AP US 2, 1st semester

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Social Realism

..., a style of art in which communist values and life under communism are glorified


..., the attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth

Henry Ford

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.;created the first of the famous cars

Homestead Strike

1892 steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike.

Self-Made Man

19th century idea that celebrated men who rose to wealth or social prominence from humble origins through self-discipline, hard work, and temperate habits.

Rutherford B. Hayes

19th president of the united states, was famous for being part of the Hayes-Tilden election in which electoral votes were contested in 4 states, most corrupt election in US history; Patronage overshadowed Hayes's presidency, as he did not receive any support for his civil service system. His presidency was more of a frustration.

Knights of Labor

1st effort to create National union. Open to everyone but lawyers and bankers. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Failed;Under Uintah S. Stephens the noble order of the knights of labor was 1st major effort for national labor organizations. Opened to all who "toiled" and was open to women. Leonora Barry as leader of women's bureau of knights. They organized in local assemblies, campaigned for 8-hour workdays and abolition of child labor and most importantly abolishment of wage system. They went on strikes against railroads.

William McKinley

25th President and Republican leader. Most noted contribution was the McKinley Tariff.

Immigration Restriction League

A Nativist group who wanted to restrict immigration into the U.S. to certain groups they deemed desirable. Because of them congress passed a bill in 1897 requiring a literacy test for immigrants.

City Beautiful Movement

A Progressive reform movement in North American architecture and urban planning that flourished in the 1890s and 1900s with the intent of using beautification and monumental grandeur in cities to counteract the perceived moral decay of poverty-stricken urban environments. The movement, which was originally most closely associated with Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, D.C., did not seek beauty for its own sake, but rather as a social control device for creating moral and civic virtue among urban populations.[1] Advocates of the movement believed that such beautification could thus provide a harmonious social order that would improve the lives of the inner-city poor.

Andrew Carnegie

A Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry.;opened steel works in Pittsburg soon taking the industry. He made deals with railroads and bought out competition. He controlled the mines to the finance. He did it by selling of stocks.


A type of inexpensive variety show that first appeared in the 1870s, often consisting of comic sketches, song-and-dance routines, and magic acts

Spectator Sports

Americans became fond of watching sports for entertainment as they gained shorter working hours, less restricting values, better advertising, and improved transportation (boxing, baseball, football, horse racing, etc.)


An anti-foreign feeling that arose in the 1840's and 1850's in response to the influx of Irish and German Catholics.

Chester A. Arthur

Appointed customs collector for the port of New York - corrupt and implemented a heavy spoils system. He was chosen as Garfield's running mate. Garfield won but was shot, so Arthur became the 21st president.; He was elected vice president (a stalwart). Arthur succeeded Garfield was devoted to spoils man and he tried to promote reform. Congress passed 1st civil service measure, the Pendleton Act

Dime Novels

Cheaply bound and widely circulated novels that became popular after the Civil War depicting such scenarios from the "Wild West" and other American tales.

Land Grant Institutions

Colleges & Universities grew mainly b.c of Morrill Land Conant Act saying fed govt would fund land for establishing colleges. South & west took advantage & "land grant" institutes were made.

Birth of a Nation

Controversial but highly influential and innovative silent film directed by D.W. Griffith. It demonstrated the power of film propaganda and revived the KKK.

Henry George

Controversial reformer whose book Progress and Poverty advocated solving problems of economic inequality by a tax on land

Coxey's Army

Coxey's Army was a protest march by unemployed workers from the United States, led by the populist Jacob Coxey. They marched on Washington D.C. in 1894, the second year of a four-year economic depression that was the worst in United States history to that time.

Fredrick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux

Designed Central Park

Hemispheric hegemony

During Cleveland's presidency, US took interest in Latin America. 1895 there was issue btw Venezuela &GB about borders. US took Venezuela side. GB ignored arbitration and then was charged for violating Monroe Doctrine. Cleveland made a commission to solve the border issue but GB still ignored. Talk about war in US to protect issue erupted & GB agreed to arbitration.

Fire Departments

Fires destroyed downtown areas many were made out of wood making fire easy to destroy. Many cities had suffered "great fires" but due to tragedies cities developed fireproof buildings & fire departments. They were building now in the time were technologies were available.

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Founded by Samuel Gompers. Required skilled workers only. Allowed strikers. "Umbrella" union.;The American Toleration Union in US and Canada had representatives from craft union. Rejected knight's idea of one big union. It was hostile to unskilled workers, were against women, didn't wish to get govt involved, Supported better wages, hours and work conditions and would use strike if necessary. Involved in Hay Market Bombing.


