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A farmer grows several crops on a farm that has mostly shallow, sandy soil. Which of the following irrigation methods would be the best suited for this farm? A Drip irrigation B Flood irrigation C Surface irrigation D Furrow irrigation


A major environmental problem caused by using the agricultural practice of tilling is A eutrophication from excessive fertilizer use B ozone depletion from fossil fuel use C intercropping by traditional farmers D compaction of soil from adding compost


At which of the following sites does seafloor spreading result in rifts and possible volcanoes? A B C D


Biological controls are frequently used to replace persistent chemical pesticides. Which of the following represents the greatest potential risk of using biological controls? A The control agent attacks not only its intended target but also beneficial species. B The control agent mutates and is no longer an effective control agent. C Repeated applications or introductions are required to eliminate the pest population. D Residual pesticides in the environment kill the control agent before it can eradicate the pest. E Biological controls prove to be more costly to use than chemical pesticides.


Extraction of natural gas by the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is most likely to result in which of the following environmental problems? A Groundwater contamination B Ozone depletion C Eutrophication D Denitrification E Desertification


Farmers need to make many decisions about how they grow their crops. One of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure. An advantage of using synthetic fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer is that A synthetic fertilizer can provide more targeted macronutrients to the crops B synthetic fertilizer remains in the soil longer than organic fertilizer does, reducing the volume needed and, therefore, the cost to the farmer C synthetic fertilizer adds to soil texture and increases the soil's water-holding capacity D organic fertilizer runs off more readily into waterways, leading to nutrient overload


Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the pumping of highly pressurized water with a mixture of sand and chemicals into boreholes to A create cracks within the rock in order to provide pathways for the release of gas and oil B pulverize the rock in order to let gas and oil rise through the soil horizons C reopen old mine shafts, from which gas and oil can be collected D create seismic movement and artificial earthquakes in order to liberate gas and oil E supersaturate the rock with the fracking fluid, which scrubs gas and oil from the rock by abrasion


Most volcanism in the world is associated with A plate boundaries B midcontinental hot spots C faulting D aquifer depletion E desertification


Negative environmental impacts associated with large-scale hydroelectric projects have been demonstrated in which of the following areas? A James Bay, Quebec B Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania C Kissimmee River, Florida D Mono Lake, California E Aral Sea, former USSR


Overgrazing of grasslands can lead to reduced range quality. Two of the major effects of overgrazing are A erosion and desertification B higher fire potential and increased productivity C eutrophication and increased methane production D higher primary productivity and ammonification E soil compaction and subsidence


Purity is a major factor in determining the type of coal used for energy. Which of the following types of coal are correctly paired with a description of its purity and common use? A Anthracite is considered the highest grade coal because it is almost pure carbon, and it is often used for domestic heating. B Coking coal is most widely available and contains 60-86% carbon, which makes it ideal for use in coal power plants. C Steam coal has a high carbon content with low amounts of impurities, which makes it ideal for use in the steel industry. D Lignite is the most mature and purest form of coal, and it is often used for large-scale power generation.


The intraplate location where hot-spot volcanism is occurring A B C D E


This type of irrigation is often used by small-scale farming operations, and it requires extensive labor to set up individual irrigation lines. A Drip irrigation B Flood irrigation C Furrow irrigation D Spray irrigation


This type of irrigation uses a large system of sprinklers that must be manually moved from field to field and has very large evaporative losses. A Drip irrigation B Flood irrigation C Furrow irrigation D Spray irrigation


Which of the following metals is considered an energy resource? A Uranium B Cobalt C Mercury D Copper E Palladium


Which of the following represents a correct pairing of an agricultural practice with its environmental consequence? A Paddy rice cultivation and methane emissions B Plowing under cover crops and nutrient depletion C Organic corn cultivation and pesticide accumulation D No-till farming and increased soil erosion E Planting vegetated buffers on stream banks and increased levels of nonpoint-source pollution


Which of the following statements correctly explains the role of fossil fuels in the production of energy? A The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine. B The steam released from the combustion of fossil fuels turns a generator, which then powers a turbine. C The heat released from burning fossil fuels rises and turns a turbine, which then releases carbon dioxide. D Steam produced from a turbine ignites the fossil fuels, which then powers the generator.


