APUSH: Chapters 28-31 Test

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In his third-party presidential campaign in 1968, George Wallace

defined several hot-button issues that Republicans would exploit in future elections.

Which of the following factors accounted for the demographic growth of the Sunbelt on the 1970s and 1980s?


The four college students killed by National Guardsmen at Kent State University been protesting

expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Conservative Protestants and Catholics joined together as part of the Religious Right and condemned


Why did President Ford pardon Nixon a month after Ford took office in 1973?

he wished to spare the country the agony of rehashing Watergate.

President Johnson shocked the American public on March 31, 1968, by announcing that

he would not seek reelection.

Which of the following issues did evangelicals disregard as they fought against the influences of what they believed to be an immoral society?

individual rights

The post-Watergate political reforms passed by congress

made government more transparent.

President Bill Clinton's strategy for getting elected in 1992 was to

make no promises he could not keep.

Iran released the American hostages and ended the long hostage crisis

on the day Carter left office after the 1980 presidential election.

The Clinton administration addressed the emergence of the Al Qaeda terrorist network in Afghanistan by

ordering air strikes on its bases.

President Bill Clinton was officially impeached in 1998 for

perjury and obstruction of justice.

From 1969 to 1972, Richard Nixon's strategy to end the Vietnam War was to

reduce American troop involvement and turn over most of the ground fighting to the South Vietnamese army.

The Immigration Act of 1965

replaced the national quotas system of the 1920s with nondiscriminatory numerical limits.

Globalization advanced in the 1990s due to corporations' quest for new markets and their

search for cheaper sources of labor.

By the 1970s, schools in northern cities were more racially segregated than schools in the South because of


The defining event of President George W. Bush's administration was

the Iraq War.

The election of 2000 was historically significant because

the Supreme Court intervened and decided the outcome.

Nearly every American city struggled to pay its bills in the 1970s because of

the continuing process of suburbanization.

Young adults' revolt against authority and middle-class respectability in the 1960s was exemplified by

the counterculture.

My Lai became a national issue in the United States in 1969 and was

the site of the massacre of nearly 500 villagers by American soldiers

The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley began in response to

the university ban on political activities by students on university property.

Muslim fundamentalists began to target Americans in the 1990s because

they objected to the American presence in Saudi Arabia.

Supply-side economics, as practiced by the Reagan administration, rested on

using tax cuts to stimulate investment, which would eventually result in higher tax revenues

NAFTA created in 1993 because it

was signed to offset the economic clout of the European Union.

Which of the following describes patterns of immigration to the United States between 1970 and 2000?

Almost 28 million immigrants came into the United States.

Which of the following precipitated a crisis in American-Iranian relations in 1979?

American support for the deposed shah of Iran

In the 1968 election and during the Nixon administration, the expression "silent majority" was used to refer to

Americans who were hardworking and avoided protest activities.

Ronald Reagan's 1980 victory can be attributed to

Americans' frustrations over the nation's declining prosperity and power.

Which of the following posed a major stumbling block to Bill Clinton's political agenda?

An increasingly troubled economy

The person who contributed most directly to the rise of conservatism in American politics after World War II was

Barry Goldwater.

During the Reagan administration, the CIA funded an anticommunist movement in

Central America

What was the outcome of the Bill Clinton's impeachment and Senate trials in 1998?

Clinton was unable to oppose the Republicans' conservative agenda effectively.

How did the conservatives of the Cold War era differ from the American conservatives of the early twentieth century?

Cold War conservatives reversed their earlier isolationism.

How did the United Sates respond to the OEc oil embargo in the early 1970's?

Congress passed a law limiting highway speeds to 55 miles per hour.

Which of the following American groups benefited the most from China's turn toward capitalism?


Which justice led the U.S. Supreme Court as it shifted toward advocacy of civil rights and civil liberties after 1954?

Earl Warren

The overwhelming majority of immigrants to the United States between 1970 and 2000 came from

East Asia and Latin America

Which of the following statements describes the feminist movement in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s?

Feminist activism addressed many issues, took a variety of forms, and affected millions of women.

The National Environmental Policy Act (1970) requires developers to

File environmental impact statements on the effect of projects on ecosystems.

Which of the following states presented contested election returns that generated an intense political controversy in the 2000 presidential race?


The resurgence of Christian faith in the United States during the 1970s and 1980s has been labeled by historians as the

Fourth Great Awakening

Which of the following occurred during the Reagan and Clinton presidencies?

Growing trade deficits

Which of the following hurt President George H. W. Bush's reelection efforts in 1992?

He claimed to be a Texas resident even though he lived in Maine.

Which of these developments took place during Bill Clinton's two terms in office?

He committed American forces to the Balkans.

Which element of Barry Goldwater's campaign platform did American voters find particularly alienating in the election of 1964?

His approach to foreign policy.

Which of the following was the cause of president Nixon's downfall?

His obstruction of justice in the Watergate matter

Which of the following was one of the factors leading to Ronald Reagan's Republican victory in 1980?

His positive attitude and decisive demeanor

Which of the following was a lasting outcome of Johnson's Great Society programs?

Improving access to health care for the poor and elderly Americans

Which of the following was a goal of President Johnson's environmental reforms?

