APUSH Green Test

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The ideas expressed in the photograph above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history? a. Debates about the judicial system b. Debates about immigration c. Debates about labor practices d. Debates about states' rights

a. Debates about the judicial system

The impact of battles on the South, such as the siege of Richmond as shown in the above photograph, impacted the outcome of the American Civil War in which of the following ways? a. Not only was the Confederate Army defeated, but the infrastructure of the South was also destroyed, leading to an unconditional surrender b. Despite the destruction of major cities, the surrender of the Confederacy surprised much of the Southern population c. Even with the destruction of the South, the Confederate's advantage in the amount of resources caused the war to last longer than anticipated d. The Civil War had little impact on the South's infrastructure

a. Not only was the Confederate Army defeated, but the infrastructure of the South was also destroyed, leading to an unconditional surrender

The invention of the cotton gin had as much impact on the development of slave labor in the first half of the 19th century as which of the following did toward the end of the 19th and early twentieth centuries? a. The development of the assembly line b. Development of the Bessemer process in the steel industry c. The application of steam power to factories d. The invention of the sewing machine

a. The development of the assembly line

Which of the following was a reason Congress believed it necessary to enact a measure in response to the "Missouri Question" in 1820? a. The federal government wanted to maintain the balance of free and slave states b. The fear that expansion could worsen the effects of the Panic of 1819 c. The continuing debate over the concept of the protective tariff d. The controversy of expanding west of the Mississippi River would cause the Mexican government to react aggressively

a. The federal government wanted to maintain the balance of free and slave states

Which of the following best describes Kennedy's and Cohen's interpretation of modern immigration? a. The modern immigrants were very similar to those of the "old" and "new" immigrants of the 19th/20th century b. The modern immigrants were much like the Irish immigrants of the 19th century who were distrusted and disliked because they took traditional American jobs at lower salaries, causing Americans to from a political party opposing them c. Although many modern immigrants arrived as skilled laborers, they usually found work that pays less and requires little skill d. Most modern immigrants found no work or opportunity when they arrived in the United States

a. The modern immigrants were very similar to those of the "old" and "new" immigrants of the 19th/20th century

Which of the following most directly caused the belief in the existence of the "Negro Establishment" and its failure to address the needs of African Americans? a. The passage of civil rights legislation in the 1960s and the continued existence of inequality in society b. The continued existence of Jim Crow laws throughout the nation in the late 1960s c. The failure of school integration to bring about equal opportunity for African Americans d. The disproportionate conscription of African American men to fight in the Vietnam conflict

a. The passage of civil rights legislation in the 1960s and the continued existence of inequality in society

Which of the following best describes the motivation for the move made by the migrant people described in the Steinbeck excerpt a. They were looking for work as they escaped the impact of the Great Depression on their hometown b. They sought opportunity for new and better jobs due to the opportunities created by the war industry c. The migrants were heading west to take advantage of promised jobs through the New Deal d. Jobs in new industries in Western cities attracted thousands of migrants from the American midwest

a. They were looking for work as they escaped the impact of the Great Depression on their hometown

Based on the excerpt from John L. O'Sullivan's opinion on manifest destiny, what was the purpose of American expansion? a. To expand the ideals of equality and freedom b. To demonstrate to the world American political superiority c. The only hope for the salvation of mankind d. America must avoid tyrannical rulers

a. To expand the ideals of equality and freedom

In what way was the main idea in the excerpt a departure from the other colonies in British North America? a. With few exceptions, other British North American colonies had one established faith. b. Pennsylvania was the first colony to tolerate all religious beliefs. c. Settlers in Pennsylvania were required to attend church services d. Puritan ideas were banned from the colony.

a. With few exceptions, other British North American colonies had one established faith.

Who of the following would most likely agree with the excerpt written by John L. O'Sullivan? a. A male Irish immigrant living in Boston b. A white male squatter from Tennessee c. A female factory worker in New England d. A plantation owner from Georgia

b. A white male squatter from Tennessee

Which of the following presidents reacted to a Supreme Court decision in a manner similar to the one depicted in the political cartoon? a. Thomas Jefferson's reaction to Marbury v. Madison b. Andrew Jackson's reaction to Worcester v. Georgia c. Chester Arthur's reaction to the civil rights cases of 1883 d. Grover Cleveland's reaction to Plessy v. Ferguson

b. Andrew Jackson's reaction to Worcester v. Georgia

What was the motivation for Franklin D. Roosevelt's idea that is portrayed in the above political cartoon? a. Congress was beginning to question some of the more radical ideas of the New Deal that were introduced in FDR's second term b. FDR wanted to be able to appoint new Supreme Court justices, as the Court had declared some of his key New Deal legislation unconstitutional c. The Democratic Party began to react in a negative manner to the radical ideas of the New Deal d. FDR's second term was not as successful as the first, and he wanted more federal justices to help declare his ideas as constitutional

b. FDR wanted to be able to appoint new Supreme Court justices, as the Court had declared some of his key New Deal legislation unconstitutional

