ap euro practice test chap. 25-30

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"we see men living with their skulls blown open; we see soldiers run with their two feet cut off...still the littlest piece of convulsed earth in which we lie is held. we have yielded no more than a few hundred yards of it as a prize to the enemy. but on every yard there is a dead man." the quotation above presents a major theme in...


which of the following has the greatest influence on the work of the french surrealist painters in the period between the first and second world wars?

Freudian psychology

policies adopted by the major european states between 1929 and 1936 to deal with the economic depression included which of the following? I. protective tariffs and bilateral international trade agreements II. deflationary fiscal and monetary policies III. cooperative international efforts to redevelop old industries


which of the following characterized mussolini's ideal of the fascist corporate state? I. organization of the population into syndicates of employers, employees, and government arbitrators II. establishment of semi autonomous regional governments III. abolishment of strikes, lockouts, and older trade unions


which of the following best explains the motivation of the bolshevik govt in signing the treaty of brest-litovsk with germany in 1918?

Lenin was not willing to risk his limited power base through further struggle against a foreign enemy

which of the following statements is an example of existentialist thought?

"a person is the sum of his or her acts"

in 1917, the Bolsheviks sought to rally support from the russian people with which of the following slogans?

"peace, land, bread"

in what era did the developments described in the passage most probably take place?


women's suffrage was first achieved at the national level in germany and great britain in the period..


the map above represents central and eastern europe in...


the term "five year plans" would most likely be discussed in conjuction with which of the following?

a book on the economic development of the soviet union after the bolshevik revolution

all of the following characterize existentialism except...

a buoyant optimism about human existence and perfectability

which of the following best describes a league of nations "mandate"?

a colonial territory assigned to a member nation to be administered for the league

which of the following best describes lenin's new economic policy?

a compromise with capitalist economic principles

which of the following best characterizes the social structure of the german empire in 1871?

a conservative compromise between the old aristocracy and the new middle class

"...we are for a socialism that is proper to a highly devloped country and is devoid of those repulsive features imposed upon our country by a handful of narrow-minded, dogmatic, power-hungry careerists and unscrupulous despots. we have no reason to assume an anti-soviet attitude insofar as the soviet union internal policy is concerned. we object only to brutal interference in the affairs of other nations." this passage reflects the attitude of...

a czech dissident in 1969

the new economic policy in soviet russia provided for which of the following?

a free market in grain and limited private enterprise

during the 1950s, many western european countries experienced...

a rapid increase in the birth rate

which of the following occurred as a result of the organization of the petroleum exporting countries oil embargo of the 1970s?

a rapid rise in inflation and unemployment in the developed world

which of the following is the best description of the condition of great britain's national economy in the 1920s?

a stagnant manufacturing sector and a widening gap between rich and poor

as described in the treaty of rome, the european economic community most closely resembled...

a tariff union

most historians would agree with which of the following descriptions of the treaty of versailles of 1919?

a treaty that the defeated thought too harsh and the victors thought too lenient

the term "collective security" would most likely be discussed in which of the following studies?

a work on european diplomacy during the 1930's

a historian would be most likely to cite the sculpture above as an example of the...

alienation in modern society

france regained which of the following as part of the peace settlement after the first world war?


which of the following comparisons most accurately describes the french and bolshevik revolutions?

although different in their origins both revolutions were considered very radical in their time

which of the following resulted from the spanish civil war?

an authoritarian regime was established in spain

the ideology of italian fascism was based on...

an authoritarian state and a corperate economy

which of the following corresponded with the end of the cold war in europe?

an increase in ethnic and nationalistic tensions

for china, a major consequence of the opium war was...

an increase in hostility to europeans

the collectivization of agriculture in the soviet union in the 1930s had all of the following results except...

an increase in the domestic food supply

which of the following best characterizes artistic movements in late 19th century europe?

an increased emphasis on personal expression

which of the following is NOT typical of social conditions as they have evolved in 20th century western europe?

an increasingly rigid class structure

which of the following was originally part of german nazism but not of italian fascism?


which of the following was a central part of national socialist ideology?


