APES Water Pollution test

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Over half of the total mass of pollutants entering streams and lakes comes from

non-point pollution from agriculture

Which of the following are a point source of water pollution

offshore oils wells

About ___ of the 100,00 medium to large lakes in the United Stated suffer from some degree of cultural eutrophication


Which of the following substances are removes to the greatest extent by combined primary and secondary wastewater treatment

organic oxygen-demanding wastes

A body of water can be depleted of its oxygen by

organic waste

Heat, organic wastes, and inorganic plant nutrients may all deplete dissolved ___ from water


One class of pollutants that can cause a population explosion of aerobic bacteria is

oxygen-demanding wastes

The common limiting factor in fresh water lakes most often emphasized in pollution prevention approaches is


In Chesapeake Bay, 60% by weight of phosphates come from __ and 60% by weight of nitrates come from ___

point sources; non point sources

Which of the following would not reduce cultural eutrophication

prevent as much outflow or drainage as possible from the lake

The only effective way to protect groundwater is to

prevent contamination

Crude estimates indicate that up to __of usable groundwater in the United States is contaminated


Less then ___ % of the water entering the Great Lakes leaves the St. Lawrence River


____ of the worlds population lives on or without one hundred and sixty miles of the coast


About ___ of U.S lakes were tested unsafe for fishing, swimming, and other recreational uses


The Great Lakes processes ___ % of all surface freshwater in the United States


The largest estuary in the United States is

Chesapeake Bay

The oil company responsible for the oil spill of the Valdez was


Which of the following is false about fertilizers?

Inorganic nutrients such as fertilizers have no adverse affects on aquatic ecosystems

Which of the following statements about lakes is true?

Lakes are more vulnerable than streams to contamination by plant nutrients, oil, pesticides, and toxic substances that can destroy bottom life

Which of the following types of sewage treatment is properly matched

advances-physical and chemical processes

The leading non point source of water pollution is


The Pfiesteria piscida microbe can transform from algae eaters to fish-killing dinoflagellates when

all of the answers conditions are met

Coastal waters can be protected from excess water pollution by

all of these answers

Farmers can reduce pesticide runoff by

all of these answers

Farmers can sharply reduce fertilizers runoff by

all of these answers

In most developed countries, large fish kills and contamination of drinking water are caused by

all of these answers

Sources of groundwater contamination include

all of these answers

The Clean Water Act and Water Quality Act attempt to maintain the __ integrity of U.S waters

all of these answers

The effects of an oil spill depend on the

all of these answers

Waste heat can

all of these answers

Water pollution from oil can be prevented by

all of these answers

Thermal pollution

can kill organisms adapted to a particular temperature range by thermal shock

One chemical cleaning method for cleaning up oil spills is

coagulating agents

To further sustainable use of water supplies, environmentalists are least likely to call for

decentralization of control of water supply and quality

Which of the following aquatic ecosytems in most capable of diluting, dispersing, and degrading large amounts of sewage, sludge, and oil

deep water ocean

All of the following methods are likely to aid restoration of Chesapeake Bay oyster population except

developing new recipes fro oyster stew to enhance public appreciation of oysters

Livestock growers can control runoff of animal wastes from feedlots and barnyards by

diverting runoff of animal wastes into detention basins

Ocean dumping bans are in effect for all of the following substances except

dredge spoils

Which one of the Great Lakes first showed intense effects of water pollution


The Clean Water Act could be strengthened by all of the following strategies except

establishing national effluent standards

The greatest source of water pollution in terms of total mass is


The water pollution and control laws intact in the 1970s have done all but which of the following

forced municipalities to take their water supply from the downstream side of the city

One fish in ___ taken from the Great Lakes is unsafe for human consumption


Which of the following is not an input control over cultural euthrophication

harvesting excess weeds

Under the London Dumping Convention of 1972, 100 countries agreed not to dump

highly toxic pollutants and high level radioactive wastes in the open sea beyond boundaries of national jurisdiction

Which of the following stages of cultural euthrophication occurs last

increase in anaerobic bacteria

A change in the U.S Safe Drinking Water Act that is least likely to be recommended by an environmentalist

increased reliance on voluntary compliance to drinking water standards

Nitrates and phosphates are examples of

inorganic plant nutrients

One class of pollutants that can cause excessive growth of algae is

inorganic plant nutrients

Which of the following is a non point source of water pollution?

logged forest

The most common problem encountered by seabirds coated with oil is

loss of buoyancy and insulation, causing deaths from exposure

Experts rate groundwater pollution as a

low risk ecological but high risk health problem

Of the following organisms, the ones least likely to be killed by heavy oil components are

marine birds

Which of the following statements is false about rivers and lakes

rivers are more vulnerable than lakes to contamination by plant nutrients, oil, toxins and pesticides

The majority of the oil pollution of the ocean comes from

runoff from land

To determine the presence and concentration of water pollutants, scientists are least likely to use

satellite photographs

Which of the following decreases photosynthesis in bodies of water

sediment or suspended matter

Chesapeake Bay has been quite vulnerable to pollution because it is

shallow and flushed 1% of the pollutants that enter it

In cultural euthrophication, game fish die from

suffocation from lack of oxygen

Of the following sources of oil in the environment, the one which contributes least is

tanker accidents and blowouts at offshore drilling rigs

Which of the following statements is false about oxygen

the amount of oxygen in rivers increases as water's temperature rises

Since 1972, the massive pollution control program for the Great Lakes has reduced

the coliform level

Which of the following is false about oil spills

the environment recovers more slowly from crude oil spills than from refined oil spills

Areas that depend of surface water for their drinking supply generally do all of the following except

treat with ozone and fluoride to kill bacteria

Of the following, the most ecologically responsible way to dispose of sewage sludge is

treating with heat to kill harmful bacteria, removal of toxic metals, and using as fertilizer

Groundwater can be protected least by

using advanced sewage treatment

All of the following are cleanup methods of controlling cultural eutropication except

using advanced waste treatment

Thermal water pollution can be reduced by all of the following methods except

using more electricity

Acids, salt, and metals are examples of

water-soluble inorganic chemicals

Of the following organisms, the ones least likely to be affected by ocean debris are

zoo plankton

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