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a) the nra has significantly more economic resources at its disposal than other internet groups

The National Rifle Association (NRA) spent $419 million dollars on the 2016 election to support their preferred candidates. Critics would argue that this reflects which of the following problems with interest group influence in the U.S.? a) the nra has significantly more economic resources at its disposal than other internet groups b) the free-rider problem c) the revolving door d) that grassroots lobbying causes congressmen to vote for policies they don't agree with


Which of the following accurately compares Democrats and Republicans?


Which of the following accurately compares Engel v. Vitale and Wisconsin v. Yoder?

b) support for the death penalty among republicans, democrats, and independents has dropped

Which of the following best describes a trend in the graph? a) more democrats than republicans support the death penalty b) support for the death penalty among republicans, democrats, and independents has dropped c) democratic support for the death penalty has gradually risen d) more independents than republicans support the death penalty

d) conduct a focus group from a cross-section of potential voters

a candidate's campaign staff is unsure why voters aren't responding more enthusiastically to the candidate's speeches and policy proposals. which of the following steps would make the most sense to figure out the best way to change the campaign's tactics? a) set up a website and ask people to send in their suggestions b) commission a tracking poll c) make a twitter poll and ask people who follow the candidate what's wrong d) conduct a focus group from a cross-section of potential voters

a) 4th amendment

a challenge to the constitutionality of drunk driving checkpoints would most likely involve which amendment? a) 4th amendment b) 5th amendment c) 6th amendment d) 10th amendment

a) conservatives

a constitutional amendment to ban abortion would most likely be supported by? a) conservatives b) liberals c) libertarians d) moderates

d) a commitment to individualism and personal responsibility

a core value of American political culture is a) the belief that healthcare is a right b) that life begins at conception c) that political correctness has gone too far d) a commitment to individualism and personal responsibility

c) a random sample of likely voters in michigan

a democratic presidential candidate wants to know how she is doing in michigan, so she commissions a poll. for the most accurate results, what decision should the pollster make regarding the sample? a) a random sample of all democratic voters nationwide b) set up the poll on the candidate's website and ask people who have made a contribution to respond c) a random sample of likely voters in michigan d) sample as many democratic voters in michigan as possible

c) confederation

a form of governmental structure in which the national government is weak and most or all power is in the hands of its components (e.g., states) is known as: a) federalism b) statist c) confederation d) parliamentary e) a unitary government

a) a ruling that the first amendment protected the group's right to peaceably assemble

a group of american nazis decided to hold a rally in a largely jewish community that was home to a number of holocaust survivors, but the town denied the group a permit to march. based on your knowledge of the supreme court's interpretation of the first amendment, which of the following outcomes is most likely? a) a ruling that the first amendment protected the group's right to peaceably assemble b) a ruling that the group's march created a clear and present danger and therefore could be restricted c) a ruling that since hate speech is not constitutionally protected, the group did not have a right to march d) a ruling that the demonstration would have violated the first amendment rights of the townspeople and therefore was not allowed

d) the person can still be charged and put on trial, however the discovery of the drugs may not be used as evidence against her

a house is searched illegally and police find a large quantity of illegal drugs. which of the following describes the most likely outcome? a) police must give the drugs back to the suspect b) the discovery of the drugs will be allowed to be used at trial because it is the prosecution's best evidence and otherwise the suspect might go free c) the case must be dropped because the search was illegal d) the person can still be charged and put on trial, however the discovery of the drugs may not be used as evidence against her

d) an expansion of Medicaid by the state

a liberal voter would be most likely to vote in favor of which of the following initiatives in a state election? a) a restriction on abortion access b) an amendment that would require approval by a supermajority of representatives in the state legislature to raise taxes c) a policy to allow prayer in charter schools d) an expansion of Medicaid by the state

c) indicted by the house of representatives

a president who is impeached is always: a) removed from office by the house of representatives b) put in prison by the judicial branch c) indicted by the house of representatives d) removed from office by the senate

c) the power to pass economic legislation

all of the following are enumerated powers of congress EXCEPT? a) the power to declare war b) the power to pass a federal budget c) the power to pass economic legislation d) the power to tax

d) cutting taxes

all of the following are policy tools of monetary policy EXCEPT? a) open market purchases of treasury securities b) changing the reserve requirement for banks c) changing the discount rate d) cutting taxes

b) misinformation has become a bigger issue

as our access to news sources has increased a) the american public has become better informed about politics b) misinformation has become a bigger issue c) the news has become less influenced by ideological bias d) most people hear both sides of a political issue

