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13th Amendment

1865 amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery.

Korematsu v. United States

1944 SCOTUS case permitting internment camps

G.I. Bill

1944 law that provided services and subsidies to veterans


1945 campaign on a Japanese island that resulted in a US victory and massive casualties

Yalta Conference

1945 meeting between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin that shaped the UN but gave no decision about Germany and Poland postwar

Potsdam Conference

1945 meeting between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin that decided how Germany would be partitioned and the new world order postwar

Taft-Hartley Act

1947 law that made closed shops illegal

Dr. Spock

1950s doctor who wrote a very popular book about how to raise children

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 SCOTUS decision that overturned "separate but equal" and provided federal support for the civil rights movement

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit

1956 movie about a WWII veteran and his PTSD

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

1963 book describing the frustration of American women with discrimination and limitation

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

1963 civil rights rally in DC led by MLK

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

1964 congressional act based in questionable accounts of attacks on US ships that authorized LBJ to make any decisions concerning Vietnam

Democratic National Convention of 1968

1968 event in Chicago that sparked massive antiwar protests

Stonewall riot

1969 riot of LGBTQ people fighting back against police brutality

Roe v. Wade

1973 SCOTUS decision that protected abortion federally

OPEC Oil Embargo

1973 cut off of Middle Eastern/Russian supply of oil in protest of US support of Israel that resulted in a huge American oil shortage

Camp David Accords

1978 peace treaty for the Middle East, specifically between Egypt and Israel

Tiananmen Square

1989 protest in Beijing for more political openness that was violently crushed by Chinese military causing many deaths

Iraq War

2003-2011 conflict between Western countries and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to depose him and set up a more democratic government

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")

2010 legislation to reduce the number of uninsured Americans and decrease health care costs

Iran hostage crisis

444 days in which American embassy workers were held captive by revolutionaries in retaliation against an oppressive, American-backed government

Homestead Strike

892 strike against Carnegie that lasted four months and resulted in little change following a long conflict between workers and hired strikebreakers.

Little Rock Nine

9 Black students were barred from entering a recently desegregated school by the state government, but federal troops were sent to protect them

Scottsboro Case

9 Black teenagers who were accused of raping 2 white women and were convicted in an unfair trial

Harpers Ferry raid

raid led by John Brown in 1859 on a federal arsenal in Virginia.

Cuban Missile Crisis

13 day standoff between the USSR and the US over Soviet nuclear weapons being tested in Cuba that put the entire US under threat of nuclear annihilation

Salem Witch Trials

1629 outbreak of witchcraft accusations in Massachusettes that resulted in the killing of many women without evidence

King Philip's War/Metacom's War

1675 series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wampanoags that resulted in a colonist victory

Great Awakening

1700s religious revival in the American colonies that established many new protestant sects

Sugar Act

1764 British act that tried to tighten control over American trade with French and Spanish colonies.

Stamp Act Congress

1765 group of delegates that petitioned the British government that only the colonies could tax themselves.

Boston Tea Party

1773 Sons of Liberty (led by Samuel Adams) dumped tea from the British East India Company into the Boston harbor.

Battle of Concord

1775 first major battle of the Revolutionary War in MA that resulted in a surprising American victory.

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

1776 pamphlet that encouraged a full break between Britain and the US that built support for independence.

Articles of Confederation

1777 document that gave states independence (a firm league of friendship).

Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty

1777 law that guaranteed freedom of religion in Virginia and disestablished the state's official church.

Battle of Saratoga

1777 upstate NY battle that was a huge American victory and led directly to the French-American alliance.

Battle of Yorktown

1781 last battle of the Revolutionary War that led to the Treaty of Paris.

Shays's Rebellion

1786-1787 unsuccessful revolt by farmers from Western Massachusetts over class discontent (high taxes).

Whiskey Rebellion

1794 Federalists taxed whiskey, causing rural farmers to rebel, which was quickly shut down by Washington and the federal militia.

Jay's Treaty

1795 treaty to slow military tensions between Britain and America, get the British out of the Northwest territory, and force Americans to pay their debts to Britain.

Pinckney's Treaty

1795 treaty with Spain for New Orleans (on the mouth of the Mississippi River) that allowed Americans to store goods and have ports there.

Quasi War

1797-1800 unofficial war (especially naval) between the US and France.

Alien and Sedition Acts

1798 unconstitutional act restricting free speech that prompted the question of who is supposed to decide when a law is unconstitutional.

Embargo Act

1807 American Act placing an embargo on any foreign trade in order to harm Britain and increase domestic trade.

The Chesapeake

1807 British fired on and almost sank the Chesapeake and captured American sailors, causing national outrage at impressment.

Hartford Convention

1814 convention in which the Federalists preached states' rights to nullify acts of Congress that made the Federalists look disloyal and traitorous.

Missouri Compromise

1820 agreement brokered by Henry Clay that set the border line for slavery at the 36th parallel, admitted Missouri as a slave state, and admitted Maine as a free state.

"Tariff of Abominations"

1828 federal tariff hated by Southerners whose name was coined by John Calhoun.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 law that got rid of the Missouri Compromise line and admitted Kansas and Nebraska as states that got to exercise popular sovereignty.

Pacific Railway Act

1862 legislation that provided federal funds to build a transcontinental railroad.

Homestead Act

1862 legislation that sold 160 acres of land for a low price if they agreed to 'improve the land' and live on it for five years.

Emancipation Proclamation

1863 document that freed all enslaved people in the Confederacy, promised that the military would defend their freedom, insisted that there would be no revolt, and allowed Black Americans to join the military.

Sand Creek Massacre

1864 Colorado massacre of Arapho and Cheyenne innocents by drunk Americans.

14th Amendment

1868 amendment granting citizenship to Black Americans and granting equal protection under the law.

15th Amendment

1870 amendment protecting suffrage for all male citizens regardless of race.

Battle of Little Bighorn

1876 Lakota battle in which they surprised Custer, surrounded his regiment, and killed them.

Great Railroad Strike

1877 strike against the eastern railroads that resulted in the first major national labor conflict in the US.

