AP Euro Final Exam Ch 20-25 McKay

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What laws did the National Assembly that ruled France from 1789-1791 pass?

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property

Sardinia Piedmont became the leader of the Italian Unification as a result of all of the following factors except... a. the failure of Mazzini's style of nationalism. b. Pope Pius IX's rejection of Italian unification. c. Austrian support. d. Victor Emmanuel's granting of a liberal constitution. e. the able leadership of Count Cavour

c. Austrian support

A ____________boom in the 1770s enhanced Britians infrastructure advantage.


Revisionist historians of the French Revolution stress all of the following except...... a. fluidity and relative openness of the nobility b. adoption of liberalism by many nobles c. common economic goals of the nobility and middle class d. conflict between the nobility and bourgeoise e.

conflict between the nobility and bourgeoise

What was the greatest achievement of medical science in the 18th century

conquest of smallpox

What was the increase importance of fashionable clothing in the 18th century an indicator of?

consumer revolution

What cash crop revitalized the slave economy in the southern United States in the nineteenth century?


All of the following are consequences of the Franco Prussian War except? a. the completion of German unification. b.the collapse of the French Second Empire. c. an upsurge of German nationalistic pride. d. a wave of social reform in Germany. e. the decleration of a new republic by French patriots in Paris.

d. a wave of social reform in Germany.

All of the following helped explain the appeal of Pietism except... a. its call for a warm emotional religion b.its stress on the priesthood of all believers c. its belief in the practical power of Christianity d. its insistence on the authority of the pope e.enthusiasm in prayer

d. authority of the pope

The parish church served all of the following functions in Europe except. a. acting as a focal point for community life b. organization of community celebrations c. record keeping. d. the administration of criminal justice. e. distribution of charity.

d. the administration of criminal justice.

What event prompted the Great Reforms in Russia including the emancipation of the serfs?

defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856

What was Friedrich List a proponent of?

economic nationalism

According to Marx what is the driving force in history?

economic relationship between the classes

The consequences of the U.S. Civil War included all of the following except... a. emergence of powerful business corporations b.reinforcement of the concept of free labor c. equality for its black citizens d. confirmation of manifest destiny e.economic prosperity for the North

equality for black citizens

St. Vincent de Paul is most famous for his...

establishment of foundling homes

What key development allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature?

establishment of limited liability investment

What was the legal definition of the prerevolutionary Third Estate

everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy

How did the Mexican War of 1848 effect the United States?

exacerbated tensions between the N. and S. as debate ensued about slavery in the newly acquired territories.

The _________ marked the advent of the second revolution.

fall of the monarchy

What does the term Great Fear refer to?

fear of vagabonds and outlaws in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion in 1789

Lord Byron died from

fighting for Greek independence

What was the underlying reason for the illegitimacy explosion of 1750-1850

growth of the cottage industry and peasant migration to the cities

In The Condition of the Working Class in England Friedrich Engels argued that....

he British middle classes were guilty of mass murder and wholesale robbery

What was the neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe mostly conditioned by?

high infant mortality rates

What does Bismarck's Kulturkampf refer to?

his attack on the Catholic church in the German empire

After the Franco-Prussian war what did Prussia do?

imposed a harsh peace on France

The American Revolution had its immediate origins in struggles over

increased taxes

What did the Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851 commemorate?

industrial dominance in Britain

According to Henri Saint-Simon society's parasites included all of the following except... a. the court b. lawyers c. the clergy d. industrialists e. the aristocracy


What did the Carlsbad Decree do?

instituted repressive measures in the German Confederation

In the 1780's, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

interest payments on the debt

Where was the consumer economy concentrated?

large cities in northwestern Europe and north america

The men elected to represent the Third Estate at the Estates General were primarily...

lawyers and government officials

What did Metternich believe was responsible for the warfare and bloodshed of the late 18th and early 19th centuries?


What was created when the cost of overland freight was reduced by the railroad.

national markets

The pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe resulted primarily from the

necessary precondition of economic independence

Does the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guarantee economic equality?


What did Eugene Delacroix's masterpiece celebrate?

nobility of popular revoloution

Because working conditions were poor in in early textile factories who did factory owners turn to?

orphaned children became an important part of the workforce

What was the most important factor influencing the peaceful midcentury reforms in Great Britain?

political competition between the aristocracy and the middle class

Thomas Malthus argued that growth in ________ would always outstrip growth in food supply.


