AP Europe Midterm

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The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property.

Early public health measures that may have helped reduce death rates in eighteenth-century Europe included all of the following except

discovery of an effective vaccine against the bubonic plague

Most girls who sought work outside their families found jobs as

domestic servants

"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen" guaranteed all of the following except

economic equality.

Friedrich List was an early proponent of

economic nationalism

The key development that allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature was the

establishment of limited liability investment

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary Third Estate included

everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy

In the eighteenth century, some guilds grew more accessible to women, particularly in the

textile industry.

By the 1770s, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with

the British colonial empire

"In The Condition of the Working Class in England", Friedrich Engels stated that

the British middle classes were guilty of "mass murder" and "wholesale robbery."

The 1685, ____________ set the parameters of slavery and defined the rights of free people of color

"Code noir"

Madame du Coudray's best-known work is

"Manual on the Art of Childbirth"

According to its editor, the fundamental goal of the "Encyclopedia" was to

"change the general way of thinking."

A broad-based campaign to abolish slavery began in Britain after


Industrial growth first really accelerated in Britain during the


In 1790, African slaves made up about __________ percent of the U.S. population.


In 1860, Britain produced _________ percent of the world's output of industrial goods


___________, Russia, and Sweden joined with Britain to form the Third Coalition against France.


"_________'s Historical and Critical Dictionary" displayed his skepticism.


The law that outlawed labor unions and strikes in Britain was the

Combination Acts of 1799.

The almanacs popular among European peasants were

Compendiums of astrology, jokes, weird facts, and calendars of religious, astronomical, and agricultural events

In "A Natural History", _________ argued that humans divided into separate species, due largely to climatic conditions.

Comte de Buffon

. The Navigation Acts were a form of economic warfare that initially targeted the


____________ captured conservative opinion on the Revolution in his Reflections on the Revolution in France.

Edmund Burke

Which of the following events occurred last?

Edward Jenner performs first smallpox vaccine

The term "Great Fear" refers to the

Fear of vagabonds and outlaws in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion in the summer of 1789

Britain's great rival for influence in India was


In general, what was Voltaire's attitude toward government?

He believed that a good monarch was the best one could hope for.

____________ believed that the essence of the Enlightenment was the courage to use one's own understanding.


Which of the following occurred first?

Napoleon overthrows the Directory

By 1800, __________ had the largest population in Europe.


Napoleon's invasion of __________ began in June 1812.


Which of the following countries was the least industrialized in 1860?


In the 1760s, Monday was popularly known as ___________ because so many workers took the day off.

Saint Monday

Which of the following subjects experienced a surge in popularity among the reading public in the eighteenth century?


David Hume was a key figure in the ______ Enlightenment.


The decisive round in the colonial conflict between England and France was the

Seven Years' War.

The first great revolt against the Grand Empire occurred in ___________ in 1808.


Which of the following was not a function of guilds in early modern civic life?

Training of militias

For cottage workers, holy Monday was

a day of relaxation

The grievance petitions from all three Estates called for all of the following except

an American-style republic

William Cockerill was

an English carpenter who built cotton-spinning equipment in Belgium

The Committee of Public Safety was

an emergency executive committee appointed by the Convention

The Reign of Terror was directed primarily at

any and all enemies of the Revolution.

According to the text, the Directory continued French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments

because big, victorious armies kept men employed and could draw sustenance from the conquered areas.

All of the following were aspects of the celebration of Carnival except

begging forgiveness for one's sins

Madame du Châtelet

believed that women's limited contribution to science was the result of unequal education.

The European guild system reached its height in the

eighteenth century

Jethro Tull's contributions to English agriculture were the product of

empirical research.

St. Vincent de Paul is most famous for his

establishment of foundling homes.

The ____________ marked the advent of the second revolution

fall of the monarchy

Most early industrialists drew on ____________ for labor and capital

family and friends

Railroad construction on the continent

featured varying degrees of government involvement.

The enlightened policies of Frederick II of Prussia included all of the following except

freeing the Prussian serfs.

In his Essay "Concerning Human Understanding", John Locke claimed that

human development is determined by education and society.

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

interest payments on the debt.

The pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe resulted primarily from the

necessary precondition of economic independence

The primary purpose of Fontenelle's "Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds" (1686) was to

popularize the findings of the scientific revolution.