b) the purple party candidate becomes president

based on the table above a) the house must choose the president when one candidate wins the popular vote and another candidate wins the electoral b) the purple party candidate becomes president c) the yellow party candidate becomes president d) the yellow party candidate becomes president and the purple party candidate becomes vice president

a) congress lacks the time and expertise to create specific regulations for every law

critics of this supreme court ruling would most likely argue that a) congress lacks the time and expertise to create specific regulations for every law b) bureaucratic decisions are not justiciable since the agencies have their own methods resolving conflicts c) the court must give deference to the decisions of bureaucratic agencies d) allowing unelected bureaucrats to make regulations that have the force of law is undemocratic

c) gerrymandering

drawing congressional districts into bizarre shapes to give an advantage to a political party is: a) reapportionment b) redistricting c) gerrymandering d) malapportionment

b) tracking poll

during the primaries, a polling company releases a new poll following the rise and fall of support for each of the candidates once a week. what type of poll is this? a) entrance poll b) tracking poll c) push poll d) benchmark poll

c) libertarian because the author places the rights and freedom of the individual above the power of government

from this excerpt: must the citizen, ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? why has every man a conscience, then? it is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. the only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. . . . law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. a common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates. . . marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their will, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart. . . . [for] they are all peaceably inclined. —henry david thoreau, civil disobedience, 1849 question: what ideological perspective is most consistent with this passage? a) conservative because it recognizes the need for civilian needs to be made subservient to the good of the nation and its military b) liberal because the author opposes war on the grounds that it used to empower elites at the expense of the masses c) libertarian because the author places the rights and freedom of the individual above the power of government d) populist because it argues that individuals must place the needs of government above their own personal desires

b) individualism

from this excerpt: must the citizen, ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? why has every man a conscience, then? it is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. the only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. . . . law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. a common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates. . . marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their will, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart. . . . [for] they are all peaceably inclined. —henry david thoreau, civil disobedience, 1849 question: which american cultural value does thoreau praise in this passage? a) rule of law b) individualism c) free enterprise d) equality of opportunity

b) civil rights advocates are justified in breaking prejudiced, unjust laws.

from this excerpt: you express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to break laws. this is certainly a legitimate concern. since we so diligently urge people to obey the supreme court's decision of 1954 outlawing segregation in the public schools, at first glance it may seem rather paradoxical for us consciously to break laws. one may well ask: "how can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?" the answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. i would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. one has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. i would agree with st. augustine that "an unjust law is no law at all." now, what is the difference between the two? how does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? a just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. an unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. to put it in the terms of st. thomas aquinas: an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. any law that uplifts human personality is just. any law that degrades human personality is unjust. —dr. martin luther king, jr., letter from a birmingham jail question: which of the following best represents a thesis statement for these two paragraphs? a) white pastors are anxious about the lawlessness associated with the civil rights movement. b) civil rights advocates are justified in breaking prejudiced, unjust laws. c) a just law is made by man but harmonizes with the law of god. d) lawlessness threatens to tear apart the civil rights movement.

a) state power has decreased relative to the federal government

how has the incorporation doctrine altered the balance of power between states and the federal government? a) state power has decreased relative to the federal government b) the federal judiciary has been weakened by state governments c) it hasn't affected the balance of power d) states have been weakened because they are now required to pay for unfunded mandates

c) she would likely argue that keynesian economics is misguided and that the government has no business spending money trying to fix the economy

how would a libertarian likely feel about keynesian economics? a) she would criticize keynesians for not being willing to spend money when needed to get the economy back on track b) she would support keynesians for their adherence to policies designed to stabilize the economy c) she would likely argue that keynesian economics is misguided and that the government has no business spending money trying to fix the economy d) she would support keynesian efforts to cut taxes

c) for people who don't have a state-issued photo id, the money and effort required to obtain one amounts to a poll tax

identify the constitutional basis for the argument that voter photo id laws are unconstitutional. a) having to show a photo id violates an individual's free-exercise rights b) photo ids are a form of freedom of expression, so requiring photo ids is a form of compelled speech which is unconstitutional c) for people who don't have a state-issued photo id, the money and effort required to obtain one amounts to a poll tax d) requiring a person to show id is an unreasonable search

b) also become liberal

if a person's parents are liberal, the child will most likely? a) become conservative b) also become liberal c) become a political bystander d) there is no relationship between the ideology of a parent and child

