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Two ways an amendment can be proposed

2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of national convention

What type of mandates/grants best support public interest (opinion question)

Categorical grants are are funds giving to the state governments that require the state govs to carry out specific provisions. These grants prevent the formation of factions in the state levels. Acc to Fed 10, factions prevent liberty.

What plan called for each state to be equally represented in Congress

New Jersey Plan


The return of powers to the states

Charles Montesquieu

separation of powers

Two ways an amendment is ratified

3/4 of states or 3/4 of state conventions

John Locke

Consent of the Govern

Dual (layer cake) federalism

The state and national gov each have their own distinct powers

How is federalism interpreted today?

State Sovereignty (Rehnquist court) Gave limits to what the fed gov to do internally, (U.S. v Lopez)

Which of the following cases expanded the powers of Congress by defining the necessary and proper clause more broadly?

McCulloch v. Maryland

What was a key concept in the Declaration of Independence?

Natural rights such as life, liberty, and property

Jean-Jaques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Social Contract

The Gun-Free School Zones Act made it illegal for individuals knowingly to carry a gun in a school zone. The Supreme Court determined this act to be an unconstitutional stretch of the commerce clause in

United States v. Lopez (1995)

In order to appease both Federalists and Anti-Federalists, it was agreed at the Constitutional Convention that a group of delegates would be charged with selecting the president. This would ensure that

the most capable individuals would decide which candidate would be president

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from larger states argued that each state's representation in the legislature should be proportional to its population. Smaller states argued that each state should have equal representation, regardless of population. The disagreement over representation threatened to derail the ratification of the United States Constitution. Which statement accurately describes the compromise that led to both sides reaching agreement?

A bicameral legislature with an upper house representing each state equally and a lower house with representation proportional to each state's population

Presentment Clause

A bill passed by Congress must be presented to the president to either pass or veto

In The Federalist 10, what did James Madison argue would best control the negative effects of factions?

A large federal republic

What is the general argument made in Brutus 1?

A large republic is dangerous to personal liberty and undermines the states.

What is an accurate summary of James Madison's argument in The Federalist 10?

A large republic presents more opportunities for groups to participate, compete, and limit each other.

Cooperative (marble cake) Federalism

A system in which national and state government have shared or overlapping powers. FDR's New Deal legislation established this system in the US.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the majority opinion of the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez (1995) ?

Congress may not use the commerce clause to make possession of a gun in a school zone a federal crime.

The election of reps in the House of Reps best represents what political idealogy?

Consent of the Govern; Poplar Sovereignty

What are ex post facto laws?

Laws that apply to actions before they were passed

Thomas Hobbes

Men are bad

Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with? Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education. Average citizens cannot be trusted to vote because of low levels of education. Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government. Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government. The federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures. The federal government should have greater authority than state legislatures. A small federal legislature is the best way to represent the will of the people in a large country. A small federal legislature is the best way to represent the will of the people in a large country.

Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.

Enumerated Powers

Powers explicitly granted to the national government through the Constitution; also called expressed powers EX declare war, coin money, regulate commerce

concurrent powers

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments; EX borrow money, levy taxes,

The Declaration of Independence cites specific reasons for separating from British rule, including the British imposing taxes and maintaining a standing army without consent. What principles or ideas would these grievances be most related to?

The incorporation of checks and balances among the branches of government

money given to the fed gov with restrictions on how it is spent is called

categorical grant

The foundation of John Locke's philosophy was that human beings

derive their rights from nature

Necessary and Proper Clause is also known as the

elastic clause

The Bill of Rights was demanded by what group of people?

the Antifederalists

What are the 7 articles of the Constitution?

(Lazy Elephants Jump Slowly and Sleep Regularly) Article 1: Legislative Branch Article 2: Executive Branch Article 3: Judicial Branch Article 4: States, Citizenship, New States Article 5: Amendments Article 6: Supremacy Article 7: Ratification

Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution lists several powers that are denied to the federal government, such as granting titles of nobility and passing ex post facto laws. This best demonstrates which of the following ideals of democracy?

Limited government

In the passage, Brutus is most concerned with the conflict between which of the following political ideas? Civil rights and national security Civil rights and national security Participatory democracy and elite democracy Participatory democracy and elite democracy Political parties and special interest groups Political parties and special interest groups Religious liberty and the separation of church and state

Participatory democracy and elite democracy

Reserved Powers

Powers reserved to the states; EX policing powers

As a compromise, the framers agreed on a bicameral legislature, with the House of Representatives elected by popular vote within states and the Senate selected by state legislatures. The direct election method conforms most to which of the following democratic ideals?

consent of the governed

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