AP World Test Review

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Which of the following best supports the contention that the First World War was the first total war? A Governments mobilized large segments of their populations and economies and targeted their opponents' military and economic capabilities. B The militaries of all major powers used the most advanced weaponry available to them. C All the major European powers were involved in the war. D Many of the countries on the victorious side of the war were weakened politically by conflict.

A Governments mobilized large segments of their populations and economies and targeted their opponents' military and economic capabilities.

The first successful revolution in the Caribbean and South America was launched in A Haiti B Argentina C Cuba D Columbia E Jamaica

A Haiti

A historian researching the motives of the perpetrators of the Holocaust would find which of the following sources most useful? A Letters and publications written by Nazi leaders before the Second World War B The diary of Anne Frank, written by a Jewish girl who lived in hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War C Reports of Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch, his 1923 attempt to take over the German government D Field reports from American, British, and Russian generals published after the Second World War

A Letters and publications written by Nazi leaders before the Second World War

In the period from 1750 to 1850, which of the following political ideologies was gaining increasing influence in western Europe and parts of the Atlantic world? A Liberalism B Absolutism C Fascism D Communism

A Liberalism

Which of the following statements about Africa after 1946 is true? A Most African colonies gained national independence. B The Organization of African Unity resolved the issues that most African states found divisive. C Most African countries joined either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. D There was little postcolonial conflict in newly independent states. E Colonial patterns of trade disappeared.

A Most African colonies gained national independence.

The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following? A Revolutionary demands based on Enlightenment political ideas B Reliance on Christian teachings to define revolutionary demands C Industrial economies that permitted both areas to break free of European control D Political instability caused by constant warfare among the new states

A Revolutionary demands based on Enlightenment political ideas

The founding North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is best understood in the context of which of the following? A The Cold War B The growth of a globalized economy C The establishment of the Nonaligned Movement D The post-Second World War population boom

A The Cold War

Which of the following is an accurate description of relations between European states and the Ottoman Empire in the period 1815 to 1914 ? A The Ottomans were expanding at the expense of Russia, England, and France. B Russian, English, and French expansion came at the expense of the Ottomans. C The Ottomans, in alliance with the Russians, English, and French, sought to impede German unification. D The Ottomans supported nationalism in the Balkans to destabilize Europe. E The Ottomans and the French cooperated in colonizing North Africa.

B Russian, English, and French expansion came at the expense of the Ottomans.

Which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic world? A Increased availability of Asian indentured labor B The adaptation of Enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies C The efforts of industrialists to create a more flexible workforce D A decline in the number of enslaved persons being taken from Africa

B The adaptation of Enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies

Which of the following was a significant effect of Western imperialism in the twentieth century? A The decline of migrations to industrialized countries B The development of nationalism among colonized peoples C The conservation of the environment in colonized areas D The systematic deterioration in public health conditions

B The development of nationalism among colonized peoples

Which of the following best characterizes Western imperialist expansion in the late nineteenth century? A Western fears of the spread of Japanese influence B Western investment to create self-sufficient economies in the new colonies C An unprecedented amount of territory colonized in a short period of time D The establishment of political institutions to resolve ethnic and religious conflicts within colonies E The decline of British and United States influence in international affairs

C An unprecedented amount of territory colonized in a short period of time

The industrialization of Great Britain's economy in the mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is most directly explained by which of the following? A Britain had large reserves of petroleum. B British scientists were the first to discover electricity. C Britain had large reserves of coal. D British engineers developed new methods of producing cheaper steel.

C Britain had large reserves of coal.

Social Darwinism was used to justify which of the following during the nineteenth century? A Latin American independence movements B Domestic reforms in Meiji Japan C British colonization of India D Russian utilization of coerced peasant labor

C British colonization of India

Which of the following was a major reason for the decline in India's share of the global manufacture of cotton textiles by the end of the nineteenth century? A Climate change that significantly altered the growing season B Disruption of production from disputes with labor unions C Competition from industrially produced British textiles D Religious opposition to capitalist modes of production Related Content & Skills

C Competition from industrially produced British textiles

Which of the following is the basis for nearly all the boundaries of today's sub-Saharan African states? A Postcolonial conquests of one African state by another B Fragmentation of countries after they achieved independence from Europe C Decisions by European powers during the process of colonization D Precolonial linguistic groupings E International agreements mediated by the United Nations

C Decisions by European powers during the process of colonization

Which of the following was the most immediate cause of global economic integration in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century? A Increased dependence on cheap oil from the middle east B Population growth in the developing world C Decreases in the cost of long-distance communication and transportation D Regulation of air and water pollution in the developed world