What did the economist Thomas Malthus argue?

population always grew faster than the food supply

What American crop became an important dietary supplement?


According to Joseph Proudhon property was

profit stolen from workers

Count Henri Simon believed that key to progress was?

proper social organization

The earliest steam engined were used to

pump water out of coal mines

All of the following were consequences of revolutionary changes in the textile industry except... a. cheaper cotton goods b. a dramatic increase in weavers wages c.the movement of a large amount of agricultural workers into the industry d. reduction in child labor e. easier access to yarn for hand loom weavers

reduction in child labor

What was the greatest impediment to nation building in the United States?

regional differences exacerbated by slavery

The beliefs and aspirations of the romantics included all of the following except..... a. rejection of materialism b. emotional exuberance c. that personal fulfillment was the supreme purpose in life d. spontaneity in life and art e. rejection of nature

rejection of nature

Who was the Tennis Court Oath sworn by?

renegade delegates from the Estates General, most of them from the Third Estate.

One danger that threatened young girls living away from home in domestic service was

risk of sexual attack by males in the households they served.

Giuseppe Garibaldi is best described as a....

romantic nationalist

The difficulties faced by the continental economies in their efforts to compete with the British included all of the following except... a. low prices of British mass produced goods b. complexity and expense of the new technology c. resistance of landowning elites d. scarcity of human capital e. devastation left by the Napoleonic wars

scarcity of human capital

The demands on liberalism included all of the following except.... a. social welfare reform b. representative government c. individual freedoms d. minimal government interference in the economy e. equality before the law

social welfare reform

Ottoman reformers launched a series of radical reforms in the 19th century known as


What industry did the first modern factories start?


William Cockerill was....

the English carpenter who who built cotton-spinning equipment in Belgium

Theodore Herzl was....

the founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement

Who was Sergei Witte?

the minister of finance who led the Russian industrialization in the 1890's.

In the eighteenth century, the basic religious unit in Europe was

the parish church

At the congress of Vienna what were the allies guided by?

the principle of the balance of power

The first factories grew from....

the putting out system

Abbe Sieyes's answer to the question "what is the third estate" was that it was

the true strength of the French nation

When were most couples married in the seventeenth- and early eighteenth century Europe?

their late 20's

One of Karl Marx's most important criticisms of the French Utopian Socialists was that....

there appeals to the wealthy to help the poor were naive.

in addition to supervising labor and birth midwives generally...

treated female medical difficulties such as irreg periods, venereal disease and breast-feeding problems.

Why were family units usually hired in the early factories?

usually a response to the wishes of the family

The diet of the poorer classes consisted of bread and


What does the Battle of Peterloo refer to

working class demonstration that was broken up by calvary charges

_________ managed to raise per capita industrial levels in the nineteenth century.

All European countries

What battle did Napoleon defeat Austria and Russia in in1805?


----------, Russia and Sweden joined with Britain to form the Third Coalition against France.


Parts of northern Italy were given to __________ at the congress of Vienna in 1815.


Why did Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire

Who did the Holy Alliance include?

Austria, Russia and Prussia

Which of the following was not part of the Austrian empire in 1815? Bohemia Barvaria Hungary Lombardy Transylvania


Why did the Directory continue French wars of conquest that were begun by early revolutionary governments?

Because big victorious armies kept men employed and could draw sustenance from the conquered areas.

In their war for independence against the Ottoman empire, the Greeks ultimately won the support of ___________?

Britain, France, and Russia

The 1865, ___________ set the parameters of slavery and defined the rights of free people of color.

Code Noir

The switch from charcoal to ________ helped revolutionize the iron industry.


Most girls who sought employment outside their families found jobs as what?

Domestic servants.

--------- captured conservative opinion on the Revolution in his Reflection on Revolution in France.

Edmund Burke

Which of the following events occurred last? a. attendance in elementary schools made mandatory in Prussia. b.Louis XV orders Jesuits out of France. c.Edward Jenner performs the first small pox vaccine. d. John Wesley begins preaching. e.Maria Theresa ascends the Austrian throne.

Edward Jenner performs the first small pox vaccine.y

In the 18th century, a number of Roman Catholic including those of __________, instituted reforms that increased state power over the clergy.

