 sexes

- male: penis and testes female: vulva and ovaries -male pseudohermaphrodite: vulva and testes -female pseudohermaphrodite: penis an dovaries -Hermaphrodite: both penis and vulva both testes and ovaries Gonadal disgenetic: vulva but no ovaries Asexual: neither penis nor vulva -formal term for people that are not a standard sex are Intersex

kinship systems

-Hawaiian: ambilineal recognizes sex and generation -Eskimo: bilateral, recognizes sex, generation, and lineal vs collateral. Nacirema use eskimo. -Iroquois: unilineal, recognizes sex, generation,a nd mothers kin vs fathers kin but not linial vs collatera -crow and omaha: unilineal with clans, recognize sex, generation, 4 important clans -sudanese: recognizes all distinctions, use descriptive terms "fathers sisters son" not "cousin".

language endagerment/death

-The heritage: 7000 languages spoken today. Each language is a reflection of the heritage and culture it comes from. -Language endangerment: it is endangered if it is no longer learned by the children of that population. HOW? splitting up and transplanting a group can endanger language. When a community comes face to face with a stronger language group. Environmental destruction by a dominate culture can also destroy language. and catastrophes and epidemics! - can be saved by a language policy -Australia and India have seen endangerment. -language death: when they were conquered or a natural disaster wiped out those who knew the language.


-agricultural and industrial societies -leaders have the power to force people to do things -wealthy have high prestige -open class: people can move between classes -closed class: can only stay in the class you were born into -open classes in nacirema society -the caste system of india: caste is a hereditary class. 5 main groups; 1. brahmins: preists and teachers Kshatriyas: rulers and osliers Vaishyas: farmers and merchants Shudras: laborers Dalits: street sweepers and latrine cleaners

food gathering social group

-band: 25-50 people -bilateral kinship: both mothers and fathers family are kin -mobile: groups move around a lot -individuals, families can change groups -Neolocal residence: husband and wife live separate from their parents


-both domestic plants and animals -most common subsistence in the world today -men tend crops and animals -women tend home and children -gender stratified: women less valued -sedentary -highest birth rates and pop sizes -extreme differences in wealth and prestige -appeared soon after neolithic revolution as horticulture and pastoralis merged -maybe trade or conquering led to integration -lot of refinements to ag: use of irrigation, plow and fertilizer

political group types

-centralized: cheifdom and state -decentralized: band and tribe -the us is both of these buut mostly centralized -THE HEADMAN: leader of decentralized group, leads by persuation, has no coercive power, chosen by merit age or kin, use vote or consensus to make decisions, can leave group if they disagree -THE BAND: small, members related by kin, no stable membership (can come and go), no stable territory, exogamous, found in food gathering, oldest type -THE TRIBE: large, loosely organized united by some sort of principal, often involve making and breaking alliances, headman is leader of most powerful kin group in tribe, social conflict handled by kin groups, thought to have emerged in late mesolithic early neolithic, found in horticulture and pastoralist/agriculture


-cultural definition of sex and how they function in society. cultural construct. -Nacirema is a two gender society -strength theory: men are stronger -child care theory: women should be the primary care givers bc they lactate -economy of effort: by gender one gender knows more than another -expendability: men are more expendable because a single man can impregnate more women. gender stratification: how much value attributed to a gender in society -gender status in melanesia: behind every big man is a big woman


-domesticated animals but no domesticated crops -commen in central asia and eastern africa. common in historic and modern times -division of labor by sex: men heard animals, women cook clean and tend babies, women valued less and much gender stratification. -nomadic because herds followed -can accumulate possesions because you can have pack animals -larger heard and more possesions means wealth and prestige -children especially sons are desired, large pop split into smaller groups -animals domesticated about 10KY ago by final paleolithic peoples


-domesticated crops but no animals -rare today because most groups have pigs or chickens -slash and burn technique (swidden) : cut down and burn crops to use ashes as fertile soil. division of labor by sex: women tend to the crops, men hunt animals, everyone shares, no gender stratification. -more sedentary because they stay in place where their crops are. -they can accumulate more belongings, wealth, and prestige -children are desired because they can help tend crops -evolution of horticulture: invented 10Ky by mesolithic broad-based foragers -people disagree whether population size caused horticuture or if horticulture cause population growth

What resources are important to groups

-food, water, land, materials for houses clothing and tools. -cultural resources: family, relatives, friends. People who you buy resources from, educational resources, ways to deal and settle disputes.