To improve the rural economy and the lives of peasants, Empress Maria Theresa

reduced nobles' power over their serfs.

According to Adam Smith, government should limit itself to all of the following except

regulating trade.

According to the text, in the summer of 1789 the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by

revolutionary actions by French peasants and the common people of Paris

All of the following were shortcomings of the putting-out system, from the capitalists' point of view, except

rigid production techniques

Soft pastels, ornate interiors, and sentimental portraits are all characteristics of the style known as


Dutch commercial activities in Indonesia centered on


The Tennis Court Oath was

sworn by renegade delegates from the Estates General, most of them from the Third Estate.

The social group on which the success of the English agricultural revolution depended was the

tenant farmers

The first modern factories arose in the

textile industry

The parish church served all of the following functions in rural Europe except

the administration of criminal justice.

Rousseau's concept of the "general will" asserts that

the authentic, long-term needs of the people can be correctly interpreted by a far-seeing minority.

According to the text, the underlying reason for the illegitimacy explosion of 1750-1850 was

the growth of cottage industry and peasant migration to the cities.

The key feature of Newton's system was the law of

universal gravitation

Rousseau believed that

women were best suited to the roles of mother and wife

In the eighteenth century, a shortage of __________ held British industry back


______________ managed to raise per capita industrial levels in the nineteenth century.

All European states

Which of the following played a role in the care of the sick in the eighteenth century?

All of these are correct.

The Treaty of ___________ (1802) left France in control of Holland and the Austrian Netherlands.


Before the Scientific Revolution, Europeans' view of the universe was based on the ideas of


Napoleon defeated Austria and Russia at the Battle of ___________ in 1805.


_____________ occupied the summit of the eighteenth-century world of work.

Guild masters

John Wesley founded the movement known as ___________.


"____________'s Persian Letters" satirized French society.


Membership at the salons was

Restricted to the well-born, well-connected, and exceptionally talented

. A ___________ boom in the 1770s enhanced Britain's infrastructure advantage


Revisionist historians of the French Revolution stress all of the following except the

conflict between the nobility and the bourgeoisie

John Wesley's "Methodism" was particularly appealing because

he refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it

The neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe were conditioned mostly by

high infant mortality rates.

The British won the American component of the Seven Years' War because

they diverted men and money from Europe to the American theater.

All of the following were true of the French clergy on the eve of the French Revolution except

they were under the complete control of the papacy.

A constant shortage of __________ drove the work of many early industrial inventors


In addition to supervising labor and birth, midwives generally

treated female medical difficulties such as irregular menstrual cycles, venereal diseases, and breast-feeding problems.

Because working conditions were poor in early textile factories, factory owners

turned to orphaned children as an important part of their work force

The earliest steam engines were

used to pump water out of coal mines

. The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was

usually a response to the wishes of the families

The diet of the poorer classes consisted largely of bread and


"___________'s Wealth of Nations" argued for the value of free markets.

Adam Smith

The term territorial churches refers to

Churches controlled by the state

The Protestant revival of the late seventeenth century began in


The major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution was

James Watt's steam engine, developed and marketed between the 1760s and the 1780s

The _____________ attacked factories and smashed industrial machinery


Enlightenment thinkers developed the idea that race was similar to


All of the following were consequences of revolutionary changes in the textile industry except

a reduction in child labor

The term spinster referred to

a widowed or unmarried woman who spun thread for a living.

The greatest achievement of eighteenth-century medical science was the

conquest of smallpox

The increased importance of fashionable clothing in the eighteenth century was a chief indicator of the ________ revolution.


The __________ system was meant to exclude British goods from the continent.


By reducing the cost of overland freight, the railroad

created national markets

From 1600 on, the typical system of labor control in Spanish America was

debt peonage.

Changes in the food consumption habits of Europeans in the eighteenth century included all of the following except

declining consumption of alcoholic beverages

In foundling homes, babies

died at the rate of 50 to 90 percent per year.

Edward Jenner received financial prizes from the British government for

discovering that cowpox could be used to vaccinate against smallpox

. All of the following facilitated the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century Britain except

extensive investment of foreign capital in Britain

. Between 1000 and 1800, the most dramatic downturn in European population occurred in the

fourteenth century.