C Decreases in the cost of long-distance communication and transportation

Which of the following facilitated European expansion in Asia in the nineteenth century? A The popularity of democratic values among Asians B A general easing of tensions and cooperative expeditions among European powers C Europe's development of new military technologies D Asians' lack of resistance to European diseases E Europe's ability to send numerically superior armies to Asia

C Europe's development of new military technologies

Adoption of which of the following power sources has contributed the most to increasing the energy available to humans? A Draft animals B Wind power C Fossil fuels D Nuclear power

C Fossil fuels

In the mid-twentieth century, the presence of Chinese and Japanese populations in North America and of South Asian populations in the Caribbean and South Africa is best explained by which of the following? A Trade networks of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries B European and United States imperial conquests of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries C Labor migrations during the nineteenth century D Refugees fleeing warfare and repressive regimes during the twentieth century

C Labor migrations during the nineteenth century

Which of the following distinguishes the Meiji period from earlier periods in Japanese history? A Militarism and feudalism B Isolation and lack of foreign trade C Reform and industrialization D Democratization and manorial privilege

C Reform and industrialization

Which of the following was a significant long-term cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union during the late twentieth century? A Geopolitical rivalry between the Soviet Union and communist China B The dismantling of the Berlin Wall and the end of restrictions on emigrating from communist countries C The cost of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States D The establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement

C The cost of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States

Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the collapse of the communist regime in the Soviet Union? A United States involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan B The Chinese communist government's institution of market-reform policies C The end of the Cold War D The expansion of the European Union to include countries in Eastern Europe

C The end of the Cold War

What was the leading cause of the unprecedented increase in global population in the twentieth century? A The end of international epidemics B Global warming and other types of climate change C The impact of medical innovations and public health measures D The reduction of world hunger

C The impact of medical innovations and public health measures

Which of the following best explains the general increase in the living standards of industrial workers between 1800 and 1914 ? A Deficit-spending policies by governments in major industrial states B The implementation of strong protective tariffs C The increased supply of inexpensive consumer goods D Implementation of utopian socialist ideas in the organization of factory labor

C The increased supply of inexpensive consumer goods

Anticolonial movements like the Congress Party in India and the Young Turks agreed on which of the following? A The need for reform in order to resist European imperialism B The desire to return their societies to an earlier preindustrial age C Their intent to engage in territorial expansion at the expense of their weaker neighbors D Their emphasis on purely linguistic nationalism E The need to persuade all anticolonial movements to cooperate with European socialist parties

A The need for reform in order to resist European imperialism

By 1830 revolutions in the Atlantic world resulted in which of the following changes? A The political independence of colonies in both North and South America B The emancipation of slaves everywhere in the Atlantic world C Political and economic domination of the Western Hemisphere by the United States D The creation of a politically unified South America

A The political independence of colonies in both North and South America

One important similarity between the American Revolution and the French Revolution is that they both A challenged monarchical governments B resulted in the abolition of slavery C resulted in the abolition of class divisions in society D enabled women to achieve political equality with men

A challenged monarchical governments

Darwin's theories were interpreted by Social Darwinists to indicate that A select human groups would dominate those less fit B European countries were more nationalistic C non-White groups were better adapted to tropical climates D imperialism went against the theory of natural selection E education would lead to equality

A select human groups would dominate those less fit

Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was A the Industrial Revolution B European medical technology C Spanish control of New World silver D Portuguese naval and firearms technology E the Enlightenment

A the Industrial Revolution

Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was A the Industrial Revolution B European medical technology C Spanish control of New World silver D the Enlightenment

A the Industrial Revolution

In 1949, NATO was established so that Western leaders could counter A the perceived threat that the Soviet Union and its allies would spread communism B free-market advocates in the United States and Great Britain C the decolonization of Africa and nationalization of Western industry there D the growing power of developing countries in the United Nations

A the perceived threat that the Soviet Union and its allies would spread communism

Which of the following resulted from Europe's expansion overseas in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? A Europe's population size and industrial productivity declined. B European countries acquired colonies and dominated world trade. C The number of workers needed for European factories declined. D Mechanized agriculture spread worldwide.

B European countries acquired colonies and dominated world trade.

