AP Gov Civil Liberties Test

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states rights

10th amendment

abolishes slavery

13th amendment

grants citizenship, due process, and equal protection clause

14th amendment

Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

1st amendment

Right to bear arms

2nd Amendment

Freedom from quartering troops

3rd amendment

Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures

4th amendment

right to a fair trial, double jeopardy, right to silence and right of due process

5th amendment

Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and right of council

6th amendment

or civil cases; right to trial by jury in cases >$20

7th amendment

no excessive bail, no cruel or unusual punishment

8th amendment

citizens have rights beyond those in the constitution

9th amendment

According to the power of eminent domain, which of the following actions can Congress take? A. Offer the owner of a vacant lot a fair price for a stretch of land needed for a new interstate highway ramp. B. Notify the owner of a warehouse that his building is going to be turned into a library. C. Purchase a block of homes at the price of undeveloped land to tear down and build a private university. D. Require an owner to tear down an apartment building in order to create a new public park.

A. Offer the owner of a vacant lot a fair price for a stretch of land needed for a new interstate highway ramp.

Which of the following constitutional provisions limits the role of government in order to protect individual rights? A. Police must have a proper warrant in order to conduct most searches. B. Federal agents may search a person's home without notifying that person. C. Police do not need a warrant when evidence is in plain view. D. The government can force workers to undergo a drug test after a work-related accident.

A. Police must have a proper warrant in order to conduct most searches.

The 5th Amendment's guarantee against double jeopardy means that A. a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime. B. a person cannot be tried in both federal and State courts. C. in trials in which the jury cannot agree on a verdict, no second trial may be held. D. a person cannot be forced to testify against him- or herself.

A. a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime.

An example of a tax Congress has the power to levy is a tax on A. an individuals' income without regard to population. B. church services at the National Cathedral. C. cotton that Georgia exports to Canada. D. someone voting in a federal election.

A. an individuals' income without regard to population.

When private property rights and the right of assembly come into conflict, which has been upheld by the Supreme Court? A. private property rights take precedence over the right of assembly B. the right of assembly takes precedence over private property rights C. private property rights take precedence over the right of assembly, except in cases involving the gathering of petitions for a political cause D. the right of assembly takes precedence over private property rights, except in cases in which the assembly is held in a shopping center

A. private property rights take precedence over the right of assembly

Which of the following actions has the Supreme Court ruled a violation of the Establishment Clause? A. seasonal displays of a single religious doctrine at government buildings B. seasonal displays at government buildings that include a variety of nonreligious objects C. public displays of the Ten Commandments at government buildings when the overall message is secular D. public displays of the Ten Commandments at government buildings when set among other historical markers

A. seasonal displays of a single religious doctrine at government buildings

When the Supreme Court finds the content of a law to be unconstitutional, it has acted to uphold A. substantive due process. B. procedural due process. C. the police power. D. the public welfare.

A. substantive due process.

Which of the following is permitted in public schools? A. using tax money to bus students to parochial schools B. brief period of silence for "meditation or voluntary prayer" C. religious classes on school property D. posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms

A. using tax money to bus students to parochial schools

How does the Court's interpretation of symbolic speech in Virginia v. Black compare with its interpretation in Texas v. Johnson? A.The Court interpreted Texas as protected, and Virginia as not protected. B.The Court interpreted both cases as protected under the 1st Amendment. C.The Court interpreted Texas as not protected, and Virginia as protected. D. The Court interpreted both cases as not protected under the 1st Amendment.

A.The Court interpreted Texas as protected, and Virginia as not protected.

College administrators allowed an anti-war demonstration, but blocked a demonstration protesting college admissions policies. The administrators' actions A.are unconstitutional, because they are not content neutral. B.are constitutional, because the admissions policy protest might have become violent. C.are unconstitutional, because civil disobedience is constitutionally protected. D.are constitutional, because they did not limit the demonstration's location.

A.are unconstitutional, because they are not content neutral.

