apush period 5 test review (wip)

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Opposition to the Homestead Act of 1860 included all of the following EXCEPT

free-soilers who feared the legislation would tip the political balance against the South

In the beginning, President Lincoln's mission in the Civil War was to...

preserve the union

All of the following were true of the Walker Tariff of 1846 except that it

proved to be a poor revenue producer.

The primary purpose of the Gadsden Purchase of 1854 was to

provide land for a proslavery southern railroad route to California.

Fatal weaknesses of the Confederate government included all of the following except

the governor of Georgia seceded from the secession and fought both sides.

The biggest challenge Confederate president Jefferson Davis faced was

ongoing tension between states' rights and the need for a unified central government

Commodore Matthew C. Perry was best known for

opening Japan to U.S. trade

The situation in Kansas in the mid-1850s indicated the impracticality of which policy for the territories?

popular sovereignty

The border ruffians were

proslavery Missourians who rushed into Kansas to vote illegally and battle antislavery forces there.

Stephen A. Douglas argued, in his Freeport Doctrine, during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that

slavery would remain illegal if the people of a territory voted it down, regardless of the Supreme Court's contrary decision in the Dred Scott case.

Crucial battle in Maryland that triggered the release of the Emancipation Proclamation


Location of the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant


The Whigs placed John Tyler on the 1840 ticket as vise president to

attract the vote of the states' rightists

The two final, extremely bloody battles in which Grant frontally assaulted Lee's forces were

b. the Wilderness and Cold Harbor.

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

b. was a substantial political calamity for the South.

which states did lincoln not want to secede

border states

The Copperheads were

c. Northern Democrats who opposed the Union war effort.

In the early nineteenth century, the British generally viewed Americans as

crude and half-civilized cheaters and violators of international law.

The black soldiers' brave and valuable service in the Union Army

d. strengthened their case for full citizenship after the Civil War.

After his victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, General Ulysses Grant became identified with the Union policy of

d. unconditional surrender.

The battle at Antietam is considered a decisive moment in the Civil War for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

it marked the advent of ironclad ships.

The most immediate result of James Polk's successful Manifest Destiny campaign was

the annexation of Texas to the United States.

Texas War of Independence


James K. Polk elected


U.S. Mexican war begins


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


In his first term, President Polk developed a four-point program of goals that included all of the following EXCEPT

Acquisition of Cuba

The Manifest Destiny slogan "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" referred to

American demands for acquiring all of the Oregon territory from Britain.

All of the following caused tension between the United States and Britain except

British authors were granted rich royalties by American Copyright law

Besides the border states that retained slavery, the region of the North where an antislavery Civil War was most unpopular was the

Butternut region of southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.

Which of the following was the most serious hardship encountered by soldiers on both sides of the Civil War?


Which of the following was NOT true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820

What made the Ostend Manifesto so controversial?

It was a secret plan by the United States to buy or take Cuba.

California Gold Rush

Jan. 1848

the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo contained all of the following except

Mexico would retain Texas but cede California to the U.S.

capital of wartime capital for confederates

Montgomery, Alabama Richmond, Virginia

Which of the following principles was established by the Dred Scott decision?

National legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories

Which of the following was NOT Mexican territory in 1825?


Capital of the Confederate States of America

Richmond, Virginia

Despite Abraham Lincoln's impressive and persuasive seven performances in the Lincoln-Douglas Senate debates in 1858

Senator Stephen Douglas defeated Lincoln.

During the campaign of 1860, Abraham Lincoln and the Republican party took which of the following positions on slavery?

Slavery could remain where it existed but should not be extended into territories or new states

Which of the following was the most direct catalyst for the secession of South Carolina?

The election of 1860

Which of these agreements was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850, which kept the Union together?

The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia

two major political parties in 1848

Whigs and democrat

Each of the following occurred during the Mexican-American War except

William B. Travis and his men were annihilated at the Alamo.

Initially in doubt, Lincoln's reelection was ultimately secured as voting day neared in 1864 by

a series of Union military victories.

The Emancipation Proclamation freed

slaves in the Confederacy

In the campaign of 1860, the Democratic party

split in two, with each faction nominating its own presidential candidate

The British government desired a political and military alliance with the independent Republic of Texas because

such an alliance would limit the ability of the United States to achieve political and economic dominance over Latin America.

