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Which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt?

A decline in the subsistence production and the growth of paid employment

The sentiments expressed by Abigail Adams eventually led to

A push for equal rights at the Seneca Falls Convection

The opinion expressed in the excerpt would most likely have been held by

An Anti-Federalists

Response to the above act took all of the following forms Except:

British authorities increased the Stamp Tax to punish the colonists.

The excerpt describes effects of the

Colombian Exchange

the message of the political cartoon would eventually be used by

Colonists when they declared independence against Great Britain

The altercation depicted in the above image is most similar to which of the following events

Congressional debate regarding bleeding kansas

Which of the following pieces of historical evidence from the united states census could best be used to support the argument in the excerpt?

Data showing changes in the number of textile mills

What issue best provides context for the issues discussed by Jefferson?

Disagreements over how the Constitution should be implemented and interpreted

Based on the except above, Freedmen Bureau's greatest success came in what area?


Which of the following contributed most to the increasing use of the African slave labor in North America during the 1600s and 1700s?

European demand for agricultural products grown in the colonies

TRUE OR FALSE all slave holding states secede from the Union during the Civil war


The excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following developments in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s?

Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities

It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that women would be more drawn to the writing of...

Harriet Beecher Stowe

two people closely associated with the Underground Railroad include

Harriet Tubman, William Still

Before he made numerous compromised and lost the presidential election 3x, he was a war hawk.

Henry Clay.

Which of the following most directly made possible the ideas described in the excerpt?

Innovations including textile machinery, steam engines, and interchangeable parts

Native Americans societies most commonly reacted to the changes described in the excerpt by

Integrating European material goods while attempting to preserve cultural autonomy

The creator of the imagine would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

Jackson's political actions were unconstitutional

confederates batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that

Lincoln had ordered supplies sent to the fort

Compared to New England, early English settlement in Virginia and Maryland was characterized by

Lower life expectancy, a larger population of indentured servants, and a greater gender imbalance.

Based on the excerpt, which of the following groups would have been most likely to oppose Henry Clay's ideas

Members of the Democratic Party

In the highlighting "the safety with which error of the opinion may be tolerated", Jefferson was referring most directly to...

Passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were designed to suppress criticism of the government

Slavery develpoed as described in all the following colonies EXCEPT


This excerpt challenged the reasons for the declaration of war on Mexico made by which president?


Overall Northern attitudes towards free blacks can best be described as

Racism toward the individuals but sympathy for the race.

In the decade following the ratification of the Constitution, divisions emerged between the Federalists Party and the Democratic Republicans over all of the following EXCEPT the

Relationship between religion and the federal government

Which of the following groups would most agree with the sympathetic depiction of the natives?

Roger Williams and the Quakers

Reconstruction might of been more successful if...

Thaddeus Stevens radical program of stronger protection of political rights had been enacted

What British law most directly affected the trade depicted on the map?

The Barbados slave code.

Which of the following contributed most directly to the concerns expressed by Douglass?

The Dred Scott Decision

The emphasis on personal salvation, which Hutchinson articulated in the 1630's, was most strongly echoed in which later movement?

The First Great Awakening

Stephen Douglas's plan for deciding the slavery question in the Kansas-Nebraska act required repeal of the...

The Missouri compromise

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the concept of judicial review?

The Supreme Court can review laws that conflict with the constitution and can strike down a law as unconstitutional.

The views expressed in the excerpt contributed most directly to

The addition of the Bill of Rights shortly after the Constitution was adopted

The ideas expressed in this except stem from which concern among the founders of the US?

The citizens would not know enough about moral virtues and civic duty to participate in a republican form of government

Which of the following issues from the period was Jefferson most likely concerned with in the excerpt?

The creation of political parties

Which of the following historical developments contributed most directly to the market revolution?

The emergence of new forms of transportation

Hamilton's views expressed in the excerpt most directly supported which of the following?

The establishment of the Supreme Court

Elliot's statement suggest that he strongly agreed with

The idea of slavery as a positive good

During and immediately after the revolutionary era which of the following resulted most directly from the efforts of women such as those described in the excerpt?

The ideals that women would teach republican values

This type of rhetoric most likely grew out of which of the following?

The increasing dependence of the Southern economy on a single cash crop

What was the most significant long-term result of the situation in JamesTown described in the excerpt?

The rise of a plantation system with the reliance on African slaves.

The image would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following..

The wartime destruction of the Souths infrastructure

Which of the following Founding Fathers would most likely be in opposition to the passage above?

Thomas Jefferson

All of the following groups would have been likely to agree with the images depiction of Andrew Jackson EXCEPT:

Western farmers who opposed the national bank.

In the first paragraph, Douglass is making the point that

While the second great awakening may have brought reforms to the North, it did not change their perspective about the superiority of the white race.

Which of the following represents a counter-reaction to John Adams Alien and Sedition Acts?

Whiskey Rebellion

Ultimately Paine's Common Sense was crucial in convincing many Americans that what they should fight for was

an independent and Republican America, separate from Britain

The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed

citizenship and civil rights to freed slaves

the ideas expressed in the passage about most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

concepts of the republican democracy found in the declaration of Independence

The outcome of the Bull Run in 1861....

convinced the north of the need to prepare for a protracted conflict

The north greatest strength in the civil war was its


An implication of Las Casas' argument is that a major cause of the decline of the native populations in the Americas after 1492 was the

epidemics brought to the Americas by Europeans.

the process described in the passage most directly led to political controversies in the 1840's and 1850's over:

expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories

The wilmot proviso best embodied the ideas of which of the following political parties?

free soil

Hardships faced by black regiments in the union army like the 54th Massachusetts included all the following EXCEPT:

immediate use in combat situations without training

Much of the hunger experienced by the Confederate soldiers as opposed to the Northern Soldiers in the Civil war was due to

inferior transportation systems

Despite John Browns insistence in the above speech, in his raid to Harper's Ferry he intended to....

lead a slave rebellion

As president of the confederacy Jefferson Davis did not exercise the arbitrary power wielded by Abraham Lincoln because..

of the Souths emphasis on states rights

The political cartoon was intended to

promote colonial unity prior to the French and Indian War

The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to...

raise money to support new military forces needed for colonial defense

Using the above Black Codes as an example, the purpose of these rules were to.....

regulate the affairs of the emancipated blacks.

Generally the black codes provided all of the following EXCEPT:

required blacks to vote for "redeemer" candidates

Thomas Paine argued that all government officials

should derive their authority from popular consent

It could be said that Douglass shares the story in the second paragraph to

show that northerns held deep rooted prejudices about African Americans.

Based on the excerpt, Helper claims he does not have a negative view of........ In the book he argued that those who suffered most from the slave labor were ......

slave holders, non slave-holding southern whites

The Emancipation Proclamation had the strongest effects on...

strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union

the aspect of the Fugitive Slave Law that MOST upset northerners was

the penalty of imprisonments for northerners who helped slaves to escape.

according to the principle of "popular sovereignty" mentioned in the above excerpt, the question of slavery in the territories would be determined by...

the people in the territory

According to the Emancipation Proclamation slaves in...... were "forever free"

the rebel states

In the compromise 1850 congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was

to be decided by popular sovereignty

What best describes the purpose of the above resolution?

to challenge whether the soldiers killed were in the dispute territory or American territory

In this seventh march speech, Daniel Webster

urged reasonable concessions to the South.

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