Improving the nation's air and water

Which of the following issues did the New Right reject during the 1980 presidential election?

Increasing federal spending on social welfare programs

Which of the following statements describes the origins of the Internet?

It originated from the need to preserve and manipulate military data.

Why did the U.S. economy suffer from inflation in the mid-1970s?

It was brought on in part by military spending in Vietnam.

Which of the following describes the New Right in 1980?

Its leaders opposed big government and feared declining social morality.

The Moral Majority was founded by which of the following evangelical Christians?

Jerry Falwell

Which of the following statements characterizes affirmative action?

Opponents, many of whom had opposed civil rights, charged that it was reverse discrimination.

Which of the following was detrimental to expanding women's right in the 1970s and 1980s?

Phyllis Schlafly's STOP ERA

Which of the following was the most polarizing Supreme Court decision of the 1970s?

Roe v. Wade

Who did President Reagan christen as the "heroes for the eighties"?

Self-made entrepreneurs

Evangelical Protestantism failed to embrace

The "Social Gospel"

Which of the following is an important conservative organizational think tank that gave institutional support to the New Right?

The American Enterprise Institute

How did the Supreme Court led by Warren Burger compare to that led by Earl Warren?

The Burger Court refused to scale back the Warren Court's liberal precedents.

Which of the following statements describes the Nixon administration's domestic policies?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was signed into law by Nixon and had broad bipartisan support.

After the 1980 election, which of the following parties gained control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 1954?

The Republicans

Which of the following is true regarding the 1991 Persian Gulf War?

The United States acted with the approval of the UN Security Council.

Which of the following statements characterizes the energy needs and resources that the United States faced in the late 1960's and early 1970's?

The United States, once the world's leading producer of oil, has become heavily dependent on imported oil.

Which of the following is true of Lyndon Johnson's administration?

The Vietnam War undermined his commitment to the War on Poverty and his presidency.

In the case of Bakke v. University of California (1978), which of the following issues was under review?

affirmative action

The profits from the secret sale of arms to Iran in the 1980s were used to

aid the Contras, an opposition group in Nicaragua

In the 1980s and 1990s, conservatives blamed the decline of "family values" on the

banning of religious instruction from public schools.

In the 1990s, conservatives expressed their belief that multiculturalism would

confer preferential treatment on minority groups.

Reaganomics increased the share of wealth held by

corporations and wealthy Americans.

How many people died as a result of the September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda attacks?


What was the 1999 Battle of Seattle?

A protest at the World Trade Organization meeting against the negative effects of globalization

What was President Carter's major achievement for world peace in 1978?

Brokering a "framework for peace" for Egypt and Israel

Which of the following statements characterizes the economic consequences of the Vietnam War?

By 1968, the U.S. economy was entering a severe inflationary spiral that would last more than a decade.

Which of the following is true about the Vietnam War?

By the late 1960s, many Americans believed it was unwinnable.

Which of the following characterizes the 1968 Tet offensive?

Many Americans changed their opinions of the war after the Tet offensive.

Who masterminded the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate complex?

Members of the Committee to Re-elect the President

American foreign policy changed dramatically as a result of President Reagan's rapport with

Mikhail Gorbachev.

Which is true of the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s?

More Americans died of AIDS than were killed in the Korean and Vietnam Wars combined.

Johnson's Great Society program had a great deal in common with the

New Deal

The War Powers Act, the Freedom if Information Act, the Fair Campaign Practices Act, and the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act we're passed as a result of

Nixon's imperial presidency

In the 1970s, the phenomenon of deindustrialization in the United States was most visible in the

Northeast and Midwest

Which of the following made a critical contribution to the emergence of the sexual revolution of the 1960s?

The birth control pill

Which of the following describes the conflict over abortion rights in the United States during the 1990s?

The controversy gradually died down.

Why did the federal deficit grow dramatically in the late 1960s.

The government had spent huge sums on the Great Society programs and the Vietnam War.

Why has it been so difficult for conservative politicians to shrink the size and scope of the federal government?

The government is entrenched in the social, economic, and defense welfare of Americans.

Which of the following was true of Republicans in the 1980s?

Their core was upper-middle-class white Protestants.

Which of the following describes Title IX?

The legislation benefited women athletes.

Which of the following is true of the Reagan presidency?

The national debt tripled.

Which of the following describes Johnson's War on Poverty?

The program was Johnson's highest political priority, even more than civil rights advances.

Which of these developments spurred the birth of the modern environmentalist movement?

The publication of Silent Spring in 1962

What was the U.S. Congress trying to achieve when it passed the USA Patriot Act in 2001?

The suspension of certain civil liberties protections

Which of the following was the purpose of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

To authorize the president to take any action necessary to prevent further aggression in Vietnam

Which group of nations signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993?

United States, Mexico, Canada

What was the outcome of the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973 and 1974?

Vietnam became communist but remained an independent nation.

The Moral Majority favored

a ban on abortion

Richard Nixon's 1968 campaign for the presidency emphasized

a claim to represent the "quiet voice" of "forgotten Americans."

When Patrick Buchanan referred to "a culture war" in the 1980s, he was talking about

a national struggle between rights liberalism and Christian family morality.

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