France, Austria and Spain

What did the diet of wealthy Europeans in the 18th century consist of?

Large amounts of meats and sweats.

Which French socialist participated in the provisional government formed in Paris after the Feb 1848 abdication of King Louis Philippe?

Louis Blanc

Who was Madame de Pompadour a mistress of?

Louis XV

In the decade before 1848,________ pushed for a centralized democratic Italian republic.


In 1831 and 1839, _________ led efforts to depose Mahmud II

Muhammad Ali

Which of the following occurred first? Napoleon founds the bank of France Napoleon overthrows the directory France signs the treaty of Amiens Britain defeats France at the Battle of Trafalgar the quadruple alliance forms

Napoleon overthrows the directory

What occurred during the Hundred Days?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly

Which of the following events occurred first? a. Bloody Sunday b. Bismarck launches his Kulturkampf c.The U.S. Civil war begins d.Napoleon III claims the throne in France e. first social security laws are passed in Germany

NapoleonIII claims the throne in France

Garibaldi was the leader of the...

Red shirts

During the Reign of Terror, the dominant person on the Committee of Public Safety was...


Which country was least industrialized in 1860


In 1816, the Ottoman Empire was forced to grant _______ autonomy.


The first great revolt against the Grand Empire occurred in _____________ in 1808.


Who seized control of the Ottoman Empire in the revolution of 1908?

The Young Turks

What does the doctrine of laissiez faire say about government?

There should be as little government intervention in the economy as possible.

A constant shortage of what drove the work of may early industrial inventors?


What treaty left France in control of Holland and the Austrian Netherlands?

Treaty of Amiens

The major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution was?

Watt's steam engine, developed and marketed between the 1760's and the 1780's

The long-established customs union among the German states was known as the...


Changes in food consumption habits in Europeans in the 18th century included all of the following except.... a.declining consumption of alcoholic drinks b.the popular drinking of tea c. greater variety and availability in vegetables d. increased consumption of sugar e. the appearance of semitropical fruits.

a. Declining alcohol

The grievance petitions from all three estates called for all of the following except... a. an American-style republic b. a constitutional monarchy c. the guarantee by law of civil liberties d. economic reforms e. the regular meeting of the Estates General

a. an American-style republic

All of the following were considered members of the Third Estate except... a. nuns b. urban poor c. wealthy merchants d. guild masters e. peasants

a. nuns

All of the following were true of the French Clergy on the eve of the French Revolution except... a. they were under the complete control of the papacy. b.there were about 10,000 of them. c. they paid only a voluntary gift instead of taxes. d.they levied a tax on land owners. e. they owned about 10 percent of the land.

a. they were under complete control of the papacy.

The first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia was the....

abolition of slavery

What was the Russian zemstvo?

an institution for local government established by the Great Reforms.

Karl Lueger, the popular mayor of Vienna espoused....


Who played a roll in the care of the sick in the 18th century?

apothecaries, faith healers, midwives, surgeons

What was found in popular almanacs?

astrology, jokes, facts, agricultural events

What were the allied powers goals at the Congress of Vienna.

avoid the creation of hostility and resentment in France.

Which of the following events happened first? a. The reign of Louis Phillippe of France begins. b. The Holy Alliance is formed. c. The Great famine occurs in Ireland. d. The Communist Manifest is published. e. Greece gains independence from the Turks.

b. The Holy Alliance is formed.

All of the following facilitated the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth century Britain except..... a. existence of extensive colonial markets for manufactured goods b.extensive investment of foreign capital in Britain c. the network of canals constructed from the 1770's d.large deposits of iron and coal in England and Wales e. prosperous and efficient agriculture

b. extensive investment of foreign capital in Britain

Where did many surgeons gain anatomical knowledge and practical experience from?

battlefields in Europe

Above all Louis Napoleon believed that the government should represent the...


When did Industrial growth first really accelerate in Britain?


In 1860 Britain produced how much of the world's output of industrial goods?


What percent of babies died in foundling homes?

50-90% per year

What movement did John Wesley create?


What was Romanticism a rejection of?


Early French socialists believed in all of the following except... a. economic planning b. helping and protecting the poor c. state ownership of property d. violent class warfare e. the disruptive nature of free-market competition.

violent class warfare

What did Karl Marx argue that socialism would be established through?

violent revolution

In the 18th century, a shortage of ______ held British industry back


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