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1. Atoms of the same element can vary in atomic weights because________________

1. Atoms of the same element can vary in atomic weights because their number of neutrons may vary.

1. Bonds form when__________________________________________________

1. Bonds form when atoms combine.

1. Chemicals that contain carbon and hydrogen are___________________________

1. Chemicals that contain carbon and hydrogen are organic.

1. Hydrogen ion concentration is typically measured in________________________

1. Hydrogen ion concentration is typically measured in grams of ions per liter of solution.

1. It is not possible to describe a typical cell because____________________________________________

1. It is not possible to describe a typical cell because cells vary greatly in size, shape, content andfunctio

1. Matter is_______________________________________________________________________________.

1. Matter is anything that has weight and takes up space.

1. Reactants of a chemical reaction are___________________________________________________.

1. Reactants of a chemical reaction are substances being changed.

1. Two or more atoms may combine to form________________________________

1. Two or more atoms may combine to form a molecule.

1. When salts are put into water, they dissolve into___________________________

1. When salts are put into water, they dissolve into positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions).

10. Alkaline solutions have pH values that are_______________________________

10. Alkaline solutions have pH values that are more than 7.0.

10. Elements are composed of particles called___________________________________________________.

10. Elements are composed of particles called atoms.

10. Ions are________________________________________________________

10. Ions are atoms that gain or lose electrons and become electrically charged.

10. The most penetrating type of atomic radiation is__________________________

10. The most penetrating type of atomic radiation is gamma radiation.

10. The peritoneal cavity is_____________________________________________

10. The peritoneal cavity is the potential space between the visceral peritoneum and parietal

11. A sodium atom_____________________________________ to become stable.

11. A sodium atom loses one electron to become stable.

11. Atoms that make up elements are chemically_________________________________________________.

11. Atoms that make up elements are chemically identical to one another, but they differ from the atoms that make up other elements.

11. Solutions with more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions are__________________

11. Solutions with more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions are acidic.

12. A chlorine atom_____________________________________ to become stable.

12. A chlorine atom gains one electron to become stable.

12. Solutions with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions are__________________

12. Solutions with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions are basic or alkaline.

13. If an atom loses an electron, it becomes__________________________ charged.

13. If an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged.

13. Solutions with equal numbers of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions are__________

13. Solutions with equal number of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions are neutral.

14. If an atom gains an electron, it becomes__________________________ charged.

14. If an atom gains an electron, it becomes negatively charged.

14. The normal pH of blood is__________________________________________

14. The normal pH of blood is 7.35 - 7.45.

15. Alkalosis is______________________________________________________

15. Alkalosis is a rise in blood pH.

15. Positively charged ions are called___________________________________

15. Positively charged ions are called cations.

16. Acidosis is______________________________________________________

16. Acidosis is a fall in blood pH.

16. Negatively charged ions are called__________________________________

16. Negatively charged ions are called anions.

17. An ionic bond forms when__________________________________________

17. An ionic bond forms when oppositely charged ions attract.

17. Buffers are______________________________________________________

17. Buffers are chemicals that resist pH change.

17. Telophase begins when_____________________________________________

17. Telophase begins when the chromosomes complete their migration toward the centrioles.

18. A covalent bond forms when________________________________________

18. A covalent bond forms when atoms share electrons.

When one pair of electrons is shared between atoms, a_____________________ __________________________________________________________ is formed.

19. When one pair of electrons is shared between atoms, a single covalent bond is formed.

2. A molecular formula depicts__________________________________________

2. A molecular formula depicts the numbers and kinds of atoms in a molecule.

2. All matter is composed of__________________________________________________________________.

2. All matter is composed of elements.

An oxygen atom with an atomic weight of 17 has_____________________ protons and_____________________________neutrons.

2. An oxygen atom with an atomic weight of 17 has eight protons and nine neutrons.

2. Chemicals that generally do not contain carbon and hydrogen are______________

2. Chemicals that generally do not contain carbon and hydrogen are inorganic.

2. Electrons of an atom are found________________________________________

2. Electrons of an atom are found in energy shells.

2. Products of a chemical reaction are____________________________________________________.

2. Products of a chemical reaction are substances formed at the end of a chemical reaction.

2. Substances that release ions in water are called____________________________

2. Substances that release ions in water are called electrolytes.

2. The pH scale is___________________________________________________

2. The pH scale is a shorthand system used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions.

20. When two pairs of electrons are shared between atoms, a___________________ __________________________________________________________ is formed.

20. When two pairs of electrons are shared between atoms, a double covalent bond is formed.

21. When three pairs of electrons are shared between atoms, a__________________ __________________________________________________________ is formed.

21. When three pairs of electrons are shared between atoms, a triple covalent bond is formed.

22. A structural formula shows__________________________________________

22. A structural formula shows how atoms bond and are arranged in a molecule.

23. When electrons are not shared equally in a covalent bond, a_________________ ______________________________________________________ molecule forms.

23. When electrons are not shared equally in a covalent bond, a polar molecule forms.

24. An important example of a polar molecule is_____________________________

24. An important example of a polar molecule is water.

25. A hydrogen bond is_______________________________________________

25. A hydrogen bond is the weak attraction between the positive hydrogen end of a polar molecule to the negative nitrogen or oxygen end of another polar molecule.

A solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.1 grams per liter has a pH value of_______________________________________________________

3. A solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.1 grams per liter has a pH value of 1.0.

3. A synthesis reaction occurs when______________________________________________________

3. A synthesis reaction occurs when two or more atoms, ions, or molecules bond to form a more complex structure.

3. Acids are________________________________________________________

3. Acids are electrolytes that dissociate to release hydrogen ions in water.

3. Examples of elements are_________________________________________________________________.

3. Examples of elements are iron, copper, silver, gold, aluminum, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

3. Isotopes are______________________________________________________

3. Isotopes are atoms that have the same atomic numbers but different atomic weights.

Many organic chemicals have long chains or ring structures that can be formed because of a carbon atom's ability to ___________________________________

3. Many organic chemicals have long chains or ring structures that can be formed because of a carbon atom's ability to form four covalent bonds.

3. The first electron shell can hold________________________________________

3. The first electron shell can hold two electrons.

3. The resulting daughter cells have identical________________________________ , but they may vary____________________________________________________

3. The resulting daughter cells have identical chromosomes but they may vary in size and numberof organelles and inclusions

3. The subscripts in a molecular formula indicate___________________________

3. The subscripts in a molecular formula indicate how many atoms of each element are present.

4. A decomposition reaction occurs when_________________________________________________

4. A decomposition reaction occurs when the bonds of a reactant molecule break to form simpler molecules.

A solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.001 grams per liter has a pH value of__________________________________________

4. A solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.001 grams per liter has a pH value of 3.0.

4. Bases are________________________________________________________

4. Bases are substances that combine with hydrogen ions.

4. Compounds are_________________________________________________________________________.

4. Compound are chemical combinations.

4. ___________________________________ chemicals usually dissociate in water.

