ap 1945-present quiz

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why soviets invade afghanistan

*Soviets invade ___ because...* -The Soviets do not want _____'s communist government to fail. -During the Cold War, the Soviets were trying to spread communism while the US tryied to spread democracy -looks bad if _____'s communist government fails

cultural revolution

- 1966 - 1970 - destroyed traditional art; radio and TV stations taken over - artists sent to reeducation camps - upheaval in education, industry, and agriculture - fall of '66: all regular university and high-school studies cease (for almost 10 years) - the Red Guards organize mass demonstrations, attack alleged counter-revolutionaries, imprison party officials, and destroy old monuments - finally PLA called in to enforce some public order

november 1979 january 1981

-(date?) revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage -the Carter administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages release -On _____ (date?) the day Carter left office, Iran released the Americans, ending their 444 days in captivity

january 20, 1973 april 1975

-(date?) when a peace treaty was signed in paris calling for the reomval of all US forces from South Vietnam -in return, communists halt military operations to negotiate and solve differences with Saigon -but by ______ (date?) the communists resumed the offensive and made the South Vietnamese govt surrender after a massive assault by the North -country was unified under communist rule


-1823: ____ warned europe not to intervene in latin america -1904: roosevelt corollary to monro doctrine states US can intervene in latin american affaris when US interests are threatened

iron curtain

-1946: winston churchill (former british prime minister) made a speech to an american audience declaring "an _____ had descended across the continent" dividing europe into two hostile camps -stalin said churchill's speech was a "call to war with the soviets"

suez crisis, 1956

-1956 nasser nationalized suez canal (previously under british/french control) -brits/french joint attack egypt to protect investment, joined by israel -Eisenhower and US supported nasser and brought the withdrawal of foreign forces from egypt and israeli troops from sinai

6 day war, 1967

-1967 israel air strikes against egypt and arabs (scared they would attack) -israel broke blockade at gulf of aqaba and took sinai -israili attacked jordan river area, took jerusalem and golan heights -israel mocked nasser's pretentions of arab unity tripling thier size -arab states wanted their land back, US provides israel aid -nixon tries for a peace settlement but al-sadat succeeded nasser (free enterprise) + signed treaty w/ israel if they'd withdraw to pre 1967 frontiers (israel says nah)

How religious & secular values clashed in Iran/problems in westernized iran?

-1979 shah tries to westernize/modernize iran, and khomeini overthrows im -islamic revolution -after rev, iranian militants seized US hostages holding them for > 1 yr -8 americans died in aborted hostage rescue attempts (disaster for carter) -hostages were released in 1981 when reagan was sworn in


-Afghani resistance fighters who fought against the Soviet Union -Some groups were very fundmentalist in belief -Almost all grew up in refugee camps without family or education -warlords, not unified, caused many problems

bay of pigs invasion april 1961

-American attempt to overthrow the newly established communist government in Cuba by training and sending Cuban rebels (castro) -the coup ended up in a disaster due to the lack of support by the Americans -incident was an embarrassment for the U.S. and ultimately led to Castro pleading for Soviet aid (Cuban Missile Crisis)

1993 oslo accords

-An agreement in 1993 in which Israeli prime minister Rabin and PLO leader Arafat signed -PLO recongizes Israel and renounce terrorism -Palestinians have own govt -israel promises to get out of gaza strip + west bank -rabin was eventually assassinated

tonkin gulf resolution

-Authority granted by congress to President Johnson in 1964 to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the united states

alexander dubcek

-Communist Party first Secretary of Czechoslovakia -loosens strict rules; permits criticism of government -assures loyalty to USSR -"socialism with a human face" -prague spring -gets kicked out

fidel castro

-Cuban revolutionary; overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1958; initiated series of socialist reforms; came to depend almost exclusively on Soviet Union -The communist leader of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis who wanted to start a nuclear war with the U.S

anastasio somoza

-Head of the Guardia Nacional -With the help of the US, this man became the president in Nicaragua in 1936. Borderline Fascist -FDR's "Democratic Ally" -From a very elite family, lots of money, blue shirts -Staged a Coup and held elections -combined presidency with national guard = HUGE control -Killed in 1956 by Rigoberto Lopez Perez; sons become pres -the dictator of Nicaragua and a US ally. His government was overthrown by leftist revolutionaries (Sandinistas) in 1979

jiang jieshi

-Leader of Chinese Nationalists, also known as Chang kai-shek -defeated by Mao Zedong's communist revolutionaries in 1949 and was forced to flee to the isalnd of Tawiwan, where, with the support of the United States, he became *president of the Republic of China*