Which of the lettered choices in the soil profile above represents the region with the greatest concentration of organic material? A B C D E


Which three sources supply the majority of commercial energy in the world today? A Coal, oil, and natural gas B Solar, wind, and biomass C Nuclear, hydropower, and photovoltaics D Wood, dung, and charcoal E Fuel cells, geothermal, and tidal power


A group of students want to increase the amount of water infiltration around the property of their urban high school by replacing all the existing impermeable walkway pavers with permeable ones. The school board will not move forward with any property changes unless the students conduct an experiment and collect evidence to help prove that their proposed suggestion to increase water infiltration will be effective. The students create two identical pallets using soil taken from the school's property and install impermeable pavers similar to those found on the school's property in one of the pallets. They install permeable pavers in the other pallet. The students pour exactly the same amount of water over both sets of pavers, leave both pallets in exactly the same environmental conditions, and after one hour measure the amount of water that infiltrated the soil. Which of the following identifies and describes the equipment needed to best determine the amount of water that infiltrated the soil? A A scale should be used to measure the mass of both pallets immediately after pouring the water over the pavers and immediately after the one-hour wait time. B A ruler should be used to measure the level of water above the pavers in both pallets immediately after pouring the water over the pavers and immediately after the one-hour wait time. C A soil triangle should be used to determine the soil texture in both pallets before and after the water is added to both pallets. D A turbidity meter should be used to determine the amount of particulate matter in both pallets before and after the water is added to both pallets.


At the current rate of growth, Earth's human population will double in about 50 years. Which of the following is the LEAST viable strategy for ensuring adequate nutrition for a population of this size? A Increasing the number of new food crops from the great diversity of plant species B Doubling the area of arable land on a global basis C Developing systems for making the global distribution of food more equitable D Increasing the area of land that is currently dedicated to grain production by reducing the area dedicated to meat production E Assisting developing countries in using highly efficient crop irrigation systems


At which of the following sites would activity result in volcanoes, island arcs, and mountains? A B C D


Compared with people in developing countries, people in industrialized countries are more likely to eat A beans B beef C corn D rice E wheat


Farmers use various methods of irrigation on crops. Which of the following statements correctly pairs an irrigation method with an advantage or disadvantage? A Drip irrigation is readily used in large-scale farming because of the low cost associated with this method. B Flood irrigation is often used in agricultural fields, however, it increases surface erosion and salinization of the soil. C Furrow irrigation is a method in which farmers plant two different types of crops in alternating strips which increases productivity. D Spray irrigation loses the least amount of water to evaporation.


How many BTUs were consumed in the United States in 2017 by consumers that used petroleum as a fuel source? A 28 quadrillion BTUs B 36 quadrillion BTUs C 62 quadrillion BTUs D 97 quadrillion BTUs


If peak electricity use occurs around 2p.m.2p.m. in the Los Angeles area and avoiding brownouts is more important to the installers of the PVPV panels than annual energy output, which of the following PVPV panel systems would be best to use in the area? A No tracking, tilted south B No tracking, tilted west C No tracking, tilted east D No tracking, flat


The excessive pumping of groundwater from wells can influence the water levels below ground. Which of the following is more likely to occur in aquifers in coastal areas than in aquifers in other regions? A Upward movement of the water table B Saltwater intrusion into the aquifers C The formation of a cone of depression D An increased rate of recharge from precipitation


The half-life of a radioactive substance with the decay rate shown in the graph above is closest to A 5 seconds B 7 seconds C 14 seconds D 18 seconds E 21 seconds


The number of years that the power plant will be capable of supplying all of the demand for energy in the three cities is nearest to A 0.5 years B 5 years C 15 years D 25 years E 70 years


The separation of the various components of crude oil in refineries is accomplished primarily by taking advantage of differences in which of the following? A The densities of the components B The boiling points of the components C The solubility of the components D The sulfur content of the components E The viscosities of the components


There are various stages in the formation of coal as heat and pressure are increased and moisture content is decreased. These stages, in order, are A bituminous, peat, lignite, anthracite B peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite C peat, lignite, anthracite, bituminous D lignite, bituminous, anthracite, peat E anthracite, bituminous, peat, lignite