Who of the following would most likely support the sentiments of the previous excerpt? a. Samuel Gompers b. Grover Cleveland c. Terence V. Powderly d. Mother Jones

b. Grover Cleveland

Based on the ideas in Land Ordinance of 1784, the information in the above map indicates Thomas Jefferson intended which of the following? A. That the Western Territories be evenly divided into free and slave states B. That the United States, under the Articles of Confederation, should create states equal with the original 13 C. That the Western Territories should be sold off in fourteen lots to pay off the national debt D. That the United States must purchase New Orleans as an outlet to the sea for the new Western Territories

b. That the United States, under the Articles of Confederation, should create states equal with the original 13

In reference to the Western Territories, which of the following events impacted American migration westward in the pre-Revolutionary years? A. The Proclamation of 1763 B. The English defeat of the French and Indians in the Seven Years' War C. The proclamation of the writs of assistance D. The passage of the Declaratory Act

b. The English defeat of the French and Indians in the Seven Years' War

Based on the sentiments expressed in the photograph, one can conclude which of the following? a. Sacco and Vanzetti were not given a fair trial b. The Sacco and Vanzetti trial drew worldwide attention c. Many people in other countries did not support the death penalty d. Freedom of speech is a basic right in England

b. The Sacco and Vanzetti trial drew worldwide attention

Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best describes the change in American foreign policy in 1823? A. The United States would become more active in European affairs. B. The United States would consider any attempt of European interference in eh Western Hemisphere as unfriendly toward the United States. C. The United States intended to end European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. D. The United States declared its intention to gain a world empire.

b. The United States would consider any attempt of European interference in the Western Hemisphere as unfriendly toward the United States.

Which of the following led to a Union victory over the South? a. The capture of Richmond, the Confederate capital b. The ability to maintain an effective sea blockade on the South c. The mobilization of free African-American soldiers throughout the duration of the war d. The superiority of Union military leadership

b. The ability to maintain an effective sea blockade on the South

Which of the following events would support the main argument made by historian Jackson Lears? a. The Haymarket Riot greatly slowed down American economic growth b. The development of the steel industry by Andrew Carnegie made America one of the largest exporters of steel in the world c. The union movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries boosted the American economy d. The Populist movement encouraged rapid industrial growth

b. The development of the steel industry by Andrew Carnegie made America one of the largest exporters of steel in the world

This excerpt addresses which of the following continuing antebellum issues? a. The continued public debate over slavery b. The failure of compromise c. The continued debate over the tariff d. Disputes created after the Dred Scott decision

b. The failure of compromise

The establishment of the Monroe Doctrine was a reaction to which of the following events? A. The outcome of the War of 1812 B. The intention of the European powers to reclaim Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere C. The unsettled results of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe D. European economic encroachment in the Western Hemisphere

b. The intention of the European powers to reclaim Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following 20th-century events share similar sentiments with the above excerpt? a. The creation of the War Labor Board during World War I b. The passage of the Tat-Hartley Act after World War II c. Passage of the Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935 d. Fair Deal proposals regarding labor

b. The passage of the Tat-Hartley Act after World War II

The motivations behind which of the following actions from the late 19th century are similar to the ideals of O'Sullivan's excerpt? a. The American annexation of Hawaii b. The takeover of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War c. The acquisition of American Samoa in 1898 d. The liberation of Cuba from Spanish rule

b. The takeover of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War

Which of the following best describes the social conditions in the United States when Bellamy wrote the excerpt? a. The political attitude was that of economic equality for all b. Major industries were supportive of the growth of large unions c. A great maldistribution of wealth existed in American society d. Most workers found it difficult to find work

c. A great maldistribution of wealth existed in American society

Based on the above analysis by Dr. Alan Brinkley, which of the following best explains the political development based on the economy of the North and South in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? a. The North and South were cooperative in their development of a profitable textile industry and therefore politically cooperative b. Both the North and South depended upon legislation that supported the institution of slavery c. A wedge developed between the North and South because of the North's rapid industrialization and the South's dependence on agriculture d. The South began to develop industrially, and by the early 19th century realized they could be both politically and economically independent of the North

c. A wedge developed between the North and South because of the North's rapid industrialization and the South's dependence on agriculture