great leap forward

-Mao's plan to increase industry that was actually a step backwards; communes were a disasater -short lived, radical experiment in china beginning in 1958 that created vast rural communes in an attempt to replace the family as the fundamental social unit -communes were supposed to be responsible for the administrative/economic tasks at the local level -food production decreased, 15 million died of starvation -abandoned in 1960

u-2 incident

-May 1960 when the USSR shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space and captured its pilot, Francis Gary Powers -Eisenhower was forced to admit to the Soviets that the U.S. CIA had been flying spy missions over the USSR for several years -Soviets convicted Powers on espionage charges and sentenced him to 10 years in prison, but after serving less than two years, he was released in exchange for a captured Soviet agent in the first-ever U.S.-USSR "spy swap"

security council

-October 1945: UN was created as its Charter was ratified by the five permanent members in ___ and the majority of other signatories, and comes into force. -passed a resolution calling on member nations to jointly resist the invasion (north korean troops under stalin (communist) invaded south korea) in line with the security provisions in the united nations charter

Ho Chi Minh

-Organized the league for the independence of Vietnam -leader of the indochinese commmunist party (leader of vietminh front) who seized power in northern and central vietnam -quest to unify vietnam under communist leadership -stalin ignored his request for recognition of his movement


-President of Egypt 1956 -pissed about no preparation for last war against israel -seized power, land reform -neutrality in foreign affairs, sympathy to arabs -nationalized suez canal comopany

shah mohammed reza pahlavi

-Shah of Iran from 1941 till his overthrow in 1979 after the Iranian Revolution -started the SAVAK -Began a reform program in the 1950s and 1960s that sought to centralize his power and modernize Iran -Iran -ruled 1941-79 -Became an important ally to the US and because of his attempt to emulate the US he received large infusions of US aid as well as purchased weapons to make Iran the 5th largest military in the world by 1976

ayatollah ruholla khomeini

-Shi'ite philosopher and cleric who led the overthrow of the shah of Iran in 1979 and created an Islamic republic

reason why the iran-iraq war of the 1980s occurred?

-Some say the Saddam wanted access to the rich oil mines in Iran and was taking advantage of the turmoil in the country -Others say his fear of the fundamentalist, religious revolution spreading to Iraq made him attack Iran -1980: Saddam invaded his neighboring country in the hopes of a swift victory--> he did not act quickly and the movement slowed -war dragged on for 8 years (there was a short hiatus)

Nikita Krushchev

-Stalin's successor -wanted peaceful coexistence with the U.S. -Eisenhower agreed to a summit conference with Khrushchev, France and Great Britain in Geneva, and Switzerland in July of 1955 to discuss how peaceful coexistence could be achieved -De-Stalinized Russia (Relaxed censorship, Increased consumer goods, peaceful coexistence)

october 1973 yom kippur war

-Syrians and Egyptians launched a surprise attack on Israel in an attempt to recover the lands lost in the Six-Day war or -Nixon ordered US nuclear forces on alert and airlifted $2 billion in arms to Israel to stem their retreat -led by egyptian president Sadat + arabs -after this war, US Sec of State Kissinger tries to use "shuttle diplomacy" to reduce tensions b/w arabs + israelis

us and ussr cold war strategies


north american free trade agreement (NAFTA)

-US, Canada, and Mexico signed it under president clinton in 1990s -granted mexican growers, cattle producers, and industries access to north american customers

mikhail gorbachev

-USSR ruler after 1985 -renewed attacks on Stalinism -urged reduction in nuclear armament -proclaimed policies of glasnost and perestroika (restructuring: more leeway for private ownership and decentralized control in industry and agriculture) -met with reagan-agreed to set aside differences -too late to save the soviets-rebellion -ended soviet invasion in afghanistan

38th parallel

-War broke out along the ______ on June 25, 1950 -North Korean troops coordinated an attack along the parallel and headed toward Seoul -The UN Security Council responded to the attack by condemning the invasion as a "breach of the peace." The Council did not have a Soviet delegate, since 6 months prior, the Soviet Union had left to protest the UN's refusal to seat a delegate from China -Truman sent US forces to combine w/ UN military + named MacArthur Commander of the UN forces -15 others sent troops under the UN command -No declaration of war by truman to congress (police action)

