APUSH Ch. 17 & 18 Test

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Two Concepts that allowed for criticism of the inequalities of wealth & power

"living wage" & "an American standard of living"

This started to restrict membership to only skilled workers

AFL, American federation of labor

Margaret Sanger

Advertised birth control in writing & opened a clinic helping Jews & Italians

Supporters of the Anti-Imperialist League believed

American energies should be directed at home, not abroad.

Fuel for American Expansionism after the 1890s

Americans were increasingly aware of themselves as an emerging world power

Ellis Island of the West

Angel Island

Louis Brandeis

Appointed to Supreme Court by Woodrow Wilson, active ally of labor movement


Attack sexual behaviors

16th Amendment

Authorized Congress to enact a graduated national income tax.


Believe corporate greed undermines traditional American values. Journalistic skills to expose the underside of American life.

Founder of the Society of the American Indians & his cause

Carlos Montezuma, promote discussion of the plight of Native Americans in the hope that public exposure would be the first step toward remedying injustice

Chinese Exlusion Act of 1882

Congress temporarily excluded immigrants from China to U.S.

They wanted to improve conditions through cooperatives

Farmers' Alliance

She advocated for the working poor

Florence Kelley/Jane Addams

Scientific Management

Frederick W. Taylor - program sought to streamline production & boost profits by systematically controlling costs & work practices

After 1900 the Women's Suffrage movement included both these classes of women

From elitists to middle-class, mass movement

What cause didn't the Progressives go after

Minorities and racial issues

Main difference between New Nationalism & New Freedom

New Nationalism = trust bust, Roosevelt than New Freedom = regulations, Wilson

Yellow Journalists

Newspaper created highly exaggerated stories, sensationalized, nationalism Make money they keep you scared and interested Made Americans want war William Randolph Hearst - "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war"

Results of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Organize unions and safety regulations

The Philippine War vs Spanish-American War

Philippine War was far longer and bloodier than the Spanish-American

Teller Amendment

This Amendment was drafter by Henry M. Teller which declared that the US had no desire for control in Cuba & pledged the US would leave the island alone.

New Freedom? (1912)

REGULATED; Envisioned federal government strengthening antitrust laws & protecting workers

Candidates in 1912 election

Taft, Roosevelt, Democrat Woodrow Wilson, and Socialist Eugene V. Debs

Conservation President; helped striking miners & was known as a trust buster

Teddy Roosevelt

The three progressive presidents

Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson

Ran for president in 1896 under the free silver platform

William Jennings Bryan

This President signed into law the Keating-Owen Act

Woodrow Wilson

Author whose book inspired two acts to change the food industry

Upton Sinclair (The Jungle Book - Pure food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection of 1906)


a public killing/execution, usually by a group (to black men)

Problem with electoral reform during the Progressive Era

a significant reversal of the idea that voting was an inherent right of American citizenship

The "Age of Empire" & American racial attitudes

a time of worldwide concern about immigration, race relations, and the "white man's burden," all of which inspired a global sense of fraternity among "Anglo-Saxon" nations.


a worker who crosses the picket line during a strike

Samuel Gompers used the idea of freedom of contact to

argue against interference by judges with workers' rights to organize unions

Candidate McKinley favored

industry, tariffs, & gold standard


live theatrical entertainment of numerous short acts - song/dance, comedy, acrobats, magicians, & animals

20 years after Reconstruction, African Americans

lost everything they had earned, second class citizens

What happened to African American men at the end of the 19th century

lost political power, gave some power to women

Ludlow Massacre

militia attack on immigrants strikers; killed 20-30 men/women/children


motion picture theaters whose five-cent admission charge was far lower than at vaudeville shows

WCTU moved to a push for this, away from original push

moved from demanding the prohibition of alcoholic beverages to a comprehensive program of economic and political reform, including the right to vote

Eugene V. Debs

national debate on relationship between political and economical freedom


people in South who tried to overthrow black rule after their loss in Civil War


political movement of individuals & groups who helped to bring about significant change in American social & political life; business men, labor activists, female reform organizations, middle class, etc.

Ways in which southerns eliminated black voting

poll taxes, literacy tests, intimidation, grandfather clause

Plessy v. Ferguson

separation of blacks did not violate 14th Amendment

People's Party (Populist) came out of

the Farmer's Alliance

Result of the Spanish-American War for - gains

the United States became the ruler of a far-flung overseas empire - Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam

What was the silver issue

the advocated wanted unlimited coinage of silver into money on demand; this would inflate the prices farmers would receive for their crops. Farmers were pro, banks against.


the economic system based on mass production and mass consumption

Kansas Exodus

the mass movement of African Americans from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas, first general migration of blacks following the Civil War, seeking equality

What had to happen in order to create National Parks

the removal of Indians who hunted and fished there as well as the reintroduction of animals that had previously disappeared

New immigrants lived in these after arriving in early years of the twentieth century

tight knit communities

Immigration Restriction League wanted

to reduce immigration by barring illiterate

With a white north & south move to reconciliation, how was the Civil War started to be remembered?

tragic family quarrel among white Americans where blacks played no part

In the Pullman Strike of 1894 how were the federal troops used

trying to suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners

Argument by Supreme Court in Muller v. Oregon

unanimously upheld the constitutionality of an Oregon law setting maximum working hours for women

Booker T. Washington in his Atlanta Speech of 1895 - went along with his thoughts on the subject

urged blacks to adjust to segregation & abandon agitation for civil & political rights

The New South promoted Henry Grady

white supremacy, industry growth, northern investment, diversified farming

1900 working women usually worked in this industry

garment & domestic labor

Socialist Party by 1912

have enough power to have candidates in Presidential election

In the "Insular Cases" the Supreme Court

held that the Constitution did not fully apply to the territories recently acquired by the United States—a significant limitation of the scope of American freedom

Asian & Mexican immigrants in the early years of the twentieth century ended up...

in San Gabriel Valley of California: citrus growers searching for cheap labor


Industrial Workers of the World: Partrade/Union wanted seize production & abolish state

The Populist Platform

called for public ownership of railroads; businesses; graduated income tax; popular vote of senators

Pillar of stability for immigrants


NAWSA argument for women voting

extending the vote to native-born white women would help to counteract the growing power of the "ignorant foreign vote" in the North and the dangerous potential for a second Reconstruction in the South

Who supported Maternalist reform

feminists and traditionalist

Election of 1896

first modern presidential campaign

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