Which of the following organizations would agree with the sentiments of the previous statement? a. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People b. Congress on Racial Equality c. Black Panthers d. Southern Christian Leadership Conference

c. Black Panthers

Which of the following events best illustrated Thomas Jefferson's fear that the issue discussed in the excerpt had come to realization? a. The issuing of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest b. The passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830 c. Bleeding Kansas d. The destruction of the U.S. bank

c. Bleeding Kansas

50 years after the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti, then Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis declared that the two men had not been given a fair trial, Given this fact, what conclusion can be drawn about the protest demonstration depicted in the photograph? a. Demonstrators hoped to be arrested to show solidarity with Sacco and Vanzetti b. The demonstration was organized by people in the U.S., even though it took place in England c. Demonstrators were justified in their concerns about Sacco and Vanzetti d. The demonstration led to changes in the way evidence is gathered

c. Demonstrators were justified in their concerns about Sacco and Vanzetti

The previous excerpt is most similar to the sentiments expressed in which of the following? a. The Declaration of Independence b. The South Carolina Exposition and Protest c. The Bill of Rights d. The Alien and Sedition Acts

c. The Bill of Rights

Which of the following describes the Spanish reaction to the Pueblo Revolt? a. The Spanish enslaved the natives b. The Spanish decided that it would be advantageous to work with the Pueblo as allies rather than enemies and sided with the Pueblo to conquer their neighboring enemies. c. The Spanish killed several Pueblo and mutilated or enslaved the survivors. d. For the first time in their new empire, the Spanish implemented the encomienda system to Christianize the Pueblo.

c. The Spanish killed several Pueblo and mutilated or enslaved the survivors.

Reactions in the 21st century to the events described in the excerpt are similar to which of the following? a. Similar to the Adams administration passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts b. The formation of the Know-Nothings in the 1850s c. The call for immigration restriction in the 1920s d. Widespread belief in the ideals expressed by Emma Lazarus in the poem

c. The call for immigration restriction in the 1920s

Which of the following was a direct impact of the invention of the cotton gin? a. The invention of the steel plow to allow for more rapid planting of cotton crops b. The spread of the plantation system into Northern states c. The development of the Lowell factory system in New England d. The introduction of the factory system in the South

c. The development of the Lowell factory system in New England

The phenomenon described in the excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath by Jogn Steinbeck is best described by which of the following? a. The mass exodus of African Americans from the South during the Great Migration at the time of World War I b. The immigration of braceros from Mexico to the American Southwest during WWII c. The exodus of Okies from the Dust Bowl to California d. A metaphor for the trip made across the Atlantic Ocean by the eastern and southern Europeans who immigrated to the US during the early 20th century

c. The exodus of Okies from the Dust Bowl to California

Which of the following environmental factors led to the further development of the growing division between the North and South in the antebellum period? a. The discovery of gold in California b. The extensive river systems in the Southwest allowed for more internal migration c. The fact that a good portion of the new territory in the Mexican Cession was south of the 36'30 parallel d. The western mountains were not conducive to the spread of slavery; therefore, the North would not challenge the existence of slavery in the new territory

c. The fact that a good portion of the new territory in the Mexican Cession was south of the 36'30 parallel

Which of the following best describes the government's response to "monopoly capitalism"? a. The Supreme Court used the Fourteenth Amendment to support the growth of big business b. Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act c. The passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act d. Ratification of the Hepurn Act

c. The passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act

As the United States began to occupy the region west of the Appalachian Mountains, which of the following developed as the most significant issue to impact the country in the late 18th Century? A. The question of whether the new states should be slave or free B. The development of industrialization C. The settlers' desire for free navigation of the Mississippi River D. The issue of whether the new states should be on an equal level with the 13 original states

c. The settlers' desire for free navigation of the Mississippi River

The ideals expressed in the Monroe Doctrine augment the ideals expressed in which of the following previously established American policies? A. The concept of "free trade" inaugurated in Jay's Treaty B. The idea of "right of deposit" established in Pinckney's Treaty C. The statement of "no entangling alliances" expressed in President George Washington's Farewell Address D. The acquisition of new territory, as established in the Greenville treaty in 1795

c. The statement of "no entangling alliances" expressed in President George Washington's Farewell Address

According to the excerpt, which of the following was the main reason for the formation of the Constitutional Union Party for the election of 1860? a. To end slavery b. To promote the equality of all citizens c. To preserve the "more perfect Union" d. To protect the nation from all enemies

c. To preserve the "more perfect Union"

