Apes unit 8

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The influx of warmer water caused an unexpected increase in the metabolic rate of the bluegills, which led to increased physiological stress from limited resource availability.

A massive bluegill fish kill was observed in a lake near a power plant during the winter months. It was determined that the plant was releasing large amounts of hot water into the lake. Which of the following explains what likely caused the death of so many bluegills in the lake? -Rates of organic matter decomposition increased, which lead to an increase in dissolved oxygen and increased bacteria levels. -Photosynthetic output of aquatic plants decreased because of the higher temperature, which lowered the amount of carbon dioxide available for bluegills to carry out cellular respiration. -The influx of warmer water caused an unexpected increase in the metabolic rate of the bluegills, which led to increased physiological stress from limited resource availability. -The increased water temperature caused dissolved oxygen levels to increase, leading to greater metabolic activity of catfish, which outcompeted the bluegill fish for resources.


A point source discharges organic waste into a stream. Which of the following graphs best depicts the expected pattern for dissolved oxygen (DO) in this stream as a function of distance from the discharge point? B D A C E

800 / 325

A scientist investigated the radiation sensitivity of different mammals to x -rays to determine the LD50 within 30 days. Results from the study are included below. Based on the LD50 data in the table, which of the following equations should be used to calculate how many times greater the resistance of a rabbit to x-rays is than that of a dog? 800 × 325 800 + 325 800 - 325 800 / 325

Occurrences of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease on days with a high air quality index value

A scientist is studying the correlation between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in humans. Which of the following measures would best show a link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease? -Total number of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease in urban areas compared to rural areas -Mortality rates from cardiovascular disease in populations in different countries -Change in number of individuals with cardiovascular diseases over the past 50 years compared to levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide -Occurrences of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease on days with a high air quality index value

A group of twenty mice that were not exposed to ozone

A scientist wanted to investigate the effect of tropospheric ozone on the respiratory function of mice. Twenty female mice were placed in one of five different field environments that mimicked the natural habitats of the mice. Each environment had a tube connected to it that would pump in a set level of ozone measured in ppm . In each field environment, the scientist measured the average respiratory output for the twenty mice over a three-month time frame. Which of the following should be added to the study to best serve as the control group? -A group of twenty mice provided with additional food resources -A replicated experiment using male mice -A group of twenty mice that were not exposed to ozone -A replicated experiment conducted in the field and not in the laboratory

Does the persistence of DDT lead to eggshell thinning or developmental deformities in the bird species?

A scientist wants to study the effect of DDT in a fish-eating bird species. She measures a variety of variables in a population of birds over a period of ten years to determine how levels of DDT affect bird survival and reproduction. Which of the following identifies a scientific question she could ask to best evaluate the effect of DDT on the bird species? -Has the decrease in DDT usage led to a decrease in DDT concentration in the tissues of fish-eating birds? -How long does it take for DDT to break down once it is absorbed in the fatty tissues of the fish-eating birds? -Is the bird species able to metabolize DDT faster than the fish the birds consume? -Does the persistence of DDT lead to eggshell thinning or developmental deformities in the bird species?

The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the respiration rate of the aquatic organisms.

A small lake, located downstream of a power plant, recently experienced a die-off of multiple aquatic species. Environmentalists had been monitoring the temperature of the lake for several months prior to the die-off and noticed a significant spike in the temperature of the lake immediately preceding the die-off event. Which of the following best explains why the die-off event occurred in the lake following the increased water temperature? -The warm water increased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the photosynthetic rate of the aquatic organisms. -The warm water increased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the amount of competition by consumers for food. -The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the respiration rate of the aquatic organisms. -The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the rate of decomposition in the lake.

adding nitrates

All of the following are commonly used to deal with the side effects of eutrophication in lakes EXCEPT -pumping oxygen into the lowest layers of water -introducing insects that eat certain nuisance plants -dredging out lakes to deepen them -applying herbicides to kill nuisance plants -adding nitrates

Endocrine disrupters

Alligators in a Florida lake polluted by high levels of dioxins (chlorinated hydrocarbons) had low testosterone levels and failed to reproduce. Scientists came to the conclusion that the dioxins were acting as which of the following? Mutagens Carcinogens Endocrine disrupters Immune-system suppressors Growth hormones

other countries that export produce to the United States still use DDT

Although the use of DDT was banned in the United States in 1972, a test of the body tissue of an average United States resident today would most likely reveal the presence of DDT because -many farmers in the United States are still using DDT illegally -DDT is naturally produced by many plants -DDT is the breakdown product of some newer pesticides on the market -DDT is water soluble -other countries that export produce to the United States still use DDT