c) the increase in candidate-centered politics

in 2016 bernie sanders and donald trump both performed well in their respective party primaries despite a lack of support, and at times even outright opposition, from party leadership. this exemplifies a) party realignment b) the rise of interest group influence c) the increase in candidate-centered politics d) liberal media bias

d) a unitary executive

in federalist #70, alexander hamilton argues in favor of? a) a strong supreme court b) an independent supreme court c) the establishment of the national bank d) a unitary executive

c) an independent supreme court

in federalist #78, alexander hamilton argues in favor of? a) a unitary executive b) a strong supreme court c) an independent supreme court d) the establishment of the national Bbank

c) the judiciary is the weakest of the three branches, so there is no reason to fear the lack of a term limit for federal judges

in federalist no. 78, alexander hamilton argued that? a) a unitary executive will be more responsive to public opinion than an executive counsel b) checks and balances are necessary to maintain a limited government c) the judiciary is the weakest of the three branches, so there is no reason to fear the lack of a term limit for federal judges d) the supreme court is more responsive to public opinion than the other two branches

b) a transition from a progressive tax to a flat tax

liberal college students would be least likely to support? a) a plan to increase student loan forgiveness b) a transition from a progressive tax to a flat tax c) a constitutional amendment banning the death penalty d) an initiative to restore voting rights to felons who have been released from prison

d) is conducted by the federal reserve

monetary policy a) is conducted by congress and the president b) involves taxation and government spending policies c) has minimal impact on the u.s. economy d) is conducted by the federal reserve

c) the house can impeach federal judges and the president, and the senate holds the impeachment trial

one example of constitutional checks and balances is: a) the president declares war, but congress appropriates military funds b) the president nominates cabinet members, and the house holds confirmation hearings c) the house can impeach federal judges and the president, and the senate holds the impeachment trial d) congress can override united states supreme court decisions on the constitutionality of laws e) presidential vetoes of laws can be overridden by a simple majority vote in both the house and the senate

b) the real goal of photo id laws is to suppress minority and urban voter turnout

opponents of voter photo id laws would most likely argue that a) most Americans don't have a current legal photo id b) the real goal of photo id laws is to suppress minority and urban voter turnout c) photo id laws don't go far enough to ensure the integrity of elections d) we should immediately switch to online voting nationwide

b) how a person acquires their political beliefs

political socialization is a) the feeling that your actions can influence government b) how a person acquires their political beliefs c) a person's belief about the proper role of government d) when a person tells other people about their own political beliefs

c) a liberal lobbyist calls on congress to pass this legislation even if requires a tax increase to pay for it

suppose that a congressional committee begins holding hearings on legislation that would expand medicare to cover all americans. which of the following statement most accurately reflects the likely reaction to such a policy proposal? a) a conservative commentator worries that the proposed legislation doesn't go far enough to address the inequality of access to healthcare b) a libertarian podcaster supports the policy proposal and praises congress for being willing to fix this market inefficiency c) a liberal lobbyist calls on congress to pass this legislation even if requires a tax increase to pay for it d) a libertarian editorial writer supports the legislation because it will likely lead to reduced government spending

a) benchmark poll

suppose that hillary clinton is considering running for the democratic nomination again. which of the following types of polls would likely be commissioned? a) benchmark poll b) entrance poll c) tracking poll d) twitter poll

d) how to count slaves in population totals

the 3/5 compromised solved the debate over: a) how to regulate commerce b) how to empower the federal government to govern c) how to conduct foreign diplomacy d) how to count slaves into population totals e) how to divide the governing power into 5 branches

only allowed corporations to air political ads within 60 days of a general or 30 days of a primary election

the bipartisan campaign reform act (bcra) did all of the following EXCEPT a) banned soft money contributions to political parties b) required candidates to include a voiceover acknowledging their approval of their campaign ads c) banned direct corporate contributions to candidates d) only allowed corporations to air political ads within 60 days of a general or 30 days of anprimary election

d) elastic clause

the constitution's provision that congress has the right to ʺmake all laws necessary and proper for carrying into executionʺ its powers is often referred to as the a. implied powers. b. heart of fiscal federalism. c. unwritten amendment. d. elastic clause. e. privileges and immunities.

c) made the constitution, the laws of the national government, and the national government's treaties the supreme law of the land.

the constitutions' supremacy clause: a) does not apply to state and local matters. b) gives the states superiority over the national government's constitution and laws. c) made the constitution, the laws of the national government, and the national government's treaties the supreme law of the land. d) is vague about which level of government should prevail in a dispute involving federalism. e) makes the president supreme in any constitutional conflicts with the other two branches.