Vegetarianism is often cited as a partial solution to the growing problem of deforestation and other types of habitat destruction as the human population continues to grow. The reason for this is A vegetarians are healthier due to a lack of animal fat in their diets B more people can be fed using less agricultural land because vegetarians eat at a lower trophic level C vegetarians consume fewer calories per person and therefore require fewer acres of farmland D vegetarian diets often recommend consuming large amounts of tree nuts as a source of protein, which preserves forest habitats E vegetarians often support conservation efforts that promote forest conservation


Which of the following areas shown on the map of the United States has a history of coal deposits and is most likely to have mining operations? A Point A B Point B C Point C D Point D


Which of the following best describes a transform boundary? A An area where two tectonic plates move away from each other B An area where two tectonic plates slide past one another C An area where two or more tectonic plates collide D An area where two or more tectonic plates fuse together at a suture zone


Which of the following countries has the largest coal reserves? A Saudi Arabia B China C India D France E Japan


Which of the following describes an environmental problem that can result from the combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity? A A chemical reaction occurs between the fossil fuel and oxygen to produce energy for the generation of electricity. B Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere. C The combustion of fossil fuels can heat water to convert the water into steam to turn turbines that are connected to electrical generators. D Combustion reactions using fossil fuels require more energy than they produce and are therefore very inefficient.


Which of the following has the largest proven coal reserves? A South America B The United States C Australia D Indonesia E Africa


Which of the following irrigation methods is most likely to result in salinization of the soil, especially if the agricultural fields are located in a warm climate with consistent sunlight? A Spray irrigation B Furrow irrigation C Flood irrigation D Drip irrigation


Which of the following is an environmental problem associated with abandoned coal mines? A Thermal pollution of streams in the area B Acid drainage due to leaching of spoil heaps by rainwater C Air pollution caused by smog from ozone formation D Alkaline solutions that pollute streams E Released nutrients that cause eutrophication into streams


Which of the following is the best illustration of the pesticide treadmill? A Sequence of several pesticides used by farmers to maximize effectiveness B Increased use of pesticides to eradicate genetically resistant pests C Biomagnification of pesticides in the fatty tissue of primary consumers D Movement of pesticides following their percolation into the groundwater E Process that is used to manufacture pesticides


Which of the following is the most valid inference regarding electricity production, based on the graph above? A Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of shortages in coal supplies. B Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy. C The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of the low cost of constructing nuclear power plants. D The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of shortages in coal supplies. E Renewable energy has not increased as much as nuclear energy has since 1970 because of federal laws restricting construction of wind farms.


Which of the following methods of agricultural irrigation results in the loss of the least amount of water by evaporation? A Conventional center-pivot irrigation B Drop irrigation C Laser-level irrigation D Flood irrigation E Gravity-flow irrigation


Which of the following statements about genetic diversity is true? A Genetic uniformity of a crop increases the crop's overall resistance to pests and disease. B Genetic resistance to pests and diseases can be increased by crossing a crop plant with ancestral varieties. C Genetic engineering technology is used to increase genetic diversity by creating new species with synthetic genes. D Genetic diversity within populations of common crop species such as corn is typically high. E Genetic diversity is usually high in endangered species.


Which of the following statements correctly explains the tectonic plate activity on the West Coast of the United States? A The Cascade Mountains were formed when two continental plates converged. B Earthquakes occur at the San Andreas Fault when stored energy is released from locked plates. C The divergence of two plates has led to the formation of volcanoes in the Cascade Mountains. D Movement of plates along the San Andreas Fault created the Cascade Mountains.


Which of the following statements identifies a concern associated with the increased proportion of GM crops being grown? A Planting GM crops results in reduced crop yield, which causes more land to be put into production. B Use of GM seeds can lead to loss of genetic diversity in crops. C GM crops cannot be grown in marginal soils. D Runoff from GM crop fields can lead to increased eutrophication. E GM crops cannot withstand herbicide application, reducing crop yield.


A farmer observes that increasingly higher concentrations of a particular pesticide have been required each year over the past ten years to achieve the same level of effectiveness on a specific insect pest. Which of the following best helps explain the observation? A Some individual insects live longer than others and pass on traits acquired during their lives. B Only the most aggressive and territorial insects survive and reproduce. C Some individual insects are more likely than others to survive and reproduce due to their inherited traits. D Some individual insects produce many offspring, and thus their offspring live longer. E Some individual insects reproduce before the pesticide is applied, thereby avoiding its harmful effects.


