Prime numbers and factoring!
How to quickly determine if a number is prime
-If it's an even number then it is divisible by 2 so it's not a prime - add each of the number (e.g. 123= 6) if the sum of the numbers is divisible by three then it is not a prime. - if it ends in 5 then it's not prime - if it ends in 0 then it's not prime
Factor 24
1,24 2,12 3,8 4,6
Prime factor 210
2x105 2x5x21 2x5x3x7
What is a prime number?
31. A prime number is only divisible by 1 and itself.
What are factoring
Breaking down a number into the numbers that can be multiplied to make it.
What is prime factorization
Finding all the prime factors of a number
What is a composite number
a postive integer which is not prime