APES unit 2

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species diversity

# of species in a region or in a particular type of habitat

A one-hectare pond is sampled in early September. The sample yields 1 small catfish as well as 17 benthic invertebrates that represent 10 species. Which of the following can be estimated from the sample for the invertebrates in the pond? A: The species richness B: The pond's productivity C: The uniformity of species distribution in the pond D: The degree of disturbance E: The stability of the ecosystem


Which of the following would be categorized as a cultural ecosystem service of forests? A: Recreation and scenic areas for tourism B: Timber and landscape materials C: Mushroom and plant harvests D: Soil stabilization and air purification

A explanation: recreation and tourism are the nonmaterial or cultural ecosystem services of forests

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following is the most likely reason that an island in the ocean that is 5 kilometers from a continent would have a higher number of species than one that is 15 kilometers from a continent? A: There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 kilometers than can travel 15 kilometers. B: Islands that are closer to continents always have a wider range of habitats than more distant islands do. C: There are smaller populations of each species on islands that are at greater distances from continents. D: Islands that are closer to continents always have more ecological niches than more distant islands do.

A explanation: takes less energy and less locomotion to travel 5km than 15km


A consumer that primarily eats one specific organism or feeds on a very small number of organisms.

Highly specialized species tend to evolve on islands because of the environmental conditions and resource availability. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following would most likely experience the greatest decline of specialist species if an invasive species emigrated from the mainland? A: A small island a far distance from the mainland B: A small island in close proximity to the mainland C: A large island a far distance from the mainland D: A large island in close proximity to the mainland


The consumption of mosquitoes by bats and the control of flooding provided by tropical forests in mountainous areas of Central America are examples of A: adaptive radiation B: ecosystem services C: evolution by natural selection D: ecological equilibrium E: positive feedback loops


Which of the following is a measure of the biodiversity of an ecosystem? A: The total number of individuals of a single animal species B: The density of individuals in a hectare C: The total number of different plant species D: The soil depth at which burrowing insects are located

C explanation: the number of different species is a primary measure of biodiversity that is also known as species richness

For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than larger, less isolated islands? A: Small isolated islands are more likely to receive more migrating species. B: Small isolated islands provide opportunities for a greater diversity of species. C: Because of their size, small isolated islands accumulate more species by chance. D: Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources. E: Because they have fewer available niches, small isolated islands are targeted and colonized by species.


Which of the following best describes a supporting ecological service provided by wetlands? A: Wetlands serve as a source of aesthetic inspiration for art and literature. B: Wetlands provide opportunities for ecotourism, which provides revenue to the local economy. C: Wetlands serve as a major reservoir for nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle. D: Wetlands provide a habitat for a wide variety of organisms.


Which of the following statements about levels of biodiversity is correct? A: genetic biodiversity is a measure of the total number of genes in a community B: a narrow distribution of habitats leads to an increase in species diversity C: global hotspots are areas where species diversity is thriving due to habitat restoration D: a population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors

D explanation: genetic diversity is an important part of natural selection, as genetic variation is more likely to allow some individuals in a population to survive in a changing environment

Which of the following can be used to assess the biological diversity of an area? A: Population size of each species and area occupied by each population B: Minimum population area and minimum viable population size C: Ratio of r-strategists to K-strategists and life expectancy of K-strategists D: Number of individuals under fifteen years old and number of individuals over sixty-five years old E: Genetic variation within each species and number of species present


ecosystem engineers

a keystone species that creates or maintains habitat for other species

genetic diversity

a measure of the genetic variation among individuals in a population

random process

a repeatable process with unknown individual outcomes but a long-run pattern


a species with a broad niche that can tolerate a wide range of conditions and can use a variety of resources

how do organisms adapt to their environment over time?

both in short and long-term scales, through incremental/small changes at the genetic level

does wildlife engage in short or long-term migration?

both, for a variety of reasons, including natural disruptions

cause of sea levels varying significantly

changes in the amount of glacial ice on Earth over geologic time

pioneer members/species

commonly move into unoccupied habitat and over time adapt to its particular conditions, that may result in the origin of new species

predator-mediated competition

competition in which a predator is instrumental in reducing the abundance of a superior competitor, allowing inferior competitors to persist

result of environmental changes (sudden and/or gradual)

could threaten a species' survival, requiring individuals to alter behaviors, move or perish

anthropogenic activities and effects

derived from human activities opposed to those occurring naturally can disrupt ecosystem services, which could result in economic and ecological consequences

levels of biodiversity

genetic div, species div, and ecosystem div

what does biodiversity in an ecosystem include?

genetic, species and habitat diversity

provisioning services

goods that humans can use directly ex: food crops, furs, natural rubber, lumber

intrinsic value

has worth independent of any benefit it may provide to humans

How have islands been colonized?

in the past, by new species arriving from elsewhere

what does ecological tolerance apply to?

individuals and species

result of major environmental change or upheaval

large swathes of habitat changes

consequence of loss of habitat

leads to a loss of specialist species, followed by a loss of generalist species also leads to reduced numbers of species that have large territorial requirements

why have species evolved into specialists vs. generalists?

limited resources, such as food and territory on most islands long-term survival of specialists may be jeopardized if and when invasive species are introduced and outcompete the specialists

ecosystem diversity

measure of the diversity of ecosystems or habitats that exist in a given region

how does having a larger number of species benefit ecosystems?

more likely to recover from disruptions

regulating services

natural ecosystems help to regulate environmental conditions ex: pollination, decomposition, water purification, erosion and flood control

supporting services

natural ecosystems provide support services that are extremely costly ex: nutrient cycling, water cycling and soil formation and retention

species richness

number of different species found in an ecosystem

periodic process

occurring at repeated intervals

episodic process

occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals

Earth system processes

operate on a range of scales in terms of time

what are the three different types of Earth system processes

periodic, episodic, random

indicator species

plant or animal that by its presence, scarcity or chemical composition, demonstrates that some distinctive aspect of the character or quality of an ecosystem is present

two main types of ecological succession

primary and secondary succession

cultural services

provides an aesthetic benefit for which people will pay ex: tourism, recreation (bike path)

what are the categories of ecosystem services?

provisioning, regulating, cultural, supporting

ecological tolerance

range of conditions, such as temperature, salinity, flow rate, and sunlight that an organism can endure before injury or death results

secondary succession

reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem in an area where the soil was left intact after a disturbance/disaster

what have island species evolved into?

specialists vs. generalists

instrumental value

species may have worth as an instrument or tool that can be used to accomplish a goal also ECOSYSTEM SERVICES

keystone species

species whose activities have a particularly significant role in determining community structure

primary succession

succession that occurs in an area in which no trace of a previous community is present, food web is created

relationship between population and its genetic diversity

the more genetically diverse a population is, the better it can respond to environmental stressors a population bottleneck can lead to a loss of genetic diversity

ecological succession

the predictable replacement of one group of species by another group of species over time

island biogeography

the study of the ecological relationships and distribution of organisms on islands, and of these organisms' community structures

what will succession in a disturbed ecosystem affect?

total biomass, species richness, and net productivity over time

do natural disruptions to ecosystems have environmental consequences?

yes, and it may be great as or greater than many human-made disruptions

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