A group of students want to increase the amount of water infiltration around the property of their urban high school by replacing all the existing impermeable walkway pavers with permeable ones. The school board will not move forward with any property changes unless the students conduct an experiment and collect evidence to help prove that their proposed suggestion to increase water infiltration will be effective. The students create two identical pallets using soil taken from the school's property and install impermeable pavers similar to those found on the school's property in one of the pallets. They install permeable pavers in the other pallet. The students pour exactly the same amount of water over both sets of pavers, leave both pallets in exactly the same environmental conditions, and after one hour measure the amount of water that infiltrated the soil. Which of the following is the dependent variable in the study? A The type of soil used in the pallets B The type of pavers used in the pallets C The infiltration rate of the water D The temperature of the room that the pallets were left in


A sample of radioactive waste has a half-life of 10 years and an activity level of 2 curies. After how many years will the activity level of this sample be 0.25 curie? A 10 years B 20 years C 30 years D 40 years E 80 years


All of the following substances are derived from petroleum EXCEPT A asphalt B DDT C cellulose D polystyrene E nylon


At the 1997 rate of consumption, about how long will the estimated 2,000 billion barrels of oil last? A 25 years B 50 years C 75 years D 200 years E 500 years


At which of the following sites is an earthquake most likely to occur as two plates slide sideways past each other? A B C D


Based on the data provided, which of the following descriptions best identifies the types of farms that are being compared? A Farm A is a free-pasture farm for cattle, whereas Farm B is a free-range farm for poultry. B Farm A is a concentrated animal feedlot for beef production, whereas Farm B is a cage-free farm for poultry. C Farm A is a grass-fed pasture for beef production, whereas Farm B is a traditional concentrated animal feedlot for cattle. D Farm A is a cage-free farm for poultry, whereas Farm B is an industrial poultry farm.


Burning one gallon of gasoline in a car releases approximately 20 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. One person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 30 miles per gallon (mpg), while another person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 20 mpg. Over the course of the 60,000 miles, how many fewer pounds of CO2 are released by the 30 mpg car than by the 20 mpg car? A 2,000 B 8,000 C 20,000 D 80,000 E 100,000


Carbon dioxide equivalent ( CO2eCO2e ) is used to compare contributions to climate change of various greenhouse gases. A study at a farm calculated the carbon dioxide equivalent for different production stages for beef and chicken production. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in the graph? A Producing food for beef and chicken emits a total of 4.67kg4.67kg CO2eCO2e per kgkg of edible meat, released during transport and processing of animal feed. B The carbon dioxide equivalent for farm energy use by chickens is the greatest source of emissions, because the 2424 hours of lighting that chickens require to grow uses a lot of electricity. C Raising beef contributes more to greenhouse gases than raising chickens does, primarily as a result of fermentation in cows' digestive tracts, which releases methane gas. D Chicken manure does not emit any greenhouse gases, because chickens have unique symbiotic bacteria in their digestive systems.


Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following questions(s) refer to the following elements. (A) Carbon (B) Sodium (C) Sulfur (D) Phosphorus (E) Potassium This element in pyrite contributes to acid mine drainage. A Carbon B Sodium C Sulfur D Phosphorus E Potassium


Economic benefits of building large dams include which of the following? I. Storage of water for agriculture and domestic use II. Controlling floods upstream III. Production of renewable energy A I only B II only C I and III only D II and III only E I, II, and III


Environmentalists oppose the mining of antarctic mineral resources because A territorial claims to Antarctica are unresolved B the existence of valuable mineral deposits in the antarctic environment is unlikely C the antarctic environment is fragile and extremely vulnerable to the disturbances that would accompany development D currently known world reserves of important metals and oils are considered inexhaustible E the demand for minerals is expected to decline as the world's nations become more industrialized


In the majority of less developed countries, the major source of energy for domestic use is which of the following? A Oil B Coal C Biomass D Nuclear E Geothermal


Nuclear power is a component of the line labeled "Other" in the graph. Why is it impossible for nuclear energy to completely replace oil and gas in the future? A Nuclear power is unacceptable to the public, so they will not allow it. B At the current rate of consumption, there is only enough uranium to last for fifteen more years. C Nuclear power can supply electricity, but it cannot replace other uses of oil and gas. D Nuclear energy is too costly for general use. E Nuclear waste contributes more to global climate change than do oil and gas.