a) popular sovereignty

the declaration of independence states, "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. this was a revolutionary change from the system of british monarchy, which was based on the divine right of kings. for which of the ideals of democracy does this quote provide a foundation? a) popular sovereignty b) federalism c) separation of powers d) limited government

c) the opinion

the majority opinion of the supreme court is called a) the concurring opinion b) the dissenting opinion c) the opinion d) the per curiam opinion

c) modern candidates have become reliant on super PAC contributions

the message of the political cartoon is that a) super PACs play a large role in shaping the republican party's platform b) democrats are speaking out against the role of super PACs in elections c) modern candidates have become reliant on super PAC contributions d) restrictions on super PACs have diminished their influence

d) family

the most important source of a person's political socialization is a) the news media b) social media c) school d) family

d) increased support for liberal social positions

the most likely effect of college education on a person's political ideology is? a) opposition to tax increases b) increased support for socially conservative viewpoints c) lower support for social welfare programs designed to help the poor d) increased support for liberal social positions

c) this is constitutional because literature textbooks have a secular purpose

the state of florida's legislature appropriated money to purchase new literature textbooks. most of the money would go to public schools, but some would go to private religious schools. which of the following accurately describes the constitutionality of this? a) this is an unconstitutional violation of the establishment clause b) this is an unconstitutional violation of the free-exercise clause c) this is constitutional because literature textbooks have a secular purpose d) this is constitutional because states have an obligation to support both public and private education

d) established the supremacy of federal governments.

the supreme court case of mcculloch v. maryland (1819) a) established baltimore as the capital of maryland. b) stated that the constitution gave congress implied powers. c) established the principle of judicial review. d) established the supremacy of federal governments. e) recognized that congress was limited to its enumerated powers.

c) is the president of the senate

the vice president: a) has no power granted by the Constitution b) checks on the president throughout the day to make sure he's been taking his medication c) is the president of the senate d) is the second most powerful person in u.s. government and oversees the bureaucracy

c) requires that the president notify congress within 48 hours of deploying troops

the war powers resolution does which of the following? a) gives the president the power to declare war b) requires that congress report to the president before it cuts military appropriations c) requires that the president notify congress within 48 hours of deploying troops d) allows the national security council to conduct military operations if the president is incapacitated e) shifts military command responsibility from the president to the joint chiefs of staff

c) to check the power of the president and assert a stronger role for congress in military affairs

the war powers resolution was passed: a) to enhance the ability of the president to take quick and decisive military action b) to reaffirm the constitutional roles of each branch in foreign policy c) to check the power of the president and assert a stronger role for congress in military affairs d) to censure a president for declaring war despite congressional opposition


true or false: a small band of farmers in massachusetts took up arms against the federal government that is called daniel shays rebellion.


true or false: brutus 1 argued for a strong central government that could organize the states.


true or false: governing powers that are shared by both the state and the federal government is called reserved powers.


true or false: popular sovereignty emphasizes that the people are the source of governing power.


true or false: prior to the french and indian War, americans experienced little oversight from england.


true or false: reserved powers are powers the states keep for themselves in the process of federalism.


true or false: the constitution of the united states was written to inform england and the world the reason for our separation.


true or false: under the articles of confederation, most of the authority to govern rested in the hands of the federal government rather than the states.


true or false: us v lopez helped to strengthen the supremacy clause in the us constitution.

c) is lower than most other western democracies

voter turnout in the united states a) is higher in state elections than federal elections b) is significantly lower than early u.s. history, but still higher than other western democracies c) is lower than most other western democracies d) is higher when the economy is strong and people feel good about the direction that the country is heading

b) appoint during congressional recess

what can the president do to get around a senate that will not approve a judicial appointment? a) veto their rejection b) appoint during congressional recess c) appeal to the house of representatives for help d) sign an executive order

a) pendleton civil service act

what established the merit system for government employees? a) pendleton civil service act b) shaw v reno c) miranda v arizona d) judicial act of 1789

c) contacting people by phone

what is the most common method of surveying public opinion in valid opinion polls? a) Conducting polls on social media b) emailing surveys c) contacting people by phone d) contacting people through the mail

c) the candidate won large victories in some states and lost very close races in other states

what is the most likely explanation for how a candidate can win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote? a) the candidate is popular with everyday citizens but fails to impress the political elites b) members of the electoral college frequently vote in opposition to the popular vote c) the candidate won large victories in some states and lost very close races in other states d) the electoral college is well-known to have a liberal bias