-formed by marriage and consist of the husbands and wifes kin. -large and get larger with each generation

centralized systems

-found in larger more complex ranked and class societies -Leader is a chief (usually inherited or earned by merit) -king groups ranked: highest is chiefs kin -STATE: class societies, found in large complex and civilized societies. Kinship is less important, state has absolute power, social infractions are crimes against the state, bureaucracy, kinship is weaker, appeared in bronze age or late Neolithic, nation states evolved by conquest -Multistate societies: modern term for an empire (unincorporated territories)

rank societies

-groups differ in prestige but do not differ in wealth and power. -horticulture societies can be egalitarian or ranked based on inheritance of land. -pastoralists are overwhlemingly ranked -leadership is a chief, usually handed down by lineage. esssentially an inherited headman -

mechanisms of social control

-internal: limit unsocial behavior without intervention from leadership (fear of punishment, morals and ethics) -external: unsocial behavior is limited by sanctions or fear of sanctions (police, jail time, guns) -There are negative sanctions (jail) and positive sanctions (prestige, monetary reward)!

Leadership: every group or association has a leader of some sort

-leadership=dominance -functions: control access to resources, social control (control individual behavior) and ability to seek and receive justice, set policy and goals.

A normative approach

-many things about culture seem to be packages -combinations of social and ideological aspects of culture seem linked to the subsistance strategy.


-melanesian big man are a type of head man. they earn status by being good at trading. they use art as persuasion and are good at sharing. -most food gathering societys are egalitarian. -elagiltarian: age increases prestige. men and women do different tasks. prestige is not inhereted. everyone has same privelges.


-mismatch between what society considers their gender to be and what they believe their gender truly is. -3rd gender is often considered homosexuality -the hijra kinner are 3rd gender -sexual orientation: sexual preference. sexual orientation: lesbian and gay nonsexual: transsex intersex queer and non binary LGBTIQ -homosexuality is about 4-5% in the US.

evolution of food gathering

-most species are food gatherers 99.9% of human evolution as food gatheres -other subsistance strategies only appear 10ky ago three types of gathering in arch record: scavenging/gathering: homo habilis -big game use: homo erectus AMHSS -broad based foraging: mesolithic

ways to enter marriage

-mutual consent: a couple decides to marry -proof of ability: the man or woman has to prove their ability to be a good husband or wife -arranged: kin groups choose who will marry -cross cousin: preferred spouse: mothers brothers child or fathers sisters child! paralell cousins: discourgaed as a spouse: mothers sisters child or fathers brothers child.

Food gathering way of life

-not as harsh as you think -disadvantages: can only own what you can carry and cant suupor large population advantages: relative freedom from famine, most leisure time of any subsistance strategy, varied and nutritious diets, low levels of disease, great political freedom; egalitarian

types of marriage

-polygyny: a husband has more than one wife -monogamy: one husband, one wife polyandry: a wife has more than one husband -polygyny is the most common ideal marriage type -monogamy most common actual form


-relatives: biological or otherwise -varies among cultures of who people consider to be kin -descent = how your membership in one or more kin group is determined. bilateral: belong to both mother anf father kin, food gathering and industrial societies. unilineal: belongs only to one parents king, found in pastoralist and agricultural societies. -Patrilineal: fathers kin only -Matrilineal: belong to mothers kin only -Ambilineal: get to choose mom or dad

common interest associations

-share common interest or common goal: like volleyball. voluntary or like draft (unvoluntary)


-very new: 200 years ago -agriculture in which more work is done by machines than human/animal power -since it is so new the details of its social effects have not fully taken shape yet -division of labor by sex: mens/womens roles are more based on knowledge and skill than on muscle power -gender stratification is dramatically less -families are very mobile -machines exist to carry possessions -differences in wealth and prestige perhaps similar to agricultural societies.

importance of territory

-villages towns cities societies ocuntries are all defined in terms of geography. -race and kin groups are often geographic -assosication is not based on kinship or territory.