4. Inorganic chemicals usually dissociate in water.

4. The number of electrons in an atom equals_______________________________

4. The number of electrons in an atom equals the number of protons.

4. The second electron shell can hold_____________________________________

4. The second electron shell can hold eight electrons.

4. When atoms of different elements combine, the molecules are called

4. When atoms of different elements combine molecules of substances called compounds form.

5. A salt is_________________________________________________________

5. A salt is a substance formed by the reaction between an acid and a base.

5. An exchange reaction occurs when____________________________________________________

5. An exchange reaction occurs when parts of two different kinds of molecules trade positions

5. Elements needed by the body in large amounts are called________________________________________.

5. Elements needed by the body in large amounts are called bulk elements.

In an isotonic solution, the body's blood cells are in a 0.9% solution. That represents how much of the blood is made up of particles. 5. Hypertonic solutions are_____________________________________________. 6. Hypotonic solutions are_____________________________________________ 7. Cells__________________________________________ in hypertonic solutions. 8. Cells___________________________________________ in hypotonic solutions.

5. Hypertonic solutions are solutions with a greater osmotic pressure thanbody fluids. 6. Hypotonic solutions are solutions with a lower osmotic pressure then body fluids. 7. Cells shrink in hypertonic solutions. 8. Cells swell in hypotonic solutions

5. ______________________________ chemicals usually dissolve in organic liquids.

5. Organic chemicals usually dissolve in organic liquids.

5. Radioactive isotopes release__________________________________________

5. Radioactive isotopes release atomic radiation.

5. The pH scale ranges from _____________________ to____________________ .

5. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.

5. The third electron shell of an atom with an atomic number 18 will hold___________

5. The third electron shell of an atom with an atomic number 18 will hold eight electrons

5. Two places ribosomes are found are__________________________________

5. Two places ribosomes are found are on endoplasmic reticulum and free floating in thecytoplasm.

6. Each whole number on the pH scale represents____________________________

6. Each whole number on the pH scale represents a tenfold difference in hydrogen ion concentration.

6. Examples of radioactive isotopes are___________________________________

6. Examples of radioactive isotopes are isotopes of oxygen, iodine, iron, phosphorus, and cobalt.

6. In reversible reactions, products can change____________________________________________.

6. In reversible reactions, products can change back to the reactant or reactants.

6. _____________________________________________________ are filled first.

6. Innermost electron shells are filled first.

6. Nonelectrolytes are________________________________________________

6. Nonelectrolytes are compounds that do not release ions when dissolved in water.

6. Six examples of bulk elements are___________________________________________________________.

6. Six examples of bulk elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.

7. An atom will react with another atom if__________________________________

7. An atom will react with another atom if its outermost shell is not completely full of electrons.

7. As the hydrogen ion concentration increases, the Ph________________________

7. As the hydrogen ion concentration increases, the pH decreases.

7. Catalysts are_____________________________________________________________________.

7. Catalysts are molecules that influence the rates of chemical reactions but are not consumed in the reactions.

7. Elements needed by the body in small amounts are called________________________________________.

7. Elements needed by the body in small amounts are called trace elements.

7. Three common forms of atomic radiation are______________________________

7. Three common forms of atomic radiation are alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.

8. A neutral pH is____________________________________________________

8. A neutral pH is 7.0.

8. Alpha radiation consists of___________________________________________

8. Alpha radiation consists of particles from atomic nuclei, each of which includes two protons and two neutrons.

8. Inert atoms are____________________________________________________

8. Inert atoms are atoms that have completely full outermost electron shells.

8. Trace elements are used by the body for_____________________________________________________.

8. Trace elements are used by the body for parts of enzymes.

9. Acidic solutions have pH values that are_________________________________

9. Acidic solutions have pH values that are less than 7.0.

9. Atoms with incompletely filled outer shells________________________________ ____________________________________________________ to become stable.

9. Atoms with incompletely filled outer shells tend to lose, gain, or share electrons in ways that empty or fill their outer shells to become stable.

9. Beta radiation consists of____________________________________________

9. Beta radiation consists of electrons.

9. Ultratrace elements are___________________________________________________________________.

9. Ultra trace elements are elements needed b the body in very small amounts and are toxic in large amounts.

Name the nine abdominopelvic regions: ....

: right hypochondriac region, epigastric region, lefthypochondriac region, right lumbar region, umbilical region, left lumbar region, right iliac region,hypogastric region, and left iliac region.

M. A benign tumor is______________________________________________________

A benign tumor is one that remains in place, eventually interfering with the function of healthytissu

28. A centrosome is usually located near the______________________________

A centrosome is usually located near the nucleus.

2. A composite cell includes_______________________________________________________________.

A composite cell includes many known cell structures.

2. A concentration gradient is___________________________________________

A concentration gradient is the difference in concentrations.

E. A human egg cell is about_______________________________________ in diameter.

A human egg cell is about 140 micrometers in diameter.

8. A ligand is_______________________________________________________

A ligand is a molecule that binds specifically to receptors.

N. A malignant tumor is____________________________________________________

A malignant tumor is invasive and extends into surrounding tissues.

D. A micrometer equals____________________________________________________

A micrometer equals one thousandth of a millimeter.

C. A neural stem cell gives rise to_____________________________________________ , but not_______

A neural stem cell gives rise to cell that become part of neural tissue but not part of muscle orbone tissu

7. A physiological steady state is_________________________________________

A physiological steady state is where concentrations of diffusing substances are unequal butstable

B. A progenitor cell is_______________________________________________________

A progenitor cell is a partly specialized cell that is intermediate between a stem cell and fullydifferentiated cell.

A recent physiological discovery is the identification of a hormone, ....

A recent physiological discovery is the identification of a hormone, ghrelin that controls fat.

F. A red blood cell is about________________________________________ in diameter.

A red blood cell is about 7.5 micrometers in diameter.

A. A stem cell divides mitotically to produce______________________________________

A stem cell divides mitotically to produce either two daughter cells like itself, or one daughter cellthat is a stem cell and one that is partially specialized

D. A totipotent cell can give rise to_____________________________________________

A totipotent cell can give rise to every cell type.

L. A tumor results________________________________________________________

A tumor results from too frequent mitoses.

2. A virus that uses transcytosis to infect humans is the________________________

A virus that uses transcytosis to infect humans is the HIV.

The study of chemistry is essential for the study of physiology because body functions depend on cellular functions that, in turn result from ____________________________________

A. The study of chemistry is essential for the study of physiology because body functions depend on cellular functions that, in turn, result from chemical changes.

G. Absorption is___________________________________________________________

Absorption is the passage of substances through membranes and into body fluids.

