APUSH final test questions

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The ideas expressed in the excerpt most strongly suggest which of the following about that time?

American colonists eagerly sought out news and information related to their ongoing struggle with Britain.

Which of the following was the most direct effect of the ideas described in the excerpt?

American creation of a their first government

Which of the following events from the 1780s most closely resembles the resistance that McDonnell describes in the excerpt?

Anti-tax protests by Daniel Shays and his supporters in Massachusetts

The sentiments expressed by Columbus in the excerpt above best support which future Spanish goal?

Attempting to change American Indians' beliefs and worldviews

The excerpt best offers evidence of which predominant attitude of the English colonists in the Chesapeake region toward the Native Americans by the 1620s?

Being neither English nor Christian, Native Americans were inferior, in the eyes of the colonists

Which of the following later historical developments is most similar to the events described in the excerpt?

Dwight D. Eisenhower's support for the funding of the Interstate Highway Act in 1956 that led to the building of a national network of roads

The political ideals expressed in this excerpt most clearly reflect the influence of which of the following movements of the era?

Enlightenment thinkers who argued for natural rights and rationality

Which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of American crops in the Old World?

European population growth

Opposition to the movement depicted in the excerpt was based on which of the following?

Fear that westward expansion would ignite conflicts over slavery

This source most likely originated in which colonial region?

In a colony in the Chesapeake

Which of the following evidence would best support McDonnell's conclusion in the excerpt?

James Madison's and George Washington's letters describing postwar politics in Virginia

Which enduring debate in U.S. politics and government does this resolution most reflect?

States' rights v. federal authority

Which of the following reform movements encompasses all of the others? The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening

The map above reflects which of the following historical trends?

The influence of Utopian beliefs

Which of the following was a long term effect of the trend depicted in the map above?

The influence of religion on reform

The Spanish and other European powers frequently justified the approach depicted in the image above on the basis of

White superiority

The activities undertaken in the image above had their most direct origins in

perceived constraints on the colonial economy.

South Carolina Senator James Henry Hammond, Speech to the Senate, March 4, 1858The excerpt above was most likely written as a result of

regional identity asserted through Southern pride in the institution of slavery.

The excerpt quoted above would be most useful to historians analyzing

the series of compromises worked through to form a national government

The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing ideal in the early nineteenth century that

women should focus on the home and the domestic sphere

The excerpts were written in response to the

British government's attempt to assert greater control over the North American colonies

The development in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about that time?

By the mid-1700s, Americans were eager to acquire new land in the West.

Which of the following economic developments is most directly caused the tension depicted in the image? (2 points)

Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin

Which of the following colonial groups would have been most likely to agree with the ideals expressed in this excerpt?

Landowning members of the Virginia House of Burgesses

The views expressed by Clay would have been most directly challenged by which of the following?

Southern plantation owners

Which of the following groups would be most likely to agree with the sentiments expressed by Monroe in the excerpt above?

Southern planters

Which of the following was the most direct consequence of the developments described in the excerpt?

The dramatic growth of the African slave trade

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in U.S. history?

The economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the Western Hemisphere

The agricultural needs of the crop described in this passage most directly contributed to which of the following

The emergence of the Atlantic slave trade

The preaching described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in the 1700s?

The expansion of Protestant evangelism

This passage best serves as evidence of which of the following?

The forces that fueled European exploration and conquest

Which of the following developments in the second half of the nineteenth century best represented the continuation of the ideas expressed in the declaration?

The formation of voluntary organizations and reform efforts

Which of the following developments best supports or illustrates the ideas described in this excerpt?

The growing market for British manufactured goods in America

Which of the following was the most direct cause of the phenomena that Davis describes in the excerpt?

The growing significance of cotton for American agricultural and industrial interests

The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe

The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

The population decline in Native American societies

The principles expressed by Paine and Jefferson best account for which of the following features of the United States during and immediately after the American Revolution?

The relatively limited powers of the Articles of Confederation

The process illustrated in the map above

Triggered extensive demographic and social change.

Which of the following was a long term result of the situation described in the excerpt?

Virginia began create more restrictive laws regarding the slavery

Convention of 1787 The passage above best serves as evidence of

an increased awareness of the inequalities in society.

Based on the excerpt above, which of the following viewpoints most directly influenced the writers of the Declaration of Independence?