"the italian nation is an organism endowed with a purpose and a life transcendign those of the individuals composing it" "labor unions legally recognized and subject to state control alone have the right to represent the whole category for which they are constituted" "the collective labor contract conciliates the opposing interests of employers of workers, subordinating them to the higher interests of production" -- mussolini's charter of labor which of the following is best supported by the excerpts above?

any agreement was subject to the state's interpretation of the national interest

political violence and armed conflict in the first and last decades of the 20th century resulted from disputes over the status of what territory?


the treaty of berlin in 1878 reflected general european agreement on which of the following?

boundaries and spheres of influence in the balkans

which of the following occured at the munich conference in september of 1938?

britain and france approved the surrender of the sudetenland to germany

the political cartoon above from the 1930s illustrates...

british indifference to agression by the axis power

"green" political parties emerged in western europe in the 1970s and 1980s primarily as a result of...

concern about the pact of industrialization on the environment

despite the wartime leadership of conservative prime minister winston churchill, the conservative party was defeated by the labor party in the british election of 1945 largely because of...

concern that churchill and the conservative party would not do enough to alleviate the economic hardship in postwar britain

the chronologically arranged maps above illustrate the...

concluding phases of the franco-prussian war

the picture above does which of the following?

condemns the bombing of a basque town during the spanish civil war

the political and social values of the vinchy government in france during the second world war are best described as...


which of the following statements most accurately reflects the information depicted on the graph above?

considerable fluctuations occurred within an overall downward trend in mortality

which of the following best describes a primary goal of the christian democratic parties in western europe after the second world war?

continuation of a strong anticommunist foreign policy

a major goal of the european economic community was to...

coordinate industrial and agricultural policies of the members

a major goal of the 1991 Maastricht Treaty was to...

create a single currency and central bank for the european union

the movements of the 19th century german unification and of the late 20th century german reunification were similar in that both...

created fear about the disruption of the european balance of power

the painting above, MUSICAL FORMS by george braque, is an example of which of the following schools of painting?


the north atlantic treaty organization moved its headquarters in the 1960s because...

de Gaulle wanted to build a french military policy independent of NATO

nikita khrushchev did which of the following?

denounced stalin's cult of personality

the most notable social effect of the 1923 inflation in germany was the...

depletion of the savings and income of the middle class

the primary message of the cartoon above is to show prime minister margaret thatcher's

determination to overcome the opposition of unionized labor

which of the following developments occurred in europe in the 1920s?

devastating inflation for germany

the league of nations differed from the united nations in that the league...

did not have as members several of the world's most important industrialized nations

nikita khrushchev's program of de-Stalinization involved all of the following except...

disbanding agricultural collectives

at the second vatican council, the roman catholic church sought primarily to...

dress relations between the roman catholic church and the modern world

which of the following advocated an evolutionary, as opposed to a revolutionary theory of marxism?

eduard bernstein

before the first world war, european feminists such as the pankhursts has all of the following goals except...

eliminating poll taxes

the purges carried out in the soviet union during the 1930s resulted in...

elimination of the old bolshevik elite

after the death of stalin, khrushchev modified soviet policy by...

emphasizing the production of consumer goods

the aim of the soviet union's first five-year plan was to...

encourage agricultural production by subsidizing the kulaks

the primary source of the first world war poster shown above was to...

encourage men to volunteer for military service

all of the following are policies to which totalitarian states have traditionally adhered except...

encouragement of multiparty political systems

the major objective of the kellogg-briand pact (1928) was to...

end the use of war for solving international controversies

the chart above depicts the process of urbanization in....

england and wales

which of the following authors wrote of the suffering of soldiers fighting during the first world war?

erich maria remarque

the primary instrument of economic integration in western europe since the second world war has been the...

european economic community (EEC)

after the second world war, events in france indicated that the fourth republic had which of the following in common with the third republic?

executive instability because of the frequent changes of party coalitions in the legislature

the writings of Simone de Beauvoir strongly influenced which of the following intellectual movements?

existentialism and feminism

surrealism, an artistic genre of the 20th century, has as a central theme...

exploration of dream images and the irrational

a social historian would be most likely to research which of the following topics?

family life in a french village

repression of individual liberties, control of the media, appeal to nationalism, glorification of the leader - the political philosophy incorporating these characteristics is...


which of the following wars marked the first term that the employment of european women in industry was critical to a sustained war effort?

first and second world war

during the 19th and 20th centuries, the first european country to experience a dramatic decrease in its birth rate was...


the most influential opponent of great britain's entry into the european common market in the 1960's was...