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 act that banned Chinese immigration for 10 years and barred Chinese people in the US from becoming naturalized.

Pendleton Act

1883 federal legislation requiring federal bureaucrats to be chosen as a result of testing, and protecting them from political prejudice.

Desert Land Act

1887 act that allowed individuals to buy singificant land for cheap as long as they farmed on it.

Dawes Severalty Act

1887 act that gradually got rid of tribal ownership of land and forced indigenous people to abandon their collective societies and assimilate.

Interstate Commerce Act

1887 federal legislation to limit the power railroad monopolies had.

McKinley Tariff

1888 high protective tariff drafted by Republicans.

How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis)

1890 book about living in tenements.

Sherman Antitrust Act

1890 federal legislation to limit the power of corporations that was weakened over time.

Wounded Knee Massacre

1890 massacre of 300 Lakota people by white Americans

Plessy v. Ferguson

1896 SCOTUS decision that ruled that separate facilities for Black Americans and white Americans were legal as long as they were equal.

Spanish-American War

1898 war that took place in Spanish colonies and resulted in the US getting those colonies.

Platt Amendment

1901 legislation taking political liberty from Cuba.

Hepburn Act

1906 legislation regulating railroad rates.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

1914 legislation that proposed strong measures to break up trusts, but was weakened in Congress.

Espionage Act

1917 legislation that let the government prosecute more spying, sabotage, and obstruction of the war effort.

Sedition Act

1918 legislation that outlawed public opposition to the war.

Palmer Raids

1920 illegal police actions targeting radical centers.

The Great Gatsby

1925 novel about materialism.

Kellogg-Briand Plan

1928 agreement between the Allied powers to no longer go to war

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

1933 act that aimed to protect farmers from price drops but ultimately failed

Good Neighbor Policy

1933 foreign policy stating that the US would not intervene in domestic Latin American affairs


1942 US naval victory over Japan, sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers


1944 Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy that led to the liberation of France

George Washington

American general and president who was respected by all of America and set precedent for the executive branch.

Benedict Arnold

American general who committed treason and betrayed the Americans.

Nathanael Greene

American general who won the final battles of the revolution.

Manifest Destiny

American ideal of moving Westward and expanding the country.

Annexation of Puerto Rico (Foraker Act)

American military rule of Puerto Rico following the Spanish-American war ended, and Puerto Rico became a US territory.

Monroe Doctrine

American statement saying that the US would not intervene in European affairs as long as Europe did not interfere in the Americas.


Americans who wanted independence.

War Hawks

Americans who were in strong support of a war against Britain.

Osama bin Laden

Arab terrorist who led Al Qaeda


Aztec capital city that is now the site of Mexico City

Albany Plan

Benjamin Franklin's rejected plan to create a unified government for the colonies.

A. Philip Randolph

Black civil rights and labor leader

Atlanta Compromise

Booker T. Washington's philosophy that Black Americans should not fight for political rights and instead focus on self-improvement and preparation for equality.

Navigation Acts

British act declaring that raw materials from their North American colonies have to be exported only to Britain.

Currency Act

British act that regulated paper money issued by the colonies that angered Americans.

Mutiny Act

British act that required colonists to he;p provision and maintain the army.

Atlantic Charter

British and American statement in 1941 that defined their vision for the postwar world

John Burgoyne

British general and politician who played a major role in the Revolutionary War.

Prohibitory Act

British legislation that created a blockade and served as a declaration of war.

Intolerable/Coercive Acts

British legislature passed on the colonies to limit their economic and political power.


British passenger ship sunk by Germany in 1915 with many US citizens on board.

Royal Proclamation of 1763

British proclamation forbidding colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Proposition 13

Californian "tax revolt" that capped the state's real estate tax, greatly decreasing funding for government services

Gospel of Wealth

Carnegie's book stating that the riich had a responsibility to use their money to advance social progress.

Father Charles Coughlin

Catholic priest who denounced the New Deal on his radio show


Christian sect founded by Joseph Smith based in the return to tradition.


Democrats opposed to the Civil War.


English Protestants who wanted to leave the Church of England

John Smith

English explorer who helped found and govern Jamestown, Virginia

Royal African Company

English joint-stock company that had a monopoly on the slave trade

George Whitefield

English oriest who started the Great Awakening and traveled the colonies giving sermons


English pacifist dissenters who broke from the Church of England

Court Packing Plan

FDR's failed attempt to increase the # of SCOTUS judges so his New Deal programs wouldn't be overturned

"Fireside chats"

FDR's radio broadcasts informally explaining New Deal programs


Gorbachev's policy of a more open government and wider dissemination of information


Gorbachev's policy of freeing and reforming the Soviet economy

Maysville Road veto

Jackson vetoed the federal construction of a road entirely in Kentucky because it was not related to interstate commerce.

Trail of Tears / Indian Removal Act

Jacksonian forcing of indigenous people off of their land to new Western territories on foot that resulted in horrible casualties.

"common man"

Jacksonian/Jeffersonian ideal of what the average American is/should be.

John Rolfe

Jamestown colony leader who showed that tobacco could be grown successfully in Virginia


Japanese suicide pilots

Johnson's impeachment

Johnson was impeached due to his refusal to follow the Tenure of Office Act and his being an obstacle to Reconstruction.

New York draft riots

July 1863 riot because of conscription and the ability to pay to get out of it in which Black workers were targeted.

Ten Percent Plan

Lincoln's mild and lenient plan to readmit seceeded states to the Union if 10% of voters in that state swore loyalty to the Union, voted to abolish slavery, and agreed to set up schools for newly freed Black Americans.

Commonwealth v. Hunt

MA court case that ruled that labor unions and strikes were legal.

Virginia Plan

Madiison's plan that called for two houses of legislature with bodies in proportion to their population.


Mexican guest workers in the US during WWII


Mississippi battle that resulted in a Union victory and total Northern control of the Mississippi.

Joseph and Mary Brant

Mohawk brother and sister who joined the British when the Iroquois Confederacy split.

Malcolm X

Muslim leader of the civil rights movement who promoted Black Power and was assassinated in 1965

William Tweed

NYC Tammany Hall political boss.