In developed countries during the second half of the twentieth century, more effective methods of contraception contributed to which of the following? A A rise in the birth rate among affluent women B Greater control by women over their own fertility C A loss of power by women within the patriarchal family D National suffrage movements and the acquisition of voting rights

B Greater control by women over their own fertility

Which of the following factors contributed most to the increase of world population in the period 1750 to 1900 C.E.? A A decline in the frequency and deadliness of warfare B Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution C Improvements in rural health care D A rapid increase in birth rates throughout the globe

B Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution

Which of the following best describes how nineteenth-century European industrialization affected European women's lives? A By the end of the century, new social welfare legislation made it possible for most women to earn university degrees. B Married women found it increasingly difficult to balance wage work and family responsibilities. C By the end of the century, women gained the right to vote in most European countries. D Women came to dominate the agricultural workforce as men moved to cities to take industrial jobs.

B Married women found it increasingly difficult to balance wage work and family responsibilities.

Which of the following most directly led to the start of the First World War? A European powers meeting in Berlin in 1884 and 1885 to divide Africa into colonies B Nationalist competition among industrialized powers for resources C Japanese imperialist expansion into Korea and China D Political tensions between communist and capitalist states

B Nationalist competition among industrialized powers for resources

The relocation of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan to India and Muslims from India to Pakistan between 1945 and 1955 reflects which of the following world historical processes? A The migration of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles B Population resettlement caused by redrawing former colonial borders C The development of ethnic enclaves as these migrants moved for work D The seasonal migration patterns associated with temporary work

B Population resettlement caused by redrawing former colonial borders

Which of the following best explains why Japan was more successful than China in resisting imperialist encroachments in the nineteenth century? A Japan's manipulaiton of the rivalries among western governments B The introduction of democracy by the Meiji Restoration C The willingness of Japan's elite to sponsor reform D Lack of interest in Japanese markets E Abundant natural resources

C The willingness of Japan's elite to sponsor reform

The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the twentieth century was characterized by competition primarily over A religion and culture B the distribution of natural resources C ideology and economic structure D control of key trade routes

C ideology and economic structure

In order to achieve victory in China and Vietnam, Asian communists such as Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh did which of the following? A Relied on the leadership of educated urban elites and factory workers. B Retained key elements of Confucianism while deposing the traditional elites. C Gained the support of fascists in the Second World War to defeat local enemies. D Adapted their revolutionary theories to reflect the major concerns of the peasants.

D Adapted their revolutionary theories to reflect the major concerns of the peasants.

Which of the following was a principal cause of the Cold War? A Proxy wars in Latin America B Competition for natural resources in Africa C The nuclear arms race D Conflicting capitalist and communist ideologies

D Conflicting capitalist and communist ideologies

In the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in managing their respective economies? A Insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies B Recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies C Building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization D Direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization

D Direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization

In contrast to initial industrialization, the second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the nineteenth century was particularly associated with the mass production of which of the following? A Textiles, iron, and coal B Textiles, automobiles, and plastics C Airplanes, ships, and radios D Electricity, steel, and chemicals

D Electricity, steel, and chemicals

The global economic downturn of the 1930s had which of the following effects on nations in Europe and North America? A International trade increased because nations lowered trade barriers. B Industrialized countries became more democratic as the public sought greater input in the making of economic policy. C Most imperial powers granted independence to their colonies because the costs of maintaining empires became unsustainable. D Governments took a more active role in directing and regulating their economies to stimulate growth.

D Governments took a more active role in directing and regulating their economies to stimulate growth.

Which of the following factors contributed most significantly to the contraction of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century? A Adoption of gunpowder weaponry B The Opium Wars C The Berlin Conference of 1884 and 1885 D Independence movements inspired by ethnic nationalism

D Independence movements inspired by ethnic nationalism

Which of the following contributed significantly to the decline of both the Qing and the Ottoman Empires? A Widespread revolts by factory workers and labor unions B Collapse of domestic stock and bond markets C Attempts by the Soviet Union to spread world communism D Internal conflict with ethnic and religious minorities

D Internal conflict with ethnic and religious minorities

Which of the following is characteristic of the Green Revolution of the 1960s through the 1980s? A It restored tropical forests destroyed by slash-and-burn agriculture. B It prevented oil exploration in the natural habitats of endangered species. C It sought to limit the use of nuclear energy. D It used new technologies to increase agricultural yields in developing regions.

D It used new technologies to increase agricultural yields in developing regions.

