Systematic Theology: Pneumatology Review Study Guide For TEST

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What does Colossians 1:19,27 state in His synonymous reference among the Godhead?

God in Christ, Christ in us through Holy Spirit.

What does it mean that He (the Holy Spirit) possesses knowledge?

God's Spirit has access to God's thoughts because they're His to begin with! Because Holy Spirit is God, He possess all knowledge.

What does Charisma mean?

Grace gift

In His synonymous reference among the Godhead, what books, chapters, and verses of the Bible support this?

- Acts 5:1-4 - Colossians 1:19,27 - 1 Corinthians 3:16

In the Emotions of the Holy Spirit, what book, chapter, and verse of the Bible can we find where He can be insulted?

Hebrews 10:29

What does it mean that He (the Holy Spirit) dispenses knowledge?

The Bible is Holy Spirit's means to revealing that knowledge of God to us.

What does Pneumatology refer to?

Pneumatology refers to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

With His union with the Father & Son, what books, chapters, and verses of the Bible support this?

- Matthew 28:18-20 - 2 Corinthians 13:14 - 1 Peter 1:1-2

What is the Greek word for "filled?" What does this word mean?

- Plerousthe - Means "to control."

What happened with the anointing of Christ? What books, chapters, and verses of the Bible would we find this?

- Spirit wanted people to experience power of Gospel, so he gave Jesus authority and power. - Luke 4:14-15, 18-19

What happened with the temptation of Christ? What books, chapters, and verses of the Bible would we find this?

- Spirit wanted to prove Christ was ready for mission and to model resistance to sin. - Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:12, Luke 4:1

What happened with the gifts of Christ? What books, chapters, and verses of the Bible would we find this?

- Spirit wants to encourage saints and build kingdom so he chose and gave you certain gifts. - 1 Corinthians 12:11

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Giving? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Unusual ability and willingness to share one's material goods with others. Includes ability to accumulate well. Not reserved for those who are rich (Romans 12:8).

What book, chapter, and verses of the Bible would support that He (the Holy Spirit) possesses knowledge?

1 Corinthians 2:10-12

In The Will of the Holy Spirit, what are 2 things that He does with decisions?

1. He makes decisions. 2. He commands His decisions.

In The Intelligence of the Holy Spirit, what are the 4 things that He does with knowledge?

1. He possesses knowledge. 2. He dispenses knowledge. 3. He instructs us in that knowledge. 4. He reminds us of that knowledge.

What book, chapters, and verses of the Bible would we find that He (the Holy Spirit) commands His decisions?

See Acts 8:29; 10:19-20; 13-23

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Faith? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

A gift which manifests itself in unusual deeds of trust. To believe in and expect great things from God (1 Corinthians 12:9).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Exhortation? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to appeal to the will of an individual and him to act. Often found in those with gift of teaching (Romans 12:8).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Discerning of Spirits? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to determine if a revelation is from God or if false. Also the ability to determine and distinguish demonic presence and activity (1 Corinthians 12:10).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Interpretation of Tongues? What book, chapter(s), and verse(s) in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to interpret those tongues in the assembly for the edification of all present (1 Corinthians 12:10; 1 Corinthians 14).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Administration? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to lead, rule, or preside. Effective in planning, organizing, and implementation (1 Corinthians 12:28). Often resembles exhortation.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Wisdom? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to properly apply and spiritually employ information gathered (1 Corinthians 12:8).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Healing? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to release God's power to heal all forms of sickness (1 Corinthians 12:9).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Mercy? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability to show compassion and help towards the poor, sick, troubled, and suffering. These perform acts gladly, not out of obligation or reluctance (Romans 12:8).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Tongues? What book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) in the Bible would we find this?

An unlearned earthly or heavenly language given by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2; 1 Corinthians 12:10; 13:1; 1 Corinthians 14).

Because of Spirit's involvement, the child is holy and will be called what?

Will be called the Son of God.

There is no birth of God the Son, without the what?

Without the work of God the Spirit.

What is a favorite title of Spirit?


How would we describe the "Father?" How would we take our earthly father in description?

- Fatherly features & disposition to Him. - Make Him better.

In His Eternality, we could go on and on... His work in Creation; His authoring of the Scriptures, etc. What books, and chapters of the Bible would we find His work in Creation? What books, chapters, and verses would we find His authoring of the Scriptures?

- Genesis 1 & Psalms 104 - 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21

The Holy Spirit is a person! He is not a what, but a what? What book, chapter, and verses of the Bible support this?

- He is not an "it" or a "force," but a person. - John 14:15-18

What are the 3 things that the Holy Spirit possesses of divine attributes & qualities?

- His omniscience - His power - His eternality

What happens when He (the Holy Spirit) can be grieved?