(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support;its the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another Govt. had 2 party system and courts but most people running it were interested in winning elections and controlling patronage. Look to Pendleton Act.


Getting money through dishonest or questionable means; George Washington Plunkitt and other people bought up land they knew would be bought up by companies or do things in exchange for a big project.;were usually foreign (Irish mostly) and men. They wished to win votes for their organization. They did things for the voters and rewarded them. The boss rule was possible but with power of immigrate voters, link between political organizations and wealthy, structural weakness of municipal govt. The boss had control w. invisible govt and having control over those in public office

Grover Cleveland

He was an anti-corrupt dem. Cleveland had stern + righteous opposition to politicians, grafters, pleasure groups + Tammany Hall. He was known as "veto governor" (not afraid to say no). He doubted tariffs saying surplus from them lead to reckless divisions and he wanted to reduce them. It became a deadlock subject Dems. Re-nominated Cleveland in 1888 supporting tariff cut, but he lost. Cleveland won in 1892. Cleveland again wasn't aggressive w/ dealing w/problems. He supported tariff reduction and created Wilson-Gorman Tariff

John D. Rockefeller

He was the richest man who developed the trust and created Standard Oil Company. He was ruthless in the world of business and controlled the petroleum industry. He influenced other businessmen to use trusts in order to obtain wealth, and he was an example of how the new rich was taking over the place that old patricians once held. also a philanthrophist;he owned standard oil took over competition buying out refineries then he took on vertical integration along by creating barrel, piping, and storage companies, He was symbol of monopoly for he dominated petroleum industry.


Impulse toward expertise and organization helped produce this idea of scientific management. It encouraged the development of modern mass-production techniques and, above all, the assembly line.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890

In some states laws were made prohibiting combinations that restrained competition but the corporations said they would only follow if law was by fed. Sherman Antitrust Act was made but it weakened courts + had no impact

Election of 1884

In the election of 1884 repubs nominated James G. Blaine (plumed knight) he was a symbol of corrupt politics. Liberal Repubs (mugwamps) said they would vote for an honest dem. Dems elected Grover Cleveland who was anti-corrupt. In NYC protestant minister referred to dems as a party of rum, Romanism and rebellion. Blaine didn't repudiate the comments so the dems said Blaine allowed slander. Cleveland won election

Haymarket Square

Lead to Demiss of Knights of Labor,, Labor disorders had broken out and on May 4 1886, the Chicago police advanced on a protest; alleged brutalities by the authorities. Suddenly a dynamite bomb was thrown that killed or injured dozens, including police. It is still unknown today who set off the bomb, but following the hysteria, eight anarchists (possibly innocent) were rounded up. Because they preached "incendiary doctrines," they could be charged with conspiracy. Five were sentenced to death, one of which committed suicide; the other three were given stiff prison terms. Six years later, a newly elected Illinois governor recognized this gross injustice and pardoned the three survivors. Nevertheless, the Knights of Labor were toast: they became (incorrectly )associated with anarchy and all following strike efforts failed.; There had been strike in Chicago and police were involved. There was an assembly assembled and police said to disassemble and a striker threw a bomb killing many. Many put on trial for murder. The bombing was alarming showing social chaos other wise known as "an archaism"-public terror. It got in way of goals of labor organizations unions were vulnerable for this season.

New Manifest Destiny

Many developments shifted attention overseas such as conquer Indian tribes (rule dependent people), "closing the frontier" fear of resource depilation lead to alternative sources abroad, depression 1893 new markets overseas, bitter social protests aggressive foreign policy.

Mail-Order Catalogs

Marketing strategy developed in late 1800's and early 1900's. Brought consumer products to rural areas. Example: Sears and Roebuck, Montgomery Ward.

Jacob Riis

Muckraker who wrote How the Other Half Lives, describing the poverty, disease, and crime that afflicted many immigrant neighborhoods in New York City, accompanied by pictures he took of the tenements; a reporter, shocked people with pictures of these dumps in his book How the Other Half Lives. Many favored the idea to raze these tenements without building new houses.

Coney Island

New York Island, contained amusement parks and served as center of entertainment

Boss Rule

Often foreign political men who sought to win votes for his organization and earn money with bribes to undecided citizens. This was caused by immigrants who were less concerned with political morality and the weakness of city governments, "helped" immigrant adjust to life in America

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

Only fed could regulate railroads. Fed came up with the Interstate Commerce Act, which banned discrimination in rates btw, long + short hauls, railroads publish rate sched. and file it w/govt, and rates must be "reasonable." The interstate commerce commission (ICC) was to administer it, but the act was w/o much effect.