Camp David Accords

-____ were signed in March 1979. -egyptian pres sadat agreed to recognize israel if israel would withdraw troops from sinai (captured in previous war) -israeli prime minister Began signed it -sadat ended up being assasinated by extremists bc of his involvement with US/israel

iraq-iran war gulf war

-_____ war lasted from 1980-1988 -saddam hussein looked for a new source of money, so he invated kuwait in august 1990 bc of a border and oil field dispute -George W Bush sent 500K troops to attack iraq Jan 1991 -given a deadline of jan 15, 1991 to withdraw, the US formed a coalition and the ____ war began -trying to break up that coalition which included saudi arabia, iraq launched missiles on israil and saudia arabia w/ little success -us drove out of kuwait 1991, hussein left in power

palestinian authority

-_____ was established during the oslo peace accord in the occupied territories between israel and palestine -PLO is now _______ after the oslo peace accord


-_______, crime, landlessness, and the misues of natural resources caused a big gap b/w rich and poor in latin america -EX: brazil produces 100X more goods/services than nicaragua

President Nixon's Vietnamization plan

-________ strategy (called____?) for ending U.S involvement in the vietnam war, involving a gradual withdrawl of American troops and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces


-a policy adopted by the US during the cold war -goal is to limit soviet expansion -advocated by george kennan in "foreign affairs" article -became a formal US policy after the soviets blockaded berlin in 1948

Khmer Rouge

-after unification of communist vietnam, border dispute b/w cambodia and vietnam began -this brutal rev regime under pol pot came to power in cambodia and massacred millions of cambodians -launched attacks across border -so vietnam invaded in december 1978 and installed a pro-Hanoi regime in phnom penh -china launched a quick attack on Vietnam

daniel ortega

-an anti-American sandinista leader in nicaragua -Was the leader of the Sandinista rebels who wanted Nicaragua to become communist. Initially better than dictator; US actually supports Ortega over Somoza.

after soviet invasion in afghanistan, us feared _____

-another war: threatened with nuclear reaction

Ngo Dinh Diem

-anti communist politician in Southern Vietnam who led the govt to root out dissidents -refused to hold national elections called for by the geneva accord (thought communists would win)-us agreed -autocratic methods/inattention to economic inequality alienated peope and revolutionary forces (viet cong) -Kennedy administration overthrew/assassinated him in 1963


-anti-communist guerilla movement in nicaragua supported by the reagan administration -rebel group fighting the leftist sandinista regime

domino theory

-belief that if the communists succeeded in veitnam, other countries in SE and E Asia would also fall to communism -justification for the US intervention in Southern Vietnam, worried they would fall to northern communists

why USSR and china split even though they had a 30 yr treaty of friendship

-china didn't like the soviets relations w/ the west or peaceful coexistance; soviets say no more old deal then

mao's marxist socialism

-class struggle -businesses and industries were nationalized -collectivization ownership of means of production -dictatorship of proletariat (working class) -adapted Marxist ideas to Chinese conditions

united nations

-created at the yalta agreement -accepted by churchill and stalin; roosevelt's plan -first meeting in april 1945 -leader: macarthur-marched across 38th parallel to unite korea -macarthur and troops were driven out by chinese volunteer forces

yalta agreement

-creation of united nations -germany must surrender, $20 billion reparations -created 4 occupation zones -stalin says poland can have free elections if they are pro-soviet


-early 1970s, new phase in soviet-american relations -french term meaning reduction of tensions -symbol of new relationship was antiballistic missile treaty (SALT I TREATY/ABM) -maintained it by keeping equal power and trading

violeta chamorro

-elected president of Nicaragua after Anastasiomaza was overthrown (1990-1996) -*FIRST WOMAN PREZ IN DA HOUSE!*


-followed pinochet, advocated free market economy

marshall plan

-followed the truman doctrine in june 1947 (post WWII) -also known as the european recovery program -provided $13 billion in US assistance for the economic recovery of war-torn Europe -initiated out of the belief that communist agression fed off of economic turmoil

warsaw pact

-formed in 1955 when albania, bulgaria, czechs, east germany, hungary, poland, romania, and the soviet union organized a formal military alliance

southeast asia treaty organization (SEATO)

-formed in September 1954 when the United States, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan joined to prevent communism from gaining control in the region

yalta agreement

-grand alliance approves declaration of liberated europe (pledge to assist them in creating democracies-free elections) -roosevelt wants the soviet's help against japan and agrees to give stalin sakhaline, kurtile, 2 ports, and railroad rights in manchuria

dalai lama

-head lama (teacher/leader) of Tibetan Buddhism, the spiritual and political leader of Tibet until 1959, who also recently relinquished all political authority. -spiritual leader of tibet

nonaligned nations

-independent countries that remained neutral in the Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union

potsdam conference

-july 1945 -wetern + soviet relations were bad -allies only common aim was defeating nazis -roosevelt died so truman took his spot -truman got word on a successful bomb during the conference causing stiffened resolve towards soviets -truman demanded free elections in E Europe, but stalin says no b/c it wouldn't be anti-soviet

ethnic cleansing

-killing or forcibly removing bosnian muslims from their lands -serbian policy: 8K killed, muslims desperate -->us and euro nations eventually intervened -->cease fire 1995 -->peace in bosnia, but not yugoslavia (war in kosovo)