During the Civil War, President Lincoln

suspended the precious privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, so that anti-Unionists might be summarily arrested.

All of the following were true of the Dred Scott decision except that

the Missouri Compromise, banning slavery north of 36° 30', was repealed.

As presented to Congress, the Lecompton Constitution provided for

the admission of Kansas as a slave state.

Undoubtedly the most durable political offspring of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

the emergence of the new Republican political party.

The panic of 1857

was caused in part by California gold pouring in and inflating the currency.

All of the following were true of the Republican Party except that it

was generally south of the Mason-Dixon line.

The Union's establishment of the National Banking System

was the first significant step toward a unified banking network since 1836.

the territory of the mexican cession was automatically covered under the Wilmot Proviso


General William Tecumseh Sherman is most remembered for his

march to the sea

All of the following were true of the California Gold Rush except

the least reliable profits were made by those who charged outrageous rates for laundry and other personal services.

Banking and commercial centers of the North favored compromise in 1850 to avoid secession


The scheme to seize Cuba and turn it into several new slave states

urged that the administration offer $120 million for Cuba.

Fortress of the Mississippi whose captures split the Confederacy in two


Prior to the attack on Fort Sumter, which state was NOT part of the confederacy?


To fill the Union army's demand for troops, the North relied, prior to 1863, mainly on


Hinton R. Helper's The Impending Crisis of the South

was banned and burned throughout the South.

Women made particular advances during the Civil War by

entering industrial employment and providing medical aid for soldiers on both sides.

The primary weakness of General George McClellan as a military commander was his

excessive caution and reluctance to use his troops in battle

The public liked popular sovereignty because it

fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination

Which one of the following slave states remained in the United States throughout the Civil War?


One argument against annexing Texas to the United States was that the annexation

might give more power to the supporters of slavery.

As the Civil War began, the South seemed to have the advantage of

more talented military leaders.

Southerners were particularly enraged by the John Brown affair because

northerners' celebration of Brown as a martyr seemed to indicate their support for slave insurrection

Symbolically important, the 1846 Wilmot Proviso stated that

slavery should never be established in the territories acquired from Mexico

Which of the following statements was NOT an argument against the Fugitive Slave Act?

Accused fugitive slaves lacked the rights of due process and fair trials

The group that was instrumental in saving the soil of Oregon for the United States was

American Christian missionaries to the Indians.

Site where Lee's last major invasion of the North was turned back


Lincoln named Andrew Johnson as his vice presidential running mate in 1864 because

c. Johnson was a War Democrat and Union loyalist from the South.

The reaction of most Northerners to John Brown was to

condemn the raid on Harper's Ferry but mourn Brown as a martyr after his execution.

At the Democratic convention of 1860, Senator Stephen Douglas

could not muster the necessary two-thirds vote, so the entire body dissolved.

John Tyler joined the Whig party because he

could not stomach the dictatorial tactics of Andrew Jackson

all of the following were true of Whigs' gripes with John Tyler except

he was impeached by the House of Representatives

Lincoln stated that he believed that the black race was

inferior but entitled to the same natural rights as white people.

The Free Soil Party condemned the expansion of slavery primarily because it

destroyed opportunities for white workers to rise from wage-earning dependence to independent ownership.

Lincoln's victory in the Election of 1864 was

e. in doubt until the great Union victories in the Battles of Atlanta and Mobile Bay.

All of the following were true of Sherman's march except

e. it had relatively little significance either militarily or politically.

The supreme test of American democracy in the nineteenth century was

e. the Civil War.

Fugitive Slave Act


Civil War Begins


Possessing ________ percent of the national wealth in 1860, the South claimed only ________ percent of the national wealth in 1870.

30, 12

The British-American dispute over the border of Maine and Canada was solved

by a negotiated political compromise that gave each side some territory along the disputed border.

The North's greatest strength in the Civil War was its

economy, particularly its greater manufacturing capacity and more efficient and extensive railroad network.

The political career of Abraham Lincoln could best be described as

largely a failure until his meteoric rise after 1854.

The idea that the United States was foreordained to become an expanding nation and a transcontinental power was called

manifest destiny

Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by

popular sovereignty or democratic vote by the white male residents of each divided territory.

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