APUSH Semester 1 Exam

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2. Which of the following contributed most to the American Victory in the revolution? A.) French military and financial assistance. B.) The failure of Loyalists to participate in military action. C.) Support from the French Canadians


25. The Republican Party of the 1850's took which of the following positions on slavery? A.) Opposition to the further extension of slavery into the territories B.) Immediate emancipation of the slaves C.) Repeal of Whig economic policies D.) Restriction of immigration E.) Acknowledgement of popular sovereignty as the basis for organizing federal territories


3. Which of the following contributed most to the American Victory in the revolution? A.) French military and financial assistance. B.) The failure of Loyalists to participate in military action. C.) Support from the French Canadians


38. Which of the following was true of the United States Constitution as adopted at the Constitutional Convention? A.) it was built on a series of compromises B.) it provided exact specifications covering all aspects of government C.) It was a revised version of the English Constitution D.) It included a Bill of Rights


39. Which of the following characterizes the relationship between church and state for the Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the seventeenth century? A.) Church membership was required for voting and holding public office. B.) The colonial government officially supported religious toleration. C.) Colonial officials strictly separated church and state. D.) Colonial officials encouraged churches to incorporate Catholic elements of worship.


4. Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT: A.) the right of nullification B.) the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States C.) annexation of new territory D.) use of the presidential veto power


1. Which of the following statements best characterizes the activists who attended the Seneca Falls Convention A.) They advocated better working conditions for children. B.) They called for expanded women's rights. C.) They supported Theodore Roosevelt for president. D.) They advocated the conservation of natural resources. E.) They endorsed assimilation of American Indians into White society.


10. Which of the following statement about the Dred Scott decision is correct? A.) It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused on technical grounds to free Scott B.) It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States. C.) It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise. D.) It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty. E.) It freed Scott, but not other slaves in circumstances similar to Scott's.


11. Which of the following principals was established by the Dred Scott decision? A.) congress could abolish slavery at will B.) national legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories C.) the rights of all people are protected by the Constitution D.) slaves residing in a free state automatically became free E.) through squatter sovereignty, a territory had the sole right to determine the status of slavery within its territorial limits


14. The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT: A.) funding of the national debt B.) nullification of all private debts to the states C.) imposition of a tax on distilled liquor D.) establishment of the Bank of the United States E.) assumption of all state debts


20. President Jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily because he A.) acknowledged the legitimacy of the Mexican government's claim to Texas B.) feared the debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery C.) was ideologically opposed to territorial expansion D.) could find no support within his own party for admitting Texas


26. What was the primary intention of the Adams administration in enforcing the Sedition Act? A.) to stop illegal aliens from voting B.) to intimidate critics of Adams' foreign policy toward French and England C.) to prosecute Democratic-Republicans who violated American neutrality D.) to prepare for war against Great Britain E.) to keep France from selling Louisiana to Spain


27. Shay's Rebellion frightened many Americans when A.) city mobs raided flour supplies in Philadelphia B.) debt-ridden farmers attacked courts in western Massachusetts C.) Indians raised frontier settlements in Virginia D.) squatters teritoried proprietors in NY E.) vigilantes in south carolina patrolled the frontier


34. The principal motivation for drafting the Bill of Rights was the desire to A.) test the new process of amendment described in the constitution B.) protect rights not specified in the constitution C.) strengthen the power of the federal government D.) clarify the federal relationship among the states


35. The "Three-Fifths Compromise" originally contained in the Constitution referred to the A.) proportion of states permitted to practice slavery B.) rate at which one slave counted toward congressional representation C.) number of African Americans who could vote D.) number of adult women who could vote E.) number of American Indians allowed citizenship


41. Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to a) remove the french from forts along the mississippi valley b) acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops c) acquire territory for the expansion of slavery d) oppose NE federalism


45. The primary purpose of the proclamation of 1763 was to A.) To end the slave trade B.) To bring stability to the colonial frontier C.) To protect the Indians D.) To open up more land for settlement


47. Which of the following is true of John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland? A.) It reversed his position on judicial review taken in Marbury v. Madison. B.) It increased federal authority by invoking the doctrine of implied powers. C.) It declared the Yazoo land claims fraudulent. D.) It granted individual states the right to regulate interstate commerce. E.) It found that Georgia's laws regulating the Cherokee Indians were constitutional.


12. Which of the following explains the most likely reason why English colonists wanted to come to North America? A.) To put distance between themselves and the English monarchy B.) To exercise their strong belief in natural rights and liberty for all C.) To seek economic opportunity and improved living conditions D.) To form alliances with French and Dutch settlers already present


15. The first attempt to apply the doctrine of popular sovereignty in determining the status of slavery occurred in A.) Texas B.) California C.) Kansas D.) Missouri E.) Oregon


18. Henry Clay's "American System" called for all of the following EXCEPT: A.) a tariff for the protection of industry B.) internal improvements at national government expense C.) sale of federal lands to finance higher education D.) greater reliance on domestic financial resources E.) increased trade among the sections of the nation


21. Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that A.) an aristocracy posed no danger to the republic B.) the national republicans alone knew what was right for the people C.) political participation by the common man should be increased D.) political rights should be granted to women E.) franchise restrictions should be racially neutral