3 things unequaly divided among people

-wealth, power, and prestige. All societies have inequality, its just a question of how much. -egalitarian society: have only weak differences between groups and theres no distinct sub groups (merit based) -rank societies: unequal groups divided into distinct groups with respect to prestige -class society: divided into distinct groups with unequal wealth, power, and prestige.

division of labor by sex in food gathering

-women gather near home: 80% of calories -Men hunt farther from home: critical protein -everybody shares the food they collect -not much gender stratification= differences in value between men and women and their roles

Humans are unusual or unique in having the following.

. Hidden estrus b. Continuous receptivity c. Interest of kin in who has sex with whom d. Interest of society in who has sex with whom e. All of the above.

According to the video on saving Salish, how many tribes speak a dialect of Salish?


1. In the video "Are Five Husbands Better than One?" Kimber McKay found that women are more likely to participate in a polyandrous marriage when ... ANS: c. they were at the beginning of their marital career. 2.In the video "Finding love in arranged marriages" Omar Durrani found that ... ANS: a. Partners in an arranged marriage often find that they love each other. 3. In almost all pastoralist societies and most agricultural societies you will find ____ descent. ANS: a. patrilineal 4. Your mother's sister's husband is ...ANS: d. affinal kin. 5. What kinship type (terminology) do the Nacirema use? ANS: b. Eskimo 6. The form of marriage in which a wife has two or more husbands is called ...d. polyandry

7. Some societies prefer people to marry their cross cousins. The function of this is to ... ANS: b. maintain long term alliances between kin groups. 8. When a woman in a society that has patrilineal descent groups gets married what is her lineage or clan membership for the rest of her life? ANS: a. She remains a member of her father's clan or lineage. 9. An association is defined as ... ANS: c. a group based on kin that live within a certain territory. d. a group not based on kinship or territory. 10. The primary and high school grades, such as 4th grade, 8th grade, etc. in Nacirema society are an example of ..ANS a. age sets. 11. Which of the following is most true? ANS: b. Usually, coming of age ceremonies are harsher for males 12. Which of the following is true of common interest associations? ANS: e. All of the above a. They can be open or closed. b. They can be voluntary or non-voluntary. c. They may or may not have an initiation ritual. d. They consist of people who share a common interest in something.

According to the video on language endangerment, about how many languages are spoken in the world today?


How is the term "Gender Role" defined?

A set of the expected behaviours a society gives to people identifying as aparticular gender.

What is a "Big Woman" in Melanesia?

A woman skilled at raising pigs who supports her husband in his social exchanges.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about how medical anthropologists view biomedicine and ethnomedicine?

Biomedicine and ethnomedicine are both legitimate medicine. Biomedicine is the developed world's version of ethnomedicine.

Which religion is most prevalent in North and South America?

Catholic Christianity

What does the term "Androgeny" mean?

Gender-ambiguous physical appearance (Note:this could be about sex, gender, or a combination of both.)

Which of the branches of Islam is smallest in terms of being practices over the smallest area of the world?

Ibadi Islam

What is the definition of "Transgender" (Note, maybe "Transsex" is better, but I'm uncertain because it includes aspects of both sex and gender.)

Identifying as the opposite gender from the one assigned at birth.

The subsistence strategy in which more work is accomplished by machines than by human or animal muscle power is ...


hat is the definition of "Intersex"?

One whose anatomy, chromosomes, or hormones differ from expected patterns of being strictly biologically male or female. (Note: This is about sex - not gender.)

Which subsistence strategy relies on domestic animals without significant domestic plants?


What is the central ethic of egalitarian societies?


While the map doesn't really show all of Melanesia, it does show New Guinea. As you know, the west half of New Guinea is part of the nation of Indonesia, while the east half is a separate nation called Papua New Guinea. As you also know, there is a great diversity of religion in Melanesia, including many indigenous (folk) religion. However, what does the map say are the predominant religions of New Guinea?

