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"driven through insufferable hunger to eat those things... flesh and excrements of man... treated to kill and eat them..." quote Based upon your knowledge of early colonial history, the above excerpt is mostly likely an account of what era or event

A first-hand account of the "starving time" at Jamestown, Virginia

imports/exports to the British colonies of North America chart which of the following best explains the sharp increase in imports and exports in the late 1760s and early 1770s

Americans ended their boycott against British goods and began trading w Britain again following the real of the stamp act

which of the following best explains the sharp decrease in trade from 1775 to 1780

Americans ended their boycott against British goods and began trading with Britain again following the repeal of the stamp act

The events as described by the authors above (Salem witch hunt) are most similar to which of the following

Bacon's Rebellion

volume and direction of the transatlantic slave trade map the major pattern on the map best supports which of the following statements?

British colonies in North America typically had a lower demand for slave labor than did the colonies of other European countries

thomas Paine common sense quote and Jefferson declaration of independence quote the excerpts were written in response to the

British government's attempt to assert greater control over the North American colonies

Hernan Cortes quote("Moctezuma" etc.) The interaction between Cortes and Moctezuma most strongly demonstrates Cortes'

Desire for increased power and status

The French most differed from the Spanish in relations with American Indians in that the French

Developed stronger alliances with American indians

which of the following contributed most to the increasing use of African slave labor in North America during the 1600s and 1700s

European demand for agricultural products grown in the colonies

estimated population of the southern colonies graph which of the following was the most direct effect of the changes shown in the graph?

European settlers were able to gain control over Native American lands

According to English law, a printed attack on a public official

Even if true, was considered libelous

Andrew Hamilton quote ("what my client is charged with is not libel") John Peter Zenger trial quote In the above excerpt why did Andrew Hamilton place such emphasis on the word "false"

Hamilton argued that in a free society, no one should be punished for telling the truth

The conditions described above (starving time) only subsided after

Lord De La Warr took control of the colony in 1610, and imposed harsh military command over the colony

The most advanced Native American cultures appeared in which region of North America?

Mexico and Central America

what became the new east-west border between England and Spanish North American land claims in 1763

Mississippi River

Which of the following was a major contrast between New England colonies and those established along the Chesapeake Bay?

New England's populations tended to be larger and more gender balanced

proclamation of 1763 map the territorial restrictions made by European powers as indicated on the map above are most reflective of which of the following events

Pontiac's rebellion

English Parliament Navigation Acts quote "For the increase of shipping... do belong to his majesty" Which of the following most likely motivated Parliament to pass the law in the excerpt

The desire to pursue mercantilist goals

Which of the following was a primary feature of social relations established in the Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere

The development of a rigid racial hierarchy

British settlement on the eve of the revolution map the patterns of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe

The trends described by Taylor most directly illustrate which of the following major historical developments in the Atlantic world?

The phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange

The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

The population decline in Native American societies

Moctezuma's statement that the mexica "were not the aborigines of the country" most likely refers to which of the following developments?

The presence of different and complex societies before European contact

Which of the following was a long-term result of the situation in Jamestown described in the excerpt?

The rise of the plantation system and the use of African slaves

Europeans most typically explained the process described in the excerpt in which of the following ways?

Viewing it as proof of the higher level of civilization among Europeans

The rebellion that ensued following Bacon's remarks led to

a district of indentured servants as a reliable source of labor

Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by

a joint-stock company anxious to restore profit to investors

tarring and feathering Boston tea party picture the above image depicts the people of Boston as

a lawless mob

the result of the event described (Boston massacre) above was

a trial that acquitted the British troops of their actions

American Indian societies most commonly reacted to the changes described in the excerpt by

adapting European material goods while attempting to preserve cultural autonomy

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 had which of the following effects?

an increase in conflicts between British settlers and American indians

Hutchinson's religious beliefs were deemed to be against the law, or a term known as


which of the following efforts most directly resulted from this propaganda (boston tea party image)

brit parliament passed the coercive acts to close the port of Boston

which statement best summarizes how the territorial claims on the (proc of 1763) map resulted in negative repercussions

britain's territorial holdings resulted in imperial effort to raise evened and consolidate control over its colonies

enslaved ppl of African descent graph the difference in slave populations depicted in the graphs most directly resulted from?

climate and geographic conditions for cash crop agriculture

which statement best demonstrates an accurate historical context for the illustration

colonists from Boston had recently participated in the rebellious "tea party"

