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which of the following quotes from the passage best reflects Elizabeth's i's desire to win over English catholics

as our father being drawn away from the supremacy of Rome

characterized as a monarch attempt to

assuage religious differences in order to increase power

how else did Charles respond to the issues above

by passing the peace of Augsburg

reasons for the eventual decline of the Habsburg empire could be supported by the map above

communication problems within Europe

best exemplifies how the military revolution affected the balance of power in Europe in the second half of the

countries that developed strong central government had a

describes the catholic church's reaction to the protestant reformation

decision to ban all worlds that were deemed supportive of any of the protestant beliefs or reformers

best summarizes Martin Luther's premise in the passage above

in order to attain salvation an individual must put their faith and trust in god only

merchant empires through which of the following

military conquest and occupation

not true about how the printing press affected the nature of public debate in

only sophisticated and highly literate arguments were considered worthy of the expense

which of the following is one of the short-term effects of pre-renaiisance and renaissance authors like Petrarch

rise of social reform movement

actions by Philip II, Charles son as king of Spain is a direct manifestation of Charles warnings in the last paragraph

sending the Spanish Armada to defeat Elizabeth

British historical documents gave the court the strongest precedent for accusing King Charles of treason against his own people

the Magna Carta

Thomas hobbles wrote during the time of King Charles I of England and the English civil war

the breakdown of law and order that would occur without a stone central authority

establishments of the jesuits historians as a source of information on which of the following

the catholic reformation

philosophy supported by the statute passage supports

the divine right of kings

debate in the excerpts above most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments

the establishment of the first protestant religion

most aligned with Ferdinand and isabella's policy as described above

the forced adoption of the book of common prayer in English and Scottish

represents continuity with the ideas expressed in the passage

the passing of the toleration act of 1689

reflection of the same principles behind henry's IV's decision to pass the edict of Nantes

the peace of Augsburg

Henry IV's primary purpose for passing the edict of Nantes was

to be able to strengthen the political power of France

which of the following theorists would be the most supportive of the triennial act

John Locke

which of the following actions was a contributing factor to the parliaments passing of the triennial act in 1640

King Charles I's decision rule without parliament

ultimately which French monarch saw the edict of Nantes as an obstacle toward establishing an absolute monarchy

Louis XIV

what contemporary 16th century text is most similar to Zwingli's sixty seven articles

Martin luthers

compared to other political theorists passage most resembles the political philosophy of

bishop Jacques bassuet

groups most strongly opposed Loyola's point of view in the except above


the massacre on saint Bartholomew's day best exemplifies the feud between what two groups

catholics and hueguenots

conclusion about Ulrich Zwingli's reform proposals is most directly supported by article 24

catholics church prohibition against consuming certain foods at certain times is not scriptural or legitimate

short term effects of Luther's stance against the peasants revolt

lutheranism would remain more popular in more urban and prosperous areas of Germany

most supported by the drawing

militaries continued to employ weapons and tactics found in antiquity

aspects of catholicism is Loyola re-affirming in this excerpt


which of the following would be least likely to agree with Petrarch's ideas on education?

st.ignatius loyola

dramatic military and political changes that are most similar to those experienced

1871 to 1914

how did Martin Luther's argument of salvation by fait alone contribute to the fragmentation of christianity

Luther deemed the purchase of indulgences and committing of good acts

the English reformation is most similar to

Peter the greats creation of the holy synod

Martin luthers support for strong measures against the peasants revolt was most likely the result of

a desire to appear as a non threat

Hobbles book is one of the earliest clearest statements on the concept of government as social contract

a secular and rational reason for the state

resulting in the king being the head fo all religious matters in England, the English reformation is most similar to

Peter the great's creation of the holy synod

best summarizes the way king Gustavus adolphus of Sweden was a significant innovator

adopted new and flexible tactics and improved training

mazarin's concerns which of the following best describes the content of this excerpt

although the war has been won, rebellious nobles continue to cause problems

Martin luthers apparent opposition to the peasants revolt and support of the rights of nobles would most oppose the beliefs of


groups would have been the most supportive of "the rules of prohibited books"


holy Roman Empire; most reflected in the map above

the expansion of the 30 years war

King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden marched into Germany during the thirty years war

the lutheran swedes supported the protestant princes of Germany against the catholic Hapsburgs

Charles efforts to keep the control of the holy Roman Empire in the hands

the peace of Westphalia

Who did Spain and Portugal turn to in order to settle their dispute over the newly discovered territories

the pope

most significant reason for Charles V's abdication of the throne

the reformation and subsequent religious unrest

petrarch's letter to Livy prompted which of the following major developments in Europe during the 15th century

the revival of the classical writings

Henry IV's decision to pass the edict of Nantes was a reaction to

the saint Bartholomew's day massacre

Luther and tetzel concerning which of the following

the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church

not a long term result of the passing of the treaty of tordesillas

the ultimate elimination fo 90% of the NA pop

changes in the structure and management fo armies that resulted from the military revolution of the seventeenth century except

the use of cavalry in battle declined

why were religious minorities such as the calvinists perceived as such a threat to the French monarchy

they represented a threat to absolutism due to their support of political liberty and appeal to the nobility

Mazarin's concerns help explain which of the following historical trends

why many French nobles had converted to protestantism in the 16th century

from Zwingli most directly questions the catholics church's traditional theology on the sacrament of the Eucharist of holy communion

article 18

not one of measures that the French monarchy used over the next few years to address

disbanding the parliaments who disagreed with royal edicts

Ferdinand and Isabella were able to consolidate their power by

eliminating religious opposition

why would it prove to be so significant that the king of Navarre was not killed during the massacre

he would become the future king of Henry IV who issued the edict of Nantes

in what ways did the social contract in hobbles leviathan differ from John Locke's vision of the social contract

hobbles justified a strong monarch while Locke defended a right to revolt against an unjust king

most likely to disagree with Martin Luther's argument regarding salvation

pope Leo x

the triennial act is a reflection of the

power struggle between the monarchy and the aristocracy

bank of Amsterdam in the city palace

private directors wished to encourage

rules of prohibited books most directly reflect which of the following goals of the Catholic Church during the counter reformation

restore the former glory of the Catholic Church

Petrarch's letter to Livy, prompted which of the major developments in Europe during the 15th century?

revival of classical writings

he has herby caused and procured many thousands of the free people of this nation

the English civil war

closely mirrors the actions of the Spanish monarchy described above

the English reformation

most supportive of Luther;s condemnation of the Catholic Church

the German princes

a historian might use this source as evidence for the increasing democratization of Europe during this period for which

the cartoon shows peasants defying the pope and calls the pope's decree

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