C. jejuni

An individual is exposed to the water in the stream from which the sample show in the graph was taken. If the individual was exposed to the highest dose of the bacteria, which of the following bacteria would have the lowest probability of causing illness if ingested? Salmonella spp. C. jejuni E. coli Newly discovered bacterium


At what step in the diagram would the last solid waste be removed from the wastewater in the treatment plant? C A D B

During step D

At what step in the diagram would wastewater most likely be treated with chlorine or UV light to remove bacteria? Between steps A and B During step D Between steps C and D Before step A

Site C

Based on the data table above for a stream in Illinois, which site most likely has a construction site immediately upstream from it? Site B Site E Site D Site A Site C

Decreased oxygen production by seaweed on the seafloor from an increase in turbidity

Based on the diagram, which of the following is an expected consequence of runoff and sewage in an aquatic environment? -Decreased oxygen production by seaweed on the seafloor from an increase in turbidity -Increased oxygen levels in bottom water from increased rates of cellular respiration in decomposers -Increased oxygen production by decomposition of dead fish and other aquatic organisms -Decreased oxygen levels in surface water as a result of a decrease in photosynthetic rates by algae

Runoff from a nearby agricultural field pollutes a reservoir used for drinking water.

Based on the diagram, which of the following is the most likely reason that a community with good sanitation could still have individuals who contract cholera? -Waste water treatment facilities that use high levels of chlorine to treat the outgoing municipal water supply have an increased risk of cholera outbreaks. -Disease transmission for cholera is through direct contact with infected individuals and is independent of sanitation conditions. -Runoff from a nearby agricultural field pollutes a reservoir used for drinking water. -V. cholerae grow rapidly in clear, moving water that has limited nutrients or wastes.


Based on the diagram, which of the following is the vector that transmits the Zika virus to humans? Mosquitoes Tree pollen Chimpanzees Urban areas

Runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the algal bloom in the lake? -Decomposition of the dead algae used up all the dissolved carbon dioxide. -The water table rose and caused widespread flooding in the area. -Runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the water. -Excess oxygen was released into the water when the fish died.

The remains of the bottom-dwelling plants and algae decomposed, depleting the amount of oxygen in the water.

Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most likely caused the fish in the lake to die? -The herbicides used on the corn crop were washed into the lake, accidentally poisoning the fish. -The remains of the bottom-dwelling plants and algae decomposed, depleting the amount of oxygen in the water. -The algal bloom at the surface released carbon dioxide into the water, suffocating the fish. -Carbohydrates were released into the water when the bottom-dwelling plants died, increasing the amount of competition for food.


Endocrine disruptors directly affect which of the following in an organism? White blood cells Oxygen levels Iron content Hormones

increasing bacterial activity as organic matter decays

In a river ecosystem, dissolved oxygen concentrations drop quickly downstream from a point-source input of organic matter into the river. This effect is due to -increasing activity of trout and black bass -decreasing bacterial activity as turbidity increases -increasing bacterial activity as organic matter decays -increasing populations of mayfly and stonefly larvae -decreasing water temperature as surface evaporation increases


In the United States, most municipal solid waste is disposed of by recycling landfilling ocean dumping composting incineration


Incineration is one solution to reduce the volume of municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste can be used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants. Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following materials would be best suited for incineration to reduce total volume, produce energy, and have minimal release of air pollutants? Plastics Glass Wood Metals


Is a flammable gas produced by landfills Methane Carbon monoxide Sulfur dioxide Methane Carbon dioxide

Sewage treatment

Long Island Sound is a body of water off the northeast coast of the United States. Over nine million people live in the small watershed area that feeds into the sound. To determine the effect of the population density on the watershed, scientists measured the oxygen content of bottom waters in the sound. The data from late summer 2013 are displayed in the map below. Which of the following factors would most likely contribute to the conditions observed in the Long Island Sound? Overfishing Restricted circulation Sewage treatment Plastic pollution

Secondary consumers

Many synthetic chemicals, such as PCBs, act as estrogen mimics. In an ecosystem, these persistent chemicals would have the greatest effect on which of the following? Primary producers Secondary consumers Parasites Autotrophs Decomposers

How much mercury accumulates in the tissues of freshwater shrimp living in a polluted pond?