Based on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the 8th Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, which of the following is allowable? A.putting two inmates in a prison cell designed to hold only one person B. fifteen years of hard labor while chained at wrist and ankle C. a State law defining narcotics addiction as a crime rather than an illness D. sentencing a juvenile to life in prison without the possibility of parole

A.putting two inmates in a prison cell designed to hold only one person

Which of the following is TRUE about the Court's ruling in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC? Because broadcasters use public airways, A.their broadcasts can be regulated to ensure they do not infringe on the rights of the public. B.they have a 1st Amendment right to broadcast whatever they like. C.the 1st Amendment prohibits federal regulation of their broadcasts. D. the government can regulate their broadcasts, but those regulations must be approved by the public.

A.their broadcasts can be regulated to ensure they do not infringe on the rights of the public.

Which of the following BEST illustrates the idea of personal desires and interests being subordinated to the public good? A. A public demonstration blocks traffic for hours. B. A publisher refrains from printing sensitive war-related information. C. A neighbor blares her stereo in the middle of the night. D. A person shouts "fire" in a crowded theater.

B. A publisher refrains from printing sensitive war-related information.

Which of the following actions is allowed according to the 5th Amendment guarantee against self-incrimination? A.A suspect can request not to be shown in a police lineup. B. A witness at a Senate intelligence committee hearing can refuse to answer a question. C. A person being sued can ignore a subpoena. D. A man's brother can keep him from having to answer questions in a criminal trial.

B. A witness at a Senate intelligence committee hearing can refuse to answer a question.

Which of the following is NOT used as part of the Lemon test to determine whether a State law amounts to an "establishment" of religion? A. Determining whether a law has a secular purpose B. Determining whether the law supports the public good C. Determining whether the law is disentangled from religion D. Determining whether the law is neutral to religion

B. Determining whether the law supports the public good

Which of the following best summarizes how the Supreme Court defined Congress' power over commerce in the cases Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824, and United States v. Lopez, 1995? A. Gibbons v. Ogden broadened congressional commerce powers, and United States v. Lopez further expanded those powers. B. Gibbons v. Ogden expanded congressional commerce powers, and United States v. Lopez made it clear that congressional commerce powers were limited. C. Gibbons v. Ogden limited congressional commerce powers, and United States v. Lopez strengthened congressional commerce powers. D. Gibbons v. Ogden was found to have violated the reserved powers of the States, and United States v. Lopez broadened congressional commerce powers.

B. Gibbons v. Ogden expanded congressional commerce powers, and United States v. Lopez made it clear that congressional commerce powers were limited.

According to the founders of the United States, what MAIN purpose does government serve? A. Governments are formed to place limits on what people are allowed to do. B. Governments are formed to protect the unalienable rights of the people. C. Governments are formed as a means of electing leaders and punishing lawbreakers. D. Governments are formed to give a country legitimacy among the community of nations.

B. Governments are formed to protect the unalienable rights of the people.

Which of the following is TRUE about the crime of treason? A. It applies only to permanent resident aliens. B. It is the only crime defined in the Constitution. C. It can be committed during wartime or peace. D. It is the only crime that does not require witnesses to prove.

B. It is the only crime defined in the Constitution.

Which of the following Supreme Court decisions based on the 13th Amendment was intended to address the situation of a particular racial group? A. The decision drawing a distinction between involuntary servitude and duty. B. The decision holding that all citizens shall have the same right to make and enforce contracts. C. The decision stating that those convicted of a crime can be forced to work. D. The decision striking down laws forcing a person to work for another in order to satisfy a debt.

B. The decision holding that all citizens shall have the same right to make and enforce contracts.

The rules of bail and preventive detention protect a suspect's rights by A. prohibiting the release of any defendant on their own recognizance. B. allowing the accused to appeal the denial of or the amount of bail. C. prohibiting preventive detention in all federal criminal cases. D. ensuring that bail is set in every criminal case.