Students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. They plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. The town is built in a heavily forested area, but a large area of trees along the river was recently clear-cut to allow for the construction of a new housing development, which has caused exposed soil to wash into the river. The river flows north to south through the town and is still forested both up- and downstream of the town. Which of the following would be the best control sample for the study? A A sample of water collected just downstream of the southern forest B A sample of water collected just downstream of the housing development C A sample of water collected just downstream of the northern forest D A sample of distilled water


Which of the following accurately describes a benefit of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)(CAFOs) ? A Concentrated animal feeding operations produce a large amount of manure, which is then often held in large manure lagoons. B The animals raised in concentrated animal feeding operations are usually grass-fed and therefore less susceptible to disease. C Concentrated animal feeding operations are efficient and relatively low-cost facilities that help keep consumer costs low. D When animals are kept in large concentrations in a small area, the water quality of local waterways is protected from excess runoff.


Which of the following best describes the conditions under which peat is formed? A Partially decayed vegetation is placed under low-pressure, aerobic, acidic conditions. B Partially decayed vegetation is placed under high-pressure, anaerobic, alkaline conditions. C Partially decayed vegetation is placed under high-pressure, anaerobic, acidic conditions. D Partially decayed vegetation is placed under low-pressure, aerobic, alkaline conditions.


Which of the following describes an environment where large amounts of oil could form millions of years in the future? A A volcanic island located along the mid-ocean ridge B A large glacier in a mountainous area C A river delta in a forested region D An area of sand dunes in a desert


Which of the following is a drawback to using biofuels, such as ethanol, as a fuel source? A Ethanol-blended gasoline has higher carbon emissions than petroleum alone. B The global demand for biofuels is continually decreasing. C There is high energy investment in producing and processing the crops needed for ethanol production. D Ethanol-blended gasoline increases the likelihood of freezing gas lines in winter months.


Which of the following is the most successful solution to the problem of fish mortality caused by dams? A Placing fish repellents on dam turbines B Eliminating keystone species above the dam C Building fish ladders around the dam D Harvesting the fish before they reach the dam E Dredging the sediments upstream of the dam


Which of the following is the primary environmental problem associated with the use of nuclear power to generate electricity? A Radon leaking into buildings B Production of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide C Disposal of radioactive waste D Depletion of the ozone layer E Production of acid rain


Which of the following practices is consistent with the production of organic crops according to the United States Department of Agriculture? A Using sodium nitrate as a fertilizer on green, leafy vegetables B Using strychnine to prevent buildup of aphid populations in field crops C Using chemicals known as pheromones to disrupt insect mating cycles D Using sewage sludge to improve the fertility and structure of soil E Using genetically modified plant varieties that kill insects that chew their leaves


Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in the table? A Crops grown using integrated pest management have higher levels of all pesticides in cucumbers but do not have higher levels in tomatoes. B Crops grown using integrated pest management had lower levels of monocrotophos measured in both tomatoes and cucumbers. C The greatest effect of integrated pest management was seen in lower levels of endosulfan in both tomatoes and cucumbers. D Integrated pest management resulted in substantially higher levels of all four pesticides in tomatoes.


Which soil indicated on the soil triangle above would most likely have the highest water-holding capacity? A Soil A B Soil B C Soil C D Soil D E Soil E


rea that exhibits a growing nonvolcanic mountain chain due to uplift A B C D E


A farm is experiencing extensive crop loss due to high rains causing overly saturated soils. Which of the following approaches would best help the farmer alleviate the problem? A Fertilizing the area with manure to eliminate the need for inorganic chemical fertilizers B Amending the soil with clay to increase the water-holding capacity of the soil C Amending the soil with sand to increase the permeability of the soil D Using contour plowing to decrease soil erosion


