APRD 1004 Final Exam Review

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The mid October update of the research uncovered many changes since the original.

Incorrect: needs a hyphen between mid and October

What mood is this statement: Erickson won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing.


Identify the verbal in bold: "I want to get a job that involves international travel," the college senior explained.


Identify the verbal in bold: "My roommate helped me prepare for my comprehensive examination."


Choose the correct answer. In a direct quotation that is six paragraphs long, use quotation marks ...

at the beginning of each paragraph but at the end of only the last paragraph

The three __________ wrote several apologies before the judge withdrew sanctions against them.


Adjectives that come before the noun they modify are in the __________ position.


Denver is Colorado's (capital, capitol).


The band director purchased two __________ .


A (comma, semicolon or colon) is used to introduce a list.


Choose the correct answer. "Better look busy because here (a. come b. comes) the public relations vice president."


The following sentence is __________. Maria will write most of the articles, and Shawn will design the entire section.


The following sentence is __________. "When you began your job, did you feel prepared, and were you successful?"


The opposing party members were not __________ that the president could win re-election.


Identify the subject in this sentence: My news director, along with three reporters and the 6 p.m. anchor, is being retained by the new owners of the station.

news director

"Will you please design the advertisement no later than Tuesday?" she asked.

no comma is needed in this sentence

I, he, she, we, they, who and whoever are used in the __________ case.


Name the case of the bold and underlined noun(s) in each of the following sentences. Acme University, a state-supported school, will serve as host for the regional meeting.


The advertising director is concerned about the __________ of viewers the news program attracts.


Identify the predicate noun in this sentence: Jacoby, my roommate, is the quarterback who threw Moss three touchdown passes in today's game.


A (period, question mark or exclamation mark) is used to end an interrogative sentence.

question mark

A __________ is used to end an interrogative sentence.

question mark

Most students dread pop __________.


A (colon, semicolon or dash) is used before a conjunctive adverb.


Robin said she 'loved' going to the grocery store.

Incorrect use of quotation marks

A simple sentence contains __________.

1 independent clause

A complex sentence contains __________.

1 independent clause and 1 dependent clause

A compound sentence contains __________

2 or more independent clauses but no dependent clauses

The school superintendent called a press conference to announce that he has found enough money in the budget to reduce the number of teachers losing their jobs from __________ .

283 to 20

Neither the incumbent nor the mayoral candidates __________ participating in the press conference.


Choose the correct answer. "I'm glad to be a part of a major program," said Jones who previously coached at Pikeville State College.

A comma is needed after Jones.

Choose the correct answer. The convention in Johnson City Texas was considered a success.

A comma is needed between City and Texas and another comma is needed between Texas and was.

Choose the correct answer. The three alarm fire destroyed two buildings.

A hyphen is needed after three to form a compound adjective.

Which of the following sentences does not have a syntax error?

A specialist in reading disabilities, Dr. John L. Springtree of the University of Arizona will direct the summer workshop.

__________ she liked taking pictures of exciting events, the photographer disliked sitting through long meetings.


In which of the following sentences is the apostrophe used correctly?

Clark and Weston's proposal will be funded, the vice president said.

(Commas, Semicolons or Hyphens) are used to set off words and phrases used as appositives.


Select the tense of the bold verb. "I will break the sales record even if I have to go three days without sleep."


Select the tense of the bold verb. "By the time I finish this report, the basketball game I want to watch will have concluded."

Future perfect

Identify the verbal in bold: "My favorite activity, reading, is something I make time for each day."


More than $110 million __________ been approved for the completion of the highway.


President __________ proposed budget is being considered by members of the University Council.


The game begins at 12:30 PM.

Incorrect abbreviation

(It's, Its) not always clear (who's, whose) in charge. Answer for only (It's, Its).


Broadcast journalists love to gather after work at __________ house.

Jim and Annie's

The photographers' favorite restaurant is closed __________.


__________ are used before words that have three or more syllables and compare two persons, places or things.

More and less

Identify the indirect object in this sentence: Jacoby, my roommate, is the quarterback who threw Moss three touchdown passes in today's game.


