AP Biology Osmosis

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Which of the following claims is scientifically accurate and consistent with an observation that a decrease in lysosome production within a cell leads to a decline in mitochondrial activity?

Fewer lysosomes will be available to break down macromolecules to provide the necessary nutrients for cellular respiration.

Liver cells manufacture glycoproteins, while adipose cells store fat. Which of the following subcellular structures is likely to be more prominent in liver cells than in adipose cells?

Golgi apparatus

The endosymbiont theory proposes a model for the evolution of mitochondria. According to the model, an ancestral eukaryote engulfed a small, free-living prokaryotic organism. The engulfed prokaryote then formed an endosymbiotic relationship with the eukaryotic host.

Mitochondria and some prokaryotes share similar metabolic reactions that produce

If ATP breakdown (hydrolysis) is inhibited, which of the following types of movement across cell membranes is also inhibited?

Passage of a solute against its concentration gradient

A prokaryotic cell has which of the following?

Plasma membrane

Which of the following statements best supports the claim that certain organelles within eukaryotic cells evolved from free-living prokaryotic cells?

Some organelles contain their own DNA that is more similar to prokaryotic DNA in structure and function than to the eukaryotic DNA found in the cell's nucleus.

A spherical bacterial cell has a radius of 3μm. The human egg cell has a radius of 100μm. Which statement correctly indicates the cell that is able to more efficiently exchange materials with the external environment and provides a correct explanation?

The bacterial cell, because it has the largest surface-to-volume ratio.

Individuals with an inherited autosomal recessive disorder called primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) often have severe respiratory problems due to defective cilia. Males with PCD are often sterile because they produce sperm with defective flagella. Which of the following most likely explains the effect of the recessive allele?

The cells do not produce functional motor proteins in flagella and cilia.

Intravenous (IV) solutions administered to patients are normally isotonic. Which of the following is most likely if an IV of distilled water is administered to a patient?

The cells that are exposed to hypotonic solutions will expand as water moves osmotically into the cells from the blood.

A team of biologists develop a new drug, and one team member hypothesizes that the drug is incapable of freely passing across the plasma membrane and requires the help of membrane proteins to enter cells. Alternatively, another biologist on the team hypothesizes that the drug can diffuse passively across the plasma membrane like O2 and CO2 can. Which of the following, if true about the drug, best supports the alternative hypothesis that the new drug will exhibit simple diffusion across plasma membranes?

The drug is a small nonpolar molecule.

Organelles such as mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum have membranes that compartmentalize reactions and other metabolic processes. To function properly, the organelles must move substances across their membranes. Which of the following statements describes a feature shared by mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum that increases the efficiency of their basic functions?

They have highly folded membranes.

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both

depend on a concentration gradient

Contains hydrolytic enzymes associated with the intracellular digestion of macromolecules


All of the following cell components are found in prokaryotic cells EXCEPT

nuclear envelope

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common?


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