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20101c. An important contributor to global climate change is the release of CO2 from the rapidly increasing number of coal-burning power plants in China. Assume that the coal burned at these plants to provide the power to manufacture a single MP3 player releases 40 kg of CO2 and that it costs $0.75 to capture 1 kg of CO2 and keep it from entering the atmosphere. Determine the cost, in dollars, to capture the total amount of CO2 released from manufacturing one MP3 player.


20162b. Calculate the weight (in tons) of coal that is conserved each year in North America by recycling steel.

(0.7 fewer tons coal used/ 1 ton steel recycled) x 80 million tons steel recycled = 56 million tons coal saved per year in North America.

20153di. Discuss both one advantage and one disadvantage of the use of chemical dispersants for oil spill clean up.

-Advantage: Breaks down he oil into smaller droplets diluting the concentration of oil to reduce its toxicity -Disadvantage: oil is dispersed but not removed because they settle increasing underwater damage.

2016e. Describe TWO ways that climate change can degrade soil.

-Increased temperature leads to increased evaporation of irrigation water resulting in soil salinization -increased precipitation can result in increased erosion

20121b. Natural gas is considered to be a better fossil fuel for the environment than coal is. Discuss TWO environmental benefits of using natural gas as a fuel compared to using coal.

-Less CO2 is produced -Harmful mining techniques are avoided; for example, no strip mining or mountaintop removal is required.

20171a. Describe TWO effects that ingesting microbeads has on aquatic organisms.

-Microbeads fill or block the digestive track- -Organisms accumulate toxic chemicals such as PCB's from microbeads, leading to long-term health effects

20121a. Identify and describe TWO water-related environmental problems associated with fracking.

-groundwater contamination: Drilling can allow methane (or natural gas) to seep into groundwater. -Excessive water use or consumption: Considerable amounts of water are used in the fracking process. This can result in overdrafts of aquifers.

20172e. Identify and discuss TWO conservation strategies that could be implemented to prevent the extinction of large terrestrial mammals, such as the African elephant or snow leopard.

-laws limiting hunting, less poaching -movement of threatened species to new locations for greater survival and increasing genetic diversity.

20043c. Identify TWO other opinions that have been suggested for the long-term management of radioactive waste. Discuss the feasibility of each method.

-ship to other countries, limited by ethics, or threat of terrorism, laws, international treaties, transportation concerns, or it doesn't work. -deep sea/ocean floor storage, limited by danger of leaking containers, laws, and international treaties.

20172c. Calculate how many elephants will be left in Africa in 2022.

.80x600000 = 480000 elephants

20162aiii. Calculate the weight (in tons) of the current global iron ore reserves that would be used to make steel if the current trends continue.

0.95 x 800 billion tons of iron = 760 billion tons iron ore used to make steel

20153b. Describe TWO environmental problems that can result from oil spills in coastal areas.

1. Birds may lose their buoyancy or ability to fly if their feathers are coated with oil. 2. Food webs can be disrupted when populations of specific organisms in a web are reduced or suffer negative health impacts.

20041a. On the basis of the article above, indicate one human activity that releases mercury into the environment. Describe how mercury is transported from the source and enters the aquatic systems.

1. Burning of coal which is also known as elemental mercury is released as particulates of mercury into the environment. 2. most likely oxidized mercury is transported through the movement of air, wind, or air currents. 3. falls by precipitation into the water and soil.

20134c. For each human activity you discussed in (b), propose a practical strategy (other than simply banning the activity) to reduce the loss of biodiversity.

1. Clearing land for construction/homes/roads -Cluster development -Smart Growth planning -Develop urban boundaries -Habitat-conservation areas 2. Overfishing/hunting (overhunting)/poaching -Regulate activities and/or establish quotas -Enforce existing laws (ESA-environmentally sensitive area) -Ban trade (CITES-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species-protects endangered species)

20134b. Identify TWO specific human activities that result in a loss of biodiversity and explain how each activity lowers biodiversity.