Political Machine: Immigrants needed help in adjusting to US city life. The residents looked to the political machine for assistance. The urban machine was created due to power vacuum of catholic growth. Who ever mobilized it had great influence. They were involved in a great deal of corruption. William Tweed: a machine (famous for Tammany Hall) who went to jail for corruption.

Free Silver movement

Political movement advocating Silver be used to back up money in addition to gold. The issue was pitted around Northern monopolists (against) and Agrarian Southerners (for it).

Horatio Alger

Popular novelist during the Industrial Revolution who wrote "rags to riches" books praising the values of hard work.;was a promoter of going from having nothing to making yourself into something. He wrote many books, which expressed this. He had come from not much and grew rich off his books (hid his sexuality)


Process of assimilating immigrants into American culture by teaching English, American history, and citizenship

Eugene Debs

Prominent socialist leader (and five time presidential candidate) who founded the American Railroad Union and led the 1894 Pullman Strike;Leader in the Pullman Strike that went against the 25% wage cuts at George M. Pullman's Rail Car Company. Deb persuaded workers to leave their jobs. Transportation from Chicago west was halted.

McKinley Tariff

Repubs interested in tariff created McKinley Tariff, which raised prices for farmers and others. But they misinterpreted public sentiment and Repubs went down in defeat.


Residential areas surrounding a city. Shops and businesses moved to suburbia as well as people.;People would live on the outer edge of the city and commute downtown by train, trolley or other means. The suburbs were viewed as being peaceful in a natural pure air environment. They had lawns, trees and manorial houses. People were able to own land.

Ethnic Theater

Some ethnic communities consisted of people from same area. They were able to find what they were familiar to in newspapers, theater, foods, religious, etc. The immigrants also had close ties with their countries and family that remained there. Problems w/advancement came w/close ethnic ties.


Tall buildings were being made all over cities & the idea spread though the country. Skyscrapers were possible with use of steel girder construction

Crime of '73

The Fourth Coinage Act was enacted by the United States Congress in 1873 and embraced the gold standard and demonetized silver. Western mining interests and others who wanted silver in circulation years later labeled this measure the "Crime of '73".

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.;application of Darwin's law of evolution and natural selection among the human society relating to marketplace. It legitimized businessman success and justified their tactics. It supported the idea of competition

Working Women

The main labor unions only represented a small population of workers. It excluded the unskilled workers, blacks, women and immigrants. Women started the Women's Trade Union League but that had little success.

Farmers Alliance

The successor to the Grange had faded and The Farmers' Alliances banded together farmers in the south. (There was a different group for the Northwest). They were concerted w/local problems &formed cooperatives to get away from "furnishing merchants." Wanted there to be competition &supported mutual, neighborly responsibility. They promoted women in their group. Had a national convention where they came up w/ Ocala Demands (party platform). They would endorse political candidates (mostly Dems) & would win. They were interested in starting their own party (The people's party and followers were known as populists)

Child Labor Laws

There were large children work force and child labor laws were ignored. Many work unions worked hard to get child labor laws reducing their hours or eliminating their ability to work in factories all together.

African American Communities

These communities were segregated from white communities and leaders were influenced the Second Great Awakening. African Americans had few opportunities for education, and also had separate churches.

Henry Bessemer

This man revolutionized the way to manufacture steel by making the process quicker and more efficient; Discovered steel along with Kelly. They converted iron to durable and versatile steel. The process relied on Mushet's discovery of adding other ingredients to the iron, and Hewitt's way of production helped transform steel for various uses.


Urban apartment buildings that served as housing for poor factory workers, usually immigrants. Often poorly constructed and overcrowded.; Tenements, slum dwelling houses, were built and had horrid conditions for it lacked major enmities. There had been no windows in some of the rooms in them that soon changed after a law. But in most small rooms many were forced in cramming up the area.

Election of 1896

William McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan in a dramatic election in which many economic issues were discussed (free silver, gold standard, and the tariff).

