APLANG: Crime and Punishment

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What gift does Svidrigailov want to give Dunya?

$10,000 rubbles

What does Raskolnikov dream about?

a group of peasants beating a horse to death

Who does Raskolnikov run into in a café?

a police inspector

What does Raskolnikov see in the street that disgusts him?

an old man pursuing a young woman

How do Razumikhin and Raskolnikov treat Luzhin?


What does Raskolnikov do when he hears police discussing the murders?


What does Raskolnikov tell Sonya was his motive for the murders?

feelings of alienation and superiority

What does Raskolnikov do before leaving Marmeladov's apartment?

gives the family money

What happens to Raskolnikov in the days following his confession to Sonya?

he falls into a state of delerium

What does Raskolnikov realize at the end of his argument with Dunya?

he has hurt his family immensely

What does Raskolnikov do at the Haymarket?

he kisses the ground

Why has Razumikhin finally lost patience with Raskolnikov?

he sees how he hurts his family

Who reveals that Luzhin was setting Sonya up?

his roomate

What does Luzhin believe might have kept Dunya from breaking their engagement?

more presents

Why does Katerina Ivanovna spend so much money on the memorial banquet?

she is a proud woman

Why is Raskolnikov's mother impressed with his article?

she thinks he is a genius

What does Dunya do when Svidrigailov tries to attack her?

shoots at him

What does Luzhin give Sonya in his room?

ten rubbles

What makes Raskolnikov turn back to the police station and confess?

the sight of Sonya

Why does Svidrigailov give Sonya three thousand rubles?

to go to siberia with raskilnikov

Who is initially charged with the murders?

A painter working near Alyona's apartment

What does Raskolnikov think about as he walks to the pawnbrokers?

An awful plan he is mulling over

What does Raskolnikov order Dunya to do?

End her engagement with Luzhin

Who does Sonya believe will take care of her family?


How did Raskolnikov defend his actions?

He did not try to defend himself

How does Raskolnikov distract Alyona in order to kill her?

He gives her a fake object to be pawned

Why does Raskolnikov think he confessed?

He had a moment of weakness

Why does Raskolnikov think he's being punished for the murder already?

He has a hard time concentrating

Why does Razumikhin become upset when Zossimov compliments Dunya?

He has developed an attraction with Dunya

How does Raskolnikov feel when he leaves the pawnbroker's shop?

He is disgusted with himself

Why is Marmeladov lying in the street?

He is drunk and has been run over by a horse

What is Raskolnikov's outward appearance?

He is handsome, but shabbily dressed

How did Porfiry ensure that Raskolnikov received a light punishment?

He let Raskolnikov confess rather than arresting him

Why doesn't Raskolnikov want to meet his landlady?

He owes her money

What do Raskolnikov and Sonya realize at the end of the novel?

He truly loves her

What reason does Raskolnikov give for wanting to speak to the police?

He wants a watch back that he pawned to Alyona

What did the psychologists at Raskolnikov's trial say about him?

He was temporarily insane

What does Raskolnikov decide on the walk he takes after reading his mother's letter?

He will not let his sister marry Luzhin

What did the student in the bar say that coincided with Raskolnikov's own thoughts?

Humanity would be better off if Alyona was dead

Which biblical character does Raskolnikov ask Sonya to read about aloud?


Who else does Raskolnikov kill in Alyona's apartment?


What does Raskolnikov overhear at the market that puts his plan in motion?

Lizaveta will be away the next night

Whom does Raskolnikov meet in the tavern?


What does the stranger in the street say to Raskolnikov?


Who interrupts Raskolnikov and Porfiry to confess to the murders?


Who do Porfiry and Zamyotov suspect of the murders, according to Razumikhin?


Who does Luzhin blame for his breakup with Dunya?


Who does Porfiry say he thinks is the real murderer?


What does Svidrigailov reveal to Dunya?

Raskolnikov confessed the murders to Sonya

What does Razumikhin realize as he stares at Raskolnikov?

Raskolnikov is the murderer

What is the purpose of Dunya's plan regarding Luzhin?

To gauge his true feelings for her

What is Raskolnikov's ulterior motive for visiting the pawnbroker?

To rehearse the murder

What has Raskolnikov resolved to do?

Separate himself from his family

What does Dunya say that causes Raskolnikov to faint?

She is "guilty for no one's death"

Why does Luzhin want to marry Dunya?

She will always feel grateful for him

What did Raskolnikov claim in the article "On Crime"?

Some men are above other men and have a right to commit murders

Who interrupts the conversation between Raskolnikov, his family, and Razumikhin?


Who eavesdrops on Raskolnikov's conversation with Sonya?


What does Svidrigailov deny to Raskolnikov?

That he had anything to do with his wife's death

What does Zossimov believe about Raskolnikov?

That he is losing his mind

What request from Luzhin does Dunya plan to defy?

That he not meet Raskolnikov again

What does Raskolnikov bury in the courtyard?

The goods he stole from Alyona

Why does Razumikhin say an amateur must have committed the murders?

The murderer did not take the large amount of money from the apartment

What does Porfiry ask Raskolnikov about in an attempt to trap him?

The painters near Alyona's apartment

Why is Raskolnikov called to the police station?

To answer charges that he owes the landlady money

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