2. Active transport is similar to facilitated diffusion because_____________________

Active transport is similar to facilitated diffusion because it requires protein channels or proteincarriers.

4. Active transport requires cellular_______________________________________

Active transport requires cellular energy.

A. All materials are made of__________________________________________________

All materials are made of chemicals.

Alzheimer disease may be caused by a build up of....

Alzheimer disease may be caused by a build up of beta amyloid in the brain.

A. An adult human body consists of about_________________________________ cells.

An adult human body consists of about 70 trillion cells.

9. An example of a molecule that moves into a cell through receptor-mediated endocytsosis is ...

An example of a molecule that moves into a cell through receptor-mediated endocytsosis ischolesterol

.... is the study of structure of body parts including their forms and organization


P. Apoptosis is___________________________________________________________

Apoptosis is cell death.

I. Assimilation is___________________________________________________________

Assimilation is changing of absorbed substances into chemically different forms.

3. At the end of mitosis, each resulting daughter cell has____________ chromosomes.

At the end of mitosis, each resulting daughter cell has 46 chromosomes.

B. Biochemistry is the study of ____________________________________________________________.

B. Biochemistry is the study of chemistry in living organisms.

m. Cell surface proteins function to__________________________________________________________.

Cell surface proteins function to establish other cell surfaces as "self" or "non-self" (foreign).

I. Cells are made of small structures called_______________________________________

Cells are made of small structures called organelles.

C. Cells are measured in units called__________________________________________

Cells are measured in units called micrometers.

G. Cells have different, distinctive shapes that make possible their__________________

Cells have different, distinctive shapes that make possible their

2. Cells secrete_______________________________________ through exocytosis.

Cells secrete some proteins through exocytosis.

F. Cells specialize by_______________________________________________________

Cells specialize by using some genes and ignoring others.

l. Cellular adhesion molecules function to_____________________________________________________.

Cellular adhesion molecules function to enable cells to touch or bind.

12. Centromeres are_________________________________________________

Centromeres are attachments sites of chromatids.

29. Centrosomes function to__________________________________________

Centrosomes function to distribute chromosomes to new cells during cell division and to initiateformation of cilia

B. Chemicals consist of tiny particles called_______________________________________

Chemicals consist of tiny particles called atoms

g. _____________________________ help to stabilize the cell membrane.

Cholesterol molecules help to stabilize the cell membrane.

10. Chromatin is____________________________________________________

Chromatin is DNA and proteins called histones.

2. Chromosomes are_________________________________________________

Chromosomes are extremely long molecules that contain DNA and proteins.

H. Circulation is___________________________________________________________

Circulation is movement of substances from place to place in body fluids.

K. Contact inhibition prevents_______________________________________________

Contact inhibition prevents cell division.

2. __________________________ are responsible for pinching the cytoplasm in half.

Contractile rings are responsible for pinching the cytoplasm in half.

6. Control centers function to___________________________________________

Control centers function to decide what a particular value should be.

20. Cristae are______________________________________________________

Cristae are shelflike partitions of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion.

Cytoplasmic division begins in_________________________________________ and ends in_________________________________________________

Cytoplasmic division begins in anaphase and ends in telophase.

2. Daughter cells are__________________________________________________

Daughter cells are two cells that are products of cell division.

e. Desmosomes are located in cells of_______________________________________________________.

Desmosomes are located in cells of the skin.

f. Desmosomes function to________________________________________________________________.

Desmosomes function to form a reinforced structural unit.

1. Diffusion is_______________________________________________________

Diffusion is the tendency of atoms, molecules, and ions in a liquid or air solution to move fromareas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration

3. Diffusional equilibrium is_____________________________________________

Diffusional equilibrium is the condition of having a uniform concentration of substancesthroughout a solution.

F. Digestion is____________________________________________________________

Digestion is the breakdown of food substances into simpler forms that can be absorbed andused

1. During interphase, a cell_____________________________________________

During interphase, a cell grows and maintains it routine functions as well as its contributions tothe internal environments. DNA also replicates during interphase

4. During the G phases, the cell is________________________________________

During the G phases, the cell is growing and synthesizing structures other than DNA.

3. During the S phase, the cell is_________________________________________

During the S phase, the cell is replicating its DNA.

Each organ system includes a set of.... that work together to .....

Each organ system includes a set of interrelated organs that work together to provide specializedfunctions

7. Effectors cause____________________________________________________

Effectors cause responses that alter conditions in the internal environment.

Elderly people metabolize drugs at different rates than younger people because the....

Elderly people metabolize drugs at different rates than younger people because the proportionsof fat to water in tissues change as a person ages

1. Endocytosis is the process of_________________________________________

Endocytosis is the process of a cell engulfing a substance by forming a vesicle around thesubstance.

k. Enzymes of the membrane function in______________________________________________________.

Enzymes of the membrane function in signal transduction.

C. Examples of atoms are____________________________________________________

Examples of atoms are hydrogen and lithium.

L. Examples of cells are_____________________________________________________

Examples of cells are muscles cells and nerve cells.

G. Examples of macromolecules are____________________________________________

Examples of macromolecules are proteins and DNA.

E. Examples of molecules are_________________________________________________

Examples of molecules are water and glucose.

R. Examples of organ systems include___________________________________________

Examples of organ systems include integumentary system, skeletal system, and digestivesystem

K. Examples of organelles are________________________________________________

Examples of organelles are mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and nuclei.

P. Examples of organs are___________________________________________________

Examples of organs are skin, femur, heart, and kidney.

N. Examples of tissues are___________________________________________________

Examples of tissues are simple squamous epithelium and loose connective tissue.

J. Excretion is_____________________________________________________________

Excretion is removal of wastes produced by metabolic reactions.

1. Exocytosis is the reverse of___________________________________________

Exocytosis is the reverse of endocytosis.

1. Facilitated diffusion requires__________________________________________

Facilitated diffusion requires proteins channels or protein carriers.

2. Filtration is commonly used to separate__________________________________

Filtration is commonly used to separate solids from water.

8. Five substances that cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion are________

Five substances that cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion are lipid-solublesubstances, oxygen, carbon dioxide, steroids, and general anesthetics.

h. Five types of membrane proteins are______________________________________________________

Five types of membrane proteins are receptor proteins, integral proteins, enzymes, cellularadhesion molecules and cell surface proteins

2. Four types of physical processes are____________________________________

Four types of physical processes are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and filtration.

g. Gap junctions are located in cells of the____________________________________________________

Gap junctions are located in cells of the heart muscle and muscles cells of the digestive tract.

h. Gap junctions function to_______________________________________________________________

Gap junctions function to link the cytoplasm of adjacent cells and allow ions, nutrients, and othersmall molecules to move between them

J. Growth factors are______________________________________________________

Growth factors are like hormones in function but act closer to their sites of synthesis.

C. Growth is_____________________________________________________________

Growth is an increase in body size.