Election of 1880

Winfield Hancock (dem) vs. James Garfield (rep), republicans split (compromised and made Arthur VP),Garfield wins; 1880 election reps nominated James A. Garfield (a Half-Breed) for president & Chester A. Arthur (a Stalwart) as VP. Dems elected General Winfield Scott Hancock as pres. Garfield won. Garfield defied the Stalwarts showing support with reform causing a public battle with Conkling and other Stalwarts

Russell Conwell

Wrote Acres of Diamonds. States that money is not a problem, like Aristotle states, but the "love" of money that is bad. Believes it is your duty to get rich and that men who are rich are honest men.

Depression of 1893

a financial crisis in the United States built on a speculative fever. The bubble burst on May 10, 1837 in New York City, when every bank began to accept payment only in specie (gold and silver coinage). This was based on the assumption by former president, Andrew Jackson, that government was selling land for state bank notes of questionable value. The Panic was followed by a five-year depression, with the failure of banks and record-high unemployment levels.

Ashcan School

a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life

"Natural Selection"

a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment (Charles Darwin)

Open-hearth Process

a process for producing steel by oxidizing and removing the impurities in molten iron using external heat and a blast of air or oxygen.

Vertical Integration

absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution

Horizontal Integration

absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level


an adult education movement in the United States which brought entertainment and culture for the whole community, with speakers, teachers, musicians, entertainers, preachers and specialists of the day.

Mary Lease

an aggressive advocate for the Populist Party. She believed that the big businesses were running the country and ruining it. Helped earn much support for the party.

Ethnic City/ Immigrants Ghettos

an area for immigrants who had hard time adjusting so when they came over so they formed ethnic communities where they stuck together and tried to recreate their old world. Some ethnic communities consisted of people from same area. They were able to find what they were familiar to in newspapers, theater, foods, religious, etc. The immigrants also had close ties with their countries and family that remained there. Problems w/advancement came w/close ethnic ties.

The Gospel of Wealth

an essay written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich. The central thesis of Carnegie's essay was the peril of allowing large sums of money to be passed into the hands of persons or organizations ill-equipped mentally or emotionally to cope with them. As a result, the wealthy entrepreneur must assume the responsibility of distributing his fortune in a way that it will be put to good use, and not wasted on frivolous expenditure. The very existence of poverty in a capitalistic society could be negated by wealthy philanthropic businessmen and women.;if you are rich advance social processes. They are using money for good of the community. The popular concept of the notion of great wealth was something available to all.

Looking Backward

book written by edward bellamy; described experience of a young bostonian who slept in 1887 and woke up in 2000 to find the social order changed, large trusts that had grown grew and combined to create one big one that would distribute the wealth among everyone and eliminate class divisions-called it nationalism

Public Health Service

created by the federal government in 1912, it was charged with preventing such occupational diseases as TB and anemia and carbon dioxide poisoning, which were common in the garment industry and other trades. It tried to create common health standards for the factories, but because of its little power, it failed.

Simon Patten

economist who was one of the first intellectuals to articulate the redefinition of leisure in his books The Theory of Prosperity and The New Basis of Civilization, in which he challenged the centuries-old assumption that the normal condition of civilization was a scarcity of goods. In earlier times he argued that fear of scarcity had caused people to place a high value on thrift, self denial, and restraint, but presently new economies could create enough to not just satisfy needs but also desires.

Gold Standard Act of 1900

established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money


exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices, blamed for highly unstable economy and artificially high prices;One person or corporation would have control over a specific industry with no competition. Created a high unstable economy where high unstable economy where high rates were charged where there were no competition

Trust Agreement

formal agreement that transfers ownership rights for conservation and protection, owners of trust certificates had no direct control, but recieved a portion of the profit;is a business entity formed with intent to monopolize business, to restrain trade, or to fix prices.

Middle Manager

formed a layer of command between the workers and the owners

National Consumers League

formed in the 1890's under the leadership of Florence Kelly, attempted to mobilize the power of women as consumers to force retailers and manufacturing to improve wages and working conditions.

William Jennings Bryan

great Orator and American Democratic politician. Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson's administration.

Pullman Strike

in Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothing; The Pullman Palace Car Company made railroad cars near Chicago. George M. Pullman created a town for employees to live & used it as solution to industrial problem but there were high rents

Middle-Class Culture

increased influence over American life, leisure arose, targeted by new merchandising techniques, flocked to chain and department stores, women rose in influence; Different forms of public leisure filled peoples free time such as going to urban parks, amusement parks, and movie places & sports events. High culture included being patrons of the arts, reading, learning an instrument, believed in strong education.