Speaking __________ his members, the union president reported the workers' concerns to the contract negotiators.

On behalf of

In which sentence are the parentheses or the brackets used correctly? In both examples, the reporter is inserting the explanatory information.

Pneumoconiosis (black lung disease) is common in areas that have coal mines. "Pneumoconiosis [black lung disease] is common in areas that have coal mines," the pulmonary specialist explained. Both of these are correct.

Students must earn 70% on the final exam to continue beyond APRD2001 in the department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Media Design.


The final exam in this Fundamentals of Grammar course is cumulative.


In which sentence are the quotation marks used correctly?

When asked about the company's financial prospects, the treasurer said she is "pessimistic."

Identify the interrogative adverb. "Where is the computer room, and do I need a key to gain access?"


__________ is the relative pronoun that shows possession.


Choose the correct answer. Barger received a standing ovation.


Choose the correct answer. Smithson is selling his self-published book.


"I am angry our quarterback played so (bad, badly) against Georgia," Jones said.


The governor said he will not seek re-election (since, because) state law prevents him from serving more than two terms.


Indentify the possesive in this sentence: My boss's brother, who was only 50 years old, retired from the Acme Gazette when his vision was impaired in an automobile accident.


The advertising design award was not won by Frances; it was won by my (a. daughter, Amy, b. daughter, Amy c. daughter Amy,) the one who works in Detroit.

c. daughter Amy,

Because Jamison is __________ in the country than in the city, he decided to work from his house instead of his office.


What mood is this statement: "Apply for the job."


In the following sentence, which type of verbal is to win? To win is the primary goal.


Identify the underlined pronoun. After seeing her friends succeed there, Bennett decided to go to graduate school herself.


Identify the underlined pronoun. The president herself did all of the hiring for the advertising agency.


Identify the underlined pronoun. Whom are you voting for in today's election?


Choose the correct answer. The large number of graduates (a. is b. are) proof that the coaches stress academics as well as athletics.


The house cost (under, less than) $300,000.

less than

Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) transitive,(b) intransitive or (c) linking. The city budget director said it was she who first warned council members about the insufficient funds.


Identify the underlined verb. The coach said she is happy with the way her players performed even though they lost the game.


She could (loose, lose) her job if she doesn't start clocking in on time.


Identify the verbal in bold: The election, won by the incumbent, was one of the most expensive in state history, according to a report in the Acme Gazette


Identify the direct object in this sentence: Jacoby, my roommate, is the quarterback who threw Moss three touchdown passes in today's game.


Before his heart attack, the man said he was feeling (funny, strange).


__________ is the type of conjunction that joins one independent clause to one dependent clause.


I think the school __________ has the most unusual nickname is the Poca Dots," the conference commissioner said.


The trees (that, which) grow in Rocky Mountain National Park are hundreds of years old.


__________ first-semester enrollment is the biggest in the history of Acme University, according to the director of admissions.


Six __________ work for the J.C. Hundley public relations firm.


Choose the correct answer. Team members are: Ron S. Whitescarver, Betty J. Randolph, Fred E. Bentley, and Carole R. Johnson.

The colon after are and the comma after Bentley are unnecessary.

Tofu is made from soybeans? (Written as a factual statement)

Incorrect punctuation

Up is __________ in the following sentence: The spider crawled up the wall.

a preposition

Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) active voice or (b) passive voice. The reporter challenged the senator with probing questions, but the experienced politician skillfully dodged all of them.


Nouns that function as adverbs are called __________.

adverbial objectives

When words commonly used as prepositions (on, off, in, out, up, down) do not have a noun or a pronoun object, those words will probably be __________.


All three of you must share the video camera (between, among) you.