Coney Island

NYC amusment park.

Tammany Hall

NYC political machine.

Hudson River School

NYC romantic art institute.

Works Progress Administration

New Deal agency that provided jobs working on bridges, roads, and buildings

Securities and Exchange Commission

New Deal agency that regulated financial markets and investment companies

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

New Deal government agency that provided insurance for customers their bank failed

Tennessee Valley Authority

New Deal program that built dams to control flooding and produce electricity for rural areas

Civilian Conservation Corps

New Deal program that hired unemployed young men to work on environmental/preservation projects

Social Security Act

New Deal program that provided retirement and unemployment insurance

National Recovery Administration

New Deal program that regulated production, prices, and wages


Nixon's committee for re-election that raised funds unethically

"Silent Majority"

Nixon's term to describe conservative voters


Nixon's way of describing transferring responsibility for the war to the South Vietnamese

Tet Offensive

North Vietnamese attack on US strongholds in Vietnam in 1968 that greatly decreased American support for the war

Thaddeus Stevens

Pennsylvania representative who was an abolitionist leader of the Radical Republicans.


Protestant religious group who wanted to purify the church and fled to America

Popés Rebellion/Pueblo Revolt

Pueblo indigenous rebellion that drove Spanish settlers from New Mexico

John Winthrop

Puritan governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony

Reagan Doctrine

Reagan administration's commitment to hurting the USSR by supporting militant anti-communist groups internationally

"Tear down this wall"

Reagan's challenge to Gorbachev to follow through with his liberalization reforms and end the division of Berlin

"Evil empire"

Reagan's description of the USSR during the beginning of his ending of détente


Regan's economic policies of deregulating business, reducing corporate tax rates, and lowering federal tax rates for higher level incomes

Wade-Davis Bill

Republican bill that proposed states readmission to the Union with 50% voting instead of 10% and that banned Confederate soldiers from voting.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Republican senator who opposed the Treaty of Versailles after WWI.

New Nationalism vs. New Freedom

Roosevelt's vs. Wilson's progressive approach; Roosevelt focused more on social reform, and Wilson focused on economic, free-market reform.

Compromise of 1877

Rutherford B. Hayes's promise to withdraw federal troops for the South and end Reconstruction in exchange for the support of the South in his 1876 presidential election.

Marbury v. Madison

SCOTUS case that established precedent for the power of the court to nullify an act of Congress.

Schenck v. United States

SCOTUS case that ruled that the First Amendment does not protect all speech.

Bush v. Gore

SCOTUS case that ruled the Florida recounts in the 2000 election unconstitutional, leading to Bush's victory

Schechter v. United States

SCOTUS case that struck down the National Recovery Act

Dred Scott v. Sandford

SCOTUS decision in which it was ruled that Black people in America were not citizens and that enslaved people were property and therefore ownership was protected by the Bill of Rights.

Olive Branch Petition

Second Continental Congress petition that was a final attempt to avoid war between Britain and the US.

Andrew Mellon

Secretary of the Treasury following WWI who greatly reduced taxes.

James Henry Hammond

South Carolina senator who defended and promoted slavery.


Southeast indigenous settlement and trading hub

Sun Belt

Southern and Southwestern states with warm climates and recent, rapid population growth

The Lost Cause

Southern idea that painted the Civil War as a lost cause and something to be dedicated and romanticized.

slave codes

Southern laws to control enslaved people.

Adams-Onís (Transcontinental) Treaty

Spain gave Florida to the US in exchange for Texas.

Catholic missions

Spanish Catholic settlements in the Americas that spread religion and forced conversion


Spanish conquerors

Bartolome Las Casas

Spanish priest and missionary who begged for better treatment for indigenous Americans

Alger Hiss

State Department official accused of being a communist spy; charges were dropped but he was eventually convicted of perjury

Jean Jacque Rousseau

Swiss philosopher who influenced the Age of Enlightenment.

Headright System

The Virginia Company's system in which settlers each received 50 acres of land

Open Door Policy

US asked imperialist powers in China to allow them to do trade without interference and was denied.

Pearl Harbor

US base in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan in 1941, causing the US to enter the war

U.S.S. Maine

US battleship that exploded in Havana in 1898, starting the Spanish-American War.

My Lai

US massacre of hundreds of innocent Vietnamese villagers

War of 1812

US vs. Britain/indigenous that resulted in a mild American victory and much better British-American relations that started due to impressment, land goals, and tensions with indigenous North Americans.

American emigration to Mexican territory

US-Mexico trade strengthened and many Americans moved into Mexican territory to take the jobs of Mexican traders.

Sherman's March to the Sea

Union march all the way through Georgia to the coast where Union soldiers destroyed Southern resources and towns and liberated enslaved people.

Battle of Antietam

Union victory in Maryland that stopped Lee from invading the North and could have resulted in the North winning the entire war, but instead resulted in very high casualties.

Great White Fleet

WWI US navy.

Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's speech upon leaving the presidency that preached unity and smoke againsts party divisions.

Open-range ranching

Western ranching in which cattle roam freely regardless of property ownership.

Log Cabin Campaign (Election of 1840)

William Henry Harrison's presidential campaign as a simple man of the people.

Fourteen Points

Wilson's list of reasons the US should fight in WWI.

Joseph McCarthy

Wisconsin senator who led anti-communist witch hunts with no evidence

Battle of Tippecanoe

a horrific attack on indigenous people in Indiana by whitie colonizers.

"Era of Good Feelings"

a period mainly during Monroe's presidency in which there was no war, the US was expanding geographically and economically, nationalism was on the rise, and the Federalist party declined majorly.

Frederick Douglass

abolitionist who escaped from slavery and spoke on tours around the country.

John Brown

abolitionist who led the Harpers Ferry raid and died for his cause.

Specie Circular

act forcing people to pay for federal land in gold coins (species).

Tea Act

act of taxation to help the British East India Company that gave them a monopoly on the sale of tea in the colonies.


advancements in water transportation that allowed for faster and smaller transportation in canals.


advocacy organization for women's rights

Booker T. Washington

advocate for Black education.