- We genuinely hurt God when we intentionally fail to respond or please Him. - When His heart is heavy... so is ours. He allows us to feel his grief and enter into it. - So we also feel fullness (i.e. Spirit's joy) when we walk and live each moment in a pleasing way.

What must we do of the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives? What book, chapter, and verse of the Bible would we find this?

- We must willfully welcome and submit to the daily control of the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. - Ephesians 5:18

When we think of a person, what do we think of? What are some examples? What do we really think of?

- We think of physical characteristics. - (Height, hair & eye color, posture, mannerisms, speech, etc). - We think of a body.

How would we describe the "Son?" What are some examples?

- We use "Renaissance" period imagery. - (i.e. brown hair, beard, long sullen face, wearing a robe, etc).

What are the 2 phrases that are in a synonymous construction?

1. "Holy Spirit" 2. "Most High"

What are 19 of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we have gone over?

1. Apostle 2. Prophet 3. Prophecy 4. Word of Knowledge 5. Healing 6. Miracles 7. Tongues 8. Interpretation of Tongues 9. Evangelist 10. Pastor - Teacher 11. Teacher 12. Wisdom 13. Service 14. Faith 15. Exhortation 16. Discerning of Spirits 17. Mercy 18. Giving 19. Administration

What are the 8 things where we see the role of the Holy Spirit in Christ's life? What are the books, chapters, and verses of the Bible where we would find each of these at/in?

1. Birth - Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:35 2. Baptism - Luke 3:21-22; Jonah 1:32-34 3. Testing - Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-2 4. Empower - Luke 4:14-15 5. Ministry - Matthew 12:28; Acts 10: 37-38 6. Atonement - Hebrews 9:14 7. Resurrection - Romans 8:11 8. Exaltation - Ephesians 1: 19-21

In the Believer's Primary Need, to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit for Him "to control" is necessary for two reasons. What are these 2 reasons? What book, chapter(s), and verse(s) does each reason come from in the Bible?

1. For the Believer's maturity. - 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 2. For the Believer's service. - Acts 4:31; Acts 9:17

What are 2 types of emotions that He (the Holy Spirit) can have?

1. He can be insulted. 2. He can be grieved.

What are the 3 things that show that the Holy Spirit is divine?

1. His union with the Father & Son. 2. His synonymous reference among the Godhead. 3. He possesses divine attributes & qualities.

What are the 3 ways that He (the Holy Spirit) instructs us in that knowledge?

1. Illumination 2. Annunciation 3. Application

What 2 ways would we describe the believer's primary need? What does each one mean if a description is given?

1. It is conditional. 2. It is repeated. - command literally means to "keep on being filled."

In The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, what are two Greek words that describe the gifts?

1. Pneumatikos 2. Charisma

What are some examples of the Holy Spirit's (His) ministry to the believer? What book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) of the Bible would we find these?

1. Teaches - John 14:26 2. Testifies - John 15:26 3. Guides - John 16:13 4. Convicts - John 16:8 5. Regenerates - John 5:21; Titus 3:5 6. Intercedes - Romans 8:26

What are the 2 things that the Holy Spirit is?

1. The Holy Spirit is divine. 2. The Holy Spirit is a person.

What are some of the 6 distinctives of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? What book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) would we find each of these in the Bible if they are given?

1. The gifts are not a natural talent. 2. Each believer possesses at least one gift. (1 Corinthians 12:7) 3. The Holy Spirit decides the distribution of gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:11) 4. They are to be matured and developed through use. (2 Timothy 1:6) 5. Though gifts may be added, they are not subtracted. (Romans 11:29) 6. Spiritual "fruit" will determine your "gifts" receptivity and effectiveness among others. (Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3; 14:1)

What are the 3 things that the Holy Spirit has of?

1. The intelligence of the Holy Spirit. 2. The will of the Holy Spirit. 3. The emotions of the Holy Spirit.

In The Will of the Holy Spirit in that He (the Holy Spirit) makes decisions, what are 3 times that the Holy Spirit had to make a decision?

1. The temptation of Christ. 2. The anointing of Christ. 3. The gifts of Christ.

What is the definition of the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

A supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to the believer for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating the growth of others in the Body of Christ.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Service? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Ability and willingness to serve others who are in need (Romans 12:7).

Jesus modeled for us how to live.... completely dependent upon the what of the what?

Completely dependent upon the power and influence of the divine person of the Holy Spirit.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Evangelist? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Considered an office (Ephesians 4:11). An anointing to proclaim the good news of salvation effectively so that people respond positively.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Pastor-Teacher? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Considered an office (Ephesians 4:11). This gift entails all the qualities necessary to lead God's flock as well as the qualities of the teacher.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Apostle? What book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) in the Bible would we find this?