Up is __________ in the following sentence: The president was shaken up by the outcome of the midterm elections.

an adverb

__________ is/are used to indicate that a letter or a figure has been left out on purpose.

an apostrophe

__________ is used to indicate that material has been omitted intentionally.

an ellipsis

In the following sentence, well is __________. "Well," she said, "I don't think I want that job."

an interjection

In the following sentence, at is __________. Where are the graphic artists at?

an unnecessary preposition

Ben wants to know whether (anymore, any more) pictures are available for Tuesday's student media panel.

any more

Choose the correct answer. He said Bailey would not write (a. anymore b. any more) travel articles.

any more

Choose the correct answer. A number of legislators (a. is b. are) submitting bills this week.


Coordinate adjectives modify the same noun equally and __________ separated by commas.


For the first time in the history of the Charleston Derby, a majority of the entered horses __________ female.


None of the advertising executives __________ expecting a promotion at the end of the six-month evaluation period.


The news media (is, are) angering some people because of the tone of some reporting about local issues.


Identify the participial phrase (which always serves as an adjective). The beautiful advertisement, designed by Maryanne E. Calhoun, the senior member of the staff, is on display in the lobby.

designed by

The specialist's job is to make __________ of illnesses that perplex other physicians.


The site selection committee should be composed of (disinterested, uninterested) individuals.


The president-elect said she feels excited after her big victory and is (eager, anxious) to assume the office.


Idenitfy the subject in the sentence: Here comes the editor.


Before the graphic designer plugged in her new computer, she read the instructions written to __________ that she would operate the machine correctly.


Choose the correct answer. To (a. ensure b. insure) that his cell phone would not fail to work, the account coordinator recharged the battery every day.


A/An (dash, question mark or exclamation mark) is used to express strong feeling or emotion.

exclamation mark

An exclamatory sentence __________.

expresses strong feeling or emotion

All words that end in ly - except for proper nouns - are adverbs.


"I have (less, fewer) than a dozen reporters to cover a city of a million people," the news director complained to the station manager.


Compound prepositions such as in addition to and in front of __________

function the same as simple one-word prepositions

Identify the object of a preposition in this sentence: Jacoby, my roommate, is the quarterback who threw Moss three touchdown passes in today's game.


Choose the correct answer. Which verbal is always used as a noun?


Identify the adverbial objective. He went home as soon as the final edition of the newspaper had been published.


Choose the correct answer. After losing the election, Pendleton (a. emerged b. immerged) quickly back into the ranks of the obscure.


The following sentence is __________. Collect your paychecks on the first and 16th days of each month.


Seniors scheduled for interviews __________ Alan, Craig, Jennifer and Patty.


Atkinson's indictment was the end result of the inquiry.


Attendees will receive a free gift at the event.


What mood is this statement: The city recreation director was surprised by the reporter's questions


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) transitive, (b) intransitive or (c) linking. The Golden Globe nominee screamed with delight when she learned she won the award.


Choose the correct answer. The state's attorney general (a. plan b. plans) to endorse the proposal being considered by the members of the legislature.


But is often a conjunction, however, in the following sentence, but is a __________. Everyone but the publisher received a salary increase.


Parenthetical adverbs are used to __________.

provide transition or emphasis within a sentence but not to join clauses

The case of an appositive is determined by __________.

the case of the noun or the pronoun it follows

Choose the correct answer. "Injuries have been our major problem," the coach said.

the comma is used correctly to separate the statement from the attribution

Identify which function the underlined adverb performs in the sentence. The witness testified that she was quite certain that the defendant is the person who committed the crime.

the degree (how much or to what extent)

Identify which function the underlined adverb performs in the sentence. Because the outstanding athlete studied conscientiously, he earned first-team honors on the conference's all-academic team.

the manner (how)

"I am postponing the ceremony because of bad weather," __________.

the mayor said

When a noun follows to, the noun functions as __________.

the object of a preposition

Identify the adverb modifying an adjective Because the president's health was very bad, even his most urgent business had to be delayed while he recovered.


The president's continual __________ angered members of Congress.


Neither the company president nor her employees __________ a strike if it can be avoided.


"We __________ ," the photographer told her editor.

want a deadline extension of only two days

Neither the employees nor the company president __________ a strike if it can be avoided.


Rachel did very (good, well) on the first exam.