2. Homeostasis is____________________________________________________

Homeostasis is the body's maintenance of a stable internal environment.

3. Homeostatic mechanisms are_________________________________________

Homeostatic mechanisms are self-regulating mechanisms that maintain homeostasis.

I. Hormones are__________________________________________________________

Hormones are biochemicals manufactured in a gland and transported in the bloodstream to a sitewhere they exert an effec

In a negative feedback mechanism, a deviation from the set point is_____________ and the correction____________________________________________________

In a negative feedback mechanism, a deviation from the set point is corrected and the correction reduces the action of the effectors.

16. In anaphase, chromosomes move toward_______________________________

In anaphase, chromosomes move toward centrioles.

15. In anaphase, the_____________________________ of the chromatids separate.

In anaphase, the centromeres of the chromatids separate.

6. In body cells, oxygen usually diffuses___________________________ a body cell and carbon dioxide diffuses____________________________________ a body cell.

In body cells, oxygen usually diffuses into a body cell and carbon dioxide diffuses out of a bodycell

10. In general, diffusion is more rapid over__________________________ distances, ______________ concentration gradients, and at_________________ temperatures.

In general, diffusion is more rapid over shorter distances,

C. In laboratory conditions, cells divide_______________________________________

In laboratory conditions, cells divide forty to sixty times.

13. In metaphase, spindle fibers attach to__________________________________

In metaphase, spindle fibers attach to centromeres.

14. In metaphase, the chromosomes align__________________________________

In metaphase, the chromosomes align midway between centrioles.

2. In mitosis, the resulting daughter cells are________________________________

In mitosis, the resulting daughter cells are genetically identical.

8. In prophase, centrioles move_________________________________________

In prophase, centrioles move to opposite sides of the cytoplasm.

11. In prophase, chromatin condenses into_________________________________

In prophase, chromatin condenses into chromosomes.

10. In prophase, microtubules form_______________________________________

In prophase, microtubules form the spindle apparatus.

9. In prophase, the nuclear envelope______________________________________

In prophase, the nuclear envelope disappears.

7. In receptor-mediated endocytosis, a substance must bind to a_________________ before it can enter the cell.

In receptor-mediated endocytosis, a substance must bind to a receptorbefore it can enter the cell

18. In telophase, a nuclear envelope______________________________________

In telophase, a nuclear envelope reforms.

19. In telophase, chromosomes begin to___________________________________

In telophase, chromosomes begin to elongate to form chromatin threads.

3. In the body the force for filtration is produced by__________________________

In the body the force for filtration is produced by blood pressure.

In the .... and ..., signs of aging include fading of hair color, wrinkles, increased bloodpressure, and elevated blood glucose levels.

In the forties and fifties, signs of aging include fading of hair color, wrinkles, increased bloodpressure, and elevated blood glucose levels.

In the .... , signs of aging include deepening wrinkles and a waning immune system.

In the sixties, signs of aging include deepening wrinkles and a waning immune system.

38. Inclusions are___________________________________________________

Inclusions are chemicals in the cytoplasm that are not part of an organelle.

j. Integral proteins function to_______________________________________________________________

Integral proteins function to form pores, channels, and carriers in cell membranes.

c. Integrin functions to____________________________________________________________________.

Integrin functions to anchor white blood cells to an injured blood vessel wall.

a. Intercellular junctions connect____________________________________________________________.

Intercellular junctions connect cell membranes.

4. Isotonic solutions are_______________________________________________

Isotonic solutions are solutions with the same osmotic pressure as body fluids.

23. Lysosomes contain_______________________________________________

Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes.

22. Lysosomes function to____________________________________________

Lysosomes function to digest worn out cellular parts or foreign substances that enter cells.

4. Meiosis is________________________________________________________

Meiosis is a form of cell division that occurs only in sex cells.

5. ________________________________________ move through nuclear pores.

Messenger RNA and various other substances move through nuclear pores.

K. Metabolism is__________________________________________________________

Metabolism is the sum of all physical and chemical events that obtain, release and utilize energy.

34. Microfilaments are_______________________________________________

Microfilaments are tiny rods of the protein actin that typically form meshworks or bundles

35. Microfilaments cause_____________________________________________

Microfilaments cause various kinds of cellular movements.

36. Microtubules are_________________________________________________

Microtubules are long, slender tube with diameters larger than those of microfilaments.

21. Mitochondria function to__________________________________________

Mitochondria function to release energy from food molecules and transform energy into usableforms.

1. Mitosis is________________________________________________________

Mitosis is a form of cell division that occurs in somatic cells and produces two daughter cells froman original cell

1. Movement against a concentration gradient is_____________________________

Movement against a concentration gradient is active transport.

A. Movement is___________________________________________________________

Movement is a change in body position or body part position. It also includes motions of internalorgans

Name the four abdominopelvic quadrants: ....

Name the four abdominopelvic quadrants: right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right lowerquadrant, left lower quadrant.

3. Nerve cells secrete__________________________________ through exocytosis.

Nerve cells secrete neurotransmitters through exocytosis.

B. Neurons divide________________________________________________________

Neurons divide a specific number of times and then cease.

4. Nuclear pores are_________________________________________________

Nuclear pores are round openings in a nuclear envelope.

6. Nucleoplasm is___________________________________________________

Nucleoplasm is the fluid inside the nucleus.

O. Two types of genes that cause cancer are____________________________________

O. Two types of genes that cause cancer are oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.

Q. Organ systems are formed from_____________________________________________

Organ systems are formed from organs.

J. Organelles are made of____________________________________________________

Organelles are made of macromolecules.

S. Organisms are formed from________________________________________________

Organisms are formed from organ systems.

O. Organs are formed from__________________________________________________

Organs are formed from tissues.

11. Organs located in the mediastinum are_________________________________

Organs located in the mediastinum are the heart, esophagus, trachea and thymus gland.

14. Organs of the pelvic cavity are_______________________________________

Organs of the pelvic cavity are the terminal end of the large intestine, the urinary bladder, andthe internal reproductive organs

1. Osmosis is_______________________________________________________

Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from a region of higher water concentration to aregion of lower water concentration across a selectively permeable membrane

2. Osmotic pressure is________________________________________________

Osmotic pressure is the ability of osmosis to generate enough pressure to lift a volume of water.

25. Peroxisomes are most abundant in a cell of the_________________________ and__________________________

Peroxisomes are most abundant in cells of the liver and kidneys.

24. Peroxisomes contain______________________________________________

Peroxisomes contain enzymes called peroxidases.

5. Phagocytes are____________________________________________________

Phagocytes are cells that can take in solid particles such as bacteria and cellular debris.

4. Phagocytosis is endocytosis of________________________________________

Phagocytosis is endocytosis of solids.

.... is the study of function of body parts


3. Pinocytosis is endocytosis of__________________________________________

Pinocytosis is endocytosis of tiny droplets of liquids.