-leader of the chilean army who decided on a coup d'etat after allende -allende was killed -military kept power w/ dictatorship -gave nationalized industries back to owners -abuses of human rights led to unrest against govt

josip tito

-leader of the communist resistance movement (yugoslav partisans) -loyal stalinist -but after the war, he established an independent communist state -wouldn't let stalin take over yugoslavia, had people's support -devised a decentralized variety of Communism, different from "Stalinism" -leader of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - founding member of Cominform but resisted Soviet influence, and became one osf the founders and promoters the Non-Aligned Movement

salvador allende

-marxist elected president of chile in 1970 -tried to create a socialist society by constitutional means -economic problems originally (wealth by landowners, inflation, foreign debt, less mining) -increased wages of industrial workers and nationalized foreign owned corporations -caused nixon to cut off all aid to chile bc he nationalized the copper industry -rebellion by upper/middle class suppressed -

yalta conference

-meeting of the leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States in 1945 -Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan in exchange for influence in the Eastern European states -establishment of a new international organization


-movement the league for independence of Vietnam, a resistance to the French who were controlling Vietnam at the time -waged a "people's war" of national liberation from collonial rule -gained strength -beseiged a french military outpost at dien bien phu in 1954


-mutual economic assistance between eastern european states in 1949

what did OPEC members do as a result of US aid to Israel in the yom kippur war in 1973

-oil was the lifeblood of us economy + interest in the mid east -then oil was found by brits in the mid east-->they get big profits -OPEC was formed 1960 by mid east states mad at US import policies + wanting more profit -OPEC placed an ______ on oil sales to america after US helped israel in yom kippur war -oil crisis in US -->1973-1974: energy conservation, Carter supports alternative fuels

may 1948 *irael's* creation

-palestine = place of conflict b/w judaism, christianity, + islam -european jews displaced by holocause want to reclaim palestine as a jewish homeland -->clashes w/ palestinians -after UN divided Palestine in 1947, _____ was created -Ararbs attacked them, war, _____ extending borders X3, creation of pealestinian refugees

general assembly

-policy making, representative organ of the UN created 1946 -nominates Dag Hammarskjöld as Secretary General of the United Nations 1953

cultural revolution

-political movement initiated by Mao Zedong that lasted from 1966 to 1976 -campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation -called the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution -wanted to cleanse China of revisionists

zhou enlai

-prominent and influential member of the Chinese Communist Party during the time of Mao -Mao and the Gang of Four orchestrated a campaign against him -His death marked the first time people spoke out (indirectly) against Mao -came to power after Mao stepped away following GLF -rolled back Mao's reforms but kept China's communistic views in tact

President Reagan's *Strategic Defense Initiative* (SDI) "star wars"

-purposes were to create a space shield that could destroy incoming missiles and to force moscow into an arms race that it would lose -proposed by reagan

leonid brezhnev

-replaced krushchev in 1964; no partisan of reform -he and prime minister kosygin undertook "de-khrushchevization" returning responsibility to central ministries and reuniting communisty party -didn't revise basic collectivization system; didn't support destalinization -restrictive towards dissidents in the soviet society; industrial growth declined; gosplan

imry nagy

-replaced rakosi in hungarian revolt -national communist -unable to contain the zeal of leading members of the protest movement who sought major reforms and the withdrawal of hungary from the warsaw pact -promised free elctions, then krushchev and soviets returned to budapest and installed new govt under pliant parter leader janos kadar -took refuge in the yugoslav embassy -arrested, treason, executed

iran-contra affair

-scandal in 1987 revealed that the US had been selling weapons to the anti-American government in Iran (to help secure the release of American hostages) & had been using the profits from these sales to secretly & illegally finance the Contras in Nicaragua -North organized it; Reagan was not aware of North's actions -violated reagan's pledge to not deal w/ terrorists -scandal when funders from arms sales to iran were used to support the contras in nicaragua


-signed b/w US and soviet union in 1979, carter admin -new arms limitation agreement -cut back the weaponry of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. because it was getting too competitive -set limits on the numbers of weapons produced -Not passed by the Senate as retaliation for U.S.S.R.'s invasion of Afghanistan, and later superseded by the START treaty.