A belief in the right of self-rule through a republican government

As a primary source, the image above is best understood as

Evidence that some native societies developed permanent villages

This cartoon would most likely have drawn opposition from all of the following EXCEPT Sailors who has been subjected to impressment

Sailors who has been subjected to impressment

Based on the map above, in which region were American Indians the most mobile?

The Great Basin and Great Plains

Which of the following inventions eventually superseded the canal development?

The steam engine

The cartoon was primarily a response to

Thomas Jefferson's policy of trade through the Embargo Act

Which of the following best reflects the ideology depicted in the above excerpt?

Westward expansion was a moral obligation.

Which of the following was the most important cause of the trends depicted on the map above?

a truce over the issue of slavery

Which historical political faction held a view most similar to the view supported by the authors of this resolution?

anti-federalists, who believed that the US Constitution must reserve most powers for the states and individuals

The concerns expressed by Washington were a response to the

controversy regarding support for the revolutionary government of France

Based on the map above, what was the primary reason for the growth of the Columbian Exchange?

improvements in technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade

The development described by Curtin in this excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about the fifteenth century?

religious wars spurred europe's overseas expansion and fueled European's increasing reliance on African slaves as laborers.

Which of the following most clearly reflects the role of race in the shaping of the ideals expressed in the excerpt?

A belief in the superiority of the white race

Which of the following resulted most directly from the debate described in the passage above?

A solution to the slave issue was postponed, setting the stage for recurring conflicts.

An individual who disagreed with Clay would most likely support

A strengthening of state's rights

Which of the following groups most strongly opposed Washington's point of view in the address? Democratic-Republicans


The patterns described in the excerpt are most different from which of the following patterns of the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Demographic patterns of Native Americans on the Atlantic coast

Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the Navigation Acts?

English mercantilists

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

Enlightenment ideas

The ideas expressed by the document above would find the most significant support from which of the following?

Followers of religious revival movements

Which of the following events most directly contributed to the development of the dispute exemplified in this excerpt?

Great Britain incurred heavy debts fighting a war for the benefit of its American colonies

Whitefield's open-air preaching contributed most directly to which of the following trends?

Greater independence and diversity of thought

This image best serves as evidence of which of the following?

How native peoples adapted to and transformed their diverse environments

Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view of the excerpt?

Indentured servantsIndentured servants

Which of the following most directly resulted from the issues described in the two passages above?

Indian nations shifted their alliances among competing European powers

Which of the following most directly undermines Calhoun's assertions?

Many slaves engaged in forms of resistance to slavery

The patterns described in this excerpt led most directly to which of the following historical developments?

Native American efforts to expel the English colonists from New England

This excerpt was most likely intended to do which of the following?

Persuade Congress to support an expansionist treaty

Which of the following developments was the most direct consequence of the situation described in the excerpt?

Public debates between Federalists and Antifederalists

The excerpt above would best support which of the following historical arguments?

Racist stereotyping of slavery as a positive good

The two excerpts quoted above would be most useful to historians analyzing

Regional difference in British colonies

The map above best reflects which of the following historical patterns?

Regional economic specialization

The phenomena described in the excerpt most strongly suggest which of the following about the United States in the early to mid-nineteenth century?

Slave owners were dependent on slaves as a source of both labor and wealth

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support Calhoun's views expressed in the excerpt?

Southern landowners

Evidence in the excerpt most clearly reflects the influence of which of the following movements?

The Enlightenment

Which of the following changes over time between the writing of the first and second passages was the most contextually significant?

The French withdrawal from North America and subsequent attempts of Native American groups to reassert their power

Which of the following was a direct development in response to the concerns expressed by Matsell?

The development of a free public school system in some northern states

Which of the following resulted most directly from events such as those described in the passage above?

The development of the encomienda system as a means of resource extraction

The ideas about government expressed by Paine and Jefferson are most consistent with which of the following?

The ideas of the Enlightenment

This excerpt most clearly provides evidence towards which of the following? The impact of the Industrial Revolution

The impact of the Industrial Revolution

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

The racial stereotyping of American Indian groups

Whitefield's impact suggests that religious culture among British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by

Trans-Atlantic exchanges

In the 1840s and 1850s, the views expressed by Calhoun most directly contributed to

increased sectional divisions between the North and the South

The author of above document most likely supported?

laws to limit the purchase of alcoholic beverages

This map would be most useful to historians analyzing

mercantilist aims and priorities of Britain in the Atlantic world.

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