Which of the following groups would have most likely supported the main idea of the political cartoon? a. Liberal Republicans b. Southern farmers c. Union Democrats D. Southern Democrats

c. Union Democrats

The United States maintained the foreign policy of the Monroe Doctrine until which of the following? A. The war against Mexico in order to gain new western territory B. Efforts made by the Union to keep Great Britain and France out of Civil War C. America's acquisition of an overseas empire as a result of a war with Spain D. American participation in WWI

d. American participation in WWI

Which of the following were Bellamy and similar commentators criticizing? a. Rapid industrialization b. Unlimited immigration c. Mechanization of the workplace d. Capitalism

d. Capitalism

Which of the following leaders from the 1960s would agree most with the sentiments of the above statement? a. John R. Lewis of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee b. Martin Luther King, Jr. c. Ralph Abernathy, Baptist minister and founding member of the SCLC d. Eldridge Cleaver, author of Soul on Ice

d. Eldridge Cleaver, author of Soul on Ice

Which of the following Bill of Rights would most directly support the sentiments expressed in the photograph above? a. The right to keep and bear arms b. The right of accused person to a speedy trial c. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures d. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

d. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

The ideas expressed in the Constitution Union Party platform most directly reflect which of the following continuities in history? a. Justification for immigration restriction in the 1920s b. The passage of the Progressive Amendments to the Constitution c. The ideals of the New Deal d. Justification for America's entry into World War I

d. Justification for America's entry into World War I

Which of the following events allowed for an almost immediate realization of the goals of manifest destiny in the 1840s? a. The full realization of the ideals of Jacksonian democracy b. The election of war hero Zachary Taylor as president of the United States c. The conclusion of the Indian Removal policy enacted in the 1830s d. The American victory in the Mexican War

d. The American victory in the Mexican War

Which of the following events from the colonial era is most like the ideas expressed in the excerpt from the Charter of Privileges? a. The ideas of John Locke and their influence on the Enlightenment b. The theological beliefs of Roger Williams in his founding of Rhode Island c. The Carolina Charter d. The Maryland Act of Toleration

d. The Maryland Act of Toleration

Which of the following was a major impact of the introduction of the horse to the Plains Indians? a. The horse allowed Plains Indians the ability to become sedentary. b. The horse stopped the intense competition between the various Indian nations over food and land. c. The horse consumed the primary food source of the bison, causing the bison population to dwindle. d. The horse allowed the Plains Indians to become more efficient in hunting and caused them to become more nomadic.

d. The horse allowed the Plains Indians to become more efficient in hunting and caused them to become more nomadic.

Which of the following historical periods of immigration is most similar to the passage in the previous excerpt? a. The "old immigration" of Northern and Western Europeans 1865-1890 b. The influx of French immigrants during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars c. The arrival of Chinese immigrants during the gold rush era d. The immigration of Irish fleeing the potato famine in the 1830s and 1840s

d. The immigration of Irish fleeing the potato famine in the 1830s and 1840s

Which of the following divisive issues is Thomas Jefferson warning the read about in the above excerpt? a. The protective tariff b. States' rights questions that were sitting before Congress c. The economic panic that began in 1819 d. The issue of slavery

d. The issue of slavery

Henry Clew's opinion was most likely a reaction to which of the following? a. Rapid industrialization after the Civil War b. Increasing immigration to the United States from Europe c. The lack of work opportunities for Americans in factories d. The results of violent events like the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Haymarket Affair

d. The results of violent events like the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Haymarket Affair

Which of the following encouraged the development of "monopoly capitalism"? a. The development of the assembly line b. The Bessemer process c. The development of the Taylor scientific management system d. Vertical and horizontal integration

d. Vertical and horizontal integration

As the United States expanded westward, which of the following was the most significant departure from government policy toward American Indians? A. Signing the Treaty of Greenville of 1795 B. the Trail of Tears C. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 D. the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

d. the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

The position on equality and civil rights expressed by Carmichael and Hamilton is most similar to the a. work of the suffragists in the 19th century b. concerns of progressives over the living conditions in tenements in the early 20th century c. demands of the members of the American Federation of Labor during the late 19th century d. the ideas espoused by Malcolm X in his support for the Black Muslim movement

d. the ideas espoused by Malcolm X in his support for the Black Muslim movement

Which of the following groups from the antebellum era most closely resembles the ideas expressed by Edward Bellamy's excerpt? a. Utopian communities b. Abolitionists c. Advocates for Indian Removal d. Transcendentalists

a. Utopian communities

Which of the following groups at the time would have most likely supported the sentiments shown in the photograph above? a. US businessmen b. US lawmakers c. US immigrants d. US soldiers

c. US immigrants

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