Helsinki Accords

-signed in 1975 by the US, canada, and all european nations on both sides of the iron curtain -recognized all borders in europe that were established since WWII -acknowledges soviet sphere of influence in eastern europe -committed signatories to recognize and protect human rights of their citizens; effort by west to improve performance of soviets and its allies

truman doctrine

-states that the US will provide financial aid to countries that claimed they were threatened by communist expansion -initiated because of the communist guerilla forces supported by Tito's Yugoslavia attacking pro-Western govt in athens, which was originally the British's responsibility but they were having economic problems and withdrew -1947

soviets invasion of hungary october 1956

-student led popular riots broke out from capital budapest and spread to towns and villages throughout the country -Rakosi was forced to resign and was replaced by imre nagy (national communist who attempted to satisyf popular demands w/o arousing the anger of moscow)


-symbol of detente b/w soviets and americans -also known as antiballisitic missile (ABM) -treaty signed in 1972, two nations agreed to limit the size of their ABM syste,s


-the first space satellite sent into orbit around the Earth by the soviets in 1957

berlin airlift

-to prevent a west german govt, the soviet union blockaded west berlin to prevent traffic from entering through soviet-controlled territory -solution: deliver supplies for the city by plane -flew 13k tons of supplies daily into berlin -soviet's didn't want to interfere and cause war, so they lifted the blockade in may 1949 -brought the separation of germany into 2 states (federal republic of germany in west and german democratic republic (GDR) in east)

dien bien phu 1954

-vietminh seized a french military outpost here with chinese assistance -vietminh forces overran the french bastion here

red guards

-youths who led Mao's Cultural Revolution -wore red arm bands and carried his book -terrorized Chinese citizens and determined who went to camps. -mainly university and high school students -ried to revitalize the revolutionary spirit by attacking local party leaders and teachers (abolish pre-communism concepts) -wanted to destroy the four olds

slobodan milosevic

-yugoslav president 1989 -stripped kosovo of autonomous status -ousted from power and put on trial by international tribunal for crimes against humanity for ethnic cleansing -died in prison 2006 before trial -serbs had massacred ethnic albanians in an effort to crush KLA (kosovo liberation army)

how long did the soviets stay in afghanistan

10 yrs (1979-1989)

january 1979

Between 1963-1979, the Shah spent billions of oil dollars on military weapons, angering many Iranians nationalists -Economy suffers, loss of popular support -Shah restricts democratic freedoms of Iranian people (dictator style) -Nationalist group leads rebellion against the Shah-shah flees Iran ____(date?), never to return. -Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran and led Iranian nationalist into extreme anti-Americanism


Country bordering Vietnam that Nixon had begun secret bombing raids

fulgencio batista

Dictator of Cuba formed in 1934 to 1944; returned presidency in 1952; ousted from government by revolution led by Fidel Castro

arab/israeli war 1948

Event of 1948, in which Arab states attacked Israel, with the intention of 'driving the Jews into the sea'.

cuban missile crisis october 1962

Major Cold War confrontation in 1962 --> Soviets building missile bases on Cuba, atomic missiles could reach US within minutes (to scare US)

Nasser established ______ in 1964 which was led by Arafat

PLO (palestine liberation organization)


The Cold War policy of the Soviet Union and the United States of threatening to go to war at a sign of aggression on the part of either power

prague spring

The four months in which the reforms of Dubcek where in place

new democracies

_____ in latin america couldn't address urban decay, poverty, or inequality

colonial legacy

_____ legacy of latin america: racism, inequality, undemocratic govts

reeducation camps

combo prison chain-gang & political indoctrination

Pol Pot

leader of the Khmer Rouge-dictator

third world

underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively -poor countries, under developed, largely rural,high level of poverty. (autocratic dictatorships) one person with the power


vietnamese communists in the south primarily under diem -were going to seize control until lyndon johnson sent troops to prevent their total defeat in saigon -us helped morea and persuaded ho chi minh to abandon quest to unify vietnam under communist leadership

latin american

who? -mayas, aztecs, and incas were conquered by euro spears, horses, and conquistadors -colonists took the best land, enslaved natives, and brutally exploited them -landowners had the rights to the minerals, agricultural, and cheap labor (encomienda system)

latin america

who? -race caste system -skin shade determines where you work in a bank -natives can't enter bolibia's capital la paz until 1952 -only whites on the street after dark

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