Considered an office, not just an enablement (Ephesians 4:11). A foundational gift that helps establish and expand the Church. Signs and wonders accompany this gift (1 Corinthians 12:11-12) and a revelation of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Prophet? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Considered an office. Person is tasked to hear and relay God's heart and messages to people in and outside the Church (Ephesians 4:11).

What does the word "grieve" mean in the Emotions of the Holy Spirit?

Distress, make sorry, sad, or heavy.

In the Emotions of the Holy Spirit, what book, chapter, and verse of the Bible can we find where He can be grieved?

Ephesians 4:30

What describes the role of the Holy Spirit in our life?

Examples of His ministry to the believer.

In His Power, what does Luke 1:35 state/give/tell us?

Explanation of Christ's birth.

What happened in The Role of the Holy Spirit in Christ's life?

From beginning to end, Jesus lived completely dependent upon the presence and working of the Spirit to accomplish all that God had for him.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Teacher? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Gift is demonstrated by a deep and committed interest in the study of God's word. Ability to communicate the word clearly and apply Biblical truths to the lives of those being taught (Romans 12:7).

What does annunciation mean in that He (the Holy Spirit) instructs us in that knowledge?

He draws our attention to particular truths in certain moments.

It is hard to conceptualize Him (Jesus), so therefore He feels LESS like a what?

He feels LESS like a person.

What does application mean in that He (the Holy Spirit) instructs us in that knowledge?

He shows us how and where to apply what we're learning.

"Holy Spirit" is more problematic. How would we describe the Holy Spirit though?

He's spirit, immaterial, without physical substance.

What does illumination mean in that He (the Holy Spirit) instructs us in that knowledge?

He's the one that makes the "light go off" when studying (i.e. "Look at this, never seen this before, etc.").

What does it mean that He (the Holy Spirit) reminds us of that knowledge?

In times of challenge and need, Holy Spirit will bring to our attention and focus words and promises from the Scriptures.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Word of Knowledge? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Information supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit that may relate to one's past or present circumstances (1 Corinthians 12:8).

In The Believer's Primary Need, Ephesians 5:18 is what?

Is a command to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit.

If we possess characteristics of person hood, it's because of what?

It's because God does, and this is true of the H.S. (Holy Scripture).

What does omniscience mean?

Knows everything

What is His synonymous reference among the Godhead like? How does this describe this?

Like a "shell game." Bible doesn't allow one to see more glory in one member of the Trinity over the others.

What can the gift of Administration also be known as? What book, chapter, and verse would we find this in the Bible?

May also be known as "gift of leading" (Romans 12:8).

What can the gift of Service also be known as? What books, chapters, and verses would we find this in the Bible?

May also be known as "gifts of help" (1 Corinthians 12:28; 1 Peter 4:11).

What does Prophet mean?

Means "foreteller."

What does Apostle mean?

Means "sent one."

In the Emotions of the Holy Spirit, "insult" is a compound word. What does the word "insult" mean?

Means to "to exercise violence, abuse... use despitefully, reproach, entreat shamefully (spitefully).

In His Eternality, what does Hebrews 9: 14 tell us?

Not only tells us that the Holy Spirit is eternal, but also the One who kept Jesus sinless.

What does Pastor literally mean?

Pastor literally means "shepherd."

What does Isaiah 9:6 state/give/tell us?

Prophecy of Christ's birth.

In 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 it shows us where the Holy Spirit's omniscience is in the Bible. What is the question that is asked regarding this verse though?

Q. How can anyone but God know God fully?

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Prophecy? What book(s), chapter(s), and verse(s) in the Bible would we find this?

Reception and communication of divine mysteries that one would not know apart from supernatural revelation (Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:10; 1 Corinthians 14). Can be either foretelling or forthtelling.

What is the reason/purpose for the gift, Miracles? What are some examples that we would find in the Bible? What book, chapter, and verse in the Bible would we find this?

Sometimes synonymously used with healings. A demonstration of God's power that suspends and/or supersedes established physical laws affecting animate and inanimate form (i.e. Elisha and ax head floating; feeding of 5000; etc.; 1 Corinthians 12:10).

What does Pneumatikos mean?

Spiritual things

What happens when He (the Holy Spirit) can be insulted?

The Holy Spirit takes it personal and is offended when people disregard and think little of what Jesus did on the cross for them.

What happened with the emotions of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit, who is an intelligent person, when his plans (will) are not followed... he has an emotional response to that.

What are the 3 fundamental elements of person hood that are traditionally regarded? This is what makes a person a person.

The characteristics of intelligence, a will, and emotions.

What does Acts 5:1-4 state in His synonymous reference among the Godhead?

To lie to Spirit is to lie to God.

In the Holy Spirit is a Person, what do we mentally attach to Godhead?

We mentally attach bodies to Godhead.

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