The change in territorial claims indicated on the (proclamation of 1763) map from a decade prior are most reflective of

competition between European powers

Bacon's Rebellion was a symptom of a much larger conflict involving

competition for land between the English settlers and the Native Americans

thomas paine common sense quote "a government of our own is our natural right" etc. thomas paine conveys a similar concern for many American colonists in his

condemnation of mercantilist restraint of the American economy

Edmund Morgan quotes ("English expectations of the New World and its inhabitants died hard..." "Indian labor was not going to sustain the founders of Jamestown") In the first half of the 1600s, American Indians in Virginia and MD most typically responded to the English colonization described in the excerpt by

defending their territory against the English

volume and direction of the transatlantic slave trade map which of the following most directly contributed to the major pattern depicted on the map

demand for crops produced in the Americas

which of the following primary sources would most likely support Berlin's argument in the excerpt ("Slavery, though imposed and maintained by violence, was a negotiated relationship...")

diary entries from a slaveholder discussing plantation life

Anne Hutchison quote "I conceive... -- ... word of God" the excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following developments in the Mass Bay Colony in 1630s

efforts to raise the level of education for young girls and women

The declaration of independence quote "we hold these truths to be self-evident" etc. one purpose of the declaration of independence was to

explain why the colonies had revolted

Johnathan Edwards was part of a broader religious movement that impacted colonial American society by

fostering changes in colonists' understandings of God, themselves, and the world around them

Whitefield's open-air preaching contributed most directly to which of the following trends?

greater independence and diversity of thought

Prior to 1492, this native America group of North America developed mixed agricultural hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages

groups located in the MS river valley and along the Atlantic seaboard

the change in settlement patterns from 1700 to1775 best explains the

growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites

"The colonizers Brough along plants and animals... remaking of the Americas was a team effort by a set of interdependent species by European ppl" (Alan Taylor quote) The export of New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by

improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth

which of the following is true of the declaration of independence

it invoked the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt

which of the following was an immediate response to the demands expressed by the first continental congress

king George III ignored the demands of the americans

Bartolome de Las Casa's description of the Natives he encountered and the treatment they received at the hands of Europeans

led many europeans to question the treatment of how non-europeans should be treated

Compared to New England, early English settlement in Virginia and Maryland was characterized by

lower life expectancy, a larger population of indentured servants, and a greater gender imbalance

by the 1770s, to which of the following groups would Otis' argument that the colonies "must obey" Parliament most appeal

loyalists in NY

English colonization patterns in North America differed most from Spanish colonization in that the English

more often settled in families and rarely intermarried with natives

Based on the excerpt, it can be seen that Columbus viewed the native inhabitants as

naive and easily coaxed into sharing wealth

land holdings in North America map (1682--> 1763) which group lost influence due to changed depicted in this map

native americans

during the period of the American revolution, Lock's point of view in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting a form of gov based on

natural rights

this period of religious revivals (great awakening w/edwards, white field etc.) had which effect on education?

new colleges were founded to educate young men for the ministry

Tensions, such as the one above (Boston massacre), were created because of

new taxes against the colony aimed at decreasing British debt

"we cannot in our hearts find one single spot of rebellion... Let us compare these things and see what sponges have sucked the public treasure" Nathaniel Bacon Quote in the passage above, the fundamental issue that bacon is referring to is

oppression of western Virginian farmers by the governor and the plantation elite

the development of "three sister" farming on the southeast Atlantic seaboard

produced a rich diet that led to high population densities

Settlers who established the British colony in Virginia during the seventeenth century were primarily seeking to

profit economically

During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused as witches were

property-owning women

in the 1760s many English colonists in North America reacted to imperial governance by

protesting a lack of representation in parliame

a fundamental grievance expressed by bacon in (his quote) the passage above was the

realization of the widening wealth gap between landowners and former indentured servants who were seeking land

The demographics of the lower South colonists in 1750 most directly contributed to which of the following conditions for enslaved ppl

relative autonomy to preserve and adapt African traditions

What statement best described the British crown's attitude towards the colonies in North America in regards to the above act prior to mid-18th century?

salutary neglect-the king and his cabinet rarely enforced the rules that governed the colonies which benefitted the colonies as a result

which of the following best explains why Mass Bay officials banished Anne Hutchison?

she challenged gender roles and puritan orthodoxy

the process described in the excerpt most affect europeans through

significant population growth and economic development in many parts of Europe

which of the following actions by American colonists demonstrates the greatest continuity with the sentiments expressed in Thomas Paine's Common Sense

stamp act congress success and support for the non-importation agreements

In the trade patterns depicted above, Africans were most often traded in the americas for