Alfred Thayer Mahan

advocate for US militarized imperialism using the navy.


advocates against isolationism.

War Industries Board

agency created to coordinate purchases of war supplies.

Gentlemen's Agreement

agreement between Roosevelt and Japan in which Japanese immigration would be limited.

5-Power Pact

agreement between the US, France, Britain, Japan, and Italy limiting the size of their navies

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

agreement that created a free-trade area among the US, Canada, and Mexico

17th Amendment

amendment granting direct election of senators.

19th Amendment

amendment granting women's suffrage.

18th Amendment

amendment instituting prohibition.

16th Amendment

amendment legalizing a federal income tax.

Closed shop

an agreement in which a company agrees to hire only union members

"Right to Life"

anti-abortion movement

Temperance Movement

anti-alcohol movement to prevent poverty and drunkenness and protect women and children.


anti-immigrant discrimination.

Harlem Renaissance

artistic movement of Black intellectuals in NYC.

Bacon's Rebellion

attack led by Nathaniel Bacon with farmers to attack indigenous people to gain more land

McCormick Reaper

automatic reaper that made grain harvesting significantly easier.


avoiding harsh realities; done by the upper classes to ignore poverty


ban on the sale and manufacture of alcoholic beverages.

Bank of the United States

bank created by Hamilton in order to stimulate the American economy and protect the US.

Battle of New Orleans

battle in which the US very successfully defended New Orleans against the British that occurred after the peace treaty was signed.

Jack Kerouac

beat author of "On the Road"

salutary neglect

beneficial lack of enforcement of a law.

"City on a hill"

biblical ideal invoked by John Winthrop of a society governed by civil liberty that would be an example to the world

Election of 2008

blow-out election between Barack Obama and John McCain

Haymarket Square bombing

bombing at a strike against McCormick in Chicago that resulted in the downfall of the Knights of Labor.

Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

book about American democracy that became popular in Europe and exposed the strengths and weaknesses of the American government.

Edward R. Murrow

broadcaster whose work led to the censure of McCarthy

Gibbons v. Ogden

case concerning interstate commerce and monopolies in which it was ruled that the federal government, not the states, can regulate interstate commerce.

Scopes Trial

case over the debate whether to teach evolution or creationism in schools.

Worcester v. Georgia

case ruling that indigenous people are free from state authority but under control of the federal government.

Necessary evil vs. positive good

change in thinking/justification of proslavery people from the Jeffersonian to Jackson eras.


civil right group that promoted non-violence and was ran by students

Rosa Parks

civil rights activist who was arrested for not giving her seat to a white man on a bus

Freedom rides

civil rights protests in which Black and white students traveled on interstate buses through segregated states

Elastic (or necessary and proper) clause

clause in the Constitution stating that the government has the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the enumerated powers in the Constitution.

Article X of the League of Nations

clause requiring the US to respect the territory of members of the League of Nations.

Election of 2000

close election between George W. Bush and Al Gore that came down to recounts in Florida

Zoot suit

clothes worn by Mexican-Americans during the 1940s

Popular Front

coalition of leftists that pushed for US involvement in Europe


coalition of middle/upper class white Southern that sought to redeem the South postwar by blocking Reconstruction, oppressing Black Americans, and limiting Republican influence.

Indentured servants

colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for 4-7 years

Rebel Without a Cause

coming-of-age movie starring James Dean that depicted differences between generations

Fair Employment Practices Commission

committee created by FDR to encourage Black Americans to enter the defense workforce and investigate racism in government jobs

Joint-stock company

company made of a group of shareholders who split the profits and costs

American Fur Company

company that rose to prominence during Western expansion by working/clashing with indigenous fur traders.

Office of War Mobilization

dederal agency formed to coordinate war production during WWII


compliance with social norms

Great Compromise

compromise when forming the government over representation in congress.

Three-fifths Compromise

compromise when forming the government over whether enslaved people counted as people.

popular sovereignty

concept of letting the citizens in each state that joined the US choose whether to be a free or slave state.

Enforcement Acts

congressional acts prohibiting states from discriminating against voters on the basis of race and gave the federal government authority to prosecute crimes by individuals under federal law.


congressional committee that held public investigations into communist subterfuge in the US government

Phyllis Schlafly

conservative political activist that denounced the women's rights movement

Tea Party

conservative political movement opposing government spending and taxes

"Survival of the fittest"

conservative social theory that wealthy capitalists deserved their success.

Annexation of Texas

controversial political decision to include Texas in the Union and risk war with Mexico.

Welfare capitalism

corporate strategy for decreasing labor unrest by improving conditions.

Long-staple/sea-island cotton

cotton that is easier to process but grows in very select places in North America.

Greenseed/upland/short-staple cotton

cotton that is harder to process without a cotton gin but grows everywhere in North America.

The Rosenbergs

couple convicted and executed for giving secret information about the atomic bomb to the USSR

judicial review

courts have the power to declare acts by Congress unconstitutional.

American System

creation of a national transportation system to connect the country and encourage nationalism.

Robert Fulton

creator of a steamboat that could carry passengers.

Samuel Slater

creator of the first textile factory in America in Rhode Island.

John Deere

creator of the steel plow.

Samuel Morse

creator of the telegraph.

crop-lien system

credit system used in the postwar South in which farmers promised a portion of their future crops in exchange for supplies from merchants.

"Black Tuesday"

crisis on October 29, 1929 when investors sold all their shares and the stock market crashed

Earth Day

holiday founded in 1970 to heighten awareness of environmental issues

First Continental Congress

delegates from almost all of the colonies met in the wake of the Intolerable Acts and decided to take much firmer action against Britain.

Second Continental Congress

delegates from almost every colony that agreed to support the Revolutionary War.

Stephen Douglas

democratic senator for Illinois who ran against Lincoln in the presidential election of 1860.

"Double-V" campaign

desire during WWII for military victory and civil rights victory

Internment camps

detention centers where hundreds of thousands of Japanese-Americans were wrongly imprisoned during WWII

Separation of Powers

different branches of the federal government have different powers to keep one branch from dominating.