d) 4 justices must vote in favor of issuing a writ of certiorari

what must occur for the supreme court to hear a case on appeal? a) congress must alter the original jurisdiction of the court to allow them to hear a case on appeal. b) all 9 justices must agree to hear the case c) a majority of justices must agree to hear the case d) 4 justices must vote in favor of issuing a writ of certiorari

a) to revise the articles of confederation

what was the original, sole, and express purpose of the convention in Philadelphia? a) to revise the articles of confederation b) to choose the first president c) to negotiate the treaty with great britain d) to abolish the articles of confederation e) to grant women the right to vote

a) restricted the power of the federal government only

when the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, it a) restricted the power of the federal government only b) expanded the power of federal and state governments c) restricted the power of federal and state governments d) expanded the power of the federal government only

b) first amendment free speech rights

which constitutional provision is involved in schenck v. u.s.? a) the necessary and proper clause in article I b) first amendment free speech rights c) second amendment's right to bear arms d) fourteenth amendment's due process clause


which of the following accurately compares congressional reapportionment and redistricting?


which of the following accurately compares discretionary and mandatory spending?


which of the following accurately compares judicial restraint and judicial activism?


which of the following accurately compares leadership in the House of Representatives and the Senate?


which of the following accurately compares schenck v. u.s. and new york times co. v. u.s.?


which of the following accurately compares the 2nd and 4th amendments?


which of the following accurately compares the 5th and 6th amendments?


which of the following accurately compares the house of representatives and the senate?

c) looking through the pictures on a person's cell phone without obtaining a warrant

which of the following actions taken by police would violate the exclusionary rule? a) breaking the front door to an apartment down without obtaining a warrant after hearing a person being physically assaulted b) submitting a bloody glove at a trial as evidence that it was found at a crime scene c) looking through the pictures on a person's cell phone without obtaining a warrant d) telling a suspect that his friend had already confessed and that he'd better confess as well or he'll receive a worse prison sentence


which of the following best compares the power and functions of the house of representatives and the senate?

d) a lobbyist representing corn farmers meets with a member of the house agriculture committee and a high-level official at the food and drug administration

which of the following best exemplifies an iron triangle? a) the senate has a democratic majority while the house of representatives and the presidency are both controlled by the republican party b) congress passes a bill, the president signs it into law, and the supreme court strikes it down as an overreach of congressional authority c) the president nominates a supreme court justice and the senate rejects the appointment d) a lobbyist representing corn farmers meets with a member of the house agriculture committee and a high-level official at the food and drug administration

a) due process clause

which of the following clauses provides the constitutional basis for incorporation? a) due process clause b) equal protection clause c) privileges and immunities clause d) citizenship clause

b) freedom of speech allows a person to spend her money as she wishes

which of the following constitutional principles is at the heart of the debate over super PACs? a) freedom of assembly and association that establishes the right to form an interest group b) freedom of speech allows a person to spend her money as she wishes c) freedom of the press applies to media broadcasts of campaign rallies d) corporations are protected by the free-exercise clause

a) baker v carr

which of the following court cases established the principle of "one person, one vote"? a) baker v carr b) marbury v madison c) mcculloch v maryland d) brown v board of education

c) shaw v reno

which of the following court cases establishes that congressional districts cannot be drawn based only on race? a) baker v carr b) mcculloch v maryland c) shaw v reno d) miranda v arizona

a) the supreme court can declare federal legislation invalid if the legislation violates the constitution.

which of the following did the supreme court establish in marbury v. madison? a) the supreme court can declare federal legislation invalid if the legislation violates the constitution. b) each state has the right to set up and run its own court system. c) all the powers that are not explicitly given by the constitution to congress belong to the states. d) any president who commits treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors can be impeached e) the constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the house of representatives


which of the following is an accurate comparison of PACs and super PACS?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of benchmark polls and exit polls?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of civil liberties and civil rights?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of keynesian and supply-side economics?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of liberals and libertarians?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of presidential formal and informal powers?


which of the following is an accurate comparison of the establishment and free-exercise clauses?

d) conservatives tend to support the death penalty more than liberals.

which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the trends in the line graph above and your knowledge of political attitudes? a) young people are more likely to support the death penalty than older people. b) well-educated people are more likely to support the death penalty than people with a high school diploma only. c) activism against the death penalty has failed to influence public opinion. d) conservatives tend to support the death penalty more than liberals.