1. Clearing land for construction/homes/roads -Reduces habitat for many species -Results in habitat fragmentation 2. Overfishing/hunting (overhunting)/poaching -Reduces keystone species -Reduces top predators -Depletes endangered species

20131cii. What are TWO economic consequences that are caused by fertilizer when it flows into the Gulf of Mexico?

1. Decreased income/revenue due to lower fish catches (e.g., shrimp, oysters, fin fish) 2. Increased seafood prices due to lower seafood supply

20131b. Dr. James says that it is important to restore sediments. Describe TWO ways that the loss of natural sediment harms Gulf Coast wetland ecosystems.

1. Loss of replenishment for floodplain soils, coastal beaches, barrier islands, marshes, estuaries 2. Loss of specific coastal habitats (e.g., bird breeding areas, fish nurseries)

20131ci. Describe TWO environmental impacts on the marine ecosystem that are caused by fertilizer as it flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

1. Over-enrichment by excess nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) 2. Increased growth of algae

20103f. Discuss TWO specific characteristics of invasive species that enable them to thrive in new environments.

1. Thriving if generalists- don't care what they eat, no specific needs 2. r-selected species, massive numbers of populations that don't have any natural predator, and can become resistant to methods of prevention

2015d. Describe TWO steps a municipality could take to encourage smart growth in order to limit urban sprawl.

1. Transportation; encourage less automobile use 2. Increased amenities; enhance the quality of living/increase amenities in the cities (schools, parks, pools, recreation, to encourage people to stay in the cities) efforts to reduce pollution/improve air quality

20041b. Describe TWO ways that the amount of mercury released into the environment from the source in part (a) could be reduced

1. Use another kind of fossil fuel with lower mercury content, such as natural gas. 2. before burning, we could wash the coal with chemical cleansing to lower to levels of mercury in the fossil fuel.

20041c. Explain why there are greater health risks associated with eating large predatory fish, than eating small non predatory fish.

1. as the food chain continues, the levels of mercury increase through higher tropic levels. 2. if open to mercury, the older, larger fish may have larger mercury intakes meaning over time the accumulation of mercury increases. 3. mercury is easily stored in the fats and enzymes of a species and very difficult to get rid of. which means the higher up the food chain, the more mercury is in your intake.

2015e. Describe TWO method to reduce harmful effects on wildlife populations from highways and urban sprawl.

1. creating wildlife crossing zones/tunnels/overpasses, etc. to protect wildlife 2. Set aside land for/increase size of refuges; increase green space and buffer zones along highways

20074d. Identify and describe TWO actions that local governments in urban areas could take to reduce outdoor air pollution.

1. direct action- build mass transit, build bike paths, HOV lanes, plant vegetation, convert to less polluting practice- reduces the number and use of motor vehicles. 2. education of the public, promoting, suggesting, and encouraging. reduced emissions and fossil fuel use.

2015b. Discuss TWO human health effects associated with urban sprawl.

1. due to increased air pollution, there are large influxes of respiratory diseases such as asthma, irritation, and heart disease. 2. spread out housing hindered survival rate/recovery rates because of the delay of emergency medical services response and fire department response.

20123d. Describe TWO agricultural practices, other than those involving pest control, that increase crop yields.

1. monocropping 2. contour plowing

20134a. Describe TWO characteristics shared by ecosystems that have high biodiversity.

1. species richness with the large number of different species. 2. species evenness with the large number of individuals of different species.

20134e. Describe TWO ecological benefits that greater biodiversity provides.

1. stability of ecosystem 2. control of unwanted species (pests)

20162aii. Calculate the weight (in tons) of pig iron that could be produced if all of the estimated global iron ore reserves were used for pig iron production.

1.2 billion/1.6 billion * 800 billion tons of iron ore= 600 billion tons of iron.

20162ai. Calculate the weight (in tons) of rock waste produced globally each year when iron ore is converted to pig iron.