"Moral diplomacy"

diplomatic support is only given to countries with similar beliefs to the US.

Venezuela border dispute

dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain in which the US intervened and used the Monroe Doctrine.

Roger Williams

dissenter who clashed was banished by the Massachusettes Puritans and founded Rhode Island

Declaration of Independence

document written by the Continental Congress that provided formal justifications for a full split from Britain.


economic belief that one nation could only grow rich at the expense of another, practiced by selling as much as possible to foreign lands and buying as little as possible from them.

Supply-side economics

economic belief that tax cuts can help an economy by raising supply


economic system in which nations tried to gain huge amounts of gold and silver and export more than they imported

John Dewey

educator who preached flexible and democratic learning.

Social Gospel

effort to use Christianity for social reform.

House of Burgesses

elected assembly in colonial Virginia

Primary elections

elections that allow voters to pick the candidates.

Fictive kinship

enslaved people created their own families because they were taken away from theirs.

Red Scare

era of public fear and government repression of leftist radicalism immediately following WWI.


ethical/medical movement that gives people reproductive freedom and the right to choose


ethnic groups created from mass displacement.

"American Plan"

euphemism for open shops and anti-union opinion.

Columbian Exchange

exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and Europe following the first voyages to the Americas

Wilmot Proviso

failed congressional plan to prohibit slavery in territory gained from Mexico.


farming system in which landowners rented fields to farmers in exchange for a share of their production.

Confiscation Acts

federal laws passed during the Civil War designed to free enslaved people held by Confederates.

Teller Amendment

federal legislation stating that the US had no intentions to intervene in Cuba after the Spanish-American War.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1964

federal legislation that allowed for increased immigration from most of the world and removed the preference for northern Europeans

Morrill Land Grant Act

federal legislation that allowed for the creation of public universities.

Clean Air Act

federal legislation that established regulations for air pollution in states and auto/industry emissions

Clean Water Act

federal legislation that governed water pollution

Civil Rights Act of 1964

federal legislation that outlawed discrimination and segregation of public accommodations and created a commission to enforce this

Voting Rights Act of 1965

federal legislation that provided protection to Black voters and outlawed discriminatory voting laws

"Range wars"

fights between cattlemen, ranchers, and farmers over land.

Baltimore & Ohio RR

first American railroads.

Jackie Robinson

first Black MLB player

Elizabeth Eckford

first Black student to enter Little Rock HS

Alexander Hamilton

first US Secretary of the Treasury that set up the American financial and economic system.

Mayflower Compact

first agreement for self-government in America that set up a government for the Plymouth Colony


first artificial satellite launched by the USSR in 1957

Model T

first car available for sale.

The Jazz Singer

first film with dialogue.

First Battle of Bull Run

first major battle of the Civil War fought in Northern Virginia in which the South won.


first permanent English settlement in North America

Perkins School

first school created specifically for blind Americans.

Sarah and Angelica Grimke

first wave feminists and abolitionists.


forced labor system in which Spanish colonizers were given land grants and were allowed to enslave any indigenous people on their land

Second middle passage

forced movement of enslaved people to the down South.

David Walker

fore-runner of abolition and anti-colonization.

Dollar Diplomacy

foreign policies used by Taft in South America that prioritized US economic interests.


foreign policy adopted by the Nixon administration to ease hostilities between countries during the Cold War

Nixon Doctrine

foreign policy plan to continue to support anticommunist military needs of allies while cutting back on sending US forces


foreign policy to prevent the spread of communism

Truman Doctrine, NSC-68

foreign policy to support groups fighting against communism across the world


form of government in which power is shared between states and a federal government


form of theater and urban entertainment.

Proclamation of Neutrality

formal announcement by Washington that declared the US neutral in the war between Britain and France.

Sojourner Truth

formerly enslaved woman who lectured for abolition, equality, and suffrage.

Fort Sumter

fort in South Carolina that was shelled by Confederates in 1861, igniting the Civil War.

Valley Forge

fort where Washington spent the winter of 1777.

Marcus Garvey

founder of the UNIA that rejected Black assimilation into white society.

James Madison

founding father who served as a Republican fourth president and had a pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution.

John Adams

founding father who served as a moderate Federalist second president who generally garnered little respect.

Daughters of Liberty

general term for women who fought for liberty during the Revolution.

California Gold Rush

gold was found in the newly acquired territory of California and millions of people rushed to try to find it.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

government agency established by Hoover in 1932 to give economic assistance to businesses


government organization designed to regulate pollution, emissions, and all factors harming the environment

Freedmen's Bureau

government organization that helped freed enslaved people establish their free lives and set up schools and housing.

Committee on Public Information

government propaganda agency.

Internal Improvements

government-sponsored improvement/creation of transportation systems, canals, roads, etc.

Public land grants

grants given to private railroad companies by the US government, often taken from indigenous peoples.


group founded by MLK to mobilize Black churches on behalf of the nonviolent civil rights movement

Bonus Army

group of WWI veterans who demanded pensions during the Great Depression


group of indigenous peoples in the woodlands of the Northeast

National Consumers League

group of women that tried to force retailers to improve wages and working conditions.

Beat Generation

group of writers and authors who criticized middle-class society and conformity

Iroquois Confederacy

grouping of indigenous nations in the Northeast.

Middle class (Gentility)

growing middle class that began due to the industrial revolution.


guerrilla communist soldiers in South Vietnam that fought in support of North Vietnam


highly contagious and deadly disease that killed millions of indigenous people in the Americas


hired German soldiers that fought for the British in the Revolutionary War.

Tulsa massacre

horrific white supremacist massacre that killed hundreds of Black people.

Settlement House

housing established to help immigrants and adapt and force them to assimilate.

"Body counts"

how the US measured success in Vietnam by counting the number of Vietnamese killed


hugely destructive terrorist attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that led to the war on terrorism

Dorothea Lange

iconic photographer who photographed the Dust Bowl

William Lloyd Garrison

iconic radical abolitionist and editor of The Liberator.

Social Darwinism

idea of every man for himself; only the strong survive.

"We the People"

idea of social contract theory ingrained in the Constitution.