"no prudent master of a family ever attempts to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy. if a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it from than with some part of the produce of our new industry." the quotation above was used to justify...

free trade in the early 19th century great britain

all of the following contributed to the trend shown in the graph above except...

frequent strikes of domestic servants resulted in long-range unemployment

the first european country to develop a state social welfare system was...


the shaded areas on the map above formed part of the colonial empire of...


during the spanish civil war, the nationalist forces led by general franco received military assistance from which of the following pairs of states?

germany and italy

which of the following best summarizes existential philosophy as advocated by albert camus and jean-paul sartre?

god, reason, and progress are myths, and people can only give meaning to their lives through their actions and choices

the conservative government of margaret thatcher is associated w/ all of the following except...

government ownership of heavy industry

in the period after the first world war, the british economist john maynard keynes argues that...

governments should respond to economic downturns by increasing spending

which of the following was a result of the implementation of the schlieffen plan at the beginning of the first world war?

great britain entered the war on the side of france and russia

all of the following were aspects of the british social welfare program as it developed between 1906 and 1916 except...

guaranteed annual income

in the 1960s a factor that distinguished soviet social structure from the societies of advanced industrial nations in western europe was the soviet union's...

high percentage of workers engaged in agriculture

all of the following were major demographic changes in europe between 1960 and 1990 except the...

highest levels of emigration of western europeans since 1850

the cartoon above by the british caricaturist David Low was published...

in the wake of the 1939 nonaggression pact

the provisional government in russia failed primarily because...

it continued to pursue an unpopular war

which of the following best describes an important trend in typical family size in Western Europe after 1870?

it decreased initially in the middle classes because of the increased costs of rearing children

which of the following is true of the second vatican council?

it promoted the ecumenical movement

which of the following best describes the effect of the great depression (1929-1939) in europe?

it resulted in increased government economic intervention and control in many countries

which of the following was true of contraception in the 1th century europe?

it was practiced by middle-class parents seeking a higher standard of living for their families

"the worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it; and a state which dwarfs its men, its order that they may be more docile instruments...will find that with small men no great thing can be accomplished." which of the following would agree with the statement above?

john stuart mill

during stalin's rule of the soviet union, the term "kulak" was a designation assigned to...

landowning peasants

konrad adenauer, alcide de gasperi, and robert schuman were alike in their...

leadership of the christian democratic parties in their respective countries after 1945

the only african countirs to remain politically independent following the "scramble for africa" by european countries in the late 19th century were...

liberia and abyssinia (ethiopia)

the indentation at points X and Y on both sides of the graph above are best explained as the result of the...

low number of births during the first and second world wars

the treaty of versailles contributed to the outbreak of the second world war, in part, because the treaty...

mandated punitive war reparations from germany

the russian political cartoon above from the cold war era ridicules the motivations of the...

marshall plan

which of the following describes the Carbonari?

members of a secret revolutionary society

hungary, east germany, poland, czechoslovakia - the nations listed are all...

members of the warsaw pact

which of the following resulted from the close relationship between science and government in industrialized nations during the second world war?

much scientific research became financially dependent on military funding

all of the following were goals of state planning as practiced in western europe between 1945 and 1970 except...

national economic self-sufficiency

all of the following were factors in the holocaust except the...

near exclusive focus of nazi genocidal policies on jews in germany

which of the following is true of both the 1956 revolt in hungary and the 1968 revolt in czechoslovakia?

neither received assistance from the u.s. because they were in the soviet sphere of influence

"facts prove that many abuses occurred on stalin's order without reckoning w/ any norms of party and soviet legality. stalin was a very distrustful man...when stalin said that someone should be arrested, it was necessary to accept on faith that the person was an 'enemy of the people.'" the passage above is from a speech delivered by...