B. allowing the accused to appeal the denial of or the amount of bail.

In Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, the Court cited "prior restraint on freedom of speech and the press" as reason to void a New York law forbidding the showing of a particular motion picture. Prior restraint means that the government A. can prevent the film from being shown before it is released. B. cannot curb ideas shown in the film before they are expressed. C. can curb ideas shown in the film in order to protect the public. D. cannot curb ideas shown in the film unless they are objectionable.

B. cannot curb ideas shown in the film before they are expressed.

In Forsyth County v. Nationalist Movemen, the Court allowed a pro-Nazi group to assemble in a community hostile to their views and overturned local ordinances prohibiting the assembly. This decision reflects the fact that the government A. is free to issue whatever ordinances they need to in order to prevent hostile groups from assembling. B. cannot use State or local laws to prevent a peaceable assembly on the basis of what might be said there. C. can use State and local laws to demand compensation for costs incurred while policing an event. D. can ask certain groups to relocate their demonstration so as not to disturb area residents.

B. cannot use State or local laws to prevent a peaceable assembly on the basis of what might be said there.

Software companies have challenged State laws aimed at restricting the sale of violent video games to minors. What aspects of the 1st Amendment support the software companies' position? A. guarantee of limited government control and laws B. guarantee of free speech and limits on prior restraint C. guarantee of protection for unpopular views D. guarantee of unrestricted symbolic and commercial speech

B. guarantee of free speech and limits on prior restraint

Which of the following is allowable under the police power? A. pumping the stomach of a criminal suspect B. requiring the use of seat belts C. requiring all children to attend public, not private, schools D. outlawing the vaccination of schoolchildren

B. requiring the use of seat belts

Which of the following is considered legal action by a police officer even if he or she doesn't have a warrant? A. searching a person based on an anonymous tip B. searching a boat that is believed to be involved in illegal activities C. using a drug-sniffing dog to search an individual's front porch D. stopping anyone who flees at the sight of a police officer

B. searching a boat that is believed to be involved in illegal activities

What is the police power? A. the requirement that laws must be fair B. the authority of each State to act to protect the public C. the prohibition against unreasonable government actions D. the individual right to safety, health, and welfare

B. the authority of each State to act to protect the public

Which of the following BEST describes the Bill of Rights? A.positive acts of government that protect constitutional rights B. the first ten amendments to the Constitution C. right to freely assemble D. the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

B. the first ten amendments to the Constitution

Which of the following is an example of the Supreme Court limiting the free exercise of religion? A. permitting school children to decline vaccinations when their religion opposes it B. upholding laws that forbid the use of poisonous snakes in religious rites C. allowing State legislatures to begin legislative sessions with an opening prayer D. declaring a compulsory flag-salute law unconstitutional

B. upholding laws that forbid the use of poisonous snakes in religious rites

Which of the following is an example of a violation of the 5th Amendment right to substantive due process? A.a law that prohibits violent demonstrations on public property B.a law allowing police to pump a suspect's stomach for evidence C.a law that requires gun owners to have a permit and carry it with them D.a law requiring children to attend school up until at least the age of 16

B.a law allowing police to pump a suspect's stomach for evidence

The Court found prior restraint unconstitutional in the Pentagon Papers case but not in the case of a CIA agent's publishing material without permission because A. national security concerns were proven in the Pentagon Papers case. B.national security concerns were proven in the CIA case. C.prior restraint or censorship is always constitutional. D.prior restraint or censorship is never constitutional.

B.national security concerns were proven in the CIA case.

What is the significance of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment? A. It requires the National Government to relinquish grand jury authority to the States. B. It requires States to honor all rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. C. It prevents the States from denying any right that is basic to the concept of ordered liberty. D. it guarantees individual rights and freedoms not specifically listed in the Constitution.