b) forestry services c) education e) supplemental nutrition assistance

which of the following is not a mandatory spending item? (mark all that apply) a) social security b) forestry services c) education d) medicare e) supplemental nutrition assistance

a) justiciable

which of the following means, "capable of being decided by a court"? a) justiciable b) standing c) jurisdiction d) appellate

a) a member of the house of representatives

which of the following positions in the federal government is likely most concerned with public opinion polls? a) a member of the house of representatives b) a supreme court justice c) the head of an independent regulatory commission d) a newly-elected senator

b) the filibuster was ruled unconstitutional in 2015 for judicial nominations

which of the following statements about the filibuster is true? a) if at least 40 senators oppose a judicial nomination they can successful prevent his or her appointment b) the filibuster was ruled unconstitutional in 2015 for judicial nominations

d) the Supreme Court typically follows precedent, but is free to set new precedent at their discretion

which of the following statements accurately describes the importance of the doctrine of stare decisis? a) federal judges are prohibited from overruling the elected branches of government b) the supreme court frequently creates new precedent and rarely relies on past rulings for guidance c) the supreme court requires 4 justices to issue stare decisis d) the supreme court typically follows precedent, but is free to set new precedent at their discretion

c) the purpose of voter id laws is to make it more difficult to vote

which of the following statements best describes the message of the political cartoon? a) the lines for voting are too long on election day b) we should do more as a society to help elderly people be able to exercise their right to vote c) the purpose of voter id laws is to make it more difficult to vote d) many potential voters are unable to find their polling places and therefore can't vote

a) it ruled that the federal government sometimes can limit speech

which of the following statements best describes the significance of schenck v. u.s. (1919)? a) it ruled that the federal government sometimes can limit speech b) it is the first time the supreme court ruled in favor of expanded governmental powers during a time of emergency c) it established the clear and present danger test, which is still used to day to determine the constitutionality of speech d) it expanded free speech rights to all citizens regardless of race or gender

a) the framers didn't trust the people to popularly elect the president

which of the following statements best reflects the framers' intent when establishing the electoral college? a) the framers didn't trust the people to popularly elect the president b) the framers designed the system to ensure a balance of power between democrats and republicans c) the framers wanted the House of Representatives to frequently select the president d) the framers wanted to ensure that the president would be democratically elected

c) support for legalization of marijuana has more than doubled for all generational groups

which of the following statements is NOT consistent with the above chart? a) in 2018 each generation supports marijuana legalization more than the preceding generation b) there was likely widespread support for the controlled substances act of 1970, which criminalized marijuana, when it was enacted c) support for legalization of marijuana has more than doubled for all generational groups d) federal marijuana policy is lagging behind public opinion in 2018

d) both parties try to force their values on society

which of the following statements is most consistent with the political cartoon? a) democrats typically like dogs, while republicans usually like cats b) democrats favor policies that protect endangered animals c) democrats try to make people's personal decisions for them, while republicans let people decide for themselves d) both parties try to force their values on society

c) women more often support democratic candidates than republican candidates

which of the following statements is most consistent with this political cartoon? a) republicans always do better electorally when there is lower voter turnout b) voter fraud is a major electoral problem in the united states c) women often support more democratic candidates than republican candidates d) photo id laws will decrease voter turnout rates of women

c) parties officially nominate a presidential candidate at the party's national convention

which of the following statements is true about the u.s. election system? a) most states award their electoral votes proportionally b) general elections offer citizens an opportunity to choose their party's candidate for the primary election c) parties officially nominate a presidential candidate at the party's national convention d) election cycles have become more condensed, leading to short but frantic campaigns

c) the court has ruled in cases like planned parenthood v. casey (1992) that while states may not ban abortion, they may restrict and regulate it

which of the following statements regarding abortion policy in the united states is accurate? a) states may ban, restrict, or promote abortion access as they wish because it is a state issue b) following roe v. wade (1973), states were prohibited from banning or restricting abortion access c) the court has ruled in cases like planned parenthood v. casey (1992) that while states may not ban abortion, they may restrict and regulate it d) there is a nationwide absolute right to an abortion at any time during the pregnancy

d) government corporations

which of the following types of bureaucracy is an unprofitable business but not being provided by the private sector? a) cabinet departments b) independent executive agencies c) independent regulatory commissions d) government corporations

d) simple, neutral questions on a topic that the public is very familiar with

which of the following would make you more likely to trust the validity of a particular nationwide public opinion poll? a) no reported margin of error b) a random sample of 100 people c) a stratified sample containing equal numbers of conservatives, liberals, and libertarians d) simple, neutral questions on a topic that the public is very familiar with

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