nikita khrushchev

a major economic problem in late 29th century Europe that contributed ti european imperialist expansion was...

overproduction of manufactured goods

lenin and the bolsheviks won widespread popular support in russia in 1917 by promising...


which of the following was most directly responsible for the founding of the fifth republic of 1958?

political conflict over the war in algeria

of the following, 19th century european women were relatively more numerous and made the most influential contribution as...

popular novelists and writers

the immediate aim of the Truman Doctrine of 1947 was to...

prevent the overthrow of the Greek and Turkish govts.

one of the first actions takn by Mikhail Gorbachev when he became leader of the soviet union in 1985 was to...

propose a series of reforms designed to save the failing communist regime

after the second world war, most western european states sought to develop policies that...

provided improved medical and social services for women and children

the constitution of weimar germany helped to undermine the republican form of government by...

providing for rule by a single individual in cases of national emergency

which of the following best characterizes european art and literature in the 1920s?

questioning of accepted values and practices

which of the following was a major new consumer item that gained wide popularity in europe between the first world war and the second world war?


the 1921 german drawing by george grosz shown above reflects the...

reaction against capitalism and war profiteering following the first world war

the term "prague spring" refers to...

reforms by the czechoslovak government of 1968

the image shown above is the example of a new technique for examining the human body which was discovered by...


which of the following european states was the last to eliminate legal discrimination against jews?


boris pasternak and alexander solzhenitsyn are best described as...

russian nobel prize winners whose works are critical of the soviet system

french leaders decided to occupy Germany's Ruhr Valley in January 1923 in order to...

seize goods as payment for Germany's reparation debt

on the map, the shaded area is...


the assassination of archduke ferdinand in 1914 was carried out by nationalists seeking an expanded...


the purpose of the british poster shown was to...

shame able-bodied men into volunteering for military service

the soivet second world war poster shown above gives which of the following messages?

soviet soldiers defend the motherland like heroes from russian history

which of the following was a major achievement of soviet society during the khrushchev years?

soviet space successes exceeded those of the united states

all of the following allied w/ one of the axis powers during the second world war except..


the nation has been tottering on the verge of military insurrection since it became a republic in 1931, because the republicans included not onyl moderate middle-class liberals but a wide array of extremists....a revolt by the army led to civil war, in which each side recieved aid from outside nations, which served to transform the local conflict into an international ideological war the nation described above was...


all of the following developments during the 1930s contributed to improved relations between the soviet union on the one hands and great britain and france on the other except...

stalin's purge of bolshevik leaders

all of the following describes aspects of lenin's new economic policy except...

state ownership of heavy industry/banks/transport ended

which of the following areas was conceded to hitler at the munich conference of 1938?


all of the following were major goals of the european feminist movement of the late 1960s and 1970s except...

suffrage for women over the age of 21

the illustration above from a 1940 german magazine suggest that women should...

support the war effort by doing their sons' and husbands' jobs

pope john paul II did which of the following?

supported the solidarity labor movement in poland

in the first quarter of the 20th century, women replaced men most rapidly in which of the following pairs of occupation?

teaching and clerical work

after the first world war, it was difficult to write a peace treaty according to woodrow wilson's fourteen points primarily because

the Allies ha secret treaties that conflicted with the fourteen points

all of the following were among president wilson's fourteen points except...

the autonomous development of the peoples of the russian empire

the french and british policy of appeasing mussolini and hitler can be partly explained by...

the belief that the terms of the Versailles treaty were unjust

in the 1930s, one of the effects of the great depression in europe was...

the broadening of popular support for the nazi party in germany

which of the following was NOT as aspect of postwar economic recovery in western europe from 1945 to 1965?

the decline in the relative value of the american dollar

the graph above of the voting (by party) in the german elections from 1921 to 1932 shows which of the following?

the depression saw an increase in the percentage of votes for communist and nazi parties

of the following, which contributed most to germany's defeat in the first world war?

the effects of the allied naval blockade

which of the following triggered the collapse of the soviet union in 1991?