Sunni Islam and Protestant Christianity That's right! Sunni Islam in Indonesia and Protestant Christianity in Papua New Guinea.

What does it mean when we say that kin groups can be "corporate"?

That they own land or other things as a group rather than as individuals.

According to the video on language endangerment what is the main cause of language endangerment and loss?

The impact of an intrusive, powerful, usually metropolitan different culture.

Let's say you park on campus but outside the painted parking spot lines. You get a ticket and pay the ticket. This is an example of using money as ...

a means of payment.

Which of the following best describes ambilineal descent?

a. Descent from either males or females is recognized, but individuals may select only one line to trace descent.

In the United States we recognize a relative that we call a "sister-in-law". The relationship between you and your sister-in-law is ...

a. affinal

The idea that a supernatural power such as a god or gods will punish bad conduct is a form of ...

a. internal social control

What is the leader of a ranked society often called in Anthropology?

a. A chief

Which of the following are global problems faced by the world today?

a. Food and water shortage b. Climate change c. Terrorism d. Crime and war e. All of the above

For which of the following is there good scientific evidence that it has an effect on sexual orientation?

a. Genetic factors b. Hormonal factors c. Intra-uterine environment factors d. Behavioral and psychological factors e. All of the above.

Which of the following statements about the nature of mana or belief in mana is correct?

a. Mana is not a god. b. Mana is the focus of animatism. c. Mana can be gathered and manipulated. d. All societies have some concept of mana. e. All of the above.

Which of the following can be a factor in who becomes a leader in at least some societies?

a. Physical force b. Kinship c. Alliances with non-kin d. All of the above

Which of the following is an anthropological apporach to economy/economics?

a. Political economy b. Cultural ecology c. Economy and labor d. Economy as wealth and prestige ALL OF THEM

Which of the following is a finding from the applied anthropological field of educational anthropology?

a. Sometimes a person's dialect causes them to be treated differently by their teachers and their school. b. Sometimes tests are detrimental to learning. c. Sometimes a person can do poorly on a test even if they know the material well. d. It is better to assess a student's learning some way other than tests if/when possible. e. All of the above

Which of the following is a process that occurs during development?

a. Technological development b. Agricultural development c. Industrialization d. Urbanization e. All of the above

Sorcery is defined by anthropologists as ...

a. attempting to cause a person good or harm by the use of magic.

Kinship is used as an organizing principle in ...

all societies

More than half of the world's societies are ...

b. patrilocal.

In a balence theory of health and disease, disease (illness) results from ...

b. an imbalance in forces or substances within the body

The principal bonds that hold kinship groups together are ...

b. marriage and descent

Which of the following statements is true?

b. Some inequality is found in all societies.

Which of the following is a cross cousin?

b. Your father's sister's child

The advocacy view of the role of anthropologists in making public policy says that ...

b. anthropologists should be involved in making public policy when they have knowledge of its effect on people.

Many societies practice exagamy, which means that a person must marry ..

b. someone who is not a member of their group.

gender based assosiaction/age

big men build big house -us girl sccouts -Mae enga gave bachelors assosciations -immature, adult, elder (non voluntary) -Age sets: grades common rites of passage: coming of age graduation from highschool funeral religious ceremony like baptism -coming of age for females is simpler than mens -coming of age for men is often more severe -land diving and circumcision in vanuatu -age grades: formal categories: retirment, old enough to drive

In which type of descent would a person be considered both a part of their mother's family and a part of their father's family?

c. Bilateral (Bilineal)

In what types of societies are unlineal (patrilineal, matrilineal, ambilineal) descent systems most commonly found?

c. Food gathering, horticultural, and nomadic pastoralist societies that have abundant food and other resources. Correct! Common factors for these types of societies are small populations with adequate food supplies. Until the late 20th century, 60% of all societies traced descent unilineally. Since then, many of these societies have been absorbed by larger societies that practice bilateral (bilineal) descent.