1.6 billion - 1.2 billion = 0.4 billion tons of waste

20151a. Describe how TWO human activities, other than those that result in anthropogenic climate change, have resulted in a decrease in the amount of freshwater flowing into the everglades ecosystem.

1.Diversion of water for irrigation of crops. The freshwater is taken into multiple plantations where crops may flourish. 2. The construction of roads and developments have interrupted the flow of surface water. Because there are breaks in the flow of water there are more areas where water is diverted instead of the natural passage way of it.

20172b. Calculate the percent loss of elephants in Africa from 1970 to 2000.

2000000-400000= 1600000/2000000x100=80%

20091ciii. ONE environmental effect of the pollutant

Acts as a greenhouse gas and increases global warming

2016dii. Describe one method for remediating soil affected by acid deposition.

Add crushed limestone, lime, marble dust, bone meal, crushed egg shells or oyster shells- natural fertilizer providing nutrients.

20103e. One strategy for controlling an invasive species has been to introduce another nonnative species to control it; this strategy can often have unintended results. Give a specific example of the use of this strategy and discuss a negative impact of introducing a nonnative species to control an invasive species.

Biological: cane toads to prey on insect pests negative impact: toxic to native species and reduces the availability of resources.

20131a. Identify TWO human activities that alter the natural flow of sediments into Gulf Coast ecosystems. Explain how each of the activities alters the flow of sediments.

Building dams* -Blocks flow of sediment from upstream, decreases deposition downstream (coast starved of sediments) -Prevents flooding that deposits sediment in floodplain -Increases flow velocity, increases downstream erosion Agriculture/irrigation practices -Increases erosion, increases sediment load to river

20103d. Identify another invasive species, either terrestrial or aquatic, and describe one negative impact it has had.

Cane toad Toxin kills native predators.

20101b. Give one reason why Dr. Egguen is correct in asserting that children are particularly susceptible to toxic pollutants.

Children have less developed immune systems.

20171cii. Identify one technique commonly used to disinfect wastewater.


20153f. Petroleum has many uses as a raw material for consumer goods. Identify one substitute for petroleum in a specific consumer product other than fuel.

Corn-based plastic water bottles- corn produces ethanol fuel which is a relatively low-cost alternative fuel that boasts less pollution and more availability

20121d. Describe one economic benefit to society of using fracking to extract natural gas from shale.

Creation of jobs.

20174di. Explain how removal of a dam can benefit fish populations.

Dam removal benefits fish in many ways, including: removing obstructions to upstream and downstream migration; restoring natural riverine habitat; restoring natural seasonal flow variations; allowing debris, small rocks and nutrients to pass below the dam, creating healthy habitat; eliminating unnatural temperature variations below the dam; and removing turbines that kill fish.

2011d2. Describe TWO viable strategies for reducing the amount of land needed for agriculture.

Decreasing the demand for agricultural land: • Eating lower on the food chain would reduce the amount of land needed to raise livestock. • Curbing population growth via programs that lessen the need/desire for people to have children would reduce the amount of land needed for agriculture. • Urban/home/rooftop gardens utilize urban/residential space for growing food. • Instituting a practice that prevents the degradation of our current agricultural land (e.g., contour farming to prevent erosion, crop rotation to maintain soil fertility, etc.) will lessen the demand for new agricultural land. • Underground and/or multistory hydroponic facilities would provide more area for growing crops without increasing land area needed. • Preventing food spoilage/wastage would result in less food being thrown away. • Banning the use of agricultural crops to make fuels would allow those crops to be used for feeding people. • Switching from cotton to hemp for textiles would provide more material per acre. • Switching to (more efficient) crops that produce more nutrients/food/calories per acre would allow us to feed more people using less land. • Aquaculture/raising seafood as a meat/protein substitute would lessen the need for land to sustain livestock.

20101e. Discuss TWO reasons why a multinational company would choose to build a manufacturing facility in India and/or China rather than in the United States or Europe.