the failure of a hardline coup and Boris Yeltsin's subsequent challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev's leadership

the 1941 political cartoon shown above refers to which of the following?

the fear that the nazi-soviet non agression pact would provide germany w/ access to the middle east oil

which of the following was a major factor in german military victories in 1939-40?

the german army's effective use of armor and air power in the Blitzkrieg

which of the following was most closely associated with anarchism?

the growth of the syndicalist movement

which of the following did european nations commit to when they signed the treaty of european union in 1992?

the introduction of a common currency

which of the following occurred during stalin's first five-year plan?

the liquidation of the kulaks as a class

which of the following provisions affected germany in the versailles treaty was LEAST important in fostering antagonisms that led to the second world war?

the loss of germany's pacific island possessions

all of the following statements regarding changes that occurred in the religious life of western Europe between 1870 and 1914 are true except...

the major jewish communities rejected the changes brought about by urbanization and became more orthodox

the western allies and the soviet union agreed to all of the following measures to be implemented after the second world war except...

the placing of germany under the control of the united nations

"what the breechloader, the machine gun, the steamboat, the steamship, quinine, and other innovations did was to lower the cost in both financial and human terms of penetrating, conquering, and exploiting new territories. so cost-effective did they make imperialism that not only national governments but even individuals like Henry Stanley and Cecil Rhodes could precipitate events and stake out claims to vast territories which later became parts of empires." the historian quoted above would most likely use which of the following statements to explain imperialism in africa in 1870?

the power of european technology provided the mechanism that made imperialism cheap and easy

which of the following factors best explains the transformation and decline of liberalism described in the passage?

the rise of industrial society and of mass political movements

which of the following can be concluded from the two graphs and historical knowledge of the period?

the russian revolution and its immediate aftermath did not encourage the growth of russian industry

which of the following factors most stimulated the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force in many european countries during the first world war?

the shortage in the labor supply

the british cartoon refers to..

the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia in 1968

"inasmuch as the regime, because of its rigidity, will find it increasingly more difficult to raise industrial output, it is obvious that the standard of living in many sectors of our society may be threatened." the statement above was most likely written by a contemporary observor of...

the soviet union at the time of brezhnev

one major consequence of the first world war was

the start of the russian revolution

unlike marx, lenin emphasized that...

the working class, on its own, would not develop revoltutionary consciousness

according to the two graphs, which of the following is an accurate statement?

there was a low correlation between a country's total population and its per capital level of industrial production

which of the following statements about 20th century existentialists like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sarte is true?

they questioned the efficacy of reason and science in understanding the human situation

which of the following best describes the condition of guest workers in post-second world war europe?

they were given little opportunity to achieve citizenship on many host countries

which of the following best describes the nazi party's ideal role for "aryan" women in germany?

they were to be mothers, wives, and homemakers

which of the following best summarizes Nazi aims in the systematic killing of millions of Jews, along with large numbers of communists, disabled people, gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and socialists?

to eliminate allegedly inferior and undesirable peoples

"the allied and associated governments affirm, and germany accepts, the responsibility of germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage...as a consequence of the war." -- treaty of versailles 1919 which of the following best states one purpose of the treaty clause above?

to justify large reparations payments from germany

which of the following was a major factor responsible for the bolshevik victory in the russian civil war?

trotsky created a disciplined and effective red army

which of the following was a result of marshall plan?

united states political and economic influence increased in western and southern europe

"i know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any, misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundred-fold; and no obstable whatsoever intervenes at this moment, except ignorance, to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal." the quotation above best illustrates the ideology of which of the following?

utopian socialism

in the 1960s, western european women's lives were significantly changed by the...

widespread use of oral contraceptives

in the years immediately after the first world war, which of the following was the most important change affecting the status of germany women?

women received the right to vote

the symbol above advocates the union in political action of which of the following classes or groups in italian society?


european liberals in the first half of the 19th century typically supported...

written constitutions and wider suffrage

by 1948, Soviet-dependent regimes existed in all of the following countries except...


one of the first economic unions in modern european history, founded in 1834 by a group of german states, was known as the...


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