AP GOV Civil Liberties

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All of the following rights are protected by the fifth amendment except A) protection from unreasonable searches and seizures B) limitations to eminent domain C) protection from self- incrimination D) right to grand jury E) protection from double jeopardy


It has been argued that being prosecuted by both state and federal authorities for the same conduct constitutes A) dual sovereignty B) double jeopardy C) standing to sue D) judicial activism E) clear and present danger


The "Miranda warning" represent an attempt to protect criminal suspects against A) unfair police interrogation B) biased jury selection C) imprisonment without trial D) illegal wiretapping E) unjustified police surveillance


The Supreme Court's decision about abortion in Roe vs. wade was based on A) the right to privacy based in the BOR B) guarantees of freedom of religion contained in the 1st amendment C) the due process clause in the 5th amendment D) the equal protection clause in the 14th amendment E) a federal statute legalizing abortion


The quote has been used by courts as a basis for A) incorporation the Bill of Rights B) application of the first amendment C) guaranteeing the right to trial by jury in federal courts D) denying the right to vote minorities E) restricting the practice of corporal punishment for federal crimes


Which of the following is an example of symbolic speech that has been protected by the Supreme Court? A) flag burning B) obscenity C) libel D) "fighting words"


Which of the following is true about the right of free speech, as currently interpreted by the Supreme Court A) It protects the right to express opinions even without the actual use of words B) It protects the use of language deemed obscene by the courts C) It allows citizens to disobey laws that they believe are unjust D) It is protected from infringement by the federal government but not infringement of the state government E) It cannot be limited in any manner


Which of the following statements best describes how US citizens regard the rights of free speech and assembly? A) A majority agrees in principle with these rights, but in practice many people are often intolerant of views they do not support B) A majority actively support these rights without any reservations C) A majority opposes these rights in principle D) The average citizen is more supportive of these rights than are members of the elite E) Conservatives have traditionally been more supportive of these rights than have liberals.


With regard to the media which of the following rights is most likely to be prevented from government intervention? A) freedom from prior restraint B) libel C) pornography D) confidentiality of sources E) suspension of equal time rule


Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade are similar Supreme Court cases in that both cases are based on the A) rights go gay men and lesbian women B) right of privacy C) right to an abortion D) Defines the concept of dual citizenship E) right of women to equal protection before the law


The "wall of separation" referred to by Thomas Jefferson describes a principle set up in the A) elastic clause Article 1 B) establishment clause of the 1st amendment C) free expression clause of 1st amendment D) due process clause of the 5th amendment E) "cruel and unusual punishment" clause of the 9th amendment


The author of the cartoon above would most likely agree with which of the following? A) Only the exclusionary rule can protect the rights of those accused of violating the law B) The exclusionary rule has been detrimental to the maintenance of law and order C) Plea bargaining is an effective means of reducing court backlogs D) The Warren Court advocated social order at the expense of civil liberties E) The Rehnquist Court has been too lenient toward criminals


This famous quote is from A) The Federalist Papers B) 14th amendment C) 5th amendment D) the articles of confederation E) Article II of the Constitution


What basic liberty or right does the quote address? A) freedom of religion B) freedom of speech C) freedom to assemble D) protection from cruel and unusual punishment E) protection from unreasonable searches and seizures


In which of the following situations might a person be tried for a single criminal act twice? A) It can't happen, since it would be double jeopardy B) It could happen in cases where more than one person is victimized C) It could happen if the same action broke both a state and a federal law D) It could happen if the judge is not objective in his ruling E) It could happen if the person is not a US citizen


The 14th amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to A) expand presidential power B) restrict the application of judicial review C) make most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states D) prevent states from taxing agencies of the federal government E) limit the use of the legislative veto


The establishment clause in the First Amendment does which of the following? A) Guarantees freedom of speech to all citizens B) Prevents prior restraint of the press C) Prohibits the setting up of a state church D) Defines the concept of dual citizenship E) Allows citizens to enter freely into contracts


The writ of habeas corpus provides that A) Congress can pass no bills of attainder B) no one may be punished for a crime committed before a law against it was passed C) government officials present a prisoner in court and explain why he/she Is being held D) criminal cases be tried in front of a jury E) no one may be punished for crimes committed by other family members


What tendency has the Supreme Court reflected since the late 1980s in ruling on abortion rights? A) The court has widened abortion rights over the definition given in Roe v. Wade B) The Court has passed down a number of decisions that contradict Roe v. Wade C) The Court has upheld Roe v. Wade but has also supported some state restrictions to abortion rights D) The Court has reversed Roe v. Wade and now allows states to pass laws than ban abortions E) The Court has avoided ruling on abortion rights altogether in recent years


the "clear and present danger" test set by Schenck v. US has become a standard by which to balance national security and A) freedom of religion B) freedom to assemble C) freedom of speech D) the right to be free in your "person" E0 imminent domain


The clear and present danger test devised by the Supreme Court was designed to define the conditions under which public authorities could A) ban obscene materials B) suspend habeas corpus protections C) mobilize the National Guard D) limit free speech E) commit troops to situations of potential foreign combat


The quote comes from the majority opinion for A) Gitlow v. New York B) Texas v. Johnson C) Griswold v. Connecticut D) Schenck v. US E) Barron v. Baltimore


Mapp v. Ohio sets an important precedent protecting the rights of the accused involving A) the limits for protecting symbolic speech B) the meaning of "fair compensation" in cases of eminent domain C) the meaning of "cruel and unusual punishment" in applying capital punishment D) the right to counsel E) Unreasonable searches and seizures


Most of the individual protections of the Bill of Rights now apply to the states because of the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution's A) Preamble B) necessary and proper clause C) supremacy clause D) Tenth amendment E) Fourteenth amendment


Religious freedoms, freedom of speech and press, assembly and petition are specifically protected by A) the Decleration of Independence B) Article 1 section 9 of Constitution C) Article 111 of Constitution D) the 10th amendment E) the 1st amendment


Which of the following rights was guaranteed in the body of the original Constitution A) freedom of speech B) right to bear arms C) protection against unreasonable searches and seizures D) trial by jury in civil cases E) no ex post facto laws


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