Expansion of markets Large populations of workers willing to work for lower wages

20091a. Support Councilwoman Smith's statement that nitrogen-based fertilizers cause other environmental problems by describing one such problem.

Fertilizer enters surface waters or groundwater • Increases algal blooms in surface waters • Decreases dissolved oxygen levels in surface waters • Promotes eutrophication in surface waters

20174c. Describe one ecological benefit of seasonal flooding of the floodplain of a free-flowing river.

Floodplains are dynamic natural systems. The natural processes of periodic flooding, accompanied by erosion and deposition, bring changes to the topography, soils, vegetation, and physical features (such as meanders, braided channels and oxbow lakes) within these areas over time.

2015f. Describe ONE practical way to increase food production within urban areas.

Gardens/victory gardens; roof-top gardens; vertical farming, hydroponics, and greenhouses

20121c. Describe TWO environmental drawbacks, not related to water use, of using the fracking process to extract natural gas from shale.

Habitat fragmentation/destruction can occur from setting up the drilling site or from building roads. Methane can leak (into the atmosphere) during the process, resulting in an increase of greenhouse gases.

20151di. Describe one way that restoring water quantity and water quality in the everglades is expected to improve the structure and function of the ecosystem.

Habitat living conditions will be restored as well, increasing the biodiversity in the area. This will help stabilize and re-establish habitats, species, and food chains in the ecosystem.

20172d. Identify one characteristic of a K-strategist an explain how the characteristic you identified can make these mammals prone to extinction.

High parental care and protection of offspring can correspond with the possibility that the loss of a parent is the loss of offspring and then offspring are vulnerable to predation.

20123ci. Describe IPM. As part of your description, include TWO specific pest-control approaches that are part of IPM.

IPM is used to reduce the use of pesticides and reduce the pest population. 1. crop rotation 2. cultivate pest-resistant genetically modified crops

20123ai. State the hypothesis.

If the amount of product x concentrations increase, then the amount of minnow mortality will increase.

20091ci. How the secondary pollutant forms

In the light-activated reactions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or hydrocarbons

20171b. Describe how nitrate levels can negatively affect water quality in some aquatic ecosystems.

Increased nitrate levels can cause fast eutrophication process which is where the algae die and bacteria rise to the top. This stops sunlight from reaching the lower levels of the bod of water and deplete the oxygen in the ecosystem.

20103c. Identify and explain one impact that zebra mussels can have on aquatic ecosystems.

Increased populations of other species (certain fish, waterfowl, etc.) -Results either from greater primary productivity (base of trophic pyramid) or greater ability of fish that are visual feeders to see their prey.

2011d. Describe TWO viable strategies for reducing the amount of land needed for agriculture.

Increasing crop yield: • The development of crops that can be grown closer together, are more resistant to pests, more resistant to weather extremes, etc., via artificial selection or GM technologies could increase crop yields. Note: Students may earn both points for two crop improvements. • Cover-cropping/intercropping/strip farming/strip cropping/alley cropping/poly cultivation/ allowing for multiple crops to be grown on the same plot of land/etc. could increase crop yield by using the same plot of land during different seasons/growing noncompetitive crops together to use the space between rows/inhibiting crop diseases or pests/etc. • Use of (more effective) pesticides/fertilizers could increase crop yield. • Instituting crop rotation to improve soil fertility could increase crop yield.

20101aii. Describe how the pollutant you chose enters the human body and one specific effect it can have on human health.

Ingesting food or water contaminated by soil, mine waste or particulates containing mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin which leads to nervous system damage.

2011eii. Describe one method to prevent or remediate soil salinization.

Irrigate/flush with sufficient (fresh) water to leach the salts down through the soil (especially after the growing season), or wait for rain to flush the salts out of the soil.

20123b. Describe experimental results that would lead you to reject your hypothesis in part (a)(i).

It is possible for there to be no relationship with the two variables in which the health of the minnow is not affected by the level of product x concentration.

20131ciii. Describe ONE strategy, other than reducing the use of fertilizer, that can be employed to reduce the flow of nutrients into the Mississippi River.