C. It prevents the States from denying any right that is basic to the concept of ordered liberty.

Why is the 9th Amendment important in the protection of individual rights? A. Because it states that rights are relative, not absolute B. Because it declares that rights exist beyond those listed in the Constitution C. Because it grants powers to the States to protect individual rights D. Because it protects an individual's due process of law

C. Because it grants powers to the States to protect individual rights

Why is the case Gitlow v. New York important? A. It was the first time the Court ruled that the guarantees found in the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment were constitutional. B. It distinguished between rights held at the federal level and rights held at the State level. C. It began the process of incorporating many of the guarantees in the Bill of Rights into the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause. D. It limited the rights held by the American people to those specifically listed in the Constitution.

C. It began the process of incorporating many of the guarantees in the Bill of Rights into the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause.

Which of the following statements BEST describes how the separation of church and state reflects the principle of limited government? A. It limits the religious practices that States can sponsor. B. It establishes a wall between the National Government and the States. C. It limits government interference and prevents the government from favoring one religion over another. D. It limits individual rights to exercise religious preferences over those of others. Check Answer

C. It limits government interference and prevents the government from favoring one religion over another.

What is the impact on 1st Amendment rights of the Supreme Court ruling in Schenck v. United States? A. It restricts freedom of expression to words that will not encourage argument or anger. B. It restricts freedom of expression to words that are positive and encouraging to hear. C. It restricts freedom of expression to words that do not lead to criminal acts. D. It restricts freedom of expression to words that are unpopular and sometimes hurtful to hear.

C. It restricts freedom of expression to words that do not lead to criminal acts.

Why did the Framers include a ban on bills of attainder in the Constitution? A. It is not the power of the legislative branch to define crimes and set penalties. B. The Framers reserved the right to pass bills of attainders to the States, not the National Government. C. Parliament had abused its power by punishing citizens without trials. D. The legislature must consult with the courts before determining the punishment for crimes.

C. Parliament had abused its power by punishing citizens without trials.

Which of the following arguments SUPPORTS State aid to parochial schools? A. It is easy to draw clear lines between secular and religious courses in parochial schools. B. Parents who send their children to parochial schools do not have to pay taxes to support public schools. C. Parochial schools enroll many students who would otherwise have to be educated at public expense. D. Parochial schools face harsh financial consequences as a result of their ineligibility for State funds.

C. Parochial schools enroll many students who would otherwise have to be educated at public expense.

Which of the following BEST characterizes how Congress and the President share power in the fields of foreign affairs, war, and national defense? A. Congress' war and foreign policy powers defer to the President's expressed powers in these areas. B. The Constitution grants all of the war powers to the President, and all of the foreign policy powers to Congress. C. The President can use military forces in response to an attack, but only Congress can declare war. D. The War Powers Resolution granted equal war and foreign policy powers to Congress and the President.

C. The President can use military forces in response to an attack, but only Congress can declare war.

How does the case of Tinker v. Des Moines School District illustrate constitutional provisions for limited government in the protection of individual rights? A. The students' actions had 1st Amendment protection because the right to speak is protected under all conditions. B. The students' actions were within the realm of reasonable control by school officials in the "special school environment." C. The students' actions had 1st Amendment protection because they did not cause a disruption of normal school activities. D. The students' actions were not protected by the Constitution because it considers school circumstances to be "special."

C. The students' actions had 1st Amendment protection because they did not cause a disruption of normal school activities.

The police arrest a person for making counterfeit $100 bills, a federal crime. What does the 5th Amendment ensure for this person? A.a grand jury presentment and a trial in a State court B. a grand jury indictment and a trial in both federal and State courts C. a grand jury hearing and one trial in federal court D. a grand jury trial and a hung jury

C. a grand jury hearing and one trial in federal court

How did the Supreme Court interpret the 14th Amendment's right to privacy in the case Roe v. Wade? A. as a woman's decision to see or not see a doctor while pregnant B. as a woman's decision to give her baby up for adoption C. as a woman's decision to terminate or continue her pregnancy D. as a woman's decision to tell or not tell her partner she is pregnant

