APUSH Ch. 17

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The Knights of Labor

began as a secret fraternal organization.

In the late nineteenth century, most American business millionaires

began their careers from positions of wealth and privilege.

The late-nineteenth-century sociologist Lester Frank Ward

believed that human intelligence, not natural selection, shaped society.

Social Darwinism was designed to eliminate competition in the marketplace.


Edward Bellamy's 1888 book, Looking Backward,

imagined an ideal future in which all corporations were combined into one great trust.

During the late nineteenth century, child labor in the United States

increased significantly.

The Molly Maguires were a militant

labor union in the coal industry.

In 1900, regarding work conditions in American factories,

laborers could expect to work at least ten hours a day, six days a week.

In the late nineteenth century, Daniel De Leon

led the Socialist Labor Party in the United States.

The open-hearth process of making steel

made the production of large-dimension pieces possible.

Until its repeal in 1885, the Labor Contract Law

put many new immigrants in debt to American businessmen.

In the early twentieth century, a principle goal of "Taylorism" was to

reorganize industrial production by subdividing it into many simple tasks.

The Haymarket Square riot of 1886

resulted in the conviction and execution of several anarchists.

In the late nineteenth century, industry in the United States

saw the federal government eager to assist in its growth.

The Pullman strike of 1894

saw the president of the United States order federal troops to break the strike.

The Pennsylvania Railroad was created by

the Pennsylvania Steel Company.

In the late nineteenth century, the needs of the American steel industry directly contributed to the further development of all of the following EXCEPT

the automobile industry.

The business structure of Standard Oil was a good example of

vertical and horizontal integration.

The great railroad strike of 1877

was launched in response to a wage cut.

In the 1870s, most immigrants to the United States came from southern Europe.


In the Homestead strike of 1892, the Pinkertons were brought in on the side of labor.


In the late nineteenth century, the first and most important promoter of Social Darwinism was

Herbert Spencer.

"Scientific management" was seen as a way to increase the decision-making abilities of employees in the workplace.


At the end of the nineteenth century, the average income of an American worker was somewhat higher than the minimum required to maintain a reasonable level of comfort.


Governor John Peter Altgeld and Grover Cleveland found themselves on the same side in the Pullman strike.


Henry Ford built the first gasoline-driven motor vehicle in America.


Henry George sought to do away with social ills by levying a "single tax" on corporate profits.


Horatio Alger spoke out against child labor in his novels.


Most of the late nineteenth-century business tycoons began their careers in poverty or lower-class circumstances.


Originally, the American Federation of Labor was not willing to engage in strikes.


Social Darwinism was an ideology that had its critics, but it did have a lot to do with the realities of the late nineteenth-century corporate economy.


The Knights of Labor accepted both the eight-hour day and the wage system.


The history of American business organization saw the "pool" replace the "trust."


In 1917, automobile production in the United States

saw nearly five million cars on American roads.

In what industry did the Homestead strike of 1892 occur?


A key to Henry Ford's success in the mass production of automobiles was

the moving assembly line.

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in his The Gospel of Wealth,

the rich had great responsibilities to society.

In the late nineteenth century, organized labor failed to make great gains for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

the total failure of state and federal governments to pass legislation that would protect the rights of workers.

By 1900, some workers had the legal right to compensation for injuries suffered on the job.


Carnegie Steel was a good example of vertical integration.


Congress abolished the Labor Contract Law in 1885.


Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner could both be called Social Darwinists.


Lester Frank Ward was a sociologist who rejected applying Darwinian laws to human society.


Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was an example of a combination of horizontal and vertical integration.


The American oil industry emerged in the late nineteenth century largely in response to the needs of the steel industry.


The Knights of Labor were followed by the American Federation of Labor as the most significant national labor union.


The economy began to fluctuate erratically beginning in 1873.


The great railroad strike of 1877 was put down by both state militias and federal troops.


The open-hearth process made possible the production of steel in great quantities and large dimensions.


There was significant use of air power in World War I, but commercial air flights did not seem like a possibility until Charles Lindbergh's flight in the 1920s.


The business structure of Carnegie Steel was a good example of

vertical integration.

The new rationale for capitalism in the late nineteenth century rested on an older ideology of individualism.


In the 1870s, the "internal combustion engine" was developed in


Who among the following began to develop an oil empire by taking control of competing oil companies in Ohio?

John D. Rockefeller

By 1900, the average yearly income of American workers

None of these answers is correct.

At its height in 1886, the Knights of Labor were led by

Terence V. Powderly.

Which of the following events did NOT occur during the Homestead strike of 1892?

The Amalgamated trade union won the strike.

In the United States, the steel industry first emerged in

Pennsylvania and Ohio.

The first significant oil production in the United States occurred in


Eugene V. Debs played a leading role in what labor event?

Pullman strike

The process of making steel developed by Henry Bessemer

All these answers are correct.

In 1929, the base price of a Ford Model T was


During the late nineteenth century, anarchists in the United States

All these answers are correct.

During the late nineteenth century, the growth of large corporations was helped by

All these answers are correct.

Which of the following statements about the American railroad industry in the late nineteenth century is FALSE?

It saw Congress outlaw railroad combinations.

Who among the following was NOT significantly associated with the steel industry?

James J. Hill

In the late nineteenth century, the social writer Henry George argued in favor of

a single land tax to replace all other taxes.

Prior to the Civil War, the steel industry in the United States

barely developed at all.

The Pullman strike of 1894 began when George Pullman, owner of the company,

cut wages by twenty-five percent due to a slumping economy.

To John D. Rockefeller, the great "curse" of business in the late nineteenth century was

cutthroat competition.

In his books, Horatio Alger

emphasized the value of personal character in business.

In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists argued that people who failed economically in the United States did so because

they were not fit enough to survive in the market.

Orville and Wilbur Wright's first successful airplane flight in 1903

took place near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

America's rise to industrial supremacy was not as sudden as has been suggested.


Andrew Carnegie's The Gospel of Wealth promoted philanthropy by the rich.


Around the turn of the century, relatively few Americans shared the views of those who questioned capitalism itself.


Both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor favored the concept of one big union.


By 1900, factory work in the United States required ever-increasing levels of skill.


Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward discovered a utopian world in eighteenth-century America.


The theory of Social Darwinism

was used to justify the social consequences of industrial capitalism.

Samuel Gompers was the leader of the

American Federation of Labor.

In the late nineteenth century, due to the growth of industrial capitalism, American workers

All these answers are correct.

During the 1870s and 1880s, most of the immigrants to the United States came from

England, Ireland, and northern Europe.

In 1900, the emergence of research laboratories in American corporations

led to a diversification of research interests.

In the American business community at the end of the nineteenth century,

one percent of corporations controlled one-third of all manufacturing.

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