AP World Unit 6 Test Review

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Which caused european empires in africa?

african resistance to europe

Lin Zexu is asking britain to do what?

ban the sale of opium

Based on the passage, the author would most likely have agreed with which of the following statements?

britain had contributed to human progress

What did social darwinism justify?

british colonization

Similarity between european and asian immigrants?

employment opportunities

Which scientific theory proves imperialism


Define extraterritoriality

exempted from jurisdiction

What caused the family situation in Brande's sketch?

expansion of europe in asia

What developments are depicted in map 2?

government inspired industrialization

Europeans in Africa and China were characterized by?

imperial competition

Which of was an effect of publication of Charles Darwin's book?

it made europeans feel superior

What does the engraving in japanese currency mean?

major pacific power

The founding of "the Australian nation" as alluded to in the passage, was part of which of the following processes?

mercantilist empires

Social darwinism argues that?

natural selection

What caused european expanision in Asia?

new military technology

The author's political view can be seen by..?

omits economic exploitation

A historian analyzing the lecture would most likely argue that the audience Chakravarti's lecture is significant because it shows the most direct contrast with which of the following developments in the nineteenth century?

religious movements often inspired rebellions

Which is a cultural context like the image?

scramble for africa

Darwins theories indicate that?

select humans dominate

The quotation illistrates what?

social darwinism

The arguments in the passage are significant because they help explain what?

social divisions within colonies

The changes in the distribution of cities in the period 1800 to 1900 C.E. best illustrates the impact of?

the industrial revolution

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