E. Pluripotent cells are______________________________________________________

Pluripotent cells are cells that can follow any of several pathways in development but not all ofthem.

9. Proteins move from the ER to the____________________________________

Proteins move from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.

i. Receptor proteins function to_____________________________________________________________.

Receptor proteins function to receive and transmit messages into a cell.

6. Receptor-mediated endocytosis moves__________________________________

Receptor-mediated endocytosis moves very specific kinds of particlesinto the cel

5. Receptors provide_________________________________________________

Receptors provide information about specific conditions in the internal environment.

D. Reproduction is_________________________________________________________

Reproduction is production of new organisms and new cells.

Researchers have recently sequenced the ....,, which will help explain anatomy and physiology at the cellular and molecular levels

Researchers have recently sequenced the human genome, which will help explain anatomy andphysiology at the cellular and molecular levels

E. Respiration is___________________________________________________________

Respiration is the process of obtaining oxygen, removing carbon dioxide, and releasing energyfrom foods

B. Responsiveness is_______________________________________________________

Responsiveness is a reaction to a change taking place inside or outside the body.

2. Ribosomes are composed of_________________________________________

Ribosomes are composed of RNA and proteins.

3. Ribosomes are the sites of__________________________________________

Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis.

8. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with__________________________

Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes.

11. SER contains enzymes that________________________________________

SER contains enzymes that are used for lipid synthesis, fat absorption, and the break down ofdrugs

b. Selectin functions to___________________________________________________________________.

Selectin functions to coat white blood cells so that they can slow down in the turbulence of thebloodstream

1. Serous membranes are located________________________________________

Serous membranes are located lining the walls of the thoracic and abdominal cavities and foldback over to cover the organs within these cavities

c. Signal transduction is__________________________________________________________________.

Signal transduction is the process in which a cell receives and responds to incoming messages.

10. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is____________________________________

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is endoplasmic reticulum that lacks ribosomes.

4. Substances diffuse_______________________________ a concentration gradient.

Substances diffuse down a concentration gradient.

3. Substances that move across the cell membrane through active transport are...

Substances that move across the cell membrane through active transport are sugars, aminoacids, and ions such as sodium, potassium, hydrogen, and calcium

2. Substances that move across the cell membrane through facilitated diffusion are...

Substances that move across the cell membrane through facilitated diffusion include ions likesodium and potassium; as well as water-soluble molecules such as glucose and amino acids

J. Teeth can function to break solid foods because_________________________________

Teeth can function to break solid foods because of their shape.

D. Telomeres are__________________________________________________________

Telomeres are tips of chromosomes that signal cells to stop dividing.

13. The Golgi apparatus functions to____________________________________

The Golgi apparatus functions to package and modify proteins for transport and secretion.

The anatomy of the hand, which is____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ , allows it to grasp objects.

The anatomy of the hand, which is long, jointed bones with attached muscles, allows it to grasp objects

3. The appendicular portion includes______________________________________________

The appendicular portion includes the upper and lower limbs.

2. The axial portion includes_____________________________________________________

The axial portion includes head, neck, and trunk.

1. The cell cycle is___________________________________________________

The cell cycle is the series of changes a cell undergoes, from the time it forms until the time itdivides

a. The cell membrane controls_____________________________________________________________.

The cell membrane controls the entrance and exit of substances.

1. The cell membrane controls__________________________________________

The cell membrane controls which substances enter or exit the cell.

b. The cell membrane has a double layer of___________________________________________________.

The cell membrane has a double layer of phospholipids.

b. The cell membrane is called selectively permeable because ____________________________________.

The cell membrane is called selectively permeable because it allows the entry and exit of onlycertain substances.

a. The cell membrane is mainly composed of__________________________________________________.

The cell membrane is mainly composed of lipids and proteins, with some carbohydrates.

5. The cranial cavity houses____________________________________________

The cranial cavity houses the brain.

6. The cytoplasm is composed of specialized structures called ______________________that are suspended in a liquid called ________________________.

The cytoplasm is composed of specialized structures called cytoplasmic organelles that aresuspended in a liquid called cytosol

7. The cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is contained by the __________________________________.

The cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is contained by the cell membrane.

1. The cytoskeleton is________________________________________________

The cytoskeleton is protein rods and tubules that form a supportive framework within a cell. .

6. The division of cytoplasm is__________________________________________

The division of cytoplasm is cytokinesis.

5. The division of nuclear material is called_________________________________

The division of nuclear material is called karyokineses.

The eleven organ systems of the human body are ...

The eleven organ systems of the human body are the integumentary system, skeletal system,muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system,digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, and reproductive systems

26. The enzymes of peroxisomes function to______________________________

The enzymes of peroxisomes function to break down many important organic molecules.

7. The four stages of mitosis are_________________________________________

The four stages of mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

3. The four stages of the cell cycle are_____________________________________

The four stages of the cell cycle are interphase, mitosis, cytoplasmic division, and differentiation.

15. The four types of smaller cavities in the head are__________________________

The four types of smaller cavities in the head are the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, the orbitalcavities, and the middle ear cavities

31. The function of cilia is____________________________________________

The function of cilia is to propel fluid over a cellular surface.

7. The function of endoplasmic reticulum is______________________________

The function of endoplasmic reticulum is to transport materials within the cell, to provideattachments sites for ribosomes, and to synthesize lipids and proteins

33. The function of flagella are________________________________________

The function of flagella is to enable sperm cells to move.

The heart valves ensure____

The heart valves ensure that blood moves in the proper direction

3. The hormone_______________________ promotes facilitated diffusion of glucose.

The hormone insulin promotes facilitated diffusion of glucose.

1. The human body can be divided into an_________________________________portion and an_________________________________________________ portion.

The human body can be divided into an axial portion and an appendicular portion.

d. The interior of the cell membrane is formed by_______________________________________________

The interior of the cell membrane is formed by the fatty acids of phospholipid molecules.

1. The internal environment of the body consists of___________________________

The internal environment of the body consists of the fluid that surrounds our cells, extracellularfluid and the cells themselves.

The major functions of the cardiovascular system are to ....

The major functions of the cardiovascular system are to pump blood and to carry blood to andfrom body parts. Blood transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones and wastes

The major functions of the digestive system are to .....

The major functions of the digestive system are to receive food, break down nutrients into formsthat can pass through cell membranes, and eliminate materials that are not absorbed

The major functions of the endocrine system are to...

The major functions of the endocrine system are to produce hormones that regulate metabolismby stimulating target tissues

The major functions of the integumentary system are to .....

The major functions of the integumentary system are to protect underlying tissues, regulate bodytemperature, house sensory receptors, and synthesize various substances.

The major functions of the lymphatic system are to ...

The major functions of the lymphatic system are to transport lymph from tissue spaces to thebloodstream and to carry certain fatty substances away from digestive organs. Lymphocytes defendthe body against disease-causing agents.

