APES Toxic Substances Unit 8
A cancer-causing substance + radiation
A disease caused by mosquitoes implanting parasites in the blood.
A virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. Can get pregnant woman sick = birth defects to baby.
An infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs
endocrine disruptors
Chemical pollutants that have the potential to substitute for, or interfere with, natural hormones.
federal law specifically deals with the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sites
Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - viral respiratory illness from animals to humans
Plastics, cosmetics. Endocrine disruptors. Feminization of males.
Establishes cradle-to-grave tracking of hazardous waste
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Plague (The black Death)
Started in 1347. It was an epidemic that was started by rats infected by the disease. Fleas would bite the rat, and then bite people, and so the disease was spread.
how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost?
The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands.
Waterborne disease commonly spread by contaminated water; a major problem in nineteenth-century European cities before sewerage systems were installed.
a lowland area, such as a marsh or swamp, that is saturated with moisture, especially when regarded as the natural habitat of wildlife.
a wetland typically covered with grasses
Vernal Pools
adapted to seasonal drying
assault the nervous system
birth defects
change in a DNA sequence that affects genetic information
ponds covered in thick floating mats of vegetation
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
severe and highly contagious viral lung infection with high fever; threatened worldwide epidemic in 2003
shallow water in forested areas
West Nile Virus
spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito (Sub Saharan Africa)
pathway inhibitors
toxicants that interrupt vital biochemical processes in organisms by blocking one or more steps in important biochemical pathways
tropical trees that grow along coasts and help maintain the health of coastal environments