C. as a woman's decision to terminate or continue her pregnancy

How did the Supreme Court interpret the 4th Amendment in Mapp v. Ohio, 1961? A. as allowing the use of evidence obtained during informational roadblocks B. as prohibiting the use of evidence obtained during illegal drug testing C. as prohibiting the use of evidence obtained from an illegal search of a person's home D. as allowing the use of evidence obtained when it was in plain view

C. as prohibiting the use of evidence obtained from an illegal search of a person's home

Gideon v. Wainwright extends the 6th Amendment rights of the accused by A.guaranteeing that a defendant is informed of the nature of an accusation. B. requiring a defendant to use a lawyer in a federal case. C. ensuring that a defendant who cannot afford a lawyer will still be able to use one. D. making it compulsory for the accused to find favorable witnesses.

C. ensuring that a defendant who cannot afford a lawyer will still be able to use one.

The exclusionary rule states that A. police must have a proper warrant to search for evidence in a case. B. the constitutional guarantees of due process create a right of privacy. C. evidence gained as the result of an illegal act by police cannot be used in court. D. government may not use writs of assistance to invade private homes.

C. evidence gained as the result of an illegal act by police cannot be used in court.

In its most recent 2nd Amendment decisions, the Supreme Court has A. defended the right of each State to keep a militia. B. rejected laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the sale of arms. C. incorporated the 2nd Amendment into the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause. D. upheld laws forbidding private individuals from owning firearms.

C. incorporated the 2nd Amendment into the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause.

Which of the following is constitutional? A. laws that regulate assemblies based on their message B. laws that prohibit demonstrations on public property C. laws that require advance notice for demonstrations D. laws that require an organization to disclose the names of its members

C. laws that require advance notice for demonstrations

The Constitution limits the role of government with regard to the rights of petition and assembly in order to A. prevent illegal or rowdy behavior that might arise during the duration of the assembly. B. establish compensation for law enforcement for the extra help needed to supervise the assembly. C. prevent interference with the expression of opposing and unpopular views. D. prevent disorganization during the assembly or demonstration

C. prevent interference with the expression of opposing and unpopular views.

Police officers break into a home unlawfully to look for evidence. This is an example of the violation of A. substantive due process. B. the rights of the accused. C. procedural due process. D. the right of association.

C. procedural due process.

The writ of habeas corpus and the grand jury both A. prevent the legislature from punishing a person without a court trial. B. guarantee an individual the right to an attorney. C. protect a citizen from being held for a crime without good reason. D. require bail before a suspect can be released from jail.

C. protect a citizen from being held for a crime without good reason.

Which constitutional provision sets up, in Thomas Jefferson's words, "a wall of separation between church and state"? A. the Free Exercise Clause B. the Due Process Clause C. the Establishment Clause D. the Religious Freedom Clause

C. the Establishment Clause

According to the Supreme Court's decision regarding the District of Columbia's strict gun control law, what is one important aspect of the 2nd Amendment? A.Individuals have a constitutional right to keep a well-regulated militia. B.Individuals can protect themselves against encroachments by the Federal Government. C.Individuals have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. D.Individuals must have a federal license to ship arms across State lines.

C.Individuals have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

Which of the following is an example of a use of the police power that most likely violates the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause? A.To promote general health, a State prohibits over-the-counter sale of hypodermic needles. B.To promote public morals, a State enacts a law regulating gambling. C.To promote public safety, a State enacts a law prohibiting driving after 11 p.m. D.To promote general welfare, a State requires all children to receive an education. Check Answer

C.To promote public safety, a State enacts a law prohibiting driving after 11 p.m.

A group of U.S. military veterans are planning to gather at a memorial to read the names of fallen comrades and give speeches calling for an end to war. This assembly is protected by the 1st Amendment, assuming that it A.does not raise criticisms of government policies. B.does not encourage other people to participate. C.does not interfere with the rights of other citizens. D.does not enlist the support of other groups.