The major functions of the muscular system are to....

The major functions of the muscular system are to move body parts, maintain posture, andproduce body heat.

The major functions of the nervous system are to....

The major functions of the nervous system are to receive impulses from sensory parts, interpretsensory impulses, and act on sensory impulses by activating muscles or glands

The major functions of the reproductive system are to ....

The major functions of the reproductive system are to produce, maintain, and transport sex cells.The female system also houses developing offspring

The major functions of the respiratory system are to ....

The major functions of the respiratory system are to take in and release air, and to exchangegases between the blood and the air

The major functions of the skeletal system are to provide ....

The major functions of the skeletal system are to provide framework, protect organs, provideattachments for muscles, to produce blood cells, and store inorganic salts

The major functions of the urinary system are to....

The major functions of the urinary system are to filter wastes from the blood and maintain fluidand electrolyte balance

8. The nucleolus is composed of_______________________________________

The nucleolus is composed of RNA and protein.

9. The nucleolus is the site of__________________________________________

The nucleolus is the site of ribosome production.

1. The nucleus contains______________________________________________

The nucleus contains DNA.

5. The nucleus contains__________________________________________________________________.

The nucleus contains DNA.

4. The nucleus is enclosed by_____________________________________________________________.

The nucleus is enclosed by a nuclear envelope.

3. The nucleus is enclosed by__________________________________________

The nucleus is enclosed by the nuclear envelope.

T. The organism studied in this class is the________________________________________vv

The organism studied in this class is the human.

13. The organs of the abdominal cavity are_________________________________

The organs of the abdominal cavity are the stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, and the smalland large intestines.

The organs of the .... system are the heart and blood vessels.

The organs of the cardiovascular system are the heart and blood vessels.

The organs of the .... system are the mouth, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus,stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine

The organs of the digestive system are the mouth, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus,stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine

The organs of the .... system are the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands,adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testes, pineal gland, and thymus gland.

The organs of the endocrine system are the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands,adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testes, pineal gland, and thymus gland.

The organs of the .... system are the ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina,clitoris, and vulva

The organs of the female reproductive system are the ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina,clitoris, and vulva

..... system are skin, hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceousgland

The organs of the integumentary system are skin, hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceousgland

The organs of the .... system are lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen.

The organs of the lymphatic system are lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen.

The organs of the.... system are scrotum, testes, epididymides, vasa deferentia,seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, urethra, and penis.

The organs of the male reproductive system are scrotum, testes, epididymides, vasa deferentia,seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, urethra, and penis.

The organs of the .... system are the muscles of the body.

The organs of the muscular system are the muscles of the body.

The organs of the .... system are the brain, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs.

The organs of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs.

The organs of the .... system are the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, andlungs

The organs of the respiratory system are the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, andlungs

The organs of the .... system are bones, ligaments, and cartilage.

The organs of the skeletal system are bones, ligaments, and cartilage.

The organs of the .... system are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

The organs of the urinary system are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

2. The phases of interphase are__________________________________________

The phases of interphase are two G phases and one S phase.

f. The phospholipid bilayer is not permeable to________________________________________________

The phospholipid bilayer is not permeable to water-soluble substances such as proteins, sugars,nucleic acids, amino acids, and various ions

e. The phospholipid bilayer is permeable to___________________________________________________

The phospholipid bilayer is permeable to lipid-soluble substances such as lipids, steroidhormones, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

4. The pleural cavity is________________________________________________

The pleural cavity is the potential space between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura.

1. The process of forcing molecules through a membrane is_____________________

The process of forcing molecules through a membrane is filtration.

10. The region between the lungs is the____________________________________

The region between the lungs is the mediastinum.

9. The serous membrane that covers each abdominal organ is the________________

The serous membrane that covers each abdominal organ is the visceral peritoneum.

5. The serous membrane that covers the heart's surface is the___________________

The serous membrane that covers the heart's surface is the visceral pericardium.

3. The serous membrane that covers the lungs is the__________________________

The serous membrane that covers the lungs is the visceral pleura.

8. The serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic wall is the________________

The serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic wall is the parietal peritoneum.

2. The serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity is the____________________

The serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity is the parietal pleura.

The shape of the mouth allows it....

The shape of the mouth allows it receive food

7. The space between the pericardial membranes is the________________________

The space between the pericardial membranes is the pericardial cavity.

27. The structure of a centrosome is_____________________________________

The structure of a centrosome is a nonmembranous structure composed of two rodlikecentrioles

30. The structure of a cilium is_________________________________________

The structure of a cilium is a motile projection that is attached to basal body beneath the cellmembrane

6. The structure of endoplasmic reticulum is______________________________

The structure of endoplasmic reticulum is a complex of connected, membrane-bound sacs,canals, and vesicles.

18. The structure of mitochondria is____________________________________

The structure of mitochondria is a membranous sac with inner partitions.

12. The structure of the Golgi apparatus is_______________________________

The structure of the Golgi apparatus is a group of flattened, membranous sacs.

The structure of the heart includes____________________________________________ which allows it to propel blood into blood vessels.

The structure of the heart includes powerful, muscular walls which allow it to propel blood intoblood vessels

c. The surfaces of the cell membrane are formed by____________________________________________

The surfaces of the cell membrane are formed by phosphate groups of phospholipid molecules.

9. The thoracic cavity contains the following organs:__________________________

The thoracic cavity contains the following organs: lungs, heart, esophagus, trachea, and thymusgland.

8. The thoracic cavity is divided from the abdominopelvic cavity by the____________

The thoracic cavity is divided from the abdominopelvic cavity by the diaphragm.

4. The three components of a homeostatic mechanism are______________________

The three components of a homeostatic mechanism are receptors, a control center, andeffectors

3. The three major parts of a cell are________________________________________________________

The three major parts of a cell are the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane.

9. The three most important factors that influence diffusion rate are_______________

The three most important factors that influence diffusion rate are distance, concentration gradient,and temperature.

19. The two layers of a mitochondrion are________________________________

The two layers of a mitochondrion are an outer membrane and an inner membrane.

12. The two portions of the abdominopelvic cavity are________________________

The two portions of the abdominopelvic cavity are the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity.

6. The vertebral canal houses the________________________________________ .

The vertebral canal houses the spinal cord.

6. The visceral pericardium is separated by serous fluid from the_________________

The visceral pericardium is separated by serous fluid from the parietal pericardium.

B. There are at least__________________________________________ varieties of cells.

There are at least 260 different varieties of cells.

A. Three cell types that divide continually are___________________________________

Three cell types that divide continually are skin cells, blood-forming cells, and cells that line theintestines

2. Three forms of endocytosis are________________________________________

Three forms of endocytosis are phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis.