Limit development (e.g., lawns, golf courses) near floodplains

20074b. Identify and describe TWO differences between urban and surrounding rural areas that contribute to the temperature differences between them.

More cars in urban areas- heat is a by-product of combustion. less trees, reduces natural cooling effects of shading and evaporation of water from soil and leaves.

20091b. Identify a nitrogen-containing primary pollutant that contributes to the formation of photochemical smog. Describe how that primary pollutant forms and explain why Councilman Budd was wrong.

NO, NO2, or NOx, Combustion in automobile engines. Nitrogen Oxides Under high pressure and temperature conditions in an engine

20134d. Describe ONE naturally occurring factor that could lead to a loss of biodiversity.

Natural, long-term climate change can result in warmer or cooler temperatures-limits for population

20091d. Earth's natural nitrogen cycle occurs in several steps. Describe one chemical transformation that occurs in the natural nitrogen cycle and discuss the importance of that transformation to an ecosystem.

Nitrate, ammonia, or ammonium is converted to nitrogen-containing molecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids) • Converts nitrogen to proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules essential to life

2016cii. Describe how the practice you identified in ci leads to elevated nitrate levels in groundwater.

Nitrates infiltrate/percolate/seep into groundwater

20121e. Nuclear power is an alternative to using natural gas or coal as a fuel for generating electricity. However, there are also problems associated with nuclear power plants. Describe TWO negative environmental impacts associated with nuclear power.

Nuclear accidents/plant failures: release of radioactive substances, resulting in contamination of soil, water, air, and living organisms. Runoff into surface waters during construction.

20153e. Catastrophic spills make up less than 20 percent of the spills of that pollutes marine waters. Identify one other source of contamination and explain how the oil from this source enters marine waters.

Oil from automobiles, because oil drips from cars and can be washed into water with storm runoffs.

2011c. Soil quality is a critical factor in agriculture. Identify TWO physical and/or chemical properties of soils and describe the role of each property in determining soil quality.

Particle size/texture; soil density/type (e.g., silt, clay, sand, loam) • Dictates soil's: o available oxygen, which is needed by plant roots/soil organisms, o ability to be worked for agriculture, o ability to hold moisture, o ability to hold nutrients, o ability to allow water to infiltrate. Permeability/infiltration- the state or quality of a material or membrane that causes it to allow liquids or gases pass through it. • Water cannot be used by plants if it cannot infiltrate the soil. • Standing water (poor permeability) can suffocate/drown plants. • Poor permeability can lead to increased soil salinity.

20151bii. Explain one way in which an increase in phosphate levels can adversely affect the everglades ecosystem.

Phosphorus speeds up the eutrophication process and stimulates the harmful algae blooms hurting the ecosystem.

20171ci. Identify one way large pieces of plastic are removed from wastewater during primary treatment.

Physical mechanism for removing plastics from the liquid component of wastewater filters

2015a. Describe TWO causes of urban sprawl.

Quality of Life; -Desire for property/yard/lower density -better quality suburban schools -urban blight/declining infrastructure in inner cities -high crime rates in inner cities -seek natural environments, aesthetics, cleaner air, less noise, less pollution, etc. Transportation; -increased use of/reliance on automobiles -improved/expanded roads -low gas prices promoting driving -telecommuting has made it possible to work remotely

20123cii. Identify one environmental benefit of using IPM.

Reduces the introduction of pesticides into areas other than farmland (e.g., runoff, overspray).

20101d. Coal-burning power plants also release other pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and particulates. Select one of these pollutants and identify one technology that can be used to remove it from the waste stream of coal-burning power plants.

Removal of sulfur prior to burning coal-washing

20091cii. ONE human health effect of the pollutant

Respiratory problems, irritate lung airways and cause wheezing and coughing. extended exposure can lead to lung damage.

2011ei. Describe how salinization occurs

Salinization is the increased amounts of salt in the soil. Salinization can occur when irrigation water evaporates (or is used by plants), leaving the salts behind in the soils.