__________ is the relative pronoun most commonly used to refer to animals and inanimate objects.


The vice president of public relations said staff members __________.

will meet Friday at 1 p.m.

Is the following wordy or not wordy? a brutal assault


Is the following wordy or not wordy? combine together


That figure has two __________ on the end of it.


In which of the following sentences is the punctuation correct?

The reporter asked a tough follow-up question. The reporter asked the speaker if he could follow up with another question. Both of these are correct

The Memphis' Grizzlies play at FedEx Forum.

Incorrect use of apostrophe

"The headline writer, not I, __________ responsible for the error that led to a libel suit," the reporter claimed.


In which of the following sentences are the commas used correctly?

Roberto A. Ramos, the senior senator from Nevada, said, "Citizens of my state need this water bill passed immediately."

Crosley is more talented than __________ designer on the staff.

any other

T'Yanna's project is better than (any, any other) I've ever read.

any other

The contest judge said Ferguson writes better than __________ member of the Blue Ridge Magazine staff.

any other

The judge also said Blue Ridge Magazine is illustrated better than __________ publication in the competition.

any other

Jones said he doesn't know __________ to get an interview with the actor.

any way

A/An (apostrophe, quotation marks or slash) is/are used to indicate that a letter or a figure has been left out on purpose.


A/An (hyphen, apostrophe or slash) is used to form a contraction.


Adjectives that come immediately after the noun they modify are in the __________ position.


The following sentence is __________. The photographers and the design editors argued and complained during the entire project.


"My agent advised me to accept a contract from __________ offers me one first."


Choose the correct answer. She said to give the tickets to (a. who b. whom)?


Is the following wordy or not wordy? completely finished


Is the following wordy or not wordy? general consensus


Is the following wordy or not wordy? narrow down


Darius asked everyone to sit down for the presentation.


Due to the fact that tuition increases, the university advises students to be fiscally responsible.


Many elderly senior citizens need a wheelchair to shop at the supermarket.


Susan has $40,000 of unpaid debt for her home.


The animal shelter has several adult cats for adoption.


The mayor said he has no plans to build a park at the present time.


The new recreation center will cost $1.5 million dollars.


The surgical center features state-of-the-art innovations.


The thunderstorm will bring a temporary reprieve from the heat.


"Our students are doing well in getting jobs after graduation", said Christine Mahoney, internship coordinator of the College of Media, Communication, and Information.

incorrect comma placement

Susan said chicken thighs the dark meat are her favorite.

incorrect punctuation

The National Football Leagues Pittsburgh Steelers play at Heinz Field.

incorrect punctuation

Identify the underlined pronoun. Within three months after they graduated, most of the public relations majors had jobs.


What mood is this statement: The president said he regretted having to order military action.


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) transitive, (b) intransitive or (c) linking. The cartoonist was at work in his office three hours before his project was due.


Relative pronouns are used to __________.

introduce dependent clauses explain or define their antecedent in the independent clause enable the writer or the speaker to mold two clauses into one effective sentence A., B, and C. are all correct.

McPherson is the only one of the graphic designers who __________ competing for the Holsinger Award.


Neither physics nor mathematics __________ a field of study many mass communicators believe they know well.


The flock of birds __________ adapting to the climate changes, the biologist reported.


The president of the Chamber of Commerce, along with his two vice presidents, __________ making final arrangements for the ceremony.


A preposition

is "anywhere a squirrel can go" (up, down, around, over) may be a word or a phrase is a word that links its noun or its pronoun object with another word or group of words in the sentence and show the relationship between the two A, B and C are all correct


Correct punctuation

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

"After I failed to meet the challenging deadline I had set for myself, my boss gave me an I-told-you-so look."

In which of the following sentences is the apostrophe used correctly?

"My boss' secret plan will surprise everyone when he reveals it."

In which sentence is the bold attribution placed correctly in the following quotations?

"Our party will win the election," the secretary of state said. "We are confident of that."

Which of the following sentences - one using a comma and another using a semicolon - is punctuated correctly?

"You did bring the records from the previous meeting, didn't you?"