After which event did the United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers with respect to the rest of the world? A The United States Civil War B The promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine C The First World War D The Second World War

D The Second World War

Which of the following describes a major change in international relations in the 1980s and 1990s? A The rapid establishment of large overseas colonial empires by European powers B The disbanding of most regional political organizations C The decline in power of multinational corporations D The reduction of confrontations between communist and noncommunist countries

D The reduction of confrontations between communist and noncommunist countries

In China between 1958 and 1962, Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, an effort to make China an industrial power through mass collectivization of agriculture, is best understood as an example of A an attempt by China to win favor with policy makers in the United States B a free-market policy designed to position China as a major power in a globalizing economy C market communism in which the state increasingly cedes control to businesses run by Communist Party associates D a communist government exerting control over the national economy

D a communist government exerting control over the national economy

Before 1870, the European presence in Africa was characterized primarily by A military conquests of large territories administered as military states B intense colonization and settlement of large areas C active international interaction through trade and diplomacy D coastal enclaves for trade and a few settlements E frequent coastal raids along with racial segregation imposed on conquered peoples

D coastal enclaves for trade and a few settlements

In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires were two examples of A nationalistic empires B republican empires C colonial empires D multinational empires E nation-states

D multinational empires

Rebellious ethnic minorities in the Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian Empires during the late nineteenth century were motivated primarily by A communism B anarchism C syndicalism D nationalism E nihilism

D nationalism

China's strategy for modernization and economic development in the 1950s most closely resembled the developmental strategy of A India B Japan C Britain D the Soviet Union E the United States

D the Soviet Union

Which of the following countries or regions led the world in the production of cotton cloth in 1700? A China B Egypt C West Africa D England E India

E India

Which of the following best describes an important difference between the theories of revolution of Mao Zedong and those of Lenin? A Lenin stressed the need for a powerful state structure. B Lenin thought that Marx's writings were important. C Mao claimed that Marx's early writings were less valid than Marx's later ones. D Mao thought that communism was appropriate only for some nations and cultures. E Mao placed emphasis on the revolutionary potential of peasants.

E Mao placed emphasis on the revolutionary potential of peasants.

Which of the following is true of both Russia and Japan by 1914 ? A Both were characterized by a high degree of ethnic homogeneity. B Both had effective democratic institutions that restrained the power of their monarchs. C Both had low rates of literacy. D Marxism had become a strong influence among urban workers in both countries. E Rapid, state-sponsored industrialized had occurred in both countries.

E Rapid, state-sponsored industrialized had occurred in both countries.

Which of the following African countries continued to have a sizeable segment of the population with European ancestry in the 1990s? A Ethiopia B Egypt C Nigeria D Ghana E South Africa

E South Africa

Which of the following countries experienced the greatest number of war-related deaths during the Second World War? A India B Germany C Japan D The United States E The Soviet Union

E The Soviet Union

Which of the following developments in the Western Hemisphere most directly resulted from the French Revolution? A The expansion of the slave trade in the Americas B The extension of the plantation economy in the Caribbean C The colonization of Brazil D The British conquest of Quebec E The creation of the first independent Black republic in the Americas

E The creation of the first independent Black republic in the Americas

In what way did the Haitian Revolution differ from the French Revolution? A The French Revolution was inspired by Enlightenment ideas while the Haitian Revolution was not. B The Haitian Revolution began because of unfair taxation by the French king. C The leaders of the Haitian Revolution came from a different social class than did the leaders of the French Revolution. D The leaders of the French Revolution wanted religious freedom while the leaders of the Haitian Revolution wanted equal representation.

C The leaders of the Haitian Revolution came from a different social class than did the leaders of the French Revolution.

Which of the following describes the effect of skin color, ethnicity, and former slave status in Latin America in the late nineteenth century? A There was little effect for most people. B People of African descent were not affected, but Latin American Indians continued to suffer discrimination. C Marriage alliances among all classes and castes eliminated the effect of all three. D Large numbers of people of color migrated to the newly "Reconstructed" southern United States. E There continued to be discrimination on the basis of all three factors.

E There continued to be discrimination on the basis of all three factors.

In the late nineteenth century, European imperialism in both Africa and China was characterized by A widespread trade in opium B the encouragement of slavery C extensive conquest of territory D small military enclaves along coastlines E competition among imperialist powers

E competition among imperialist powers

In the early twentieth century, nationalist movements in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East were led primarily by A the urban working class B the nobility C labor unions D landless peasants E educated urban elites

E educated urban elites

Which of the following is a similarity between European and Asian immigrants to the Americas during the nineteenth century? A Both were attracted by employment opportunities. B Both rejected the cultural traditions of their homelands. C Both were mostly from the upper and middle classes. D Both were exclusively from minority communities in their home countries.

A Both were attracted by employment opportunities.