20101aiii. Describe TWO specific steps, other than an outright ban, that a city or nation can take to reduce the threat posed by this pollutant.

Substitute safer alternatives for mercury Set and/or enforce policies that limit the extraction, production, use and discharge of mercury

2016a. Describe how TWO climate factors affect the rate of soil formation.

Temperature -High temperature increases decomposition and chemical activity-increases rates of soil formation -low temperature increases the rate of weathering and increases the rate of soil formation. Wind -Can carry particles increasing rate of accumulation -can hasten rates of soil erosion which decreases rates of accumulation.

20074a. Describe how the temperature of urban areas like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Chicago differs from that of surrounding rural areas.

Temperatures are higher in urban areas than those in rural areas, urban heat island effect.

20103a. Why are zebra mussels located primarily in areas in the eastern United States rather than in the western United States?

The animal was introduced in the eastern U.S. and is still spreading across the continent. The conditions such as temperature are more favorable.

20151dii. Describe one way that restoring the everglades is expected to provide economic benefits to Florida.

The biggest economic benefit is the amount of increasing tourism in the Everglades creating more cash flow for jobs.

20123aiii. Identify the control

The control is the group without the presence of product x

20123aiv. Identify the dependent variable.

The measure of health and/or mortality of the minnows.

20101ai. Describe one specific source, other than the local chemical plants, for the toxic pollutant you chose.

The mercury released by burning coal is converted into a far more toxic form when it enters the food chain. Mercury is released into the air from a coal-fired power plant, and falls to the ground with snow and rain. From there, it drains into watersheds, rivers, and lakes and settles into sediment.

20151bi. Describe how one specific human activity contributes to increased phosphorus levels in the everglades.

The runoff from the use of fertilizers increase the phosphorus levels in the water. It can also be increased by the use off organophosphates or in other terms pesticides.

20151biii. Describe one step that could be taken to reduce phosphorus inputs from the activity you identified in (I)

There could be developments of buffer zones and ponds around agricultural areas to prevent large amounts of phosphorus and organophosphates in water.

20123aii. Describe the method you would use to test your hypothesis.

There would be 3-4 trials in which the product x concentration is manipulated as well as a constant for comparison. Testing the concentrations on a certain number of minnows that is constant.

2015c. Describe the relationship between population density and petroleum use in the graph.

They are inverse

20153dii. Identify either one biological or one physical method used for oil cleanup in coastal waters or on beaches and describe how the method is used.

Using booms to contain oil on the surface and skimmers to separate the oil from the water. Booms are used to reduce the possibility of polluting shorelines and other resources, and to help make recovery easier.

20174ei. Define keystone species.

a species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend, such that if it were removed the ecosystem would change drastically

20171ciii. Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of this practice.

advantage- sludge or biosolids can be used as fertilizer disadvantage- contaminates surface water and groundwater by nutrients, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, hormones, and pathogens.

20171di. Provide one reason why mangrove trees are being removed by humans.

aesthetic reasons - to improve views

2016bi. Identify one specific biotic component of the A horizon.

bacteria (humus)

20174eii. Describe how dams built by beavers can make beavers a keystone species in some ecosystems.

beavers play a crucial role in biodiversity. Innumerable species rely either partly or entirely on beaver-created habitat, and many of these species are either threatened or endangered. Therefore, whenever we can coexist with beavers, we are providing the habitat necessary for supporting many other species

20103b. How are zebra mussels introduced into isolated lakes? Describe one viable method for preventing the spread of zebra mussels into isolated lakes.

boats and boat trailers are transported, and they can have mussels attached to the bottom of the ship. -preventing the spread of mussels into isolated lakes by cleaning, and inspecting the bottom of boats.