Mercury concentrations were measured in freshwater shrimp populations in two different ponds, one polluted with mercury and one unpolluted, with a similar food web in each pond. Which of the following best identifies the scientific question that would guide this investigation? How does the food web in a pond affect biomagnification of toxins? How do different species of shrimp excrete mercury from their bodies? How much mercury is found in the tissues of shrimp predators in an unpolluted pond? How much mercury accumulates in the tissues of freshwater shrimp living in a polluted pond?

decompose slowly, if at all, and persist as solid waste release radioactive isotopes when they decompose

Most plastics pose a special problem in the waste stream because they -decompose slowly, if at all, and persist as solid waste release radioactive isotopes when they decompose -decompose to produce methane, which is explosive and creates a significant hazard -release ozone when they are recycled -decompose readily in water and become a source of water pollution


Of the following, which is the primary method of waste disposal in the United States? Recycling Incineration Ocean dumping Landfilling Composting

Increasing public awareness of the risks of using pesticides

Rachel Carson's contributions to the environmental movement include which of the following? -Starting the first Earth Day in 1970 -Increasing public awareness of the risks of using pesticides -Being the first female administrator of the EPA -Alerting the public to the hazardous waste problem at Love Canal -Discovering the thinning of the ozone layer in polar regions

Safe Drinking Water Act

Requires minimum safety standards for community water supplies Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Clean Water Act Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Toxic Substances Control Act Safe Drinking Water Act

Selenium will be at a higher concentration in fish tissue than in the tissue of fish prey.

Scientists are interested in determining if selenium, from a nearby mine, magnifies in the tissues of fish living in a lake. Which of the following best describes a testable hypothesis for the study? -Selenium will be at a higher concentration in fish tissue than in the tissue of fish prey. -Tissue from fish in the lake will have a higher level of selenium than tissue from fish in a nearby lake. -Selenium will be at a higher concentration in acid mine drainage than in fish tissues. -Fish will have a higher concentration of selenium than mercury in their tissues.

The newly discovered bacterium would have the lowest allowable dosage to meet the drinking water standards.

Some drinking water standards allow bacteria in water at dosages up to the 10% probability of illness. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in the graph? -The newly discovered bacterium would have the lowest allowable dosage to meet the drinking water standards. -E. coli and Salmonella spp . would have the highest allowable dosage to meet the drinking water standards. -If there are fewer than 102 colonies for all species in a drinking water sample, the water will be considered safe to drink. -If C. jejuni is the only species of bacteria present in the drinking water sample, the water will be considered safe to drink at all doses.


Some toxic compounds are ingested and retained in the tissues. These pollutants pose special risks to humans and other organisms high on the food chain because of which process? Synergism Biomagnification Compound contamination Threshold effect Carcinogenesis

Love Canal, New York

The dangers of disposing of toxic chemicals underground came to public attention in which of the following locations? -Love Canal, New York -Minamata, Japan -Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania -Chernobyl, Ukraine -Bhopal, India


The location where desertification is occurring most rapidly E A C D B


The use of pesticides on crops has had significant negative effects on honeybee populations. The pesticide imidacloprid, which is used to control parasites like aphids, is highly toxic to bees in small concentrations. Imidacloprid has an LD50 dose of 78ng per bee, which weigh, on average, 0.1 grams. Which of the following approaches would you use to calculate the amount of pesticide, in milligrams per gram of bees? (Note: 1,000 mg = 1,000,000,000 ng ) A B C D


United States residents are how many times more likely to die from breast cancer than residents of Hungary? 14 150 7 1.5 21

Runoff from agricultural fields

Waste from which of the following is an example of nonpoint source pollution? Drainage from an abandoned mine Dumping at a food-processing plant Outgassing from a municipal landfill Overflow from a sewage treatment plant Runoff from agricultural fields

Sanitary landfill

Which method is used most frequently in the United States today? Incineration Biological treatment Chemical treatment Discharge to sewers, streams, and rivers Sanitary landfill


Which method reduces the volume of waste but could release toxic emissions into the atmosphere? Discharge to sewers, streams, and rivers Biological treatment Chemical treatment Incineration Sanitary landfill

Construct wetland areas near the rivers and streams.

Which of the following approaches would best decrease the impact of frequent flooding in a community that is subject to the hazard of flooding? -Construct wetland areas near the rivers and streams. -Remove forested areas around all streams and rivers and change land use to agriculture. -Increase the height of natural levees downstream from the community. -Encourage developers to build housing developments on the floodplain.

DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes

Which of the following best describes the source of persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) that could accumulate in the tissues of a top predator? -DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes -Sulfur dioxide (SO2) released from coal-burning power plants -Methane (CH4 ) and carbon dioxide (CO2) released from livestock operations -CFCs that are manufactured to be used as pesticides

Chemicals used in one region of Earth can circulate in the biosphere and affect organisms in a distant region.

Which of the following best explains why DDT has been found in penguin eggs in the Antarctic? -Although DDT is toxic to adult birds, it has no effect on developing embryos. -Chemicals like DDT are volatile and eventually make their way to the ozone layer. -Chemicals used in one region of Earth can circulate in the biosphere and affect organisms in a distant region. -Because penguins incubate their eggs on land, the eggs are exposed to DDT. -The large number of penguins in Antarctica has resulted in a depletion of their preferred foods.

The optimal salinity for brine shrimp hatching is 30 mg / 100 mL .

Which of the following claims about brine shrimp is best supported by the data in the table? -Brine shrimp generally hatch in 36 to 48 hours in warm temperatures. -There is more food available for brine shrimp when the water has a salt concentration of 20 mg / 100 mL . -The optimal salinity for brine shrimp hatching is 30 mg / 100 mL . -The growth and survival of brine shrimp are optimal 72 hours after hatching.

Activated-sludge tank

Which of the following components of a wastewater treatment plants designed to facilitate the decomposition of organic material by aerobic microorganisms? Activated-sludge tank Chlorination tank Ultraviolet-light array Grit-settling tank Bar screen

Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility.

Which of the following correctly identifies an example of an endocrine disruptor and the effect it might have on the human body? -High levels of lead in drinking water could lead to neurological damage. -Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility. -The bacterium E. coli found in vegetables causes abdominal cramping and vomiting. -Exposure to radon in indoor air is linked to increased rates of lung cancer.


Which of the following correctly identifies both a nonpoint source and a point source of pollution? B C D A

Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act

Which of the following federal laws specifically deals with the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sites? -Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act -Clean Air Act -Resource Conservation and Recovery Act -Clean Water Act -Safe Drinking Water Act

Integrate ecologically sound shrimp aquacultural practices with mangrove management.

Which of the following is a way to potentially eliminate one of the greatest threats to the world's mangrove wetlands? -Increase desalination to reduce the effects of prolonged drought in mangroves. -Construct dams in mangroves to increase sediment load and decrease pollution. -Integrate ecologically sound shrimp aquacultural practices with mangrove management. -Employ irrigation methods to address potential desertification of mangrove habitats.

The absorption of a substance by an organism at a rate greater than the rate of elimination

Which of the following is the best description of bioaccumulation? -The uptake of essential nutrients by plant roots -The transfer of persistent pollutants like PCBs from one generation to the next -A high mortality rate in organisms that have been exposed to a toxin -The absorption of a substance by an organism at a rate greater than the rate of elimination -A process that occurs exclusively in marine ecosystems


Which of the following is the greatest component (by weight) of municipal solid waste in the United States? Glass Paper Yard waste Plastics Food

Endocrine disruptors

Which of the following pollutants would most likely be responsible for gender imbalance in a population of frogs in which all observed frogs are female? Fertilizers Carcinogens Endocrine disruptors Animal waste from farms

The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands.

Which of the following statements best describes how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost? -The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands. -The Clean Water Act bans the draining of wetlands over five acres in size. -The Clean Water Act prohibits the use of wetlands for development and construction. -The Clean Water Act establishes standards for the quality of surface waters that must be continually monitored and reported.

There is a positive correlation between breast cancer and dietary fate intake.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the data? -Increased incidence of breast cancer is related to the average age of a country's population. -The number of breast cancer deaths is proportional to the size of a country's population. -Increase incidence of breast cancer is related to annual length of exposure to solar radiation. -There is a positive correlation between breast cancer and dietary fate intake. -Persons who reside in colder climates are more susceptible to breast cancer than those who live in tropical regions.

Limiting coastal development and maintain a shoreline buffer zone

Which of the following strategies will best help to protect mangrove habitats? -Increasing aquaculture operations to reduce overfishing -Encouraging land use changes in areas surrounding mangroves to shift to agriculture -Increasing subsidies for hydroelectric dam construction -Limiting coastal development and maintain a shoreline buffer zone

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