Some historians consider the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century to have been crucial decades in the development of Western thought. Which of the following best supports that contention? A Discoveries in physics introduced the concepts of uncertainty and relativity, which challenged mechanistic models of the universe. B Christian missionaries introduced strains of relativism into Western thought after encountering cultures with radically different world views. C Efficiency experts employed scientific methods to regulate the workplace and thereby encouraged faith in economic progress. D Visual artists inspired by photography made realism the dominant aim of painter and sculptors.

A Discoveries in physics introduced the concepts of uncertainty and relativity, which challenged mechanistic models of the universe.

Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization of economic production in western Europe in the period 1750-1900 ? A Because the nutritional quality of food greatly improved, more people were able to sustain the long working hours that factory labor required. B Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories. C Because farmers needed less land to produce the same amount of food, they could build textile factories on the excess land. D Because greater quantities of food could be sold at higher prices, governments could tax farmers at higher rates and use those revenues to build factories.

B Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories.

Which of the following most accurately describes the interactions between China and Europe in the nineteenth century? A China became isolated politically in part because of its suppression of pro-Western Chinese dissidents. B China effectively lost its economic independence to Europe as a result of military losses to European forces. C China became a major exporter of manufactured goods to Europe. D China and Europe were forced into an uneasy alliance to reverse Japanese imperial expansion in northern China.

B China effectively lost its economic independence to Europe as a result of military losses to European forces.

Which of the following was the key factor in the start of Latin American independence? A Slave uprisings B Creole grievances about their lack of political authority C The end of the Napoleonic Wars D Enlightenment ideas about religious tolerance

B Creole grievances about their lack of political authority

Which of the following was the most significant factor that prevented many African states from achieving political stability in the decades after their independence? A Continued military intervention by former colonizing powers B Ethnic and religious conflicts caused by the inclusion of rival groups within the same borders C Lack of exploitable natural resources D Frequent attempts by the larger states to conquer their smaller neighbors

B Ethnic and religious conflicts caused by the inclusion of rival groups within the same borders

Which of the following statements best represents a nationalistic interpretation of the collapse of the Ottoman and Russian empires during and immediately after the First World War? A Military weakness and political instability were the primary reasons for the collapse of these empires. B The growing demands of various ethnic groups within these multiethnic empires were the primary reasons for the collapse. C The slow pace of industrialization in these empires left them unable to compete militarily and politically with more developed countries. D Religious differences between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire led to their final collapse.

B The growing demands of various ethnic groups within these multiethnic empires were the primary reasons for the collapse.

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was most influenced by which of the following factors? A The amount and location of British petroleum reserves B The location and large number of British coal deposits C The aggressive promotion of industrialization by George III D The spread of cotton cultivation in southern England

B The location and large number of British coal deposits

Which of the following statements is true about the world at the end of the twentieth century? A The standard of living in the least economically developed countries of the world rapidly approached that of the most developed countries. B The pace and intensity of international contacts accelerated as a result of transportation and communication breakthroughs. C The world balance of power was reversed as the West no longer had a military advantage over non-Western countries. D World religions were in decline as the spread of science and secularism intensified.

B The pace and intensity of international contacts accelerated as a result of transportation and communication breakthroughs.

Which of the following was a significant environmental effect of the globalization of the world's economy in the period 1980 to the present? A There was a significant improvement in air and water quality worldwide. B While air and water quality generally improved in the developed world, they deteriorated in many parts of the developing world. C Emissions of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming generally decreased. D While biodiversity decreased in the developing world, it generally increased in the developed world.

B While air and water quality generally improved in the developed world, they deteriorated in many parts of the developing world.

The Meiji reforms in Japan resulted in A the strengthening of the power of regional lords at the expense of the emperor B a shift of power away from regional lords and to the emperor C the Tokugawa shogunate's adoption of a unified civil code D the overthrow of the imperial system for a democratic republic

B a shift of power away from regional lords and to the emperor

All of the following resulted from the French and Russian Revolutions EXCEPT A a loss of power for the established church B a socialist economic system C the execution of the monarch and family D the rise of a strong autocratic leader

B a socialist economic system

The partition of British India in 1947 created the new Muslim state of Pakistan and the predominantly Hindu state of India. The immediate result of the drawing of new geographic boundaries was A a lasting nuclear nonproliferation pact between the newly created states B religious and ethnic violence that led to mass migrations and massacres C a peaceful transition to independence along the lines that Mohandas Gandhi, the nationalist and advocate of nonviolence, had envisioned D the peaceful annexation of Kashmir, a predominantly Muslim state, by Pakistan

B religious and ethnic violence that led to mass migrations and massacres

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in the 1860s in A Great Britain and Brazil B the United States and Russia C France and Algeria D Austria-Hungary and India E China and the Ottoman Empire

B the United States and Russia

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