Henry Clay Frick

industrialist; Frick and Carnegie's partnership came to an end over actions taken in response to the Homestead Steel Strike, an 1892 labor strike at the Homestead Works of the Carnegie Steel Company. At Homestead, striking workers had locked the company out of the factory and surrounded it with pickets, some of whom were armed. Frick was known for his anti-union policy and as negotiations were still taking place he ordered the construction of a solid board fence topped with barbed wire around mill property.

Department Stores

large retail organizations characterized by wide product mixes and organized into separate departments to facilitate marketing and internal management

Cornelius Vanderbilt

made millions from steamboat business, and used the money to merge local railroads to the New York Central Railroad. Very selfish and corrupt; Created railroad company empire. He was a big name businessman

Molly Maguires

members of a secret Irish organization. Many historians believe the Mollies were present in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania in the United States from approximately the time of the American Civil War until a series of sensational arrests and trials in the years 1876−1878. Evidence that the Molly Maguires were responsible for coalfield crimes in the U.S. rests largely upon allegations of one powerful industrialist, and the testimony of one Pinkerton detective. Fellow prisoners also testified against the alleged Molly Maquires, but some believe these witnesses may have been coerced or bribed; was a militant labor organization in coal region. They wanted to intimidate and suppress unionization. They were violent and appeared in the great railroad strike weakening unions.

National Labor Union

organized in 1866 have about 600,000 members agitated for arbitration of disputes and an 8 hour workday, 1st attempt to unite laborers;There were many little labor unions but with corporations they would not be efficient and so many groups attempted to come together. They formed National Labor Union but after panic of 1873 the union disappeared. They discriminated against women.

Newspaper Chains

papers in different cities across the country owned by a single company (William Randolph Hearst)

Pendleton Act of 1883

required that some fed. jobs be filled by competitive exams rather than patronage. It got the people who were more qualified in office jobs.


short-lived political party in the United States established in 1887. Based among poor white cotton farmers in the South and hard-pressed wheat farmers in the Plains states.

Lester Frank Ward

sociologist who wrote Dynamic Sociology in 1883 and other books , in which he argued that civilization was not governed by natural selection but by human intelligence, which was capable of shaping society as it wished, and he believed that an active government engaged in positive planning, which was societies best hope.

Civil War Pension System

system that administered annual pensions for Union Civil War veterans that retired from work and for their widows. At one point, was paying out to a majority of northern male citizens. Reformers wanted the system to be permanent, efforts failed due to part patronage and corruption of the system.; The govt also gave out pensions for Union Civil War veterans and some widows. It worked well & there were other aspirations for it. It died out in at end of the Civil War generation.

James A. Garfield

the 20th President of the US; he died two months after being shot and six months after his inauguration.; Was elected President for Republican Party, a Half-Breed. He died 3 months after he was shot.


the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination

Geographic Mobility

the instances in which part of a community moves/relocates and typically its the men who relocate first. ex. California Gold Rush


the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture

Limited Liability

the responsibility of a business's owners for losses only up to the amount they invest; limited partners and shareholders have limited liability; meant lost only amt of investment and not liable for debts, which allowed vast capital to be raised

Chain Stores

two or more outlets that are owned and controlled in common, have central buying and merchandising, and sell similar lines of merchandise

National Strike

wage cuts for the railroad workers and workers went on strike. violence and destruction of railroad property spread throughout the country.;Great RR Strike: strike after announcement of 10% wage cut. Strikers disrupted service, destroyed equipment and rioted. Militia was sent and many were killed. It was 1st major labor conflict, disputes no longer localized. It showed there was large resentment

Colored Alliances

was formed in the 1880s in the USA, when both black and white farmers faced great difficulties due to the rising price of farming and the decreasing profits which were coming from farming


was major farm organization, which was a social, and self-help association, which was turned into an agency of political change. Oliver H. Kelly who didn't like the isolation & drabness of rural life started National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. They attempted to get farmers to come together to learn new scientific agriculture tech. They had system of initiation, rituals, and strict codes. Created "The Farmers' Declaration of Independence." It said they would rise from oppression and free themselves from monopolies. Created cooperative stores, creameries, elevators, warehouses, insurance companies & factories (most notably Montgomery Ward & Co.). Some had relationships w/existing businesses but most enterprises failed. And they created the Granger Laws imposed regulations on railroad rates& practice. The new regulations were soon destroyed causing a decline in their power and membership

Corporate Consolidation

where few giant companies ruled an industry after buying out many several smaller firms

Moving Assembly Line

workers stay in one place as products edge along on a moving belt, introduced in 1914 by Henry Ford

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