Identify the designated pronoun in the following sentence. A personal pronoun, nominative case, second-person singular: (a) You should have said, "(b) I am giving the assignment to (c) you" instead of presuming (d) I would write (e) it.

(a) You

Identify the designated pronoun in the following sentence. A relative pronoun that introduces an essential dependent clause: The press secretary is the person (a) who the governor (b) most often permits to speak for him.

(a) who

Which of the following sentences does not have a syntax error?

After I felt nauseated for three days, my physician referred me to a gastroenterologist.

Choose the correct answer. The president said he will submit another proposal to the Board of Trustees he said he hopes the board will accept it.

A period is needed after Trustees to separate the two independent clauses, and the "h" in "he" needs to be capitalized.

Identify the objective case noun in this sentence: My boss's brother, who was only 50 years old, retired from the Acme Gazette when his vision was impaired in an automobile accident.

Acme Gazette

__________ must pass a typing test.

All applicants

When a speaker's entire speech is published without interruption, where are the quotation marks placed?

At the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last paragraph.

__________ they are inexperienced, the interns do not expect to get the best assignments.


Why are adverbs more complicated -- and consequently harder to learn - than adjectives?

Because adverbs can modify not only verbs but also adjectives and other adverbs.

Prepositional phrases modify __________.

Both subjects and verbs

Forty performers competed in the semifinals, but only three will be selected to advance to the final round in Las Vegas.

But only three is not insensitive in this example.

Which of the following sentences does not have a syntax error?

Neither has a syntax error.

What mood is this statement: "I move that the nominations be closed."


Identify the verbal in bold: The dwindling numbers of wildlife are of major concern to conservationists, according to the outdoor editor of WXXA-TV.


Select the tense of the bold verb. The writer had hoped for a movie contract on his book, but he gave up after waiting five years.

Past perfect

(Parentheses, Quotation marks or Brackets) are used to indicate that a speaker's exact words are being used.

Quotation marks

(Because, Since) the hurricane hit Puerto Rico, more than 3 million people have been without power.


The editor wants the following to be the last sentence: __________.

The application deadline is April 15

In which of the following sentences is the apostrophe used correctly?

The architect said he prefers the style used in the '40s.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

The candidates from District Four are Stetson N. Shelby, LaDonna J. Cross, and Sean B. Reston.

The contestant who won the scholarship said she will attend Acme University.

The sentence is punctuated correctly because no commas are used with essential dependent clauses.

Choose the correct answer: The president of the Senate said, "I will retire at the end of my term"

The sentence needs a period before the last quotation mark

According to Associated Press style, in which of the following sentences is/are the comma/commas used correctly?

The winning design features yellow, green and purple colors

She is the sales representative __________ the vice president thinks should be put in charge of the campaign.


__________ are relative pronouns that can be singular or plural depending on each word's antecedent.

Who and Whom

In which of the following sentences is the comma used correctly?

Winfield will be promoted to executive vice president and will move to the Chicago office, and Grafton will replace Winfield in Detroit.

In the following sentence, however is __________. The game went into overtime; however, the network cut away to regularly scheduled programming.

a conjunctive adverb

Before a pronoun is used, it first must have __________.

a clearly established noun antecedent a noun with which the pronoun agrees in person, number and gender A and B are both correct

Adjectives that are not coordinate do not modify the same noun equally and __________ separated by commas.

are not

The team's supporters traveled to the game in six __________.


An interrogative sentence __________.

asks a question

A compound-complex sentence contains __________

at least 2 independent clauses and at least 1 dependent clause

Interrogative pronouns such as who, which and what frequently come first in a sentence __________ serve as the subject.

but rarely

Identify the nominative case noun in this sentence: My boss's brother, who was only 50 years old, retired from the Acme Gazette when his vision was impaired in an automobile accident.


The publisher's two (brother-in-law's, brothers-in-law or brothers'-in-law) own six magazines between them.