James Otis quote, "No taxation without representation" etc. In the excerpt, Otis was responding to which of the following developments

the British government's attempt to pay for the costs of the Seven Years' War

"their world, quite literally, changed Indians' eyes ... Europeans Brough honeybees, black rats, cats and cockroaches to America." Excerpt describes the effect of

the Columbian exchange

What event is most responsible for the change in European land claims depicted in this map (1682-1763)

the French and Indian war

"letter from a Pennsylvania farmer" by John Dickinson quote in the excerpt above, John Dickinson is referring to

the Townshend acts

John Locke two treatises of gov quote (natural state of man, equality etc.) the ideas in the excerpt were most likely interpreted by American colonists in the 1770s as a call to reject which of the following

the acceptance of the divine right of kings

a major change occurring in religion during this time period is

the authority of ministers was challenged

the creator of the image (Boston tea party tarring x feather) would most likely agree with which of the following statements

the barbaric treatment of English customs officials only serves to reinforce the notion that the Americans are a savage bunch

"in 1770... African slavery was legal and almost unquestioned throughout the new world... In the incomparably rich colonies of the Caribbean. they often constituted population majorities of 90% or more." as noted by the author above, the region with the densest population of slaves was in

the caribbean

tobacco and slavery graphs which of the following statements accurately represent the data presented in the charts above

the demand for tobacco in Europe created greater demand for labor in VA

David J Weber quote "Pueblo leaders united communities against Europeans... Deep animosity among natives.." which of the following most shaped the events described in the excerpt?

the demands of the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies

volume and direction of the transatlantic slave trade map A significant long-term result of the major pattern depicted on the map was

the development of a strict racial system in British colonial societies

The principles expressed by Paine and Jefferson best account for which of the following features of the United States during and immediately after the American Revolution?

the development of factions and nascent political parties

which of the following most directly led to the passage of the Navigation Act of 1660

the emergence of an Atlantic economy

the significant rise in the number of slaves between the years 1700 and 1750 r most likely attributed to

the end of the Royal African Company's monopoly on slavery

The ideas about government expressed by Paine and Jefferson are most consistent with which of the following?

the ideas of the enlightenment

the excerpt from Locke could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following topics

the impact of the enlightenment of revolutionary political thought

The preaching described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in the 1700s

the increased influence of the Enlightenment

estimated population of the southern colonies graph which of the following contributed most to the changes shown?

the introduction of new diseases

in Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Dickinson argued that the taxes he was referring to were unfair because

the items taxed could not be produced in America and had to be imported from england

John Smith, A Description of New England quote (servants and masters in England etc) The excerpts would be most useful to historians as a source of info about which of the following

the nature of master and apprentice relationships in England in the early seventeenth century

Samuel de Champlain quote, "from this course, he believed the king would derive an inestimable profit; for its easy to suppose that Europeans will seek out this advantage." French exploration of North America, as reflected in the excerpt, most directly contributed to which of the following?

the ongoing shift from feudalism to capitalism in western europe

Boston gazette quote, "one soldier then fired, and a townsman... struck him over the hands... however, the soldiers continued the fire successively till seven or eight guns were discharged." the event being described was caused in part, by

the passage of the Quartering Act

"Belief in witchcraft was widespread throughout Europe and New England in the 17th century..." Salem witch hunt quote The authors of the above text believe the Salem witchcraft hysteria came as a result of

the peculiar social dynamics of Salem community and the economic pressures placed upon the community

interpretations of locke's assertions regarding a "state of freedom' and also a 'state of equality' most directly influenced which of the following?

the political rhetoric of patriots during the American revolution

according to the passage, which of the following is true of the slave system in British North America

the slave system was legal throughout the thirteen colonies

which of the following was true of the Northeast American Indian tribes at the time Europeans first began colonization

their political and linguistic differences hindered their united opposition to the Europeans

declaration and resolves quote "to these grievous acts and measures, Americans cannot submit.. in hopes that Great Britain will revise them... non importation, address to great Britain, loyalty to king" according to the excerpt, which of the following was being violated in the eyes of the British north american colonists

their rights as British citizens

Johnathan Edwards "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God" which of the following described the context that Edwards was preaching in?

there had been a marked decline in piety in Puritan new England

which of the following was true of most puritans who emigrated to seventeenth-century New England

they considered themselves non-separatists

Log of Christopher Columbus quote ("They... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.") The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for the Spanish who explored North America?

to conquer and control the region in order to obtain wealth

Which of the following was a major purpose of Otis' pamphlet

to encourage opposition to parliament's regulation of colonial commerce

Benjamin Franklin quote: "In 1739 arrived among us from Ireland the Reverend Mr. Whitefield..." Whitefield's impact suggests that religious culture among British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by

trans-Atlantic exchanges

The conflict described in the excerpt led primarily to which of the following changes in Spanish colonial policy?

widespread use of warfare to maintain control of native Americans

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