APUSH Chapter 25 Henretta 8e

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During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the US and the USSR came closest to war over A. the Soviet blockade of West Berlin B. Soviet arm shipments to North Korea during the Korean War C. Soviet refusal to allow Eastern European countries to participate in the Marshall Plan D. Soviet aid to communist movements in Greece and Turkey


From the US perspective, the Cold War was precipitated by A. Stalin's refusal to allow self-determination for the countries of Eastern Europe B. the Soviet Union's explosion of an atomic bomb and later a hydrogen bomb C. the Soviet Union's participation in the creation of the Warsaw Pact D. Stalin's refusal to allow Eastern European countries to participate in the Marshall Plan


The National Security Council's report known as NSC-68 proposed that A. the US must significantly increase its defense spending B. good relations with the Soviet Union were imperative C. critics had exaggerated the strength of the Soviet military D. a dangerous arms race would follow the development of the hydrogen bomb


The creator of containment, who enumerated his fears in the Long Telegram in 1946, was A. George Kennan B. George Marshall C. Harry Truman D. James Byrnes


What was President Truman's response to the invasion of South Korea in 1950? A. He asked the UN Security Council to authorize a "police action." B. Truman asked Congress for a declaration of war and they complied C. He decided to pursue a policy of watchful waiting before committing troops D. Truman appealed to Congress to send aid to the anticommunist Koreans.


Which of the following describes the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Orgainziation in 1949? A. it was the first American peacetime military alliance since 1783 B. The United States funded the militaries of all of the participating countires C. NATO explicitly and permanently excluded the Federal Republic of Germany D. The alliance was formed in order to impose a blockade on Berlin


Which of the following issues was directly associated with McCarthyism? A. the U.S. Army B. the State Department C. Hollywood D. the FBI


Which provision of the Geneva Accords was never realized? A. Free elections for a united Vietnam in 1956 B. French withdrawal of troops from the north in Vietnam C. Paritioning of Vietnam D. Establishmetn of a demarcation line at the seventeenth parallel


President Truman relieved General MacArthur of his Korean command because MacArthur A. refused to launch a surprise amphibious invasion behind North Korean lines B. ordered his troops to cross the 38th parallel and proceed to the Chinese border C. publicly called the conflict "the wrong war, at the wrong place..with the wrong enemy." D. sent American bombers on an unauthorized raid on mainland China


The opponets of Diem's regime in South Vietnam created a new revolutionary movement in 1961 that was known as the A. Ho Chi Minh Brigade B. Vietcong C. Vietminh D. Revolutionary COmmunist Party


What was the distinguishing characteristic of President Eisenhower's "New Look" in foreign policy in the 1950s? A. A conventional army three times the size of the Soviet army B. Increased hydrogen bomb production and long-range bombing strength C. The dismantling of Truman's containment policies D. A commitment to raise arms against all nations unfriendly to western captialism


What was the outcome of the Korean War? A. The US radically reduced its involvement in Asian affairs B. Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel C. An intense antiwar movement developed in the United States D. Civilian control of the American armed forces seriously eroded


Which of the following was a long-term consequence of the Korean War? A. The war ended the American military-industrial complex B. It established a precedent of avoiding atomic weapons in future Cold War conflicts C. The war convinced Americans of the futility of fighting Asian wars D. It established the law that the president was the commander-in-chief.


Why did the American Medical Association oppose Truman's proposal for national health insurance in 1949? A. They considered it a corporate sellout B. They denounced it as socialized medicine C. The organization claimed it was insufficient D. The group feared for the future of Medicare


In the Munich Analogy, Americans justified containment by applying the lessons learned from A. the division of Germany B. the founding of the United Nations C. appeasing Hitler D. the Nazi-Soviety Pact


In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the House Un-American Activites Committee A. investigated Joseph McCarthy and other extreme anticommunists' abuses of power B. stood in contrast to McCarthy due to its careful investigations of alleged subversive activites C. targeted the film industry as part of its larger anticommunist agenda D. confined itself to investigating anti-American propaganda and sentiment abroad


The Eisen hower Doctrine was issued in response to difficulties in A. Southeast Asia B. Hungary C. the Middle East D. Czechoslovakia


The Truman Doctirne was implemented in response to communist threats in A. Egypt and Israel B. Palestine and Jordan C. Greece and Turkey D. East Germany and Poland


Which of the following occurred as a reaction to the massive wave of strikes that shook the United States in 1946? A. Congress abolished the Office of Price Administration B. Truman passed the Employment Act of 1946. C. Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act over Truman's veto D. The U.S. government abandoned its Keynesian economic policies


Which of the following statements describes the presidential election of 1960? A. Kennedy won a decisive victory over Richard Nixon B. The New Deal Democratic coalition failed because southern whites voted Republican C. Kennedy won by a very slim margin of just a few thousand votes D. Richard Nixon's popularity was due to his impressive performace on television


Why did the US refuse to support Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, during the late 1950s? A. He treated the North Vietnamese cruelly B. He sympathized with the Japanese occupiers C. He was a communist D. He had taken control by force


During the Eisenhower administration, the CIA helped overthrow the government of A. Cuba B. Indonesia C. Albania D. Iran


In 1962, JFK secured funding for a nonmilitary initiative to advance the Cold War agenda known as A. The United Nations Children's Fund B. Students for a Democratic Society C. the Marshall Plan D. the Peace Corps


Which of the following Axis nations did the United States help rebuild economically after WWII to make it a bulwark against communism during the Cold War? A. Bulgaria B. East Germany C. Austria D. Japan


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