Positive Good

idea that slavery was a system beneficial to both the enslavers and the enslaved.

Jacksonian democracy

ideal of democracy for every white man.

The "southern lady"

ideal, romanticized version of rich white Southern women.

SDI ("Star Wars")

impractical and failed plan by Reagan to shoot down nuclear missiles with lasers in space; huge government funding was sank into it


indigenous chief and founder of the Powhatan Confederacy n eastern Virginia

Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa

indigenous leaders who fought with Britain in the Ohio River Valley.

Aztecs (Mexica)

indigenous population in modern day Mexico that was destroyed by Spanish colonizers

Pontiac's Rebellion

indigenous united rebellion against British rule in the Ohio Valley.

Tatanka Iyotanka (Sitting Bull)

indigneous leader in Montana.


indingeous peoples in the Midwest and West plains.


inexpensive suburban developments of similar homes

Bill of Rights

initial amendments to the Constitution that laid out basic rights for Americans.

Annexation of the Philippines

instead of recognizing the Philippines' declaration of independence following the Spanish-American War, the US annexed the Philippines, resulting in war.


intellectual movement that formed as a reaction against the Enlightenment, based in emotionality, individuality, and intuition.

XYZ Affair

international incident between U.S. and French diplomats that sparked the quasi war between France and the United States

United Nations

international organization established postwar to prevent war and keep peace

strict vs. loose interpretation

interpreting the Constitution very literally and sticking to the enumerated powers vs. adapting the Constitution.

Cotton gin

invention by Eli Whitney that transformed cotton into a major cash crop and revived slavery.


investigative journalists who exposed corruption and injustice.

Lowell (Waltham) System

labor recruitment system during early industrialization in which young white women from farms would go to work in textile mills


labor union of farm workers that used nonviolent protests and strikes

Middle grounds

lands where the Europeans and indigenous peoples both lived

Battle of Gettysburg

largest and deadliest battle of the Civil War fought in PA that resulted in a vastly important Union victory.

National Origins Act of 1924

law banning immigration from East Asia and restricting European immigration.

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

law enacted in the Compromise of 1850 that required any escaped enslaved person to be taken by federal officers to the plantation they escaped from.

Northwest Ordinance (1787)

law governing the western settlement that created a single territory of North Ohio.

Barbados slave trade

laws that inspired US slave laws of complete control and humans as property

Denmark Vesey

leader of a foiled slave revolt.

Gabriel Prosser

leader of a massive slave revolt that was caught before it began.

Nat Turner

leader of a semi-successful slave revolt.

Dorothea Dix

leader of mental hospital reform.

Cesar Chavez

leader of the (mostly Hispanic) farm workers movement in the Western US

Emilio Aguinaldo

leader of the Filipino government.

Ulysses Grant

leading Union general who gained command after a tumultuous start to Union military leadership and eventually became president.

Robert Lee

leading confederate general.

Langston Hughes

leading writer of the Harlem Renaissance

Home rule charter

legal concept implying that each level of government has a separate realm of authority.

Neutrality Act of 1939

legislation allowing the US to sell munitions to belligerent countries

Reconstruction Acts

legislation passed by the federal government to control former Confederate states and set conditions for their readmission to the Union.

Pure Food and Drug Act

legislation restricting the sale of dangerous medicine.

Neutrality Acts (of 1935 and 1937)

legislation stating that Americans could not travel nor sell arms to countries at war

Lend-Lease Act

legislation that allowed the US to give war materials to any nation as long as it would help defend the US

Letter from Birmingham Jail

letter written by MLK encouraging civil disobedience

Market Revolution

linking of northern industries with western and southern farms through advances in agriculture, industry, and transportation

Cotton kingdom

lower South in the Jacksonian era.

'Bleeding Kansas'

major contributing event to the Civil War in which people in Kansas physically fought and rioted over whether the territory would become a free or slave state.

American bison

major food and life source for indigenous plains peoples that were killed in mass numbers during westward expansion.

Federal Reserve Act

major reform of the banking system that gave the federal government more financial control.

Report on the Public Credit

major report on economic policy by Hamilton that recommends reorganizing national debt and establishing public credit.

Panama Canal

man made canal linking the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Federal Highway Act of 1956

massive 10-year federal project to set up interstate highways

Erie Canal

massive construction project that economically opened New York to the West.

Panic of 1837

massive economic crash due to Jackson's policies, speculation, and bank failure.

Louisiana Purchase

massive purchase of Louisiana by the US from France/Napoleon because France needed money and the US wanted access to ports.

'Duck and Cover'

method of personal protection against the effects of a nuclear explosion

'Massive retaliation'

military doctrine in which the US would respond with much greater force than they were attacked with to a (probably nuclear) attack

Martin Luther King Jr.

minister and leader of the civil rights movement until his assassination in 1968

John Rockefeller (Standard Oil)

monopolist who ran a corporate empire and created the first trust.

Andrew Carnegie (US Steel)

monopolist, richest man in the world, and philanthropist who made money through steel.

Hull House

most famous settlement house.

Moral Majority

movement during the 1980s in favor of religious conservatism and against social justice movements

Common School Movement

movement for equality in education that addressed class and political inequality and was spearheaded by Horace Mann.


movement for the abolition of slavery.


movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason and reevaluation of social norms

Great Migration

movement of Black Americans from the rural South to cities in the North.

Black Lives Matter

movement to protest police brutality against Black Americans

Kent State Massacre

murder of 4 college students by the National Guard in 1970 during an antiwar protest


music festival in upstate NY that became a symbol of counterculture

Peculiar institution

name for the American enslavement system representing how different it was from the rest of the world.

"King Mob"

name given to Jacksonian government by critics following Jackson's inaugural celebration.

"Axis of Evil"

name used by Bush to accuse Iraq, Iran, and North Korea of supporting terrorism and nuclear weapons

American Federation of Labor

national labor union open only to white male skilled workers that concentrated on bread and butter issues (wages and hours).

Knights of Labor

national labor union open to all workers concentrated on long-term reform of the economy.

Farmers' Alliances

national unions of farmers that formed cooperatives and marketing mechanisms.