37. Three functions of microtubules are__________________________________

Three functions of microtubules are to maintain the shape of a cell, and to provide movement incilia and flagella

b. Three types of intercellular junctions are___________________________________________________

Three types of intercellular junctions are tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions.

3. Three types of physiological mechanisms are______________________________

Three types of physiological mechanisms are active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.

c. Tight junctions are located in cells that_____________________________________________________.

Tight junctions are located in cells that form sheetlike layers.

d. Tight junctions function to_______________________________________________________________.

Tight junctions function to close spaces between cells.

M. Tissues are formed from__________________________________________________

Tissues are formed from similar cells.

1. Transcytosis moves substances________________________________________

Transcytosis moves substances from one end of a cell to the other end of the cell.

5. Two conditions that allow a substance to diffuse across a membrane are_________

Two conditions that allow a substance to diffuse across a membrane arethe permeability of the cell membrane to a substance and the existence of a concentration gradientacross the membrane

a. Two examples of CAMs are______________________________________________________________.

Two examples of CAMs are selectin and integrin.

H. Two examples of external controls that influence cell division are_________________

Two examples of external controls that influence cell division are hormones and growth factors.

7. Two structures found in nucleoplasm are_______________________________

Two structures found in nucleoplasm are the nucleolus and chromatin.

F. Two types of proteins called__________________________ also control cell division.

Two types of proteins called kinases and cyclins also control cell division.

4. Unlike many of the other organelles, ribosomes are not ___________________

Unlike many of the other organelles, ribosomes are not composed of or contained in membranes.

14. Vesicle trafficking is_____________________________________________

Vesicle trafficking is the movement of substances within cells by way of vesicles.

16. Vesicles are formed by____________________________________________

Vesicles are formed by the pinching off of the cell membrane.

15. Vesicles are_____________________________________________________

Vesicles are membranous sacs.

17. Vesicles function to______________________________________________

Vesicles function to store and transport substances within the cell.

7. Viscera are_______________________________________________________

Viscera are organs within body cavities.

3. Water always tends to diffuse toward solutions of__________________________

Water always tends to diffuse toward solutions of greater osmotic pressure.

G. When a cell becomes too large to obtain nutrients, it is likely to__________________

When a cell becomes too large to obtain nutrients, it is likely to divide.

D. When atoms chemically bond together they form________________________________

When atoms chemically bond together they form molecules.

E. When chromosome tips wear down, a cell___________________________________

When chromosome tips wear down, a cell stops dividing.

F. When small molecules chemically combine they form______________________________

When small molecules chemically combine they form macromolecules.

H. Within humans, the basic unit of structure is____________________________________

Within humans, the basic unit of structure is the cell.

4. Within the axial portion, the three major cavities are_________________________________

Within the axial portion, the three major cavities are the cranial cavity, thoracic cavity and theabdominopelvic cavity.

Wrinkles are produced because of decreased amounts of ...., ..., and ...in skin.

Wrinkles are produced because of decreased amounts of collagen, elastin, and subcutaneousfats in skin.

A cut across a cylindrical organ is called a .......

a cross section.

A lengthwise cut of a cylindrical organ is called a .......

a longitudinal section.

a. Carbon dioxide is produced when________________________________

a. Carbon dioxide is produced when energy is released during certain metabolic processes.

a. Four common inorganic substances in cells are______________________

a. Four common inorganic substances in water are water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and inorganic salts.

a. Four groups of organic substances in cells are_______________________

a. Four groups of organic substances in cells are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

a. Inorganic salts are sources of___________________________________

a. Inorganic salts are sources of many necessary ions.

a. Lipids are soluble in__________________________________________

a. Lipids are soluble in organic solvents.

a. What do Nucleic acids do?_____________________________________

a. Nucleic acids carry the instructions that control a cell's activities by encoding the amino acid sequences of proteins in its building blocks.

a. Organelles use oxygen to______________________________________

a. Organelles use oxygen to release energy from nutrient molecules.

a. The most abundant compound in living material is____________________

a. The most abundant compound in living material is water.

a. Three important functions of proteins are___________________________

a. Three important functions of proteins are to serve as structurel materials, energy sources, and chemical messengers. Proteins also function as receptors, antibodies, and enzymes.

a. Three things carbohydrates supply to cells are_______________________

a. Three things carbohydrates supply to cells are energy, materials to build certain cell structures, and a reserve energy supply.

Give the correct anatomical term for the following body regions: region between thorax and pelvis - ....


point of the shoulder - ....


Anatomy and Physiology are difficult to separate because ....

anatomical structures make possible their functions

forearm - ...


space in front of the elbow - .,...


The two anatomical terms meaning toward the front are ...and .....

anterior and ventral.

armpit -


b. A continuing supply of oxygen is necessary for______________________

b. A continuing supply of oxygen is necessary for cell survival.

b. As carbon dioxide moves into body fluids and blood, it forms___________

b. As carbon dioxide moves into body fluids and blood, it reacts with water to forms a weak acid (carbonic acid).

b. Electrolyte balance is_________________________________________

b. Electrolyte balance is the condition fo having electrolytes in correct concentrations, both inside and outside the cells.

b. Enzymes are________________________________________________

b. Enzymes are catalysts in living systems.

b. Most metabolic reactions occur in water because____________________

b. Most metabolic reactions occur in water because when substances dissolve in water, the polar water molecules cause molecules of the substance to separate from each other or the break up into ions. These particules are then much more likely to take part in chemical reactions.

b. The five elements found in nucleic acids are_________________________

b. The five elements found in nucleic acids are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

b. Three elements always found in carbohydrates are___________________

b. Three elements always found in carbohydrates are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

b. Three examples of lipids are____________________________________

b. Three examples of lipids are fats, phospholipids, and steroids.

arm - ..


c. Four elements always found in proteins are_________________________

c. Four elements always found in proteins are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

c. In the body, water transports___________________________________

c. In the body, water transports chemicals, waste materials, and heat.

c. The building blocks of nucleic acids are____________________________

c. The building blocks of nucleic acids are nucleotides.

c. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in carbohydrates is__________________

c. The ration of hydrogen to oxygen in carbohydrates is close to 2:1.

c. Three elements found in fat molecules are__________________________

c. Three elements found in fat molecules are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

wrist - ...


abdomen - ..


head -


neck -



cheek - buccal

The anatomical term for the opposite side is .... .


A section that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions is called ...or ....

coronal or frontal.

ribs -


hip -


leg -


elbow -


d. Fats have a smaller proportion of_________________ than carbohydrates.

d. Fats have a small proportion of oxygen than carbohydrates.

d. One element sometimes found in proteins is_________________________

d. One element sometimes found in proteins is sulfur.

d. The three parts of a nucleotide are_______________________________

d. The three parts of a nucleotide are a 5-carbon containing sugar, a phosphate group, and one of several organic bases.

d. Two types of simple sugars are__________________________________

d. Two types of simple sugars are monosaccharides and disaccharides.

