AP World Study Guide: Chapter 9
1054 final split in the roman catholic church
1453 Conquered Constantinople
After the reign of Justinian, ____________ was pressuring byzantine at every turn. Constantinople was attacked over and over.
natural resources
Because it was basically a city made of floating buildings, what did Venice lack?
Byzantine had a very organized government- similar to?
Byzantine missionary responsible for creation of slavic written script.
Byzantium greatly influenced...
catholics and the orthodox church
Christianity split into two groups, what two groups?
Classical philosophy that the byzantines embraced
higher taxes and weakening small farmers.
Constant war in Constantinople/ byzantine led to...
the ottomans
Due to byzantine loosing its christian dominance, who will become supreme?
Emperor who codified the law and failed to keep his re-conquered lands.
First prince of Kiev Rus
hagia sophia
Great domed church constructed during reign of justinian
it was the center of everything.
How did Constantinople make other cities weak?
Cut them of from Byzantine.
How did Mongol rule isolate Russia?
Kidnapped Christian boys and turned them into eunuchs
How did the Ottomans make sure that their nobles would not try to take over their empire?
both European and then not European
How did western Europe regard Russia for centuries?
last long; 1300-1919; was very rich
How does the Ottoman Empire stand out in world history?
Images of religious figures venerated by byzantine christians
short lived plague; this disease would reappear for centuries, devastating europe.
In 540, a pandemic struck, what was the pandemic?
yaroslav i
Issued legal codification for russia
-several issues divided them -the supremacy of the pope in rome -differing rituals used in worship services -the use of religious icons
List some issues that divided the catholics and orthodox church.
Named for Constantine and capital of the byzantine Empire; crossroads
Nickname for mongols who conquered Russian cities during the 13th century
Prince Dmitri Donskoi made war on the ___________ and defeated them at Kulikovo field.
Russia ended up in its current shape largely because of the...
Russian land-holding aristocrats
Series of events that weakened the Byzantine Empire
greek; latin
The Byzantine Empire became more ___________ than _________ over time.
Napoleon and Hitler
The Mongols conquered Russia during the winter. This is a feat that both _________ and ___________ failed at.
The breaking of images; religious controversy of the 8th century.
The people who originally settled Kiev might have been from around the Black Sea, but an older theory says that they might have been....
This lack of natural resources in Venice meant that Venice, could not grow economically unless it relied on what?
Glass and textile
Trade was the foundation of Venice's economy, but they did also produce things there. Name two of these things.
Under which rule did the Ottoman Empire reac its greatest size?
Galleys and Cogs
Venetians were famous for their ship-buildings. What two types of ships were built in Venice.
both benefit
Venice and the Ottoman Empire demonstrate that healthy relationships have to be "mutually beneficial" to work. What does that phrase mean?
Masked the spoiled taste
Venice became the largest European power due to its trade in pepper. What important use did pepper have int he days before refrigeration?
Venice is a city made up of hundreds of islands locate din the northern tip of what sea?
law codes
We know that trade was hugely important to Kiev because they ended wars with trade treaties and their_______________ were heavily devoted to the subject of commerce.
What Russian city rose to prominence as a result of Mongol policies?
Ivan III (The Great)
What Russian ruler stopped paying tribute to the Mongol khan?
they became Byzantine Christians
What change did the Grand Prince Vladimir enact in Kiev in the 11th century?
eastern orthodox church
What church established its headquarters in this city in 1325?
trade between Europe and Islamic World
What did the relationship between Venice and the Ottoman Empire establish?
east and west
What does the sculpture of the two headed eagle represent in the Byzantine Empire?
St Mark
What famous figure from the New Testament is purportedly buried in the piazza San Marco in Venice?
They became bonded to the land they farmed for life; they were basically slave.
What happened to peasants that fell into tax debt in Kiev?
What ideas had the Muslims preserved and built upon?
Byzantium developed a highly centralized government that emphasized bureaucracy over military power and Rome did not.
What is one thing that Byzantium did that Rome did not do.
What kind of government did Venice have, making it unusual for its time?
What kind of meat do Muslims avoid eating or handling?
leaders have to be elected
What must be true for a government to be called a republic?
ivan the worst
What nickname did Ivan IV earn during the second part of his reign?
europe and asia
What two continents did Constantinople link together?
What type of rule characterized Russia for most of its history after him?
Tried to revive a unified roman empire
What was Justinian's main goal
trade treaties
What was Venice quick to arrange with their neighbors?
New trade routes
What was the most important result of the way that Venice and the Ottoman Empire controlled trade?
What was the ruler of Venice called?
Who is emperor Justinian's wife
it had the fewest restrictions on food and drinking
Why did Vladimir choose christianity
Indian Ocean for trade
Why was the Ottoman Empire more valuable than the Roman Empire, even though it was only half the size?
it was a surprise
Why was the first crusade successful
they were tired
Why were the Kievan Rus easy targets for the Mongols when they attacked in the 1200s?
viking descendants
___________________ began to take control around the city of kiev.
bible language in the east
bible language in the west
855 C.E.
date: Rurik becomes king of Kievan Rus
1054 C.E.
date: Schism in the church
1071 C.E.
date: battle of Manzikert
1241 C.E.
date: capture of Constantinople by the Turks
565 C.E.
date: death of justinian
1453 C.E.
date: end of Mongol invasions of Russia
established by Scandinavians and becomes capital of early russia
governors were ____________ from Constantinople.
head of church in the east
head of church in the west
in 1461, the byzantine empire is under ________________ control for good.
justinian's wife
known as 2nd rome
known as 3rd rome
military service was___________ & fairly successful.
conquer kievan in the winter
mongols were one of the only people to what?
Greek Fire
napalm type weapon the Byzantines used
marriage allowed
priests celibacy in the east
no marriage
priests celibacy in the west
regulated trade; if it fell-so did trade (globalization)
vladimir i
ruler of kiev that converted kingdom to orthodox christianity
slavic version of caesar
the fall of the byzantine empire ended what dominance in the area.
cyril and methodus
two missionaries
wealthy, but had little power
who converted the whole country back to christianity way after it had died out.
who was the head of state and church in Byzantium?