AP PSYCH 2 cont.

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The Synaptic vesicles contain

neurotransmitters. they are fluid filled sacs


a neurotransmitter found in the lower part of the brain that can have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect, depending on the particular synapses being affected.


process by which neurotransmitters are taken back into the synaptic vesicles

synaptic knob

rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals

Because molecules of various drugs, if similar enough in shape to the neurotransmitter, can fit into the receptor sites on the receiving neurons just like the neurotransmitters do, drugs can affect what happens in the synapse in two ways


If acetylcholine receptor sites on the muscle cells are blocked in some way, then the acetylcholine can't get to the site and the muscle will be incapable of contracting-paralyzed in other word. This is what happens when the drug, curare, gets into the nervous system. Indians used for blow darts.


It is not the neurotransmitter itself that is excitatory or inhibitory, but rather it is the effect of that neurotransmitter that is either excitatory or inhibitory at the receptor sites of a particular synapse


So, if the original neurotransmitter was excitatory, the effect of the agonist will be to INCREASE that inhibition.


effect of alcohol is to enhance the effect of GABA. This makes alcohol an agonist for GBA


chemical substances that mimic or enhance the effects of neurotransmitters on the receptor sites of the next cell, which can result in an increase or decrease in the activity of the receiving cell, depending on what effect of the original neurotransmitter (Excitatory or inhibitory) was going to be.


Chemical substances that block or reduce a cell's response to the action of other chemicals or neurotransmitters


GABA is involved in _____ and ____ _____

GABA is involved in sleep and inhibits movement


Inhibitory neural regulators; involved in pain relief. natural pain killers.

Too little dopamine

Parkinson's disease. tremor, muscle rigidity, etc..

When the neuron's action potential occurs, ____ ions are rushing into the axon through openings on the membrane


branches at the end of the axon

axon terminals

GABA can help to

calm anxiety. (Drugs and alcohol)

a strong message received by a neuron will

cause the neuron to fire immediately, in a faster fashion.


chemical substances that BLOCK or REDUCE a cell's response to the action of other chemical neurotransmitters.


chemical substances that mimic or enhance the effects of a neurotransmitter on the receptor sites of the next cell, INCREASING or DECREASING the activity of that cell.

low levels of serotonin results in


When people take heroin or morphine, their bodies neglect to produce ____

endorphins. Thus, they want more drugs because everything hurts because the are left with no protection against pain at all.

Acetylcholine has an

excitatory effect on the synapse


excitatory or inhibitory; involved in arrousal, attention, memory, and controls muscle contractions. MAAC


excitatory or inhibitory; involved in control of movement and sensations of pleasure

Acetylcholine- neurotransmitter

found at the synapses between neurons and muscle cells. Serves to stimulate the skeletal muscles to contract but actually slows contractions in the heart muscle.

Nervous system's most excitatory neurotransmitter


receptor sites

holes in the surface of dendrites or certain cells of the muscles and glands, which are shaped to fit only certain neurotransmitters.


insulates axons and speeds up transmitting of neural message

When an antagonist drug affects an inhibitory neurotransmitter...chem stubstance released by the end of a nerve fiber (ntransmitter) half of def

it increases the activity of the cell

Glutamate plays an important role in

learning, memory formation, and nervous system development

vesicle means

little blister or fluid-filled sac. latin


mainly excitatory; involved in arousal and mood. MA. NO MA

synapse/synaptic gap

microscopic fluid-filled space between the synaptic knob of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell

GABA (neurotransmitter)

most common neurotransmitter producing inhibition in the brain.

neurotransmitters are inside a


the field of study that deals with the structure of the brain and components of the nervous system


Inside synaptic vesicles are chemicals suspended in fluid, which are molecules of substances called


chemical found in synaptic vesicles that, when released, has an effect on the next cell.


When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminals, it causes the release of

neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell


produce myelin in the central nervous system

Schwann cells

produce myelin in the peripheral nervous system

synaptic vesicles

saclike structures found inside the synaptic knob containing chemicals

Too much dopamine


Which neurotransmitter is associated with sleep, mood, and appetite?


Serotonin is associated with

sleep, appetite, and mood (SAM-serotonin)

excitatory synapse

synapse at which a neurotransmitter causes the receiving cell to fire. Neurotransmitter tells receiving cell to fire. starts pain. turn cells on.

inhibitory synapse

synapse at which a neurotransmitter causes the receiving cell to stop firing. Neurotransmitter tells receiving cell to stop firing. stops pain. turn cells off.

When the action potential, or electrical charge, reaches the synaptic vesicles, the synaptic vesicles release their neurotransmitters into the

synaptic gap

What would happen if the neurons released too much acetylcholine?

the bite of a black widow spider does just that. Its venom stimulates the release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine and causes CONVULSIONS and POSSIBLE DEATH. Black widow spider venom is an agonist for acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is also found in the hippocampus which responsible for forming new memories. Low levels of this causes Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of dementia.

Neurotransmitters ____

transmit a message


when a neuron fires, it fires in an all-or-none fashion. Neurons are either firing at full strength or not firing at all

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