The anatomical term meaning more internal is ....


finger -


The anatomical term meaning farther away from a specific point is ....


back -


e. A polynucleotide is___________________________________________

e. A polynucleotide is a chain of nucleotides.

e. Monosaccharides have_________________________________ carbons.

e. Monosaccharides have 3-7 carbons.

e. The building blocks of fat molecules are___________________________

e. The building blocks of fat molecules are fatty acids and glycerol.

e. The building blocks of proteins are_______________________________

e. The building blocks of proteins are amino acids.

Anatomists rely on ....

examination of the body.

Physiologists rely on ...


f. All fatty acid molecules include__________________________________

f. All fatty acid molecules include a carboxyl group at the end of a chain of carbon atoms.

f. Amino acids have an_____________________________ at one end and a _______________________________________________ at the other end.

f. Amino acids have an amino group at one end and a carboxyl group at the other end.

f. Disaccharides have_____________________________________ carbons.

f. Disaccharides have 12 carbons.

f. Two major types of nucleic acids are______________________________

f. Two major types of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA.

thigh -


forehead -


g. RNA contains the sugar_______________________________________

g. RNA contains the sugar ribose.

g. The twenty amino acids differ___________________________________

g. The twenty amino acids differ in their side chains or R groups.

g. Three examples of monosaccharides are___________________________

g. Three examples of monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose.

g. Two ways fatty acid molecules differ are___________________________

g. Two ways fatty acid molecules differ are in the lengths of their carbon atom chains and the way the carbon atoms join together.

reproductive organs -


buttocks -


h. A saturated fatty acid is_______________________________________

h. A saturated fatty acid is one in which the carbon atoms are linked by single carbon-carbon bonds.

h. DNA contains the sugar_______________________________________

h. DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose.

h. Peptide bonds are___________________________________________

h. Peptide bonds are covalent bonds between amino acids.

h. Two examples of disaccharides are_______________________________

h. Two examples of disaccharides are sucrose and lactose.

i. A polypeptide is_____________________________________________

i. A polypeptide is a chain of amino acids.

i. Complex carbohydrates are_____________________________________

i. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides.

i. Fatty acids with one double carbon-carbon bond is___________________

i. Fatty acids with one double carbon-carbon bond is monounsaturated.

The anatomical term meaning below another body part is .....


depressed area of the abdominal wall near the thigh -


The anatomical term for the same side is .....


j. _________________________________ is a double polynucleotide chain.

j. DNA is a double polynucleotide chain.

j. Fatty acids with more than one double carbon-carbon bond is___________

j. Fatty acids with more than one double carbon-carbon bond is polyunsaturated.

j. Polysaccharides are built from___________________________________

j. Polysaccharides are built from simple carbohydrates.

i. __________________________________ is a single polynucleotide chain.

j. RNA is a single polynucleotide chain.

j. The four levels of protein structure are_____________________________

j. The four levels of protein structure are primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary.

k. A single fat molecule is called a__________________________________

k. A single fat molecule is called a triglyceride.

k. The function of DNA is_______________________________________

k. The function of DNA is to store information for protein synthesis.

k. The primary structure of a protein is______________________________

k. The primary structure of a protein is the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain.

k. Three examples of polysaccharides are____________________________

k. Three examples of polysaccharides are cellulose, starch, and glycogen.

l. In secondary structure, a polypeptide chain forms_________________

l. In secondary structure, a polypeptide chain forms an alpha helix or a beta-pleated sheet.

l. One triglyceride contains_______________________________________

l. One triglyceride contains one glycerol molecule and three fatty acid molecules.

l. The function of RNA is________________________________________

l. The function of RNA is to use the information stored in DNA to construct specific protein molecules.

The anatomical term meaning closer to the sides of the body is ......


lower back between ribs and pelvis -


m. DNA has the unique ability to__________________________________

m. DNA has the unique ability to make copies of itself.

m. _________________________________ determines secondary structure.

m. Hydrogen bonding determines secondary structure.

m. Saturated fats contain________________________________________

m. Saturated fats contain only saturated fatty acids.

breast -


The anatomical term meaning closer to the midline of the body is .....


chin -


n. The folding of secondary structure is called_________________________

n. The folding of secondary structure is called tertiary structure.

n. Unsaturated fats contain_______________________________________

n. Unsaturated fats contain at least one unsaturated fatty acid.

nose -


o. Protein function is determined by________________________________

o. Protein function is determined by its distinct conformation created by its primary, secondary, and tertiary structures.

o. The number of fatty acid chains in a phospholipid molecule is____________

o. The number of fatty acid chains in a phospholipid molecule is two.

An angular cut of a cylindrical organ is called a.....

oblique section.

lower posterior region of head -


mouth -


eye cavity -


ear -


p. The part of a phospholipid molecule that is soluble in water is___________

p. The part of a phospholipid molecule that is soluble in water is the phosphate containing portion

p. When a protein denatures, it____________________________________

p. When a protein denatures, it loses its tertiary or secondary structure.

palm of hand -


front of knee -


chest -


foot -


pelvis -


region between anus and external reproductive organs -


sole of the foot-


area behind the knee -


The two anatomical terms meaning toward the back are ... and .....

posterior and dorsal.

The anatomical term meaning closer to a specific point is .....


q. Four things that cause a protein to denature are______________________

q. Four things that cause a protein to denature are heat, radiation, pH changes, and certain chemicals.

q. The part of a phospholipid molecule that is insoluble in water is__________

q. The pat of a phospholipid molecule that is insoluble in water is the fatty acid portion.

r. Phospholipids are important in___________________________________

r. Phospholipids are important in cellular structures.

r. The quaternary structure of a protein forms when_____________________

r. The quaternary structure of a protein forms when several polypeptide chains connect to form a very large protein.

s. Steroids contain connected rings of_______________________________

s. Steroids contain connected rings of carbon atoms.

posterior region between the hipbones -


A lengthwise cut that divides the body into left and right portions is called .....


middle and anterior region of thorax -


The two anatomical terms meaning closer to the surface of the body are ....and....

superficial and peripheral

The anatomical term meaning above another body part is .....


t. An important steroid found in all body cells is________________________

t. An important steroid found in all body cells is cholesterol.

instep of foot -


32. The structure of a flagellum is______________________________________

the structure of a flagellum is a motile projection that is attached to a basal body beneath thecell membrane

In the ... , signs of aging include a few gray hairs, faint facial lines, minor joint stiffness, and adecrease in female fertility.


A cut that divides the body into superior and inferior portions is called .....


A recent anatomical discovery is a previously unknown muscle between ...

two bones in the hand.

u. Cholesterol is used to synthesize_________________________________

u. Cholesterol is used to synthesis other steroids, sex hormones, and hormones from the adrenal glands.

navel -


spinal column -


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