Immanuel Kant argued for

freedom of the press

The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also

gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies.

The first factories

grew out of the putting-out system.

Scholarly statistical studies of the condition of members of the British working class indicate that

improvement did not come until after 1820

According to Olympe de Gouges,

men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law.

All of the following were considered members of the Third Estate except


According to the text, the string of French military victories after the winter of 1793-1794 was largely due to

patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft

The life-and-death political struggle between the Girondins and the Mountain resulted mainly from

personal hatred and jealousy

A striking feature of the salons was that

philosophes, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled.

Thomas Malthus argued that growth in __________ would always outstrip growth in the food supply


British economist Thomas Malthus argued that

population always grew faster than the food supply

Copernicus's theory of the universe

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe

The American crop that became an important dietary supplement by the end of the century was


Typically, the putting-out industry employed

rural families

All of the following were causes of the scientific revolution except

the active support of the papacy.

Joseph II's conversion of labor obligations to cash payments

was opposed by both nobles and peasants.

In the eighteenth century, a number of Roman Catholic monarchs including those of __________, instituted reforms that increased state power over the clergy.

France, Austria, and Spain

The Enlightenment reached its highest development in France for all the following reasons except that

French scientists and universities were the most preeminent in the scientific revolution.

____________'s mistress, Madame de Pompadour, exercised tremendous influence over the arts.

Louis XV

The Reign of Terror ended when

members of the Convention, afraid Robespierre would turn the Terror on them, had him arrested and executed

Many surgeons gained anatomical knowledge and practical experience

on the many battlefields of Europe.

The dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773 is a striking indication of the

power of the state over the church

The Mines Act of 1842

prohibited underground work for women as well as boys under ten

All of the following were aspects of the Protestant revival in Germany except


According to the text, one danger that threatened young girls living away from home in

risk of sexual attack by males in the households they served.

The difficulties faced by the continental economies in their efforts to compete with the British included all of the following except the

scarcity of human capital.

The agricultural revolution was first manifested in

the Low Countries.

Between 1750 and 1789, the majority of French books were produced by publishing companies in

the Netherlands and Switzerland

The leadership of the Dutch people in farming methodology can be attributed primarily to

the necessity to provide for a densely populated country

In the eighteenth century, the basic religious unit in Europe was

the parish church.

The concept of the reading revolution refers to

the shift from reading out loud texts perceived as authoritative to reading many different texts rapidly, silently, and individually

Abbé Sieyès's answer to the question "What is the Third Estate?" was that it was

the true strength of the French nation

All of the following played a role in the erosion of French absolutism except the

theories of Charles Montesquieu

The most famous salon was that of

Madame Geoffrin

During the Reign of Terror, the dominant person on the Committee of Public Safety was

Maximilien Robespierre

____________ were the offspring of Spanish men and Indian women.


During the Hundred Days

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly

Which of these events happened first?

Passage of British Navigation Acts

__________ led the revitalization of Spain in the eighteenth century

Philip V

Between 1500 and 1600, the ____________ were the major European players in the Indian Ocean trade.


Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century?

Prussia, Russia, and Austria

___________ put an end to Catherine the Great's intention to reform Russian serfdom.

Pugachev's rebellion

The two men generally given credit for creating the modern scientific method were Francis Bacon and

René Descartes

__________ reduced all substances to matter and mind.

René Descartes

Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762 through

a military coup.

According to the text, the diet of wealthy Europeans in the eighteenth century

included large amounts of meat and sweets.

The American Revolution had its immediate origins in struggles over

increased taxes

The Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851 commemorated the

industrial dominance of Britain

The accomplishments of the National Assembly included all of the following except the

introduction of universal compulsory education

The strength of popular religion in Catholic countries reflected

its importance in community life

All of the following help explain the appeal of Pietism except

its insistence on the authority of the pope

The consumer economy was concentrated in

large cities in northwestern Europe and North America.

The men elected to represent the Third Estate at the Estates General were primarily

lawyers and government officials.

The Factory Act of 1833

limited the workday for children between nine and thirteen to eight hours a day

The switch from charcoal to _________ helped revolutionize the iron industry

lump coal

In seventeenth- and early-eighteenth-century Europe, most couples

married in their late twenties

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