An example of a society that is revitalizing it's endangered indigenous language is ...

c. Salish

The relationship between you and your mother's brother is ...

c. consanguineal. Correct! The word consanguinity comes from the Latin word for blood and refers to kinship ties of biological descent from a shared ancestor.

Question text In avunculocal residence a newly married couple lives with the groom's mother's brother. According the the Palomar quiz this helps ...

c. the mother's brother to teach the husband about leadership roles in matrilineal societies.

In matrilocal residence who does a newly married couple live with?

c. The wife's family

The type of social group found in some decentralized societies; in which there are usually hundreds of members united by shared religion, kinship, etc.; with a headman; in which politics usually revolves around making and breaking alliances between kin groups is a ...

c. tribe.

The type of social group in which kin groups are ranked and the leader is usually a chief is a ...


expanding the matrifocal family

conjugal family: add the womans husband and his other wives. husband only = nuclear fam husband others=extended family consanguineal fam: add the womans relatives Household: the place where the family lives residence: the pattern of where a newly formed family goes to live after marriage neolocal: the new fam lives apart from both husband and wives fam patrilocal: new fam goes to live with husbands fam martilocal:live with wifes family ambilocal: new fam lives with either irrevocable choice -avunvulocal: live with the husbands mother brother where males are head of kin groups traced through females.

According to the Palomar quiz, what is one reason why a particular couple might not follow their society's residence rules?

d. Economic hardship

How many sexes exist for humans when you combine the definition of sex for the genital and gonadal levels?

d. 7

The Nacirema recognize 2 genders. How many genders do other societies recognize?

d. Anywhere between 2 and 5

Which of the following is an example of special purpose money?

d. Kula.

To whom do anthropologists owe primary consideration in their research and other things they do?

d. The people they study

Which of the following statements is true?

d. there are some expressions of mental illness that are only found in certain societies.

Demographic transition theory says that when a society becomes fully economically developed the birth rate ...


Consanguinial Kin are related by _____

descent either lineal or collateral! -lineal relatives: grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren -collateral relatives: uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, cousins. -affinal= related by marriage. aunt sadie

In which subsistence strategy do men typically hunt and women typically gather plant foods?

food gathering

advertising estrus

genital swelling -why do humans have hidden estrus: unknown could have to do with using sex to form relationships -human societies care of relationships (usually kin). -marriage: socially recognized, corporate long term relationship between two persons. exogamy: marry someone not a member of group -endogamy: marry someone who is a member of your group (definiton of group varies maybe clan or village) -functions of marriage: control of sexual access, control of resources, legitamizing and inheritance rights of offspring, and economic political taxation issues.

One of the reasons why open defecation is common in India and Nepal is ...

in the relgion of these countries (Hinduism) handling feces is seen as ritually unclean

Besides Nepal, where would you find Hinduism to be the prevalent religion?


A religion's holy writings such as the Bible, the Vedas, the Quran, etc. are part of the religion's ...

narrative system

A type of religion in which the people believe in several gods and/or goddesses is known as ...


Which of the following is unequal in ranked societies?

power prestige wealth

Cultural resource management is a field of applied anthropology that focuses on ...

protection of the archaeological record (archaeological sites) when it is threatened with destruction.


small and highly organized groups members traced through one sex. -corporate -strict resident requirments -ancestry traced through legitamate marriages

A "normative approach" to something in anthropology focuses on ...

statistical patterns in relationships between things.


subsistance: the way people get their food: 5 of them 1. food gathering: males hunt and females gather. everyone shares the food that they find. Hadza of tanzania. This is the simplest and oldest strategy. 2. horticulture 3. pastorlaism 4. agriculture 5.industrialism

Acculturation is ...

the situation where a dominant society's culture is imposed upon a subjugated society.

biological phenomenon of sex

what is a persons sex: binary terms are male and female -There are actually 7 sexes -fundamental level: those with larger gametes are female: true for most humans but not all people produce gametes -chromosomal level: a person with Y chromosome is a male: true for most humans but not all -Genital level: a person with a penis is male: true for most humans but not all -Gonadal level: a person with ovaries is female a

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