A vegetable farmer wishes to switch to a combination of trees and vegetables (agroforestry) on several hectares of her land to reduce erosion and to diversify what she grows. She needs to assess whether her land can produce as much income by growing two crops instead of one. The farmer estimates that the new tree crop would cover 40 percent of her fields, with the vegetable crop covering the other 60 percent. Which equation should she use to calculate how much total income she would get from using the new two-crop plan? A ($ income treesha ×0.4)+($ income vegha×0.6)($ income treesha ×0.4)+($ income vegha×0.6) = agroforestry income B ($ income treesha ×total ha×0.6)+($ income vegha×total ha×0.4)($ income treesha ×total ha×0.6)+($ income vegha×total ha×0.4) = agroforestry income C ($ income veg×0.4)+($ income trees×0.6)($ income veg×0.4)+($ income trees×0.6) = agroforestry income D ($ income treesha ×total ha×0.4)+($ income vegha×total ha×0.6)($ income treesha ×total ha×0.4)+($ income vegha×total ha×0.6) = agroforestry income E Total income from old crop × 0.4 = agroforestry income


Between 1960 and 1970, world oil consumption approximately doubled. Which of the following explanations is consistent with this increase? A The number of passengers per car increased. B People drove less, conserving gasoline. C The price of gasoline increased. D The number of cars on the road increased. E Cars that were more fuel-efficient were manufactured.


Biological control methods for managing insect pests are effective for reasons that include which of the following? They promote genetic resistance in the target species, resulting in a population explosion of the target species. They generally focus on one target insect to ensure that the target insect population remains low. They can lead to a self-perpetuating population of a control species. A I only B II only C I and III only D II and III only E I, II, and III


Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following question(s) refer to the following energy sources. Biomass Wind Tidal energy Nuclear fission Sunlight The source that is not renewable A Biomass B Wind C Tidal energy D Nuclear fission E Sunlight


Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following question(s) refer to the following energy sources. Biomass Wind Tidal energy Nuclear fission Sunlight The source that produces long-lived hazardous wastes A Biomass B Wind C Tidal energy D Nuclear fission E Sunlight


Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following question(s) refer to the following processes. (A) Photosynthesis (B) Eutrophication (C) Denitrification (D) Decomposition (E) Transpiration The rapid rate of this process in tropical forests results in low-nutrient soils A Photosynthesis B Eutrophication C Denitrification D Decomposition E Transpiration


If the trend in total water withdrawal represented in the graph continues, which of the following is most likely to happen in the future? A Use of groundwater resources will replace surface water resource use. B Most countries will switch to desalination as a source of freshwater. C An increased reliance on groundwater resources to meet demand will cause the water table to rise in regions worldwide. D Aquifers will be depleted if demand is higher than recharge rate.


Some automobiles in the United States are fueled by natural gas. What is the primary environmental advantage of natural gas relative to gasoline as a transportation fuel? A The United States has 60% of the world's proven natural gas reserves. B Natural gas is a renewable resource that is usually produced from corn and other agricultural products. C When natural gas is burned in an automobile engine, the only emission product is water vapor. D Natural gas combustion emits fewer pollutants. E There is an extensive retail distribution network for natural gas so that natural gas is available at most gas stations.


Which of the following best describes a benefit of increasing the number of offshore wind farms rather than onshore wind farms? A Offshore wind farms will consume less water during operation than wind farms on land because the turbines require less steam for electricity generation. B Offshore wind farms will decrease the maintenance costs associated with electricity generation because they are cheaper to operate than wind farms on land. C Offshore wind farms will emit less carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide than wind farms on land because they are farther from urban areas. D Offshore winds farms will produce up to three times as much electricity as wind farms on land because of increased wind speeds offshore.


Which of the following best describes an environmental problem associated with hydrologic fracturing, or fracking? A Fracking has led to an increase in the production of oil and natural gas, lowering energy prices. B Fractures in the shale will close up once the fracking fluid is removed unless fine particles, like sand, are introduced to hold them open. C The products of fracking release more carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels. D Fracking fluids can escape from the drill hole and contaminate surface water and groundwater.


Which of the following is the best method for preventing soil erosion in an agricultural area? A Slash-and-burn agriculture B Integrated pest management C Monocrop farming D Terrace farming


Which of the following is the most likely result from clearing mature, forested land and converting it into agricultural land that would be used for cattle grazing? A There will be a decrease in the amount of runoff into nearby streams. B There will be a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. C There will be an increase in the diversity and size of primary producers. D There will be a reduction in the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide.


