APUSH Civil War Test

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Arrange these in order 1.) Dred Scott decision 2.) Lincoln-Douglas debates 3.) Kansas-Nebraska Act 4.) Harper Ferry raid

3.) Kansas-Nebraska Act 1.) Dred Scott decision 2.) Lincoln-Douglas debates 4.) Harper Ferry raid

Arrange the following in chronological order: A) Battle of Bull Run B) Battle of Gettysburg C) Lee's surrender at Appomattox D) Battle of Antietam

A) Battle of Bull Run D) Battle of Antietam B) Battle of Gettysburg C) Lee's Surrender at Appomattox

The Union army's success in the capture of _______ was probably critical to Lincoln's reelections in 1864

Atlanta and Mobile

The political group in the North most dangerous to the Union cause was the


The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were

Gettysburg and Antietam

Match each presidential candidate in the 1860 election below with his party's position on the slavery question A.) Abraham Lincoln 1.) extend slavery into the territories B.) Stephen Douglas 2.) ban slavery from the territories C.) John Breckenridge 3.) preserve the Union by compromise D.) John Bell 4.) enforce popular sovereignty

Lincoln - (2)ban slavery Douglas - (4)popular sovereignty Breckenridge - (1)extend slavery Bell - (3)preserve union

Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that

Lincoln had ordered supplies sent to the fort

The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because

Union victory meant that the Southern cause was doomed

In 1856, the breaking point over slavery in Kansas came with

a deadly armed attack and partial burning of the free-soil town of Lawrence by a gang of proslavery raiders

The European great powers welcomed a civil war in the United States for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

a divided America would likely put a halt to European immigration

One consequence of General William T. Sherman's style of warfare was

a shorter war that saved lives

In the presidential election of 1856, the Republicans

although not victorious, revealed impressive popular appeal in the Northeast and parts of the West for the first presidential election

Union General Ulysses S. Grant's basic strategy in the Civil War involved

assailing the enemy's armies simultaneously, massively, and directly

During the Civil War,

black were enlisted by the Union army only after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued

After assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, General George McClellan made the mistake of

consistently believing that the enemy outnumbered him

General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North through Pennsylvania in order to

deliver a decisive blow that would strengthen the Northern peace movement and encourage foreign intervention behalf of the South

The North's greatest strength in the Civil War was its

economy, particularly its greater manufacturing capacity and more efficient and extensive railroad network

The greatest weakness of the South during the Civil War was its

economy, particularly its limited manufacturing capacity and inferior railroad network

The roots of Harriet Beecher Stowe's antislavery sentiments lay in the

evangelical religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening

To achieve its independence, the confederacy had to

fight the invading Union army to a draw

As a result of the Civil War, the Northern economy

greatly expanded its industrial ad technological productivity

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 Republican party presidential nomination on part because he

had made fewer enemies than front-runner William Seward

Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because

he had been elected on a platform that opposed the extension of slavery

Lincoln declared from the outset of the Civil War that

he was not fighting to free black slaves

In invading Maryland, one of General Lee's key objectives was to

inspire the Border States, particularly the wavering Maryland, to join the Confederacy and its secessionist cause

After defeating McClellan at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Robert E. Lee decided to

invade the Union via Maryland

The North's victory at Antietam allowed President Lincoln to

issue the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, making the Civil War more of a moral crusade against slavery

In the Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court made all of the following determinations except

it decided that slaves brought into territories north of 36° 30'

The Union victory at Vicksburg was of major importance for all of the following reasons except

it was the last major battle of the Civil War

As a result of the panic of 1857, the South

over confidently believed that it was now economically superior to the North

The clash and political fallout between Congressman Preston S. Brooks of South Carolina and Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts in 1856 revealed that

passions over slavery were becoming dangerously inflamed in both North and South

In declaring their independence, the Confederate States asserted that they were following the historical example of the

principles of self-determination of the Declaration of Independence

When the people of the Britain and France read Uncle Tom's Cabin, their governments

realized that intervention in the Civil War on behalf of the South would not be popular

In Lincoln's attempts to preserve the Union, he did all of the following questionable actions as president EXCEPT

refused to implement a draft, or conscription law, during the war

Stephen A. Douglas argued, in his Freeport Doctrine, during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that

slavery would remain illegal if the people of a territory would vote it down, regardless of the Supreme Court's contrary decision in the Dred Scott case

The Emancipation Proclamation had the effect of

strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union

After John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, the South concluded that

the North was dominated by "Brown-loving" Republicans

During the Civil War, Britain and the United States were nearly provoked into war by

the Trent affair, involving the removal of Southern diplomats from a British ship by a Union warship in 1861

The Southern cause was weakened by

the concept of states' rights that the Confederacy professed ran contrary to the vision of a tight, well-knit central government held by its president, Jefferson Davis

The Union's defeat in the battle at Bull Run in 1861 was better than a victory because

the defeat caused Northerners to face up to the reality of a long, difficult war

The Civil War resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

the end of protective tariffs and isolationism

One reason that the British did not try to break the Union blockade of the South during the Civil War was that

they feared losing Northern grain shipments

In Order to persuade the Border States to remain in the Union, President Lincoln

used legally dubious methods including the declaration of martial law in Maryland and the deployment of Union soldiers in a local civil war in Missouri

Aside from ending slavery, black enlisted into the Union Army because they

wanted to prove their manhood and strengthen their postwar claim to full American citizenship

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

was a substantial political calamity for the South

The Union's establishment of the National Banking System

was the first significant step toward a unified banking network since 1836

The Civil War was a women's war in all of the following ways EXCEPT

women were encouraged to run for office to fill political posts abandoned by men

Slaves hindered the Confederacy's war efforts by

work slowdowns and strikes that diminished productivity, serving as spies, guides and courts for the Unions army andcreating the need for white men to guard slaves when they could have been on the warfront

The Lecompton Constitution was written so that Kansas

would continue to permit slavery for owners of slaves who held slaves in Kansas at the time of the ratification vote, even if the voters of Kansas enacted the Lecompton constitution "without slavery"

As a result of reading Uncle Tom's Cabin, many northerners

would have nothing to do with the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law

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