The family put a sign in the yard to let everyone know that (a. The Williams b. The Williams' c. The Williamses) are the occupants of the house.

c. The Williamses

The public relations vice president said, "Here's something I want all of you to (a. know - b. know; c. know:) Your bonus checks are in the mail."

c. know:

A (comma, semicolon or dash) is used with a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses.


A __________ is used after a parenthetical adverb.


A __________ is used with a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses.


(Commas, Semicolons or Hyphens) are used to set off a nonessential dependent clause from the remainder of the sentence.


__________ are used to set off a nonessential dependent clause from the remainder of the sentence.


__________ are used to set off words and phrases used as appositives.


The following sentence is __________. "When the end of the spring semester arrives, I hope to be among the graduating students."


Choose the correct answer. The new PR practitioner memorized passages in the stylebook (a. continually b. continuously) so he would not have to refer to it so much while writing news releases.


__________ is the type of conjunction that joins two or more independent clauses.


All incoming students are required to enroll in APRD 1004.


Most students eat lunch in the University Memorial Center.


The new trolley line will link the River North neighborhood and Denver International Airport.


I enjoy exercising in the gym; Dawn prefers running on Sanitas.

correct semicolon use

The graphic artist won a well-deserved award.

correct use of hyphen

__________ is the type of conjunction used in pairs.


Both/and, not only/but also, and either/or are commonly used as __________.

correlative conjunctions

The following sentence is __________. The editorial writer asked whether the purchase of five fire trucks at one time was necessary.


The following sentence is __________. We were instructed to collect our paychecks on the first and 16th days of each month.


A preposition __________.

is a word that links its noun or its pronoun object with another word or group of words in the sentence and show the relationship between the two is "anywhere a squirrel can go" (up, down, around, over) may be a word or a phrase

Choose the correct answer. Acme Shoe Store is having the biggest sale of the year, and (a. its b. it's c. their) marketing department manager bough four full-page ads in this morning's newspaper.


Stanley Brothers Appliances will start __________ half-price sale Dec. 20.


Conjunctive adverbs are used to __________.

join two independent clauses

For almost three hours, the two teenagers __________ seriously hurt in their wrecked car before help arrived.


Worries about her state's financial crisis __________ heavily on the governor's mind.


An imperative sentence __________.

makes a request or gives an order

A declarative sentence __________.

makes a statement

Choose the correct answer. Appositives

may be either nominative or objective case

"That decision will be made by the editor or __________ . "


People younger than 18 years old are classified as (miners, minors).


__________ are used before words that have three or more syllables and compare two persons, places or things.

more or less

The fundraiser has raised (over, more than) $50,000!

more than

Tripp said he feels (nauseous, nauseated) before every presentation.


Name the case of the bold and underlined noun(s) in each of the following sentences. The lieutenant governor is the official who will conduct the meeting if the governor cannot attend.


Predicate pronouns are __________ case.


That project is too important __________ , the mayor insisted.

not to fund

Is the following wordy or not wordy? Democratic nominee

not wordy

Is the following wordy or not wordy? limited experience

not wordy

Choose the correct answer. Barger was given a standing ovation.


Choose the correct answer. Turner's contract was sold to the Pirates.


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) active voice or (b) passive voice. The star athlete was given one summer term to improve his grades or be declared ineligible for the next football season.


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) active voice or (b) passive voice. The veteran editorial writer was made a nationally syndicated columnist after being honored by The Society of Professional Journalists.


A (dash, hyphen or period) is used three times in a row to indicate that material is being left out on purpose.


A _____ is used to separate whole numbers from parts of numbers, such as in money with dollars and cents.


Identify the underlined pronoun. The advertising director enjoys working with interns and is always helpful to them.


Choose the correct answer. "My supervisor (a. convinced b. persuaded) me to delay my vacation."


The singer considers his __________ cowboy boots so lucky, he wears them at every performance.

red leather

Identify the underlined pronoun. Give the assignment to whoever is willing to write a series of articles.


After being diagnosed with a serious illness, Sen. Daniel B. Frankfort

said he will resign effective May 20.

Choose the correct answer. A noun of direct address is always in the (a. first person b. second person c. third person).

second person

A (comma, semicolon or colon) may be used by itself to join two independent clauses.