Which of the following is true of the Ogallala Aquifer? A It underlies the African Serengeti and supplies millions of people with freshwater. B It underlies the Argentine Pampas and is underutilized as a source of water. C It underlies eastern Quebec and is a limited source of freshwater. D It underlies the United States High Plains and is being depleted by overuse. E It underlies central Florida and is contaminated by pesticide and fertilizer runoff from farms.


Which of the following problems is best addressed with contour plowing? A Eutrophication B Denitrification C The pesticide treadmill D Soil erosion E Soil salinization


Which statement best describes the approximate global distribution of coal supplies? A Brazil and South Africa together contain 33% of proven reserves. B The United States contains 40% of proven reserves. C Australia, Japan, and France together contain 45% of proven reserves. D The United States, the former Soviet Union, and China together contain 50% of proven reserves. E Germany, Brazil, and India together contain 75% of proven reserves.


A cost-benefit analysis done to investigate a proposed mine site would likely take which of the following into account? The medical costs of mine worker injuries The cost of environmental restoration of the site when it is shut down The value of the ore to be extracted from the mine A II only B I and II only C I and III only D II and III only E I, II, and III


According to the data plotted in the graph above, which of the following is true about the increase in world fossil fuel consumption between 1965 and 1980 ? A Increases in oil, coal, and natural gas consumption occurred at about the same rate. B Increases in oil and coal consumption outpaced the increase in natural gas consumption. C The increase in coal consumption outpaced the increases in oil and natural gas consumption. D The increase in natural gas consumption outpaced the increases in oil and coal consumption. E The increase in oil consumption outpaced the increases in coal and natural gas consumption.


Area that exhibits island arcs A B C D E


In contrast to low-level radioactive waste, most high-level radioactive waste is currently A put into steel drums and dumped into the ocean B incinerated C buried in government landfills D recycled E stored at reactor sites


Many environmentalists consider Egypt's Aswan High Dam on the Nile River to be an ecological disaster. Which of the following is the best evidence to support this viewpoint? A Creation of the dam flooded important archaeological sites. B Sardine populations near the Nile delta increased exponentially as a result of decreased annual rates of water flow. C The Aswan High Dam supplies one-third of the electrical power used in Egypt. D Some countries upstream from the dam have diverted Nile River water for their own projects. E Most of the nutrient-rich silt that the Nile annually deposited downstream is now deposited behind the dam.


The land on a 100-acre farm is equally suited for grazing cattle and growing corn. Of the following ways of distributing land use, which would produce the greatest number of calories of human consumption? A Acres for Grazing Cattle100 Acres for Growing Corn 0 B Acres for Grazing Cattle80 Acres for Growing Corn 20 C Acres for Grazing Cattle 50 Acres for Growing Corn 50 D Acres for Grazing Cattle 20 Acres for Growing Corn 80 E Acres for Grazing Cattle 0 Acres for Growing Corn 100


The largest hydroelectric dam in the world is located on one of the world's longest rivers in this area. A (A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E (E)


The location where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another, creating a volcanic arc. A B C D E


This region has been the largest petroleum exporter for the past four decades. A B C D E


Which of the following best illustrates the concept of the tragedy of the commons? A Destruction of landscape by surfacing mining on private land B Selective harvesting of trees by a timber company in a national forest C Legislation of catch limits to avoid depletion of fish stocks in a shared lake D Inadvertent destruction of beneficial species while attempting to control pests E Depletion of an aquifer by regional farmers


Which of the following best represents the percent of water that is used for various purposes worldwide? A AgricultureIndustrial and MunicipalResidential and Commercial10%20%70% B AgricultureIndustrial and MunicipalResidential and Commercial20%30%50% C AgricultureIndustrial and MunicipalResidential and Commercial30%50%20% D AgricultureIndustrial and MunicipalResidential and Commercial50%10%40% E AgricultureIndustrial and MunicipalResidential and Commercial70%20%10%


Which of the following is likely to minimize soil erosion? A High-yield crops B Deforestation C Herbicide use D Annual plowing E No-till agriculture


Which of the following is the best example of cogeneration? A A power plant uses both coal and natural gas as fuel. B A trash-to-steam power plant accepts both residential and commercial waste. C Several power plants supply the same city with electrical energy. D Emissions from power plants are captured and stripped of sulfur for commercial sale. E A coal-fired power plant captures waste heat and uses it to heat adjacent buildings.


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