Al Qaeda

network of Islamic terrorist organizations led by Osama bin Laden that carried out major terrorist attacks against the US


new legal entity created primarily by Rockefeller to allow corporations to do business and exploit across state lines.

Molly Pitcher

nickname for a woman who fought in the Revolutionary War.


nickname for farmers who migrated from the Dust Bowl to California

weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation

no national army, no national power of taxation, and no sole control over foreign affairs.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

novel describing conditions in the meatpacking industry.

The Grapes of Wrath

novel written by John Steinbeck about a family who migrated to California due to the dust bowl

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

nuclear attacks during World War II against Japan that killed hundreds of thousands

Vertical integration

one corporation controls all of the means to make their product in different industries.

Morning in America

one of Reagan's political TV commercials that was very effective

Berlin Blockade/Airlift

operation to combat the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by airlifting supplies in to Germans

Anti-Imperialist League

organization against imperialism and the annexation of the Philippines.


organization fighting for women's suffrage.


organization for civil rights.

American Colonization Society

organization founded by Henry Clay to send Black Americans to Liberia.

American Indian Movement (AIM)

organization of indigenous activists founded in 1968 to promote native self-determination

W.E.B. DuBois

pan-Africanist civil rights activist.


paper currency not backed by gold or silver.

Whig Party

party in the second party system that emerged as a different branch of the Democratic-Republicans.

(Democratic-)Republican Party

party that arose in opposition to the Federalists.


people against a powerful centralized federal government.

Banking Crisis

people lost confidence in the banks and withdrew their money, causing banks to fail


people loyal to Britain


people of mixed indigenous and European descent

Baby Boom

period from 1946-1964 of increased birthrate


period of high unemployment and slow economic growth causing inflation

French Revolution

period of radical political and societal change in France that destroyed the monarchy and happened with Enlightenment principles.

Roosevelt Recession

period when FDR cut New Deal spending to balance the budget, causing another economic downturn


person of mixed African and European descent


philosophy of only believing what is scientifically provable.

Black Power

philosophy of racial empowerment as opposed to assimilation into white culture

Chuck Berry

pioneer of rock and roll

Margaret Sanger

pioneer of the birth control movement.

New Jersey Plan

plan offered at the Constitutional Convention by William Paterson that would have a one-house legislature with equal representation for all states that had power to tax and regulate commerce.

Marshall Plan

plan postwar to reinvigorate Western European economies and form alliances by giving them huge amounts of money

Dawes Plan

plan to revive the German economy after WWI by loaning them money


policy of negotiating by pushing a situation to the edge of war

Bank War

political battle between proponents (Clay) and opponents (Jackson) of the rechartering of the Second Bank of the US.

Grand Army of the Republic

political group of Union veterans that lobbied for pensions.

committees of correspondence

political organizations that formed an intercolonial network created to publicize grievances against Britain.

Jeffersonian Democracy

political outlook in support of republicanism and virtue.

Know-Nothing Party

political party against immigration and any non-white, American born people.

Republican Party

political party formed by opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Federalist Party

political party that wanted the US to be a nation-state with centralized authority and a complex commercial economy.


political theory of more individual and states rights and less federal power.

Huey Long

politican from Louisiana who criticized the New Deal

Turner Frontier Thesis

popularly accepted essay published by a historian claiming that Western expansion promoted individualism and democracy and defined American culture.


postwar alliance of the US and Western European powers, unified against Soviet invasion

Samuel Gompers

powerful leader of the AFL.

implied powers

powers that although not explicitly stated in the Constitution, are implied to be available based on other powers that are stated.


practice of British commanders forcing colonists into the army.

Abu Ghraib

prison in Iraq where Americans abused and tortured prisoners

Community Action programs

programs created by LBJ that employed members of poor communities in the administration of local services

Equal Rights Amendment

proposed constitutional amendment that would ban discrimination based on gender

Montgomery Bus Boycott

protest to end segregation on public transportation


protests by Black college students who sat at segregated restaurants and refused to leave until they were served

"Yellow peril"

racist and xenophobic fear of Southeast Asian immigrants.

Ku Klux Klan

racist secret society that used terrorism and violence.

The Liberator

radical abolitionist newspaper edited by William Lloyd Garrison.

Industrial Workers of the World

radical socialist labor union that included skilled and unskilled workers.

Transcontinental RR

railroad created by the 1862 Pacific Railway Act that connected the expanding West with the East.

City manager plan

reform in which elected officials hired an expert to take charge of the government and serve similarly to a mayor.

Referendum elections

reform in which state legislation had to be approved by voters.

Commission plan

reform in which the mayor and city council are replaced by an elected, nonpartisan commission.


reform movement that attempted to impose order on a society rapidly changing due to industrialization, immigration, and urbanization.

Protestant Reformation

reform movement within the Catholic Church that split the church and created many new Christian denominations

Second Great Awakening

religious revival movement that rejected established churches and predestination.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolves

resolves written by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts that argued that states had the right to nullify federal laws.

Haitian Revolution

revolt of enslaved people in Haiti in opposition to the French colonial regime there with the result of Haiti becoming an independent nation.

Sons of Liberty

revolutionary patriotic group led by Samuel Adams.

Elvis Presley

rock singer who became a cultural icon

Herman Melville

romantic author that wrote Moby Dick.

Edgar Allen Poe

romantic author that wrote The Raven.

Walt Whitman

romantic poet that wrote Leaves of Grass.


scandal involving Nixon's campaigners spying on the other party and Nixon's coverup that resulted in his resignation

Boston Massacre

scuffle between Americans and British soldiers that resulted in five dead Americans and inaccurate media portrayal, causing rage across America.

Pentagon Papers

secret government documents that revealed that info about the Vietnam War had been kept from Congress and the public by Nixon and the executive branch


seeking elegance and refinement through materialism.

Yellow journalism

sensationalist, false reporting to sell more newspapers.


separation and the ability to make decisions apart from the centralized government.

Insular cases

series of SCOTUS cases from 1901 to 1922 that limited rights to citizens in US territories.