C.does not interfere with the rights of other citizens.

'Reasonable restrictions' are allowed on freedom of expression to prohibit the expression of words that A.are true but are uncomfortable to hear. B.provide a forum for open discussion of issues. C.libel, slander, or endanger another person. D. are reflective of a particular group's views.

C.libel, slander, or endanger another person.

Allowed unlimited independent spending by outside groups in federal elections

Citizen United v. FEC

Which of the following is one justification for the use of bail? A. The use of bail amounts to self-incrimination, which is unconstitutional. B. The use of bail renders the use of a grand jury unnecessary. C. The use of bail can cause a delay in holding a trial. D. A person should not be imprisoned until his or her guilt has been established.

D. A person should not be imprisoned until his or her guilt has been established.

Which of the following best explains how due process helps protect individual rights? A. Due process says the government must exercise its police power. B. Due process helps punish law breakers and so protects individual rights. C. Due process allows the government to make new laws to protect individual rights. D. Due process holds that government must act fairly and in accord with established rules.

D. Due process holds that government must act fairly and in accord with established rules.

Read the following quotation from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic." Which of the following points is supported by this quotation? A. The Constitution guarantees both civil rights and civil liberties to the American people. B. The early colonists brought a dedication to individual rights with them to America. C. Governmental authority in the United States is strictly limited. D. In the United States, each person's rights are relative to the rights of every other person.

D. In the United States, each person's rights are relative to the rights of every other person.

Which of the following actions has the Supreme Court upheld under the Free Exercise Clause? A. Amish school children can be forced to attend school beyond the 8th grade. B. A person can have a polygamous marriage if it is based on a religious belief or practice. C. A person must obtain a license before soliciting money for a religious cause. D. The government can draft those who have religious objections to military service.

D. The government can draft those who have religious objections to military service.

In Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court held that burning the American flag is A. an act of sedition that is protected by the Constitution. B. an act of dissent by conduct that is not protected by the Constitution. C. a form of symbolic speech that is not protected by the Constitution. D. a form of expression that is protected by the Constitution.

D. a form of expression that is protected by the Constitution.

Which of the following is sufficient for a police officer to enter someone's home and search for evidence in connection with a crime? A. forced consent from the homeowner B. a commanding officer's consent C. a tip from a concerned citizen D. a search warrant signed by a judge

D. a search warrant signed by a judge

Through the process of incorporation, the Supreme Court has A. established the difference between civil rights and civil liberties. B. held that each person's rights are relative to those of every other person. C. guaranteed the protections found in the Constitution to noncitizens. D. extended most of the protections in the Bill of Rights to the States.

D. extended most of the protections in the Bill of Rights to the States.

A sit-in was staged on the State Department's sidewalk protesting a proposed pipeline from Alaska to the Gulf Coast. The 1st Amendment provides that such a protest is permissible A. as long as it does not take place in public spaces and thoroughfares. B. as long as the viewpoint being expressed is not controversial. C. with prior permission from local officials as to the content of the protest. D. in public spaces where there is no infringement on others' rights.

D. in public spaces where there is no infringement on others' rights.

Which of the following explains one reason why States might be allowed to stop people from posting certain comments on social media sites? A. protection of symbolic speech B. shield laws C. prohibitions against prior restraint D. laws prohibiting libel

D. laws prohibiting libel

The Supreme Court has held that public schools cannot A. allow religious groups to meet in school. B. allow students to pray before eating lunch. C. permit the study of the Bible under any circumstance. D. require a moment of silence at the start of each day.

D. require a moment of silence at the start of each day.

During a trial, a defendant is allowed to exercise the 5th Amendment guarantee against self-incrimination when A. the judge requests that the defendant repeat his or her testimony. B. he or she wishes to avoid going to trial. C. he or she wishes to avoid incriminating another person. D. the prosecutor demands that the defendant confess.