20171dii. Identify one ecosystem service provided by intact mangrove ecosystems.

carbon dioxide taken out and oxygen is released

2016bii. Identify one abiotic component of the A horizon.

decomposing parent material

20043b. The United States Department of Energy recently chose Yucca Mountain in Nevada as the site for the deep underground burial of high-level radioactive waste. Describe THREE characteristics of an ideal deep underground storage site for high-level radioactive waste.

dry climate to minimize precipitation and percolation. remote location far from human settlements. not near volcanoes.

2016ci. Identify one agricultural practice that can lead to elevated nitrate levels in groundwater.


20162c. Describe TWO environmental problems that are associated with abandoned coal mine sites.

habitat destruction/slow to recover increased soil erosion.

20174dii. Describe one negative environmental consequence of removing of a dam from a river (other than effects on fish populations).

impacts of the dam removal itself can include increased water turbidity and sediment buildup downstream from releasing large amounts of sediment from the reservoir, and water quality impacts from sudden releases of water and changes in temperature.

2016di. Explain one way acid deposition onto soil can affect plant health.

increased soil acidity can damage plant root systems, stressing plants, poor plant growth, and/or death.

20041d. Identify s toxic metal other than mercury that has a negative impact on human health and describe how it is introduced to the environment. Describe an acute sublethal effect on humans that results from exposure to this metal.

lead; it can be introduced by contaminated food, water, air, or soil. An effect on human health is neurological effects and hindering of brain development and function.

20074c. Urban areas typically have levels of air pollution that are significantly higher than those found in surrounding rural areas. Identify a characteristic of the urban microclimate that leads to higher levels of air pollution and describe how that characteristic contributes to the increase.

less vegetation, less filtering and absorption of particulates, or pollutants such as CO, SOx, NOx, and ozone.

20043a. explain how the properties of low-level radioactive waste differ from those of high-level radioactive waste and how these properties lead to different storage requirements. For one of the two types of radioactive waste, give an example of a specific isotope that may be present In the waste, and explain how human activity generates the waste.

low-level waste has low radioactivity and is dangerous for a short period of time, while high is very radioactive and remains dangerous for a long period of time. more precautions taken for high level waste such as shielded containers for a relatively long period of time. low can be stored in a barrel or in containers for short periods of time. uranium 238 or radon 222 weapons manufacturing can generate radioactive waste.

20074e. Identify and describe TWO ways in which the local hydrologic cycle of urban areas differs from that of nearby rural areas.

manmade urban surfaces absorb little water when compared with rural areas with more vegetation-increased flooding during heavy rainfall. urban heat island effect causes daytime rainfall to be more harsh over urban areas.

20162d. Describe one method that can be used to mitigate one of the problems you identified in part C

recontour land plant trees or other plants to restore cover/reduce erosion

20043d. Exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation has adverse effects on human health and can result in immediate death. Identify one sublethal adverse effect on human health that can result from exposure to ionizing radiation, and explain how this effect is caused by the radiation.

sublethal effect-cancer/tumors. causes-cell/tissue damage/death

20174b. Identify TWO economic benefits, other than hydroelectric power generation and control of downstream flooding, associated with dams.

the cost of electricity is constant- since there is no use of fuel, and the cost is more or less constant. creation of jobs to build dams.

20153c. Identify one economic impact that results from oil spills in coastal areas.

there is an increase in the cost of clean up efforts - crews, supplies, animal rescue

20162e. Discuss one reason why surface coal mining is generally less expensive than subsurface mining.

unsafe conditions for subsurface mining where there is a likelihood of severe accidents, death, and black lung.

20174a. Explain how electricity is generates at a hydroelectric dam.

water behind the dam is fed down tubes called penstocks. As the water falls it spins a turbine. The turbine turns a generator which generates electricity.

20151c. Climate change could have a variety of impacts on water quantity, water quality, and habitat. For EACH of these three factors, identify and describe one specific example of an impact on the everglades likely to result from climate change.

water quantity: hotter temperatures will increase evaporation lowering water levels. water quality: increased evaporation will increase water pollutants concentration in surface water. habitat: Increased temperature can make living conditions unlivable possibly increasing the number of invasive species that come.

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