Circular Letter

statement by patriots in response to the Townshend Acts that was circulated widely.

Compromise of 1850

series of bills passed to diffusion tensions over slavery that admitted California as a free state, abolished slavery in Washington D.C., and established the Fugitive Slave Act.

Lincoln-Douglas debates

series of debates mainly over slavery that increased Lincoln's following.

Federalist Papers

series of essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison defending the Constitution to the public.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

series of jungle paths used by North Vietnamese soldiers to get supplies into South Vietnam


series of negotiations about nuclear arms reduction between the US and the USSR


serious immune disease transmitted through blood that killed tens of millions of people due to Reagan's homophobia and avoidance

Dust Bowl

severe drought in the Great Plains region that killed crops and people

Great Recession

severe economic downturn and housing market crisis from 2007-2009


shantytowns built by unemployed people during the Great Depression

Concentration policy

short-lived government policy that created designated reservations for indigenous tribes using fake treaties.

Comstock Lode

silver vein in Nevada.


slang term used by white Southern Democrats for white men from the North who settled in the South postwar to make money and support Republican policies.


slum housing in which many people were packed very closely together.

"City Beautiful" movement

social movement to make cities more pleasent to live in.


social welfare program created by LBJ to provide healthcare to all people in need


social welfare program created by LBJ to provide healthcare to the elderly


society of believers in the temperance movement.

"Crisis of confidence" speech

speech given by Jimmy Carter about problems the US was facing in which he admitted he had no solutions

Black Codes

state laws passed during and after Reconstruction in the South to oppress Black Americans.

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

statement that the US could intervene in domestic affairs in other countries in the Western hemisphere.

Gifford Pinchot vs. John Muir

struggle between environmentalists between conservation and preservation.


subset of romanticism that valued the mythic, nature, and individualism.

Charleston dance

swing dance popular in the 1920s.

Rosie the Riveter

symbol of American women who went to work in factories during WWII

Spoils system

system in which people who support someone's candidacy will be given an office once that person is elected.

checks and balances

system of mutual assessment and correction put in place to keep one of the three branches of government from ascending into tyranny.

Triangular trade

system of trade during 1600s-1800s in which Africa sent slaves to America, America sent raw materials to Europe, and Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

tariff enacted in 1930 to stimulate domestic manufacturing that triggered retaliatory tariffs globally

Stamp Act

taxes levied by Britain on every printed document in the colonies that infuriated the Americans.

Townshend Duties

taxes on goods imported to the colonies from Britain.

Zimmerman Telegram

telegram intercepted by the US in which Germany asked Mexico to start a war with the US.

Army-McCarthy Hearings

televised congressional hearings in which McCarthy accused people of being communists that led to his official censure

"Dummy registrants"

term for how some wealthy people used a loophole in the land grant acts by having someone else sign up and then transfer it to them.

interchangeable parts

the ability to fix machines much more quickly that was key to the American industrial revolution.

Bank Holiday

the federal government closed all banks for 4 days to work on banking reform

Middle passage

the horrible journey undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies that killed hundreds of thousands of Africans

Virtual Representation

the idea that elected representatives represent the interests of the whole nation.


the last queen of Hawaii who tried to challenge US imperial control.

enumerated powers

the powers the government has are strictly limited.

Clinton impeachment

the president was impeached for perjury (lying about an affair with an aid)

Fur trade

the trading of goods for animal skins that was a prime reason for colonization of North America

Machine tools

tools used to make machinery parts.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

tragedy in NYC that was influential in passing prominent labor laws.

Henry David Thoreau

transcendentalist author that wrote Walden Pond.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

treaty that ended the Mexican-American war and gave the US Texas, California, and all the states in between (basically the Southwest).

Treaty of Paris (1763)

treaty that ended the Seven Years' War signed between Britain, France, and Spain.

Treaty of Paris (1783)

treaty to end the Revolutionary War that was very favorable to the US.

Treaty of Ghent

treaty to end the War of 1812 that went back to status quo antebellum that was mildly favorable to the US.

"Corrupt Bargain"

what Jacksonians called the backroom dealings between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams to get Adams elected over Jackson.

Sacco and Vanzetti

two anarchists accused of murder who were indicted because of widespread nativism.

The Grangers

union of farmers formed to protect farmers' interests against railroad monopolies; predecessor to farmers' alliances.


union of tribes in southern New England against English colonizers


using art to draw attention to societal problems and not glorifying the country.

Persian Gulf War

very one-sided conflict between Iraq and Kuwait/US to remove Iraqi forces that invaded Kuwait for oil, resulting in an American victory

Oregon Trail

wagon route that linked the Missouri River to Oregon and was used as a main passageway for white western settlers in the mid 1800s.

Korean War

war between communist North Korea (backed by China) and anti-communist South Korea (backed by the US and the UN) that resulted in a stalemate

US-Afghanistan War

war led by Bush following 9/11 against Taliban/terrorist leaders in the Middle East

2nd Great Awakening

wave of Protestant revival in the early 1800s.

Planter class (paternalism)

wealthy Southern plantation owners.

Watts riot

week-long riots in LA against police brutality that led to many deaths

Revolution of 1800

what Jefferson called his election because he thought it would bring a dramatic change in national government; it did not.

Nullification Crisis

when the South Carolina state legislature voted to nullify a federal tariff, Jackson called it treason.

Memphis massacre of 1866

white Southerners attacked and massacred newly freed Black residents and soldiers.

Abigail Adams

wife of John Adams who fought for legal protections for women.

Radical Republicans

wing of the Republican Party that aggressively opposed slavery and fought to expand and protect civil rights postwar.

Deborah Sampson

woman who dressed as a man in order to fight in the Revolutionary War.

Separate spheres

women and men have different responsibilities in and out of the house.

Cult of True Womanhood / Cult of Domesticity

women being stuck in domestic life and not being involved with political/outside affairs.

"Seven Sisters"

women-only colleges created by the Ivy League as semi-partners for their male-only institutions.

Task labor

working on a specific task until it is accomplished.

Gang labor

working until a set time with no set work goal.


young women in the 1920s who challenged traditional gender roles.

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