D. the prosecutor demands that the defendant confess.

The death penalty could be given in which of the following situations? A. a drug dealer is convicted for the third time of selling illegal drugs B. a mentally ill person murders a neighbor C. a 17-year-old driving a car hits and kills a bicyclist D. the robber of a convenience store kills a police officer in his escape attempt

D. the robber of a convenience store kills a police officer in his escape attempt

The constitutional clauses that expressly grant powers to Congress have been further defined by the A. amendments passed by Congress, which bring additional power and clarification to each of the clauses. B. scope of the inherent powers that belong to all sovereign nations, and thus the powers of the Federal Government. C. specific words the Framers chose when writing each clause, and the debates conducted around the signing of the Constitution. D. ways in which Congress has exercised its power, and the Supreme Court decisions in cases arising out of measures Congress has passed.

D. ways in which Congress has exercised its power, and the Supreme Court decisions in cases arising out of measures Congress has passed.

In what way is the ruling in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale an example of the right of association? A.Organizations cannot exclude members unless they receive government support. B.Organizations cannot limit membership if doing so denies an individual's right of association. C.Organizations can exclude members because they receive government support. D.Organizations can limit membership based on the organization's overall purpose.

D.Organizations can limit membership based on the organization's overall purpose.

Which of the following is prohibited under the 13th Amendment? A.forcing young men to register for the selective service system B.imprisoning a person who has been convicted of a crime C.compelling a person who has been convicted of a crime to work D.forcing someone to work for another to fulfill a contract

D.forcing someone to work for another to fulfill a contract

A judge nullified trespassing citations issued to a group that had staged a protest by pitching tents in a public plaza. What constitutional safeguards most likely guided the judge's decision? A.right to assemble if participants have received consent from nearby businesses B.right to assemble regardless of whether the protest takes place on public or private property C.right to assemble as long as the cause is approved by local government agencies D.right to assemble if participants do not interfere with the rights of others

D.right to assemble if participants do not interfere with the rights of others

Struck down a Washington DC ordinance that banned handguns

DC v. Heller

established selective incorporation of the Bill of rights; states cannot deny freedom of speech; protected through the 14th amendment

Gitlow v. New York

the Supreme Court ruled that a state's ban on the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy

Griswald vs. Connecticut

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 2 each survivor

Korematsu v. US

Established the exclusionary rule was applicable to the states (evidence seized illegally cannot be used in court)

Mapp v. Ohio

Incorporated the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms to the states

McDonald v. Chicago

Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

Miranda v. Arizona

Decided in 1964, this case established the guidelines for determining whether public officials and public figures could win damage suits for libel. To do so, individuals must prove that the defamatory statements were made with "actual malice" and reckless disregard for the truth.

New York Times v. Sullivan

The 1973 Supreme Court decision holding that a state ban on all abortions was unconstitutional. The decision forbade state control over abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy, permitted states to limit abortions to protect the mother's health in the second trimester, and permitted states to protect the fetus during the third trimester.

Roe v. Wade

Police can search and seize if they have probable cause

Terry v. Ohio

A 1989 case in which the Supreme Court struck down a law banning the burning of the American flag on the grounds that such action was symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment.

Texas v. Johnson

Students have the right to symbolic speech at school as long as it is not disruptive

Tinker v. Des Moines

Congress passed the Flag Protection Act in response to Texas v. Johnson. Eichman burned a flag on the steps of the US Capitol in protest of domestic and foreign policy. Result: Similar to Texas v Johnson, the law violates free expression. Allowing a flag to be disposed of but to not be burned in protest is unconstitutional. - 1st A.

US v. Eichman

Established the exclusionary rule in federal cases. Prohibited evidence obtained by illegal searches and seizures from being admitted in court.

Weeks v. United States

Citizens with religious objections to military service can be drafted. Also, U.S. v. Cassius Clay

Welsh v. United States

Parents can avoid compulsory attendance laws for schools if proven religious beliefs don't allow it - amish have to attend school through 8th grade

Wisconson v. Yoder

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