(Commas, Semicolons or Dashes) are used between items listed in a series if the items already contain commas.


__________ are used between items listed in a series if any of the items already contain commas.


"I should earn my college degree sooner than my sister because I am one year older than __________.


A preposition such as at, for and to __________

should be avoided as the last word in a sentence

Choose the correct answer. A third-person noun represents

the person, place or thing being spoken about

Identify which function the underlined adverb performs in the sentence. The student's scholarship was renewed; consequently, he could afford to complete his final year of college.

the reason/cause (why)

Identify which function the underlined adverb performs in the sentence. The intern was excited to learn today that her outstanding work had resulted in the offer of a full-time job.

the time (when)

Choose the correct answer. All of the competitors performed (a. her b. their) best.


Choose the correct answer. Photographers must keep (a. your b. their) equipment in the designated area, the contest judge warned.


Choose the correct answer. The University of Colorado Buffaloes won (a. its b. their) first two games under coach Mel Tucker.


Identify the demonstrative pronoun used as an adjective: This sentence has a few words classified as pronouns but used as adjectives; however, which one is demonstrative, which one is interrogative and which one is indefinite is for you to determine.


The singular demonstrative pronoun used to point out something near is __________.


The plural demonstrative pronoun used to point out something distant is __________.


Identify the infinitive used as an adjective: Michael L. DeAngelo, a 15-year employee of the company, is the first designer to win the Hutton Award.

to win

Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) transitive, (b) intransitive or (c) linking. When the chief received the report of a fire in the downtown area, he sent firefighters from four stations to the scene.


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) transitive,(b) intransitive or (c) linking. Company officials gave customers written information about what to do if they suspected a gas leak.


Identify the underlined verb. Barger received a standing ovation.


Identify the underlined verb. Even though her team lost the game, the coach said she is happy with the way her players performed.


Coordinate adjectives makes sense if their positions are exchanged, and they also make sense if and is placed between them.


Some words that end in the letter o can form their plural by adding just an s or by adding es.


Conjunctions may be used to join __________.

two words two phrases two clauses

Identify the designated pronoun in the following sentence. An indefinite pronoun that can be either singular or plural depending on its antecedent: The personnel director said (a) most of the job applications she receives are impressive, but a (b) few are disorganized.

(a) most

Identify the designated pronoun in the following sentence. A relative pronoun that introduces a nonessential dependent clause: She is the officer (a) who hired me, but Dr. Rathbone, (b) who is her boss, gave me a good recommendation.

(b) who

Which of the following sentences does not have a syntax error?

By complaining, subscribers needlessly annoy newspaper circulation managers. By complaining needlessly, subscribers annoy newspaper circulation managers. Neither have syntax error

Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) active voice or (b) passive voice. Although Mickelson was only 19 years old, he gained acceptance into medical school after earning his bachelor's degree in 30 months.


Determine whether the underlined verb is (a) active voice or (b) passive voice. The president plays golf skillfully, but he has little time for recreation.


Choose the correct answer. The case of an appositive is determined by...

by the case of the noun or pronoun it follows

Three major __________ occurred during the governor's first term.


Identify the underlined pronoun. "This is the computer I want for our newsroom," the city editor said.


The reporter __________ the reluctant photographer to the city council meeting.


Identify the predicate adjective(s). The silver and gold printing press, an Otis 2174, is expensive for its proud new owners.


The Student Council president told Dean Maggie N. Canaday students want __________.

fewer required classes, a ban on tests during the week before final examinations and holidays every Friday

Everyone may have __________ own opinion, the attorney general said, but she cautioned that only facts will count when the issue is decided by the Supreme Court.

his or her

Name the case of the bold and underlined noun(s) in each of the following sentences. The producer's assistant thinks the episode will be an award-winner.


Adjectives that come after a nonaction verb and modify the subject are in the __________ position.


After an unexpectedly large number of coaches applied for the job, the selection committee members had difficulty __________ them.


Identify the underlined pronoun. The web designer and his assistant work well with each other.


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