33. The Missouri Compromise did which of the following? A.) prohibited slavery in all the territory of the Louisiana Purchase B.) provided for admission to the Union of all future states in pairs of one free, one slave C.) allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state D.) finally settled the question of congressional power over slavery E.) provided for the annexation of Texas


40. The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following? A.New Mexico and Utah became slave states. B.Slavery was made illegal in Washington, D.C. C.California was admitted to the United States as a free state. D.Kansas and Nebraska were admitted as free states


46. Which of the following helped to convince several states to ratify the United States Constitution? A.) George Washington gave speeches to large Wblic gatherings, asking for their support. B.) Thomas Jefferson published essays on the virtues of the Constitution, C.) James Madison and Alexander Hamilton anonymously published essays explaining the benefits of a strong federal government D.) Supporters organized letter writing campaigns urging the adoption of the Constitution E.) The Constitutional Convention gave states control over western lands.


6. The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the a. measure's endorsement of popular sovereignty b. admittance of Missouri as a slave state and the establishment of the 36º30' line c. passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act d. admittance of Texas as a slave state e. legislation permitted the surveying of a southern transcontinental railway line


7. As originally ratified, the United States Constitution provided for: A.) a two-term presidential limit B.) political parties C.) an electoral college D.) the direct election of United States senators E.) a presidential Cabinet


17. The Great Awakening of the 1740s led to A.) the growth of religious conformity throughout all the colonies B.) an increase in attacks on American Indian peoples C.) the establishment of Harvard college in Massachusetts D.) splits among existing religious denominations and the rise of new churches E.) the growth of hysteria in Massachusetts over witchcraft


19. In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had A.) a better-developed transportation system B.) a better-educated White population C.) less interest in evangelical religion D.) fewer European immigrants E.) more cities


22. Andrew Jackson vetoed the recharter of the Bank of the United States partly because he believed that the bank: A.) was overly subsidized by state tax monies B.) planned to create new paper money unsupported by gold or silver C.) was secretly funding the abolitionist movement D.) concentrated too much power in the hands of a few people E.) gave too many loans to assist unstable state and local banks


24. The nullification crisis of 1832 arose over the issue of A.) balance between individual freedom and public order B.) priorities of United States foreign policy C.) expansion of slavery into the western territories D.) relationship between the federal government and the states


32. The election of 1800 has been referred to as constituting "another revolution" because A.) the House of Representatives decided the election. B.) A Supreme Court decision was required to dislodge the Federalists. C.) voter turnout increased drastically. D.) the party in power stepped down after losing the election. E.) force was required to get John Adams to leave the White House.


37. Which of the following statements about the "American System" is correct? A.) it was set up by the Treaty of Ghent at the end of the War of 1812 B.) it was strongly promoted by Andrew Jackson C.) it permitted immigrants to be naturalized after living in the United States for five years D.) it was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self-sufficiency E.) it called for an end to the European presence in South America


43. The Supreme Court established which of the following by its ruling in Marbury v. Madison? A.) States have the authority to nullify acts of Congress. B.) The Bank of the United States is constitutional under the implied powers clause. C.) States may not interfere with interstate commerce. D.) The Supreme Court has the authority to determine the constitutionality of congressional acts. E.) Government contracts cannot be repealed by popular majority.


44. Mercantilism as applied by Britain to its North American colonies meant that the British government A.) subsidized colonial merchants B.) encouraged the colonists to trade with other foreign countries C.) encouraged the colonies to become economically self-sufficient D.) regulated colonial shipping and tobacco production E.) barred trade with American Indians


5. Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense attacked which of the following? A.) France for its failure to support the colonial war effort B.) Politicians who believed a small island could not effectively rule a distant continent C.) The authors of the Declaration of Independence D.) The king of England and the principle of monarchy


8. The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except...? A.) invoke the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt. B.) catalog the tyrannical actions of King George III. C.) argue that royal tyranny justified revolt. D.) offered the British one last chance at reconciliation. E.) accused the British of violating the natural rights of the Americans.


28. British colonists in North America objected to the Stamp Act primarily because it A.) threatened the free press B.) disrupted trade with the West Indies C.) closed the colonial courts D.) enriched corrupt officials E.) taxed them without their consent


36. The Union's victory at Gettysburg was significant because it A.) the war ended shortly thereafter. B.) it guaranteed Lincoln's re-election in 1864. C.) the Union had uncovered the Confederates' battle plans wrapped around cigars. D.) it was decided so quickly. E.) Union victory meant that the Southern cause was doomed.


13. The federalist papers were written in order to

encourage ratification of the Constitution

31. The Alien and Sedition Acts were designed to

give the government power to imprison or deport foreign citizens and prosecute critics of the government.

42. A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was interested in purchasing Louisiana from France was that he

hoped to preserve an agricultural society by making abundant lands available to future generations

23. What did the Northwest Ordinance accomplish?

outlawed slavery and spelled out the steps a territory needed to go through to become a state and established requirements for admitting new states to the union

29. The primary purpose of the Stamp Act was to

raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America

16. The government under the Articles of Confederation consisted of

unicameral legislature

30. The "Great Awakening" refers to the

wave of religious revivals that swept the colonies in the 1740's

9. The Declaration of Sentiments (1848), issued at Seneca Falls, New York, called for..?

women's equality and sufferage

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